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NOTE: This was first posted www.onlinefellowship.us Sept 12, 2019
WISE COMPOSER, DON POTTER..was on pioneering apostolic, artistic, prophetic spear head ministry team at Charlotte, NC area Morningstar Ministry. I was sent there repeatedly, first in 1998.I also was sent around the area “worshipping prophetic” Christian body..Thus I wanted to fully investigate their Bible beliefs, of course observing character, Bible and looking out for occult. AND while the worship was valid, pioneering later on what (when leader Don Potter and Suzie Yarei) both helped jump start Bethel Worship-Jesus Culture, Redding,CA, which is original, organic and deep Holy Spirit non spooky, not into WELP legalism, sincere prophetic.(meaning not BETHEL, seemingly, but maybe many of the dear prophetic big others)
AND while I do not really agree 100% belief with all of MORNINGSTAR theology, meaning that the top leaders ( Choosing Sides in politics, End Time Beliefs,bit of kindly, well intentioned LP etc)…I do fully agree with their hard hitting worship and humility, apostolic honor..fully freedom in the worshipping always kept Holy Spirit…thus…as a Noble Berean I found them very spiritually deep and even open to wondering if they ever missed it. ( really deeply respected them for their non arrogant, humility) And seeking God with deep ongoing humility. My last time there was 2008.
I also just GOD HAPPENED to be ” SENT ” down there when had a conference where they humbly gave Jim Bakker a time to repent. SO I can wonder, deeply assess but NEVER sit upon my own religious high horse and self justify to ACCUSE.
TCL….Q. What is the prophet’s favorite department store? A. SEERS.
NOTE: as a Noble Berean I “pick out what is Bible hay” and “toss out what I happen to view as Bible stubble.” (quote from Kenneth Hagin,Sr …MAIN KEY word of faith, honest, prophet teacher NOTE..whom I would not ACCUSE as “ONE OF THOSE HYPER FAITH PROSPERITY TEACHERS” (slam, accuse and potentially character assassinate??) until YOU have duly Noble Berean assessed and studied HIS CORE Doctrines..MEANING not the would be doctrines of any other ones who say they are connected with, follow him); (AND that same applies to each and very MINISTRY Leader, be it many Caucasian Baptist, Black Baptist, Assembly of God,Peaceable Fully ALL Respecting Methodists, ETC
While I only met Don Potter 2-3 brief times (IN PASSING BASICALLY) at a conference, The endearing pure fiery fruit of this person, a Genuine, God Fully seeking ONLY to please, Man of God’s apostolic teaching, prophetic composing mantle goes truly deep. God sent me about His diverse, multicultural true Bible believing Body back, after first calling this ME to be willing to spiritually surf, Be a Noble Berean of represented spiritual prophetic, occult and or any sensing OTHER.
I must state, that it was after repeated immersing in Morningstar major prophetic 1998-2004, conferences, that I was first convicted of being a major ongoing HUMAN PLEASER. Which I am not now.
AND was raised prior to all of today’s famous, notorious, well acclaimed “charismatic, all knowing,Holy Spirit moves,” with it’s apostolic media” And as a OFFICIAL SEMINARY GRADUATE (Louisville, KY) Southern Baptist pastor’s cherished dear First Born Beloved Daughter, was raised with deep Bible theology, also proceeding way down from mother’s well educated Presbyterian, Methodist scholar researcher Bible teacher side… and respecting, non legalistic, non biased, real authority.(Which later much helped me later to spy the false, disrespectful, etc)
Accepting Christ at 9, then again AGE 12, AND LATER AGE 17 became completely on fire for Jesus and was a state of Virginia non official but fully identifying with JESUS PERSON. At which point I felt under deep conviction to give up all my hard rock, dark music, for I also realized that it often made me feel depressed)..hence an opportunity to put in a plug for the TIPPING POINT..just beneath..
STARTING about age 20…due to God’s grace, I suppose His call upon this little life… I VISITED, WAS INVITED TO LOCAL AREA SR PASTORS, MINISTRY LEADERS RACIAL /DENOMINATIONAL DIVISION PRAYER GATHERINGS (formerly had my own AREA WIDE pioneering ministry The Encouraging Word)…. and therefore PRAYED AMONG, REPEATEDLY FELLOWSHIPPED, BEREAN REPEATEDLY ASSESSED…MANY CHARISMATIC, PENTECOSTALS, BLACK AND WHITE AND HISPANIC AND ASIAN. … OLD moves, NEW relationship Mighty Moves, huge Outpourings, many local, national revivals and sat in SO MANY different Bible teaching witnessing brands and styles, from Vineyard,(the Prophetic ministry began in an Assembly of God), Catholic , Denominational, Missionary Baptist, Church of God, Church of God in Christ, and many big and very small denominations, non denominations and from all of these I equally attempted ONLY to spy what was GOOD and authentic and in the nonlegalistic Bible …..
THE ONLY PURPOSE OF the above PICTURE…For NO prophet,whether on PULPIT STAGE, out in seats …in the forming NEW rising generation, or even asleep out in the fellowship nursery..to EVER be unjustly accused, subsequently USED, and/or even deeply ABUSED…. NO BODY EVER must be spiritually accused, emotionally, ministry attacked, character assassinated, evilly maligned, accuser name called…proceeding from Friendly Fire, born again Christian so wounded that one cannot focus on God’s Call and/or affects their personal children, family. AND SIMPLY for attempting to fully please the Lord by attending a Hebrews 10:25 FELLOWSHIPPING with the SAINTS (blessed newbie, friendly visitor, long time attender, etc)
ABOVE “The hairy eyeball of false, true spiritual governing leader authority”…meaning.. Thy name is Western European Levitical Patriarchism..alias overseer WELP accuser Phariseeism (shepherding) (NOTE Yet it’s Not a seeming white evangelical, Black assorted styles, sort of critical thing); (False, true spiritual governing authority means: they are TRUE, AUTHENTIC GOD CALLED SR ELDERS, LEADERS but have false governing doctrines intermingled)**
**(Yet not a single one of us has 100 % fully perfect DOCTRINES…so we need NOBLE BEREAN’S plus RESPECTFUL ENDURING JAMES 3:17 RESPECT)
*GRANDE ASIDE NOTE: APOSTOLIC LEADER/ FELLOWSHIP WELP DOCTRINAL DISCOVERY…When one has been raised in calm, respectful, not back UNDER the OT Critical Levitical letter of the Law (as in Southern Baptist NO shepherding covering Little Women, spying Jezebels… and in hindsight VERY HAPPILY …) ..one would grow up UNSUSPECTING, NAIVE and CLUELESS minus ANY IDEA that that during the course of merely trying to submit to Apostle Paul’s Hebrew 1);25 command, that one would be 3-4 times accuser jumped .for NO RIGHTEOUS REASON..and have office slander, name calling…..in LOCAL FELLOWSHIPS, RELIGIOUS AREA!!
…THUS this One Human Real Person prior to this adventure… had no clue about…that religious DEMONS could come out and find one as they calmly sat there in all quiet, calm, fully respectful ongoing JAMES 3;17…thus one discovered WELP (our name Western European Levitical Patriarchism) …and it’s religious accuser jumping in open public settings ,minus ALL prior relationship Matt 18:15-17/Gal 6:1…with so much dark spiritual (covering ,shepherding) legalistic doctrines, gossip, and need for elite, human pleasing.
BUT HENCE the above prophetic abusive surprise discovery…served God’s prophetic real PURPOSES..for it only provoked self heart deep introspection (to inquire of the Lord.. if I had done anything to incur this) but then NOBLE BEREAN mega intense research.
AND I USUALLY (nearly ALWAYS ) kept immersed in some deep dire enduring mega firey long term big trial in my personal unseen life..yet in part due to that, in search for Holy Spirit, while being on Holy Spirits unusual SENT apostolic servant leader mission from prior to all the many moves, TV and worship, media which we see NOW. And in Ezekiel wheel, Gen 5 Enoch, untoward unsung fashion, was allowed by THE LORD to want to help to build His Community based on COMMON LEADER DOCTRINE, EPHESIANS 4 COMMUNITY and abiding in James 3:17 “assessing not accusing” RELATIONSHIP THEOLOGY http://www.relationshiptheology.org
TODAY I teach and do not believe in formal ‘denominations” (BUT I do respect all that are in place and when upon their awesome turf, regard and abide by THEIR form, boundaries)…AND for the Apostolically Majorly Strict ..all of this is Galatians 1:1-2 apostolic government authority. I train, abide in, work plant in and regard all other pastors, shepherds, 5 fold leader office as potentially COMPLEMENTING rather than ‘turf guarding COMPETING with” as NO BODY is supposed own OWN, POSSESS God’s sheep.
MAIN MINISTRY POINT..JESUS wants us to ACCEPT HIM but that does not mean “automatically to have to turn into someones property, possession, ministry slave and/or be under denominating accusative Law or SUSPICIOUS AUTHORITY MINISTRY KEEPING TABS..like finger pointing Legalism. NO Hebrews 10:25 “ministry finger pointing to the NON CHURCHED believer…and /or NO Minding all Saved People’s Business by accusing, public name calling of supposed Church Hoppers.
(see top of this page http://www.onlinefellowship.us for EPHESIANS 4Common Doctrine breakdown to avoid fellowship, local accuser legalism, based chiefly on Apostle Paul commands)
Thus DFW Leader Ministry Fellowship, apostle Taveau D’Arcy Creative Leadership may appear unique..as we training BODY TEAM UNITY…and can mostly spiritual operate in EPHESIANS 4 CROSS BODY UNITY (sans, pan any denomination) and am a Servant Cross Body SENT Messenger(in all 5 fold equipping offices) ..with all THEOLOGICAL DISAGREEMENTS handled in respectful, relationship preserving FRUIT of abiding, enduring James 3:17**; http://www.iffmleaderdoctrines.wordpress.com more beliefs.
ABIDING ENDURING JAMES 3:17 “the wisdom of God is first of all pure, peaceable, easily entreated, full of mercy and good fruit, without partiality and without hypocrisy.”
I am currently PRO the non churched, (as the LAST REAL MOVES starting in the 45-50 years) have now had their chance. THUS I am out for the seeker, the abused, accused by apostolic WELP, and related Phariseeism, and while I do Holy Spirit Heb 10: 25 “attempt to fellowship with the( qualifying) real saints, ” am NOT going to be JOINED TO, LINKED TO, BELONGING ONLY TO on TYPE, STYLE, KIND, MINSTRY.
If puzzled…. Please make a respectful ONE TO ONE (may be a divine) Cross Body Unity Big Appointment.
Anyway, that’s more than enough for right this now.
Email: dfwleader@gmail.com
(C)2019 DFW Leader Ministry Fellowship All copyrights reserved

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