2. Boanerge Ministry Culture and Media
The Unholy Sea
(C) 2013 Taveau D’Arcy All copyrights reserved
Today we set the stage for the ministry discussion regarding the IFFM ongoing use of the term BOANERGE Ministry, Leadership and the effect of media and patricianism, other. TOMORROW we attempt to post definitions of PATRICIANISM and OT LEVTICAL PATRIARCHISM/MATRIARCHISM
- “And James the son of Zebedee, and John the brother of James; and he surnamed them Boanerges, which is, The sons of thunder:” Mark 3:7
- “And James and John, the sons of Zebedee, come unto him, saying, Master, we would that thou shouldest do for us whatsoever we shall desire. And he said unto them, What would ye that I should do for you? They said unto him, Grant unto us that we may sit, one on thy right hand, and the other on thy left hand, in thy glory.” Matthew 10: 35
TECHNICALLY, while Jesus had hand picked each one of his disciples, they each came without any seminary, Bible college or schooling, as they all lived in pre Christian Levitical Patriarchal /Roman government, roving Temple of Diana Worshippers, Greek gnostic wisdom, and the various idol , false god worshippers, for example Baal.
THERE was no convenient Bible media, no Christian publishing houses, no Christian anything: not even the New Testament as we well know it today.
There was no prior generation of Christian pastors, chief apostles from which to be imparted or to role model.
AND for rearing God fearing families, there was no Focus on the Family, James Dobson child rearing techniques or Bible colleges or seminaries. It was ALL ONLY “prayer, seeking the Lord, fasting, listening to Jesus Christ (but for only 3 years…)
AND UNDOUBTEDLY, not a one of them, other than Christ Himself, could even imagine that one day in the far future, that the entire WORLD would know their names because of their being hand picked by the Lord God Himself to found the First Church, and due to that one day, wind up with each of their names in the newest version of what was not even compiled at that time: God’s New Testament Holy Bible!
TODAY we have the luxury of reading about the First Apostles in our Bible.
BUT back then they had NO Bible to study, from which to gain instruction much less, to claim, to get the encouragement to remain standing strong much less the ability to study about the 5 fold Bible offices.
BACK THEN, they each were pioneering the way for all of us, who lay unseen: far in the future.
AND THIS, the writer submits, is why each one of us in modern ministry worship deep CULTURE should also realistically THINK about what lies AHEAD what we who name ourselves “Bible believers, Born Again, 5 fold Christian Ministers” are preparing to leave for the FUTURE UNSEEN blessed ones who lie ahead.
AND EACH one of Jesus’ hand picked select Original Twelve would eventually be regarded as THE First Church Pioneering Chief Apostles.
YET each individual came from a very different set of parents, who then raised them in the PRE CHRISTIAN idol worshipping, male ruled over seer /Roman slave, secular world culture.
WHILE WE today, are privileged to stand on the shoulders of many generations of Bible scripture intense research and Holy Spirit revelation, plus handed down big visions of what the prior leadership generation conceived Organic 5 Fold Ministry Offices to look like, to act like and then passed them down and forward, we still can regard some traces of natural, real human life and non servant highly imperfect, in deep human, impure real leader motives, and, even naive outright immaturity, based on their own lack of perceptivity, due to their definitely NOT having what we each today would automatically truly have:
THE PRINTED New Testament, many generations of prior theories, rich real experiences plus God’s unfolding TRUE historical real birthing among 5 fold office moves.
WITH TRUE DEEP honor we regard each one of the First organic Pioneering True Apostles. Yet, while we tend to hold them in awe, as we read stories similar to James and John, we find that Jesus “hand picked leader finest” were each at their human best: meaning warts and all. Not one of them came highly educated, privileged or even 100 percent acting emotionally mature at all times.
THIS IS made VERY clear as we consider the story of the Sons of Thunder, whom the writer nicknames the Boanerge Brothers.
THIS WRITER make a this point that by the end of their lives, they had matured into great evangelists, hard workers who even were martyred for their faith.
YET AT the start, in their first “junior/rising” into “future” then “senior pioneering chief apostle offices” they displayed at least some of what we find growing rampant out in grass roots TV/media western modern day senior ministry worship culture. Me First,self seeking /emotionally very immature, pushy, and very shallow , meaning that they have a present day, Now Centered,push to achieve, rather than keeping two feet on the ground, but their minds renewed that we are only passing through this world, but God’s Heavenly Kingdom is ever lasting….and the ONLY THING that truly matters.
MODERN PRESENT DAY MATURE REAL QUESTIONS : Will We Achieve the Ministry Office in order to Attain? VS Will We Submit to the Potter’s Wheel of the Lord to Allow His Office to be Created Within Us By/Through an Over All Process?
SECOND MATURE BIG QUESTION: Will we yield to the Lord and simply obey Him 24/7/365 come what may VS will we try to achieve /strive/ push, to MAKE “our own senior ministry office” MANIFEST, (HAPPEN).
THIRD MATURE BIG QUESTION: How can trying to WORK to make the ministry HAPPEN, mistakenly put the emphasis on what God can DO for us (attaining, achieving, a work harder mentality) which is PERFORMANCE MINISTRY VS FIRST LOVE RELATIONSHIP Ministry (How can sitting at the Lord’s feet, in a First Love ongoing RELATIONSHIP allow us to gain fresh deep insight, revelation, “new fresh manna” which then allows us to receive what THINGS He then asks us to do.
EXAMPLE: The wedding at Cana , revelation coming from Abiding Leadership Principle “whatever He says to you just do it.”
A SECOND example of this type would be likened to the vision of Ezekiel’s Wheel in chapter one. The Holy Spirit gyroscope is led to go one way, but then it may change directions completely, based upon the what Holy Spirit desires. This is an example of simple, day by day ,SERVANT PIONEERING MINISTRY LEADERSHIP.
FROM the whole story in the Gospels, we are made aware that James and John were perhaps very career, making upwardly mobile progress oriented. The Scripture also has their mother on the scene, and even perhaps they had been raised Mama dependent. Notice how she is intervening on their behalf, trying to curry the Messiah’s big favor for Her Boys to get hand picked to be seated up in heaven (thereby gaining Eternal Lasting Ministry Security, with all of it’s best perks and implied benefits).
YET, the Mama as well as her Boys appeared to have no clue that the best way to ascend in terms of the supernatural holy Kingdom of God, was indeed to pay a price by descending much lower, in deep humility and true service based upon genuine affection and Love for God Himself, rather than material love for all that He might do for them and/or with them. (affection rather than material /positional personal achievement)
THUS, IN THE IFFM MINISTRY HOUSE ALL USE OF THE WORD “Bonerge” and BOANERGE MINISTER, BOANERGE MINISTRY MINISTRY CULTURE means self seeking, immature, self seeking, apostolically shallow, naive pioneering, apostolically building ,pioneering minister.
AND WHEN we (duly) note that overly aggressive, pushy, me first, even rude, then Facebook, Madison Avenue branding, enormous grass roots level peer pressure to make it big, in to “Get YOUR Ministry promoted to the next level” is very common.
BUT if you are serving by leading yet surrounded by keepers, handlers, second, third tier staff, and/or body guards, how would YOU be aware of this, since YOU do not set foot on true authentic grass roots 5 fold pioneering ministry leader solid ground?
AND this writer’s entire senior ministry turf has been their from 1979-2012. She sees. She knows the overly aggressive, Would Be Bishop______ or Would Be Famous Bible Teacher _________, etc.
LET US TAKE a moment to discuss the word BOAnerge.
Notice the word BOA (like a boa constrictor) The writer likens this to the spirit of the LEVIathan (Levi- the priest, LEVIathan in Job 41, the slippery, sneaky hard to catch deceptive snake of PRIDE.
SO THE LORD spoke to me of the ROOTS of Boanerge, striving in ministry office leadership, pushing others out of your way to get their first, bowing and genuflecting in senior ministry to get recognized, to curry big favor with a well known /higher level bishop, senior authority, has BOAnerge (meaning LEVIathan pride, snakey roots) SELAH
AND an actual alive snake, the BOA constrictor snake, squeezes the life out of it’s prey.
THUS any leadership /ministry /church /senior authorities (even cleverly hidden) PRIDE will resort to tricks, manipulation, fantasy, leader hype and/or apply pressure, all of which will begin to constrict, to in affect block the circulation/blood flow of, and even gradually choke the LIFE OF GOD out of either the people
The Sneaky BOA constrictor, Legalistic LEVIathan, rooted in slippery, hard to finger superior PRIDE will bear suspicious man pleasing signs, such as Self Pleasing worship, which is all about ME,US and what I WANT, versus what GOD really does want to do in a ministry/church.
AND WHEN a great majority of senior offices in Christ’s ministry body are operating in LEVIathan, BOAnerge “MINUS any holy awesome ” fear of the Lord ” they are therefore motivated by even a collective, accepted, underlying sin of PRIDE.
THIS then produces an area wide, regional, United States Wide hindrance to the deep real Things of God. It puts a choke hold on what SHOULD BE regarded as HIS MOVE and withstands His Church Wide, City Wide, even National move of Real True Revival.
LET US PICTURE a large number of writhing, striving, choking BOA constrictors, each one wrestling to gain it’s own advantage. When the entire group is writhing, wrestling, with sheer ignorance to the potential presence of demonic supernatural power, then there are not just “wrestling to get a leader choke hold, to get to the prey first, but wrestling ‘against what is not flesh and blood” but in all sincere actuality actually wrestling AGAINST THE LORD HIMSELF.
AND BECAUSE all of that wrestling absorbs their time,their energy and much of their pure focus, the remove their PERCEIVER, DISCERNER spiritual brains off of what is Holy and apostolically TRUE and instead quarrel among themselves for chief position, while unwittingly forming a STRONG HOLD of opposition to the real deep , freshly revealed,(discerned, perceived in an Amos 3;7,Daniel 2:28 manner)
The BOAnerge PC Popular Culture (now even more descended down, in rare ministry leader subgroups, to preying VULTURE WORSHIP CULTURE) grapples and wrestles, forming a legalistic /performance based, and/or human pleasing hierarchical Big Religious Works over all System) which accuser, bites, and devours the nonperformers, the little unknown ones, who do not look the part, nor want to participated in any of that BOAnerge wrestling,self seeking, which they perceive, understand is actually wrestling AGAINST THE AWESOME MOST HOLY REAL LORD.
AGAIN, if the Big Religious Leader System is BOAnerge , LEVIathan actively mandated over a church or an area, or a nation or within an apostolic leadership ministry self governed subgroup, it will generate an leader atmosphere /worship vulture culture, which will unknowingly produce like congregational religious fruit, which then will not be a “sweet smelling savor” to those who are outside the Systems Walls, meaning the persons of other non Christian faiths.**
** AND this hard, Me Centered ,anti God system, will endanger God’s pure hearted persons who attend, but also send a bad smell into the community, as it will perpetuate the complete OPPOSITE of Paul’s Whole Body True Unity diverse, Love Walk Committed Church Ephesians 4 v. 10 onward. (meaning there will me MORE winds of doctrine, false tough customers, in body misrepresentation, willing DECEIVERS)
THIS THEN creates accusation, even abuse in the midst of God’s legalistic Church and there is in part a Falling Away, but as this writer gives evidence to, a God instructed,prompted in fear of the Lord RUNNING AWAY (2 Timothy 3:1-5 below)
THE PRODUCED RESULT: There is a War of Both Worlds: God’s HOLY KINGDOM and ITS SUPERNATURAL REVEALED WILL , HOLY BIBLE GOVERNING ORDER VS ME CENTERED/HUMAN MIXTURE, MIXED with LEVIathan, BOAnerge apostolic wrestling and human striving achievement.
The BOAnerge leader (note the strong BOA emphasis) may possess extraordinary gifting and exceeding talent. (The human temptation: exalted elevated 5 fold office egos, Big I’s, Little You’s /celebrity rather than humble servant leader, self obsessed leader vanity, narcissism, Me Centeredness and “getting MY /OUR Ministry promoted”) (no matter at what true cost)
All of this shades of LEVIathan slippery snake of pride: Job 41.
One of the MAJOR chief Boanerge (LEVIathan) skills is the ability to IMPRESS. Thus immature, shallow “seeming professional” grass roots pioneering “ministers” most of whom have grown up in media, watching it, grooming themselves as compared to it, and now using it to self market, to raise their ministry,personal VISIBILITY to the “national world wide professional levels” are what attracts, proceeds to draw, even to potentially seduce many senior/rising faith filled 5 fold future ministers.
AND I believe in hearing God, in receiving promotion FROM THE LORD , (that is an actual Bible verse “promotion does not come from the east or the west, promotion comes from God”)
YET IT IS by sitting out in the seats alongside, bumping into them at “professional ministry pastor’s fellowships, being sent to conferences, running into them various places, which reveals the true spiritual FRUIT.
AND IT IS all of that, in the absence of pure, nontainted, 100 percent Organic, meaning without any human additives, and with James 3:17, Book of Ephesians, simple agape respect, discerning pure perceptivity, compassion for another, not primarily interested in what LORD is doing, but far more interested in what MY OWN MINISTRY is achieving.
AND the lack of grass roots awesome, humble, fear of the Lord.
IT’S WRITTEN CLEARLY IN GOD’S HOLY WORD: The Bible tells us that the “fear of the Lord is the beginning of (true apostolic leader) wisdom”
And even Jesus the Messiah lived in it (Isaiah 11:3″ The Messiah delight in the fear of the Lord, it will sharpen /quicken him, meaning “assist His perceiver, deeply intuitive, seerish, accurate sharp DISCERNMENT prophetic true nature.
THUS THE ALMOST COMPLETE ABSENCE of the “fear of the Lord” will produce spiritually dense, imperceptive, shallow, even false, lacking in “true leader skilled Godly insightful healthy wisdom.”
THAT being stated, then surely wisdom and logic can deduce that IF “the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom” THEN the lack, or dearth, of the holy fear of the Lord in ministry/collectively/individually, locally and nationally will eventually produce the collective WHAT?
IF” THE FEAR OF THE LORD is the beginning of wisdom” that will then imply that the LACK of the fear of the Lord is the beginning of______________(you fill in the blank)
PERFORMING is innate in today’s modern western SOCIETY but also, for the last 30 media growth spurt amazing years becoming perceived as required,ministry mandatory, potentially applying subtle senior pioneering immature leaders to have what is state of the art
ADD TO this the daily media, Show Biz, and a big secular but increasing in side the Modern mostly Entertainment Based Worship /Prone to Vanity “US” Culture the equal perceived importance of one’s PERSONA.
Just click onto YOU TUBE, FACE BOOK and INSTAGRAM, etc. to find thatit is not just the excited YOUTHS who are hamming it up, but mature persons of ALL ages, and socio economic levels. (Yet this writer agrees it is definitely fun,happy,mind candy and creative..so not to sound overly much like the Grinch)
HOWEVER Just Wondering if God would name PERSONA as one of todays false little g ‘false gods.”**
** the writer suggests that when egos are fanned, PERSONA then strongly begins to affect solid, mature, healthy BIBLE ongoing RELATIONSHIPS..so nothing is the matter with any of the following, UNLESS it begins to ELEVATE EGO, USE OTHERS, MANIPULATE, DEFRAUD or APPLY UNDUE PRESSURE TO PERFORM, etc ; AND/OR A COLLECTIVE VOID OF GOD’S HOLY SPIRIT “Culture” slowly begins to emerges from all of the VANITY, EGO/HUMAN PLEASING, USING OTHERS, etc(more a different time)
PREMEDITATED PACKAGING, WELL CALCULATED SELF PRESENTATION,MEDIA IMAGE, and all the complex BRANDING, PEOPLE IDENTIFICATION are wrapped up in prosperity, making “big progress” even costing us ongoing relationships, and time alone with the Living Lord.
AND IN the western popular worship media centered, culture, Presentation, Facebook followers and the “numbers of persons who go to YOUR Church” is notoriously approved,even expected.
AND WHAT goes on in upper level national /mega ministry, who do have the mighty mega Budgets to purchase the best quality,latest invention, (which is NOT A SIN FOR THEM BEING ABLE TO DO THAT. BLESS THEM!)
BUT…BUT…it is the writer’s conclusion that this has a powerful peer pressuring long lasting affect on the mighty very small /both senior and junior pioneering, to PERFORM, in order to MEASURE UP and be regarded locally, as ALSO EQUALLY VALID.
The writer submits this as a SELAH, not hard core leader doctrine.
As if the Cult of One’s PERSONA isn’t enough, and that mingled with LEVIathan,BOAnerge competition, wrestling-striving, we then research the FIRST CHURCH ORGANIC APOSTLES to examine their writings to see what would spiritually wash, with all of what this writer has repeatedly observed,encountered and fully experienced ( since begin SENT OUT from 1979 until 2012 in an going study,first hand research about USA primarily charimatic( all races)lampstands, real life, and apostolic lampstand doctrines.)
And for the first 27 full years, she cannot find anything but healthy, positive,even amazing 5 fold ministry leader things to recall.
IF ANY ONE negative thing she believes started what is now found today: the self righteous rock throwing and growing cultural cynicism to things of the Lord in pastors, leaders on MEDIA, and with that a cultural beginning of a born again back critical landslide, due to not properly understanding how one is supposed to handle PUBLIC PERSONA and resulting world wide fame,increased fortune, as exampled in what happened during and mostly following both the Jim Bakker and the Reverend Jimmy Swaggart media downfalls.
FOLLOWED BY slick glossy primarily charismatic national magazines which began to be EXPECTED to feature YOUR GROUP in a national fashion, in a growing PC Popular Worship Ministry Office Group setting. This applied local grass roots pressures to perform, yet I perceive it may be what truly launched the increase in accuser, rivalry, perceived as NEED TO ACHIEVE, albeit viewed as PROFESSIONAL, MINISTRY SUCCESSFUL , as in “POPULAR” “WHA’T HAPPENING” “TRENDY” “COOL” formerly Holy Ghost brush arbor outdoor (surely hot, not real attractive, surely not glamorous, but most of them were deeply humble and sincere…Americana.)
THE LORD has told me, due to FALLOUT and CHRISTIAN CELEBRITY PERSONA CHURCH (starting about the time of those TV media scandals) about NOT having an elevated ‘worshipped ” top high leader “famous celebrity)
SCRIPTURES which support that: that about Micah 7;5, Paul’s all 5 fold offices, community/office humility(all found in Ephesians 2′:14-5:21. James 3:17,Revelation 12:11, Isaiah 11:3 and Matthew 18:15-18 to list but a few)
YET, and the writer has addressed this in prior blogs: it was sometime during the 1990’s when what she called the Accuser Man Pleasing (now revealed to her recently by the Lord to be rooted in patrician, mixed with OT Levitical Patriarch/matriarch) and also fanned greatly by ongoing MEDIA,
And right now, from about 2000 -2002 onward, there is such a big ministry POMPOUS performance culture,that seems to love worshipping ITS SELF.
AND THE WRITER, after very suddenly relocating to the deep southwest, where ENORMOUS VAST BIG QUANTITIES of so called “Christ following persons” attend innumerable House of God each week, was repeatedly confounded, big time troubled, even extremely upset by the great appearing to be EQUAL VAST QUANTITIES of 5 fold “offices” who are rude, self absorbed,extremely imperceptive and over all mostly patrician.
THE WRITER FIRMLY believes in both personal and ministry true accountability,something way down deep within yearned for what she felt was authentic,even ORGANIC, yet time after time, place after place, all the SHE would encounter was HUMAN MIXTURE, Apostolic controlling legalism, a lack of genuine Christian real discerning,truly accepting faith filled LOVE and she had not been warned about deep south, deeply intrenched,apostolic regional avoiding,patronizing,suspicious/religious in house patrician stereotyping, demanded pinky ring kissing for favor with the top leader, (therefore, for the very first time in her life) this trusting experienced,use to Holy Spirit networking, was supremely weary, after encountering ACCUSER LEGALISM MAN MADE DOCTRINES which accepted, tolerated and actually PROMOTED (passing them down in the ranks, to the rising youth,to the entire Dallas area community) what need only be described as a ANTI- Caucasian woman 5 fold accuser misogyny and huge western accepted manpleasing chauvinism,which the writer and IFFM now officially interprets as apostolic RACISM.
And it is NOT acceptable. It is akin to racism, and most patricians are over enforced, suppressive,accuser, divisive racism( meaning hopefully)
AND,as a Christian newbie, I started to understand that ONE AREA of a state of a country, a nation, may and may NOT have nearly as much Bible True Fruit in a whole community or another.**
** I suppose that’s why the prophet Jonah was sent to warn Ninevah!
SO, it was after the newbie, ‘stranger alien” mother in the Lord, ordained minister, senior pioneering founder, and great nice natural person,found herself NOT knowing WHAT was in the local regional Doctrinal Kool Aide of a large area!
The amazed mystified leader, seriously pondered all of this, mostly after getting hoodwinked by 3 different sets of “cast of senior ministry characterless characters,” finding nearly every white middle aged ministry charismatic had a copy of their own CD eager to sell.
AND after she visited one local church whose very talented worship team was ‘waiting to be discovered” but had only under 30 people** in church every week …and I also noticed how their pastor tolerated them smoking in front of the church each week,and even kept a rusty coffee can just outside the church front door, which was always filled with large piles of their cigarette butts.
AND one Sunday, following the service, the senior leader Sunday visitor simply walked into the youth room by mistake, ONLY to find the entire worship team ALL sitting inside, puffing like chimneys: IN THE YOUTH ROOM.
** AND THEY PROBABLY WONDERED WHY God didn’t send them more than 25-30 persons all those many months, perhaps years…
CONCLUSION? Apparently the senior overseer pioneering pastor Authority didn’t care! (and furthermore, the THEY “the worshipping LEVITES of that HOUSE did not really care about respecting the HOUSE OF GOD…which then logically made the writer again deduce that NONE OF THEM discerned “the difference between the holy and the profane“…as nobody seemed to have a deep HOLY FEAR OF THE LORD.**
**which is an apt description of nearly the entire otherwise GREAT region.
Very soon following that, God called my attention to the fact that MANY MORE natural,relatable, woman respecting,open, sincere and FRIENDLY nice real persons were NOT attending any born again church YET they were totally on fire for the LORD in the ‘fear of the Lord!”
And sometimes, being in the giant ministry groups of famous TV pastors follower 5 fold ministers, the gentle spirited, non pushy, all about God’s business, mature leader, simply got tired of and not all in one TYPE or STYLE of leader ministry with a big super star following, but in several: the leader simply became very tired of being seated in the middle of vast super aggressive NUMBERS of striving, positioning for personal power, pushy, leader aggressive, and even once in a while,purposely suppressing women, so that “the men and young men” would RISE UP.
IN mostly solid white NON evangelicals, the writer experienced, and at last grew weary of, patricianism: area big chauvinism, and along with it big general ‘respecter of persons’ religious spirit.
NEED TO SAY: I want to say intentionally that the real reason God wrote in both the OLD and NEW Testaments, for His own people to not have faith mixed in with the ‘respecter of some persons spirit” is that when a pastor, leader shows leader partiality and reserves respect ONLY For a Chosen Few, that persons who are PERCEIVER DISCERNERS realize that, and they feel a leader PROJECTION OF ANTI THEM ACCUSER REJECTION proceeding back against them FROM The (disrespectful)leader who practices having a party, divisive, legalistic “respecter of SOME persons” unloving unChrist like spirit.
And similar to Elvis, the SHE (in the good non spying unsuspicious/non MAN PLEASING good company of many others) has left that particular spiritual building(meaning just those who tolerate, accept any bigotry, mainly perceived to be OT legalism, mixed with Roman patrician*, pinky ring, persona culture, anti woman leader).Along with many many others. AND since that time, she has NOT stopped fellowshipping with the saints.However, she is much more wary,watching “are they REAL” more than ever before
* More about PATRICIANISM on the next blog.
“This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come.
For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy,
Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good,
Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God;
Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away.” II Timothy 3:1-5
When the Lord truly startled her one day, by pointing her to 2 Timothy 3:1-5, it was an eye opener. All of her life, she had felt that that passage was for the sinner,the non believer. But when the Lord opened her eyes, she was completely shocked.
IT WAS was exactly what she had been witnessing time after time for many many ministry leader ongoing years. God showed her that this was also written regarding HIS OFFICE MINISTRY LEADERS: pastor,apostle, prophet, teacher, evangelist! And that it also might pertain to HER if she was not very careful to abide in the fear of the Lord or if she ever got so proud that she felt she no longer needed the Lord as her first place, First Love.
Then the Lord pointed out that there was not a FALLING AWAY exactly like the many senior pastor’s often believe.
And while yes, there most definitely is a falling away by the world’s standards, Holy Spirit quickly pointed out 2 Timothy 3:1-5 and revealed it was also for the Lampstand/5 fold ministry offices, then said, “they blame shift onto the sinner, those not in the church, in the world for there being a FALLING AWAY, but I see their lives, behind the scenes and out on the elevated pulpit in senior ministry, but I would rename it a RUNNING AWAY from the spiritual fruit of 2 Timothy 3:1-5 in My Leader House.
2 Timothy v.5
Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away.”
And the last verse teaches WHY so many pure hearted true Christ followers now no longer darken the door of any professional modern church culture House. He revealed” They are just obeying My command” see the passage to read the Lord’s command in verse 5.
II Timothy 3:1-5 (with modern ministry popular worship culture in mind)
“This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come.
For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy,
Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good,
Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God;
Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away.”
(Perhaps the perilous times will come because the anointing flows from the head, then to the congregation, then out to the community, (Psalm 133, Ephesians 4:11 onward)
BUT if there is a no true Holy Spirit supernatural power, there will be increasing, false manipulation, bells and whistles, ministry fantasy, plastic synthetic happy clappy Play Time ministry, All about ME /clannish cliquish respecter of persons, putting out happy worship vibes rather than the deep “inquiring from the Lord in the holy fear of the Lord.”
Once again, read the above passage, and ask yourself, according to 2 Timothy 3:1-5 in the light of what YOU perceive and understand to be represented as “Jesus Christ Ministry Lampstands” and /or “serving the Lord” or “going into the 5 fold ministry”…what is actually ORGANIC but what is PLASTIC and needing to be RECYCLED?
The IFFM motto for our Organic Christ Following Community /Emerge FROM (unrealistic) Church side, has several slogans. One is “RECYCLE YOUR PLASTIC RELIGION.”
The writer submits the apostolic theory that the MINISTRY BOANERGE WORSHIP CULTURE and the WANNABE /NEED TO BE RICH AND FAMOUE,and the modeling after the high visibility NAMES,fashioning themselves into MINISTRY MINI ME”s is perpetuated at least in part /caused by;
1. The hard to find natural wise parent: Modern Father
2. The replacement of parental, Holy Spirit true pastoring, mothering,leader accepting, tough love, balancing up front rising up with humble, turning the other check WITH covering legalism, OT Levitical patriarchism in a NT Jesus Freedom Day, and human mixture, patricianism, various handed down apostolic traditions,gender ministry in house big legalistic ongoing stereotypes, amid human winds of legalistic, accuser enabling winds of love less leader doctrine.
3.Present Day ministry,secular culture Combo:With the TV Media and the lack of true good quality parenting, most of that true covering fathering in the natural father sense, has been replaced by covering, spiritual doctrine patrician, Levitical Patriarchal hierarchal, performance, legalism which in a chief authoritarian minister voice demands, deserves to have the (overseer) right to know, “Who are YOU under” in your ministry.
PET PEEVE NOW AIRED:This realizing that one is being OBSERVED but not RESPECTED enough (clearly) to be spoken to directly, then to find out one is SUSPECTED, has one’s GOOD NAME SMEARED in the local Phariseeical Watcher Accuser Doctrinal small minded leader circles, is actually ONE of the MAIN pet peeves of a free spirit, Holy Spirit divine appointment, non traditional yet always practicing accountability and respect, senior minister.
THE OVER WATCHING Phariseeical keeping tabs on others “VIBE’ is also the worst nightmare for any humble perceiver seer, who can mostly sense that they are being watched, ( and also by whom) but still not deemed worthy of the respect to be spoken directly to. (Loved as Jesus would have loved, accepted and without respecter of persons, truly respected!)
THANKFULLY, this is national, grass roots local, land locked, regional,not MEGA MINISTRY but micro- medium but rural, where flesh, winds of doctrine, narrow mindedness mingled with overly much leisure time on one’s hands, tends to give rise to this. (AND none of these ever appear to be a part of a historically persecuted, formerly or presently now oppressed Leader Community)
AND ALONG WITH with the huge absence of good true natural fathers, and then the rise of the authoritarian mostly OT Levitical patriarch overseer, the “who are you under” nosy busy body local area over seer watching, which demands that each minister be UNDER a Spiritual leader, but mostly say “Your /My /their Spiritual Father” as in “one must have one, be under well known one, in order to get one’s own pioneering ministry promoted to the next level.”
(Note: this writer who was DEFINITELY NOT raised around “Spiritual WHO ARE YOU UNDER “patricianism, yet who WAS reared as a White Deep South Southern Baptist (non racially leader biased!) understands that God can use many different authority view points, IF there is NO Accuser Enabling and Self Righteousness.
NOTE: So for anyone’s record (Phariseeical over seer-ing busy taking note) the IFFM and DR TAVEAU D’ARCY LEADERSHIP MINISTRIES has opted out of what we refer to as patrician overseer, Levitical OT covering legalism. IFFM has been led of the Lord to be in unity with all of the born again, Bible believing ministry groups, denominations, but to not be an official, card carrying member of one. (PS denominations are not listed anywhere in the New Testament, it was all Holy Spirit governed /house to house Church Hopping way back then)
AND The IFFM Spirit of Prophecy and Bible leader authority doctrines remove all patrician and OT legalism and focus on staying in an abiding 24/7/365 First Love Lampstand, Life style, other Bible relationships Enoch Bride of Christ/Philadelphian Overcoming Church Love Walk, based on Book of Ephesians corporate “mutual submission in the fear of the Lord. Ephesians 5:21,also most especially Ephesians 2;14-5:21 for 5 fold servant leaders
THE TV MINISTRY CULTURE AND THE FALSE FATHERING SPIRITUAL LEADER PERFORMANCE COVERING TOTALITARIANISM FAITH FUELED DOCTRINE now produce the absence of many true chief apostolic “spiritual fathers ” or even “spiritual true senior leader mothers.”
And the basic spiritual fruit is 1) to obey set in place in House hierarchy, 2) to obey the highest senior leader, 3) and to perform good works ,(all of which are NOT really so bad), but IF they proceed to ad: works based acceptance, an in house need to dominate,wield apostolic power, and then apply pressure to the ministers, persons, to then PERFORM in order to win the FAVOR of the chief apostle,sr pastor, bishop, etc…and/or IF pressured persons FAIL or CHOOSE NOT to comply,but then they are accused, attacked, gossiped about,shunned,avoided, and careers undermined,etc, then that is an ICKY ICHABOD (“the glory of the Lord has departed”) leader ministry.
IFFM use of the word MANIPULATE: is to apply undue pressure, force, to donate, to show up, to perform duties, and to genuflect, kiss the pinky ring of the Highest Up In Power in order to 1) win favor with the overseer, get ahead, in order for YOUR OWN MINISTRY to get ‘promoted’ by them. OR 2) to feel sure that YOU won’t be accused,slandered /undermined or in any form penalized.
OBSERVE HOW some In House “Being UNDER Some Senior Ministry Chief Office” “YOU need to have a spiritual father” and “We are UNDER famous bishop SO and SO…now we are going to rise up big in ministry!” (which to the writer suspects helps to create BOANERGE WANNABE’s) actually compares to the following Bible verses:
“And call no man your father upon the earth: for one is your Father, which is in heaven. ” Matthew 23:9
“Do not put your confidence in a guide, not even the one who lies beside you in the bed. ” Micah 7:5
“Even though you have ten thousand teachers, you have not many fathers.” I Corinthians 14:5
THE ABSENCE OF GENUINE, ACCEPTING, SPIRITUAL TRUE PARENTING, AND AN OVER EMPHASIS ON PERFORMING, GETTING AHEAD,BEING WELL KNOW while perhaps not always promoted verbally, is subtly promoted by TV/media, worship culture, all the fancy lights, worship and productions of modern day active senior ministry. It is expected that one rises to the height of LOOKING “professional” in a certain USA stylish way, that seems to be “validating and made accepted “while those who do not have what it takes visually, eye candy ministry appeal or budget levels in accordance with providing all of the leader above, now make Madison Avenue branding, marketing a required MUST..
THIS potentially adds much enormous pressure to “rise up to that expected professional ministry look and level” way down in the grass roots. This makes attaining money to provide this high quality a must, and to know how to look good on that media, etc.
YET, THERE IS the real need to know who one truly is, from the inside to the outside (meaning: a human persons, a ministers, own true identity, role, how to handle being a leader, a male, a female, interacting, truly knowing their church and family Bible roles, the leader true authority actual boundaries (a lot more later on other various TD Blogs www.taveau.org )
SO due to what strongly appears to be the national over all lack of good natural modeling, training hands on loving, generally caring REAL PARENTING, plus the absence of good real Godly natural fathers, we have a generation of fatherless men /senior ministers, who seek a ROLE MODEL on which to pattern their own life, fathering/leader /human ROLEs.
BUT THEN, if they feel called by God to the ministry, which ought to be correctly perceived big honor, but yet God holds them personally responsible, for yielding to HIM about WHO, HOW and WERE it actually makes manifest…
BUT, they should have proper in House apostolic training to properly teach them how to HANDLE IT all along the way. The writer submits that this would mean teaching taking personal responsibility,being up front, and about rising up to be emotionally mature, perceived as being honorable, and how to avoid jealousy, rivalry, competition, useless vanity, in JAMES 3:17/Ephesians 2:14-5:21 cross leader, in church and in home,ongoing mature fashion.
AND MANY are raised amidst violence, chaos,and in difficult abuse, (before entering ministry, either before or after being saved) therefore expecting someone who had NO father, OR a horrible memory of one can HINDER a person in how they view other KINDS and STYLES of persons. (women,certain males, persons of other races)
AND they need to understand, be equipped that each person handles responsibility and pressure very differently.
THEREFORE, how can any one model God’s parenting heart if they have never known one (AND YES, GOD WILL REVEAL TO MANY, should they go to Him and ALLOW HIM TO FASHION HIS CARING UP compassionate, up front, tough love , non accusative Holy Spirit Father’s spiritually revealed HEART in them..but depending upon their own upbringing, emotional , spiritual, mental maturity, it could take many DEEP, GOD DEPENDING YEARS.
AND it is not any person’s fault or responsibility should they NOT have been raised being respected, well loved. God can give YOU your own testimony for that.
Yet, pragmatically, really, barring a Holy Spirit download of magna proportions,IF one has never experienced a safe, deeply secure SAFE PLACE in a calm, even truly humble dwelling,then when LIFE gets very hard, the LORD doesn’t seem to show up on OUR time table OR the kids are screaming and the house is an enormous MESS, then whatever WE experienced in our parents home will naturally start to surface. (again,barring God’s granted unmerited GRACE)
SUMMARY: therefore, just because a minister dons a special leader persona, and hangs a shingle out or makes a business card with SENIOR PASTOR or “SPIRITUAL FATHER” (believe this writer who from came from a HAPPY SAFE WELL FATHERED LEADER HUMBLE DWELLING) that putting that out in your community,and broadcasting that, will NEVER make ANYONE into a true Spiritual dad or leader senior mother.
FRANKLY,all about Life will ultimately turn out to be revealed as simply “another God’s grace given” and this search for FATHER is simply one more.
YET unless, until a senior office leader has matured EMOTIONALLY and will not enable the ACCUSER when some things aren’t going very well, or if persons show up as a stranger, who RESEMBLE your own past critical grouchy leader father or controlling,sneaky accuser matriarchal dominating mother or grandmother.
YOU need to read: Part 2 and part 1 FEAR OF HUMAN’S FACES www.manpleasingministry.wordpress.com SEPT 4, 5 vicinity (about getting BEYOND that)
Thus with TV ministry, those stuck way down in rural, local, land locked, regional grass roots,can get a view of what it appears to be like in a REAL SENIOR AUTHORITY, who may also be a man, husband, father, insightful,great in business, natty dresser and adored and RESPECTED by many.
FOR SOME, REALISTICALLY ( and the well seasoned ministry leader very well know the regional keeping tabs on others /nosey busy body so called “chief apostle over seer” modern day turf) actually, for the most part, feel as if they are stuck in SMALLVILLE.
It’s not a busy metropolitan area, nothing big happens very often, and each day they hear the same complainers, try to hear from the Lord, and have difficulties with nay sayers, various perpetual off/off beat folk,and are in general short supply financially due to the current economy plus acute demonic attack.
SO THESE may try to get a glimpse of their FUTURE by and having HOPE,by settling back in their Lazy Boy and flicking on the MEDIA..where they can see what THEY TOO may be , pioneering FOR THE LORD….for they hear the rags to riches stories of NOW FAMOUS but used to be backwoods, BUSINESS successful 5 fold offices
PS It is the writer’s opinion that none of this is about the FAMOUS CELEBRITY,GUEST SPEAKERS doctrine.
- rather it is the VIEWER, the LISTENERS own choice about whether or not to examine in in Noble Berean?Pauline deep study fashion OR NOT. Acts 17:11
- And God may test to see if a leader will presume, automatically presume that HE is calling them to resemble the Famous Bible Teacher OR if that is so, then God requires them personally to go to HIM to be responsible for HIM to tell them every path to choose, ever plan to put in action, the location, etc, and THEN go get it confirmed by a wise spiritual authority. “Safety in a MULTITUDE of counselors. (NOT all your leader eggs in one human fallible,minister basket)
- AND God will attempt to SEASON truly called, Deep Five Fold Offices. Showing the Lord that YOU are a reactionary (running to do something somebody else has told you on TV or in person,without FIRST inquiring of the Lord for HIS confirmation) That is ministry Boanerge City immaturity gone over board.
- Last, trying to move, manipulate, apply pressure on GOD by performing good works, or applying soulish, human, spiritual /emotional pressure on ANOTHER to cause them to do YOUR bidding,whether it’s well intended to “build the house of God” or not..it is still a rooted in white sometimes referred to as charismatic, witchcraft. AND the Bible warns that'”rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft” VICE VERSA.
- , trying to then perform, to manipulate God to MAKE it happen and
Let us now imagine, we see the weary, overworked, local small ministry pioneering leader, settling in to turn on Christian media.
For many many pioneering years,they have been (meaning perhaps from their perspective ) “on the backside of the desert” similar to prophet Moses. And no only is life an uphill battle,it is exhausting,many times boring,and without any sign of Due Season Reaped Reward. (How many readers can agree .Say a big AMEN!)
So,(speaking from experience) they now can remove at least their MINDS from the bleak, often dark oppressive local atmosphere. AND by switching on the media, to see BEAUTY, LAUGHTER, TO FEEL THE ENERGY OF THE LORD, and perhaps HEAR THE WORD FROM THE LORD TO THEM….all of this makes them for a least a couple of hours,experience MUCH MORE…plus they get imparted to, have new vision,get new TRUE Bible equipping PLUS get that old ministerial proverbial (spiritual) “shot in the arm” and then begin to PERCEIVE a brand new glimmer of hope, due to this new Holy Spirit perspective!
Christian TV and MEDIA for the moment, can transport them spiritually/mentally, emotionally OUT from being trapped amidst all that super slow moving, ministry accusation, life hardship and drudgery: thus is seems that along with Jesus Himself, that the TOP LEVEL MINISTRY is ‘the way, the truth and the life” ONCE they advance, arrive,achieve and attain that NEXT NATIONAL LEVEL.
Thus, add the mixture of having a call from the Lord, no real knowledge that it is usually a very slow big process, and not being well parented, so that one may be missing key parts to their own personal identity, but then one goes to church to feel accepted, and find a spiritual father, and even one whom they may regard as a natural father replacement.
BUT if the in House spiritual father is not 100 percent organic, if they have unholy ,unGodly mixture, then they do not portray an ORGANIC ACCURATE picture of “the Father” “a senior pastor /minister office” or “of popular ministry true accepting authority.”
This is what is now creating the vast sea of Boanerge , spiritual father seeking, Ministry Mini Me’s: the one’s who WANNABE (the Wannabe’s) just like the famous Bishop______ or the next famous Bible teacher, Brother ______ or the next feminine fireball minister_________and so on.
And while there is nothing wrong with admiring, even studying to try to find a great hero role model to give one hope, inspiration and to encourage by understanding that if God has done the for THEM, then He can certainly do it for YOU…the writer accepts that!
In fact, she herself, especially while living on the east coast, was also greatly encouraged, truly inspired, in senior ministry, by many of these greats!
Yet, it’s not about just “looking for a role model on TV or in the local church.” This writer wishes to make this point: it is not about Going to the next level, packaging the leader ministry, or patterning your life after one person or another.
The entire point in this writing and in ANY, ALL of my other many blogs (www.taveau.org) is ALL ONLY ALWAYS ABOUT what the Bible names, “spiritual fruit.” The fruit that remains. The spiritual fruit that is produced out in the grass roots seats, or out in the senior pastors fellowship, or in the business market place whenever you do business with them.
AND it is only the true, ripe, mature, Godly spiritual apostolic fruit, which will portray the Organic 100 percent Real Deal Jesus Christ at the community level, where one then is supposed to (supposed, used to?) use all of this favor, beauty , winsome fruit, to share it with the lost, the broken and to gain many new family members into God’s Kingdom so that none would be lost and thus die and to live forever in a burning pit of hell.
WHERE is that perspective in ministry Boanerge self fulfilled life /seeking?
IFFM has for right now, felt God telling the senior leader to opt out from attending many of the same types of ministry gatherings and functions that I used to enjoy attending.
She respects them but chooses to have NO PART with pioneering ministry “respecter of SOME persons,” which then means disrespect for all the others. (plus, admitted needing to genuflect to ones who are “under” well known ministry names. (notice NOT The ones at the TOP, but usually the ones underneath them).
AND I also enjoy not feeling suspect, avoided at being in a nearly totally 100 percent solid Patrician Caucasian biased, leader Big System, of WHITE MEN and their families.
And in this part of the deep southwest I frankly am not aware of many (or any?) in SENIOR OFFICE REAL LEADER WOMEN, which helps to explain why area women are treated so shoddily by too many ministry leader white patrician males and their well trained patrician females. (who are “UNDER THEM” never in senior top apostle, pastor office)
And yet, very possibly it would be totally unacceptable yet somewhat bearable if is were NOT for having to rankly interact with All About Themselves expansive, deep Boanerge grass roots ministry worship itself culture. And I’ve long since had it with “twisted misshapen, not organic synthetic senior ministry tasteless fruit” (meaning: base aggressiveness, more Me Firsting, less respect and practically no genuine Christ like caring, empathy or real Love)
And for a quiet, pensive styled (white female?) living in a land filled with overseer patricians, “being in the pioneering 5 fold office official PC popular culture western “senior ministry” is frankly no longer fun any more.
It badly need a Make Over: call it repackaging or in PC Ministry Use: maybe RE -BRANDING(?)
RATHER “professional ministry today” has become a lot more dangerous, with ministry undercover thieves, overseers who avoid helping the stranger and new minister Matthew 18;15-18 up front tough love confront the thief.
POPULAR MINISTRY CULTURE accuser ministers, who blame shift weeping grieving newbies and strangers for “probably having Unforgiveness Big Baggage or Being Damaged”, official shades of the newly emergent compassion fatigued, alway full of their own ministry,apparently driven, NEW Church of Ephesus Rev 2 evidently dry, presumably due to Lost First Love Lampstand, aka thick,dull, clearly imperceptive, over weary, devoid of human empathy, prone to accuse without ever politely speak to another up front, to show them respect: The Eli High Priesthood.
And when one is by one’s nature and gifting a walk in the office of the prophet/discerner perceiver, then finds one’s self isolated while in the midst of a giant dull of perception, non sensitive to the boundaries of any other but them SELVES, one feels that toughness, mental hardness, and one recalls that rip off artists wearing the Sheep Skin of a fellow peer pioneering minister, may be the one who just handed you their professional business card.
AND WHENEVER ANY APOSTLE lives in an senior ministry region, but realistically observes that it strongly appears to have 85 percent absence of the “holy fear of the Lord” ONLY AMONG CERTAIN MINISTRY SUBGROUP PROPHETIC BUSINESS “TYPES”) among the vast crowd of those who name themselves as “one of Christ’s ambassadors” then one can only yield to God’s command in 2 Timothy 3:1-5.
“from such turn away.”(a direct Godly order, command, direction, admonition)
And she truly has!
In closing, we DO see an amazing true leader Godly Remnant of Sheep , but one has to dig through such a giant heap of immature Goats and with that comes putting yourself out there at the risk of being trampled upon.
SO that is why IFFM and TAVEAU D’ARCY PIONEERING LEADER MINISTRIES say what we usually say. And this should say WHY we are a “divine appointment only” Psalm 118 “Doctrines for the New Spiritual Leader Day” /Ephesians True Community Unified Christ Following Multicultural Pioneering Body (Ephesians 2- 5:21)
THEREFORE, the all of the above mentioned is the REASON WHY this formerly shy, wall flower of ministry, has become a 2 Timothy rise up and reprove pioneering leader.
THE PROPHETIC SHE has lost all fear of humans in the foray of deep UNHOLY SEA of southwest pioneering.
FOREVER GONE are the grave clothes of tolerating bigotry, enduring abuse, perceiving of patrician accuser bias gone rampant, and/or being defrauded by her own senior minister peers, (which she endured by relying on what God had prophetically revealed to her during years up and down the east coast, yet coming precisely during that exact same time period of her own big loss, her weeping.
YET, THAT which doesn’t kill one, will surely cause one to grow strong, but also to learn how to discern, rely on GOD when all others fail to rise up in ministry, emotional COVERING,indeed agape GENUINE REAL DEAL TOTALLY ACCEPTING, ACCEPTING TRUE RESPONSIBILITY: ENDURING LOVE.
FOR THE PATRICIAN HEARTED SERVANT READER: Please note,while the unassuming writer, happens to be clothed in a female Earth Suit, SHE will not compromise the Word of God and plans to have a separate MALES and FEMALES Bible roles unfolding blog.
http://theaccuserversusthemessiah.wordpress.com *
* It’s not about power, or who’s the Big Boss, its all about “mutual respect, mutual submission in the fear of the Lord” (Ephesians 5:21) in both church, Godly home,with order according to the NONACCUSER ENABLING Bible male, female chain of command. MUCH MORE ON THAT later …on that TD Blog.
Yet, IFFM Motto, “What doesn’t kill you will eventually give you good Bible teaching fodder.”
IN CONCLUSION: Because the equipper teacher simply obeys what the Lord tells her to do, and seeing that this is a NEW LEADERSHIP PIONEERING DAY. after her being milled and repeatedly ungraciously sifted by what can only be noted as the 5 fold legalistic Patrician Eli High Priesthood, the SHE now fully enjoys her new life among the grass roots, but out of reach of the roving,ever watching suspicious I’s (and eyes)of controlling, ever accusing American OT Levitical patriarchalism mingled with patricianism .
And now the word of the Lord comes to me “…now go strengthen the brethren …yet she understands that her leader words must be perceived,and discerned,due to the writer,leader,coming wrapped in an Female Earthsuit.
So all words are humbly yielded for God’s People who have “perceptive ears to hear.”
AND SURELY, her days of mourning are past. And God has now brought her to a sure and safe,peaceful Green Healthy Pasture. And now, God sends her to all who are feel the need for spiritual FREEDOM FROM RELIGION.
AND with her days of repeated leader sifting,sanding she now completed, she has JOYFULLY accepted the call to minister,but NOT yet way down in the grass roots.
INSTEAD she offers her services, fine tuning creative, ministry doctrine, worship music equipping /fine tuning as a on call resource to assist mature leaders with basically, cross cultural,cross leader True Body, senior leader/junior, prophetic/discernment apostolic equipping (perceptive. moving in the gifts, prophetic leader worship
IFFM TAVEAU D’ARCY MINISTRIES will hold ONLINE MINISTERS ongoing meetings, announces on www.taveau.org and Twitter (@DrTaveau) and viewable on IFFM Encourage Web TV” www.encouragetelevision.org
AND her Bible reproving will proceed to attempt to encourage all who are weary,downtrodden to keep a sabbath leadership,lampstand and lifestyle yet will urge big caution to those who fail to yield to God’s apostolic Church Over coming Message: and shall continue to reprove and admonish, “STRENGTHEN what remains.“
Now, with all of that said, the writer now wanders off elsewhere to go leader edify, encourage and “strengthen BOTH the Brethren AND the Sisteren.”
THE NEXT BLOG: Will discuss the unholy doctrinal influences of PATRICIANISM and OT LEVITICAL PATRIARCHISM/MATRIARCHISM in these NT ongoing Days.
Almighty blessings!
Dr. Taveau D’Arcy
(C) 2013 Taveau D’Arcy All copyrights reserved
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