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“When the truth is found to be lies,
and all the joy within you dies,
You gotta find somebody to love…”
( Spin off of Free Love, USA hallucinogenic drug culture Primal Era, from song written JEFFERSON Airplane)
“Just one more of those “FOOLISH THINGS” sent to CONFOUND the (Big People Pleasing Religious Systems)(Many PRIOR COVID complacent, self satisfied) WORLDLY WISE”
HOWEVER I have always gone out of my way to RESPECT them. And never gossiped, allowed any others to talebear NOR have I ever, at one time… prayed against.
Mid 90’s Taveau D’Arcy quote, “GOD SEEMS TO PLACE HIS SEERISH WATCHERS ON BOTH SIDES OF THE PULPIT AISLES” even a veritable 2 Kings 6:12 https://biblehub.com/kjv/2_kings/6-12.htm
This is simply ONE human’s testimony… in which Taveau waxes about being being God specially” LED: (following being commissioned at age 24) around the deep Grass Roots speaking in tongues, many affected by TV and MEDIA..various ministry diverse subgroups.WHICH in hindsight was similar to an embed..and/or a Secret (Doctrinal Relationship Fruit)** Shopper…..all of which happened to be very SLOW and over many formative DECADES…..and while it is specific, at times long and eloquent, the She still refuses to be either PAPAL or POLITICAL..
** after Dr Taveau’s servant hearted pastor father died, her mother and younger sister were random Secret Shoppers for Dominos Pizza..thus that is why she referred to like that. Unbeknownst to the local pizza parlor, they would call every so often and order a pizza and give marks to Domino, about how FRESH it turned out) HOWEVER, Taveau has never taken any pay to do any of this office USA this. PLUS God never revealed all that HE was accomplishing…that evolved and solidified..MUCH later
A SIDE STORY….THIS IS CURIOUS. In around 2011, while residing in metroplex DFW…Taveau “God co-incidently ” encountered another random person who was being used similarly. It was an unsung, single female who was being led similar…a very ordinary appearing,and NOBODY’S ACCUSER JUDGE…angel very unawares. She lived around Carrollton. The female SHARED how just prior to our meeting, that God had graced her to be this SENT to attend a ministers conference,where a female minister she was assisting had been invited to guest minister.
DURING the small women’s ministry conference, they took up the collection and told all of the donors that 100 percent would go to the GUEST SPEAKER..so all of the attending persons gave mightily, very generously.
HOWEVER this happened instead..WHILE the top leaders promised the giving persons what 100% of the offering would go to the speaker, the lady the SENT MESSENGER female, went down a hall to locate the WOMEN’S RESTROOM…by “God mistake ??” She entered the PRIVATE PASTOR’S OFFICE ….and it was JUST in time to hear the leaders say “WE’LL JUST GIVE THE GUEST MINISTER 1/2 OF THE OFFERING.”
WHICH was surely revealed OPENLY..that particular ministry’s dishonest even reprobate behavior…
LET IT BE NOTED..that my newfound female friend was not going around SEARCHING for anything. She was NOT into FAULT FINDING…PLUS she could NOT have foreseen or discovered any of this by herself. THUS SURELY (like this most distressing type of ministry leader stuff ONLY always happens..it was GOD UNCOVERING…..REVEALING as in prophet Daniel 2:28 “there is a God in heaven who REVEALS secrets.”
AND WHO KNOWS how MANY other “Sent Messengers” are abiding in the big or small congregations, in the conferences?
Yet, being a BYOB Noble Berean, who has come from similar BYOB NB family , non legalistic stock, APOSTOLIC PASTOR TAVEAU does have her ministry choices. NOTE: she dropped out of being a “charismatic” in 2012 after encountering too many false teachings after being a Christian all of her life. She still moves in the gifts and fellowships with fellow area Holy Spirit real moves.but submits a warning to the Pharisee controlling WELP that she is NOT “meant to be UNDER” any of them. YET Prophet Taveau regards it all as her OFFICE PROPHET CALLING not to be regarded as PERSONAL. Hence, she bears no fault finding grudges.
AND she maturely understands that the REASON that God SENT her on this ministry mission, was to help uncover ACCUSER LEADER DOCTRINES to spare JESUS good Name as well as to HELP any Grass Roots Hebrew 10:25 “Every persons” may be stuck in local Grass Roots areas with ACCUSATIVE, WELL MEANING CONTROLLING FALSE DOCTRINES, ALSO unsubmitted PHARISEEISM.
FYI…(for all of you Spiritual Government Apostolic Sticklers) …chief apostle Taveau is Galatians 1:1-2 (Apostle Paul not OVER but ALONG SIDE the BRETHEREN) and Common Doctrine, Ephesians 4 Body Unity. For the purpose of being FREE to move about and help ALL without being regarded as “Taking Sides” PLUS ALSO to have liberty to speak without being under presumed “carnal control”
AND ALSO, should SHE mess up, no other pastor, minister will be blamed!
I really don’t care WHO is OVER WHOM..just WHO is CO-LABORING BESIDE WHOM in the fields that are white for harvest…and also IF THEY ARE EACH ABIDING in enduring, all mature relationship abiding JAMES 3:17 FRUIT “pure, peaceable, easily entreated, full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality and without hypocrisy.”
NOTE: She will accept ALL ministry “prayer covering” (CLARIFY..praying FOR her ….not AGAINST…. like LP)..YET “being UNDER someones office COVERING” is NOT found in Christ, anywhere in the New Testament..and only in modern day Old Testament back under the Law legalism, big example MODERN WELP.
FOR THE RULES MINDED: This writer is a free and Godly contented SINGLE..however if God has plans for that to change,then it would change to 1. of course,the leader HUSBAND and the SHE would work together to hear GOD on what HE says to do from that time ON, meaning the leader SHE is not etched in concrete NOR needing to proceed in THIS EXACT same minister fashion 2. the submitting loving SHE would abide in a legal marriage in NT government not EITHER ONE to be dominated”..in Christian chain of command married, which means HUSBAND is HOH (head of household) and EACH pleasantly to residing in Ephesians 5:21 as well as Ephesians 5:22…as the writers happily wed parent and both sets of grand parents. WHICH MAKES EPHESIANS 5:22 NOT such a big RELIGIOUS DEAL.
Servant leader SENT “Cross Body” per the leading of the Lord.
ALSO when God has me repeatedly ATTEND any fellow pastors ministry, I repeatedly observe ALL boundaries, identify leaders, staff then in abiding JAMES 3:17 respectful abiding fruit, I peacefully enjoy submitting to the rules in place. I technically park my own office mantle at the door and only after I leave their premises do I pick it up. (UNLESS they ask for my own servant leader help)***
*** WHICH IS exactly WHAT I have DONE 100% of my life. (Such a sad state of USA primarily the perceived CHARISMATIC PROPHETIC to have to spell it out thus. All other CHRISTIANS do not regally give so OVER MUCH EVIDENCE of being super sensitive, hyper and paranoid about self guarding THEIR OWN type of, so perceived as NICHE AUTHORITY”
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