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Please know..that what follows serves as a Good Reason for this apostolic ministry being one Sent Ministry office Galatians 1:1-2 “not sent out by any one man or group.but by the Lord”.. Also WHY??..as it is very very pithy..and therfore, (due to Galatians 1:1-2) it implies that NO other Christian pastor,apostle, prophet, teacher or evangelist,nor any place where, if God sends me to FELLOWSHIP and ENJOY being with them…can feel RESPONSIBLE nor catch any furious FLACK much less any ACCUSATION… for this Solemn Respectful, Loving direct WORD.. which proceeds from the winsome, enduring fully in James 3:17 (Respectul Ministry EORR Fruit) the abiding resident apostle ME.
NOTE This was first posted Oct 5,2020 www.facebook.com/therealTaveau. Following that, it has been enlarged and edited to post here.
And right there, the Big Christian LISTENER receives it, accepts it..(or NOT)..but then the ORIGINAL GOD GIVEN BIBLE MESSAGE (often) gets misunderstood,added to,errant local, personal doctrines added in, popular accepted winds, mistaken trends of (even Hollywood) doctrines,ideas, wild concepts, human carnal practices, many traditions, all may be factored in to effect, to change and to even pervert what was orginally SPOKEN.
However, the amazing devout RECLINING LISTENER, feeling evangelistically SENT, and ever the BEARER OF GOOD NEWS..then goes all around his/her region spreading the Glad Tidings..whether or NOT they are what the Famous Bible Teachers truly SAID! (PS and similar goes on at conferences, teaching tapes,etc)
SIMILAR TO “Many a slip between the (speaker) CUP and the (listening human person’s morphing) LIPS“
(and also like the old game GOSSIP..)
(C)2020 Copyrights reserved amdist …Feeling Blessed and Safe and Mature, back on the prophetic wise East Coast, in area ministry diverse, Ephesians 4 wide area Community… Taveau D’Arcy Creative Leadership all copyrights reserved
“Only if and when any non-self righteous Abiding James 3:17 Submitted Selah Shoe really fits, only THEN should anyone attempt to wear it.” T D’Arcy servant apostolic Leadership
“Be thou no more clueless,Ministry Brethren”
“Jesus Came to Comfort the Afflicted and to Afflict the Comfortable” Old Time Preacher
(C)2020 Taveau D’Arcy Creative Leadership All copyrights reserved under international copyright laws
ACTS OF THE APOSTLES 4:13 “Now when they saw the boldness of Peter and John, and perceived that they were UNEDUCATED** and UNTRAINED** men, they marveled. And they realized that they had been with Jesus.”
MAJOR POINT: The Grass Roots USA front lines are the FRONT CHRISTIAN real lines..where RELATIONSHIPS meet either leader GOOD quality, VERY POOR unhealthy LACKING in humble true quality mature, safe REAL RELATIONSHIPS .
I say this now for the many newly relocated big and many small and coming from the many foreign,not good English speaking, Not even the same basic faith…local ANGELS very Unawares..
As I once was SENT (2005- May 2020) to the often very RUDE, hardcore and big biased Deep South Metroplex of Faith Filled Achievement , (prior to covid) “have need of nothing” seeming to be all wise, self satisfied and well set.
Amidst each of their tribal pure loyalities to a FAMOUS NATIONALLY WELL KNOWN but DEEP True Prophet…as this human sr pastor’s First Born, was impurely Regarded as a CERTAIN AREA “TYPE”as a Single,White European Ancestry of middle income and age…SHE..was truly and for supposedly a lot about THIS purpose was CHOSEN and assessed as SENT.
A MAKE QUICK TO POINT: (upcoming..)When I mention the “famous TV preacher devout followers”…I do not imply that any TV FAMOUS well known Christian busy office has any clue about what goes on out here in the nonfamous Grass Roots… For they are surrounded by staff,handlers, entourage,followed by giant throngs… and have NO CLUE what happens in the deep grass roots. I reassure it is not anyone of THEM, basically**
**BASICALLY meaning..while EACH might prefer to know about this, to prophetically training BALANCED follower Holy Fear of the Lord, Eternal Matters true DOCTRINE…!) ….but rather, MOSTLY it is the persons WHO FOLLOW THEM based on TV MEDIA…(so it strongly recurrently seems to be)who twist their ordinarily Bible sound.. God Message …and/or pervert it to USE or MANIPULATE or mingle the GOOD TEACHING with ERROR,false RELIGION and ADDED “MINISTER TAWDRY VULTURE CULTURE’and mingle it with HOLLYWOOD..as in Boanerge Wannabes.
PLUS along with some with racism,big ministry mysogyny/accusative chauvinism, bullying ornery and/or sly ,Self Righteous, Tough Biased Customer, Slippery, Double Tongued Opportunists…
Also, ALL of this spoken and submitted aimiably, furthermore Deep South unheard of apostolic respectfully..following enduring 25 plus of embedded years out here amongst MANY of them…where it is ever ministry popular to brag about which FAMOUS TV PREACHER you are “UNDER”..which is presumed to be for Trading On their Prophetic Coattails,to win enormous favor)
ACTS 4:13 “Now when they saw the boldness of Peter and John, and perceived that they were UNEDUCATED** and UNTRAINED** men, they marveled. And they realized that they had been with Jesus.”
BOOK OF ACTS 4;13 ministry implies that the First Church revelation was given to “ignorant and untrained”leader good… God greatly graced…many big gifted..as in Future Mighty Great Leader area Men.
YET they were gifted, called “future apostolic leader work in progress men” who weren’t “there” yet..And they had to grow, suffer and gain wisdom,undertand each their own COMMITTMENT to the cause of Jesus Christ.
And the TRANSFORMATION of these FEET OF CLAY, EACH GOD FAVORED CHOSEN VESSELS..into MATURE Minister did not come in a DAY as “servant apostolic ministry” is NOT a “microwave “leader,instant..much less “a formula” or ACHIEVEMENT” process.
Neither ever did any one “Called, Chosen” as a “future apostle”ever Sign Up to be UNDER Jesus because he really liked the idea of a leader career and the thought of being area recognized,and/or due to it being a very POPULAR FAD in the local ministry Grass Roots.
And many in the TV being effected, and with all Professing to Be Christian Senior Offices, have come up from poverty,no formal Christian Bible foundations, and/or perceiving a great many, having survived prior to being saved,family complete chaos,even many from great dysfunction..and who may lack a parent, a healthy ROLE MODE of what would be a normal patient mature Christian,father and/or ministry role models..
Therefore, over too many aspiring,even into acquiring similar these, have never never genuinely RESPENTED, been HEALED, DELIVERED or maybe have never even HEARD of “self inspection” “the practice of ministry “fear of the Living Lord” genuine humility” ” and/or “Cross Christian Brotherhood, Diverse Ephesians 4 Community” along with mature intercession for revival GEUINE DEEP REPENTANCE” “all in Unity , without party, divisive ministry lines” ” ..
….much less (repeatedly observed ) as the NEED TO perpetuate a Leader self inspecting, ongoing Lampstand Firt Love with the Most High God…SO MUCH SO that when,and if, their own FAVORITE (Western European,African or Hispanic, Asian heritage) WELL KNOWN beloved, national,international TV MEDIA Famous Preacher s never ever MENTIONS THIS…and even more so, as one of the commonly reviewed CHRISTIN DOCTRINES (meaning also on a regular ETERNAL BASIS)……
……then what we have going around ,which is by this non word cursing but God’s Respecting, yet Tough Love non compromising writer…is recurringly and (again respectfully) assessed as not simply “prophetic or charismatic”but now even across the ministry board unattractive, uncalled for, unseeming, “gainsake”” relentless MIXTURE in which there is crazymatic, ministry toxic, caustic biased, often judging and every ornery Good Ole Man Big Days..will continue to GO AROUND
Please don’t accuser judge me just because I submit a Selah..such as “faithful are the wounds of a friend” Book of Proverbs
ALL THE FRUIT OBSERVATION..”..but through NO FAULT OF THEIR OWN” (persons cannot help how they were raised but while they are unfortunate,that is their TESTIMONY so they must persist in finding MATURITY, along with mentoring,wise counsel and minister deliverance, healing..
Hence the wise,comforting, encouraging comparison with the FIRST CHURCH “being ignorant and untrained’..
However, these in the First Church were bold,fearless and not satisfied with giving 30% rather than the full 150% leaderwise..
Thus, not a one of the First Chosen 12, (apart from Judas, but then add to replace Mathias) intentionally chose to turn a blind eye, to live in denial, and thus REMAIN ‘blissfully willfully IGNORANT.
HOWEVER…submitting with respect to the worldwide apostolic Christian Founding TV Fathers..
Making a big Suggestion…. that the main top Well Known,beloved TV BIG PREACHERS now should each mentor,better equip and/or evaluate WHO is “under them” “a member of one of their NATIONAL MINISTERS FELLOWSHIPS” prior to Famous White, Black, Brown Top Leader ENDORSING ANY ONE OF THEM. Ahowever, it ought to be reviewed and Famous Top Leader assessed and compensated for VIA AIRWAVES) …
…and/or BECAUSE his dear enabling, funding, adoring MAMA had always said, “Honey, You’ve got the GIFT”
….and repeatedly told him,”Child, You sure would make a GOOD PREACHER…like YOUR PAPA was!!”
Another USA trending factor..which might apply to more than a ministry fews..who are beloved seeking to be blessed yet who MAY have signed on to get a 501c3 as has been a noticeable internet trend for 2-3 TV effected Grass Roots decades..
(MEANING IN CERTAIN DOCTRINAL MASSIVE,APPEARING TO MOSTLY BE WELL OFF SUBGROUPS) And due to the concerning CHRISTIAN ministry..appearing to be massive significance for STAR POWER, perceived PERKS, implied POWER and WEALTHY coming with advanced ministry Up ScalePOSITION….assuredly more than an aspiring ministry few MIGHT have signned up due to the need for a job,a profitible call, based seemingly on, (I see myself in the famous BISHOP or BIBLE TEACHER on TV..and I believe that I am called to BE UP THERE in a similar Global Productive Ministry..since “I LOOK somewhat LIKE, have a charismatic big favorable PERSONA as well as seeming Big Speaking, Elogquence, and perceived Holy Spirit GIFTS “Just like the well recognized’ HIM (and even “HERS”)..
YET there is nothing wrong with getting a hero role model, finding a person who inspires ..it’s simply “professing to be a REAL 5 fold office pastor,prophet, apostle,etc and beginning a fellowship,ministry when they may not have been truly CALLED by the LORD but rather by TV Office Mega Fame.
YET, while there is nothing the matter about “following, saying that you are UNDER any local our TV recognized ministry leader..it is simply a matter of any , all recurring BIBLE assesed as HEALTHy or UNHEALTHY MIXTURE repeated FRUIT
Hence, based upon the Bible critiquing method (assessing,evaluating, not one mite accusing).. “by their fruits you will know them”:
ABIDING JAMES 3:17 ALL RELATIONSHIP ENDURING MINISTER FRUIT: A sure local example..the Born Again Christian,in ministry, lay, family, business…may be ASSESSED by their ongoing resemblance to ALL Relationship Respecting… Leader, Elder, mature authority JAMES 3:17 ..(the EORR wisdom that comes from above.” which is “pure,peaceable, easily entreated, full of mercy,and good (Galatians 5:22-23) fruit, without partiality and without hypocrisy.”
Add to this the (multicultural, community versus spiritual turf protecting, divisive accuser legalism, etc, ruling OVER all who try to minister along with fellowship, as compared to RELATING TO THEM (which openly reveals Ephesian 4: 1-3 plus Common Leader, nobody has legalism, Doctrine ,Ephesians 5:21 community is AVOIDED, PURPOSELY (for gain saying purposes suspiciouslly DELETED and/or by clear ignorance chief office OMITTED”

An AUTHENTIC, BIBLE GENUINE, true, pure Ephesians 4 fold “True Mature OFFICE” is “by longsuffering worked into” the called individual,over time, amidst many siftings.. THE OVERALL refining big ,endurance,historically with trials is an ever ongoing deep PROCESS.
TRUE OFFICES do not just “join up” to “sign up to be ONE” ..rather they must FIRST be sure that they have been GOD CALLED but after making sure of that, each one must self inspect to see the fine tune instructions.
And, as this amidst the was Great USA which is now “being deformed” amidst the grass roots “certain doctrines” ….meaning..so very often abrubtly Christ following encountered..that it finally must be up front firmly local minister addressed..
WHY? for those of us embedded, in and area where we repeatedly first hand encounter this,maybe are even withstood, accused by false teaching and blackballed, or perhaps even “Christian leadership’ defrauded (as I have deep southwest was 3 caustic “Carnal Bewitching Church” legalistic trying, defrauding times) …..then EACH ONE OF THE MANY US might compare the repeat RELATIONSHIP DISRESPECTING…plus overly much flakey fruit..as assessed and pinned down to what is usually “TV famous ministry true follower” big Grass Roots entire USA mostly charismatic Christian
ACTS OF THE APOSTLES 4:13 “Now when they saw the boldness of Peter and John, and perceived that they were UNEDUCATED** and UNTRAINED** men, they marveled. And they realized that they had been with Jesus
BUT ALSO, to declare that it’s NOT THE END (unless we ignore this)…for according to the LIVES of PETER and JOHN…even though they STARTED OFF as “clueless and lacking in deep wells of real knowledge”…
Also, we can note the EVIDENCE based upon their loving, life, wholesome “reknown,but not FAMOUS..sincere humble True FRUIT….that clearly,they did not remain clueless, base (rough,mentally hard, manfully abrasive, imperceptively arrogant, rude) and/or self pitying, nor woefully lacking in skilled mature office….
…..minus mature discernment and perception and/or to be viewed as Classically Ministry Ignorant , bearing NO trace of a humble, holy fear of the Lord. And surely chief apostles Peter and John(as well as many of the other 12) each worked hard to mature… and also held constant….to the Lord…
….Also, in a senior ministry which steadfast, winning MANY disciples (not just sitting around being overly self satisfied, no longer always growing, self absorbed, selflish, Me Centric, ambitious and haughty, no fear of the Living Lord, but always ONLY waiting to be blessed or currying area ministry favor in order to be ” elevated “…to the next highest ministry level
REASON?..Back in the pre Christian First Chosen Disciples “pre famous” (nobody deemed “elite”) days..
And chiefly due to their inner motives and pure,Other always Centric “no guile” minister enduring hearts., God fully and repeatedly dependent, with nobody man pleasing….and with ALL, including the basic Christian First area fellowships…abiding in a holy terror,mature fear of the Lord” (Days of Acts.. followed with ANNAIAS and SAPPHIRA (!) ..
….SEEMINGLY..EACH OF THE FIRST 12 ORIGINAL CHIEF, foundational, APOSTLES each fully practiced a First Love Leader Lifestyle…..with each having needed times apart ..as in their private, One To One Office RELATIONSHP…. with the Creator Father…to lay before Him,to enjoy fellowship…but at needed speficif times to repair,compain…as well as to repent, to pray, to get healing as well as specific inner wisdom, varying apostolic revelation, as well as specific, fine tuned minister leader,life, clear direction..
Plus.. out of 12 Chief Apostles,11 laid down their lives for the sake of following Jesus Christ..with each suffering a martyrs death,only one JOHN (who was boiled i oil 2x but survived) died a natural death)
Please take time to peruse this moving article about
(C)2020 Taveau D’Arcy All copyrights reserved under international copyright laws

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