PART 3 APOSTOLIC HEAVENLY HUGS : Spiritual Fathering VS Instruction
“God’s plan is to do continual weeding, deep pruning and repeated sifting in preparation for new growth.” Dr. Taveau D’Arcy, Servant leader, OCFC Christ Following Online Fellowship October 28, 2012 Heavenly Hugs Part 3 Spiritual Fathering VS Instruction: Luke 1:17 “He (Yeshua, Jesus the Messiah) will delight in the fear of the Lord. He will not judge by the sight of His eyes or decide by what He hears with His ears.” Isaiah 11:3 “He (John the Baptist) will also go before Him (Jesus, the Messiah Yeshua) in the spirit and power of Elijah, ‘to turn the hearts of the fathers to the children, and the disobedient to the wisdom of the just,…
ENCLOSED: An excerpt from our NEW Leader Training Book: Apostolic Levitical Patriarchism is down below: but first : Below: Excerpt from NEW Levitical Patriarchal Leader Training Book (C) 2012 Taveau D’Arcy All copyrights reserved PART ONE LEVI: AHEAD OF HIS TRIBE GENESIS 34-35 (to read click below) http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Genesis+34-35%3A5&version=KJV BRIEF BIO OF LEVI Levi was middle son of Jacob and Leah. The well known Bible fact was the supplanter, later known as Israel, was deeply not in love with Leah, but instead with his other wife, Rachel. Because of the psychological drama of all this, the writer believes that this had a big impression on the 6 children of Jacob…
Overcoming the Spirit of Pride to Let God’s Spirit Move
October 24, 2012 A Submitted Selah for Grass Roots Pioneering Ministry Overcoming the Spirit of Pride To Allow TheMove of God’s Spirit (C) 2012 Dr. Taveau D’Arcy All copyrights reserved under international copyright law The word of the Lord from Psalm 123 has been repeatedly popping up in my spirit, but also one of “yielding” to the authority of the Bible and to the revealed will of the Lord. All of this has to do with making preparation for the move of God, one that tolerates NO “Big I’s” or “Little You’s.” God’s mighty new move is one which must have no elitist exalted pulpits, preferentially treated senior ministries,…
[youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kZr2RTgCVW0[/youtube] JESUS, YOU’RE THE LILY OF MY VALLEYS (C)1998 Taveau D’Arcy All copyrights reserved A LEADER WORD IN SONG FOR LYRICS, FREE PDF LEAD SHEET, DEMO: http://creativewisdomministries.org/Creativewisdomministries.org/Jesus,_Youre_the_Lily_of_My_Valleys.html JESUS, YOU’RE THE LILY OF MY VALLEYS © 1998 Taveau D’Arcy All copyrights reserved NARRATIVE INTRO: The Lord is riding high upon the mountains He sees the valleys and the deserts and the places where YOU’VE been. Now He’s brought you to this place: and it’s a higher place in Him, than you’ve ever been before. He’s helped you climb those mountains: by His grace. NOW: see the valleys, far below Jesus, You’re the Lily of my valleys, my valleys You’re making my…
WHOLE LOT OF SHAKIN’ GOING ON We have TOO MANY “TV MEDIA AGE related CHRISTIAN MINISTRY” (rather/extremely?) UP FRONT Video to presently put over here. HTTP://NEW.LIVESTREAM.COM/TAVEAUCREATIVE http://new.livestream.com/taveaucreative ALSO keep watch on DFW LEADER MINISTRY FELLOWSHIP (we film FIRST on LIFESTREAM but then embed on http://www.onlinefellowship.us EXTRA HEAVY, SERIOUS: Just posted APOSTOLIC LAY OF THE LAND (not for the apostolic faint of true heart) APOSTOLIC “HOW CAN A STRONG WOMEN BE A BIBLE “WEAKER VESEEL” and A LOT MORE! GIVE INTO APOSTOLIC REVIVAL IN THE DEEP GRASS ROOTS: MAIL: DFW Leader Ministry Fellowship 5760 Legacy Drive Suite B3-336 Plano, TX 75024 Q’S? organicleader@yahoo.com WE’RE GOING TO A HIGHER REALM…every body really…
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