MEANING OF ABOVE: FOR SOME REASON MY DFW LEADER “ONLINE” MINISTRY FELLOWSHIP wwww.onlinefellowship.us (www.dfwleaderministryfellowship.com) which I formed in DFW area, 2015, well before Covid. I formed it from sheer desperation, the MEGA VAST AREA Frustration. due to the severe area Christian legalistic LAW (primarily witch watching/overseer shepherding, which I named (also Roman Patrician white ELITE) WELP (Western European Levitical Patriarchism) and now JUNE 1 TRAIN on http://www.teammateu.com THE VERY HUMOROUS PART OF DFW LEADER (ONLINE)MINISTRY FELLOWSHIP RECEIVING “BEST CHURCH IN PLANO” AWARD..was that when I lived in Plano, that’s where I’d found the most recurring ( prissy)WELP legalism..and OVER MUCH false teaching. HOWEVER, by the time I received notice…
NOTE this is a repost from www.tclleader.com The Maven of Apostolic Theology new site March 29, 2021 THE LAW FITS IN WITH OUR CURRENT ” 3 J2 LIFESTYLE”…ongoing DFW LEADER MINISTRY FELLOWSHIP http://www.dfwleaderministryfellowship.com “NOTHING depletes our 3J2 (feeling of INNER SOUL PROSPERITY, OVER ALL WELL BEING….REAL JOY) more than RELATIONSHIP..SPOUSE…FAMILY, MOM, DAD, UNGRATEFUL SPOILED BRAT CHILD, CLOSE FRIEND, SCHOOL MATES, TEAM…AND/OR CHRISTIAN MINISTRY …ACCUSATION!” ABOVE..THIS PRAISE SONG HAS PROVEN VERY HELPFUL..GOOD FOR THE USA RELATIONSHIP STATUS QUO…. CURRENTLY… Not Guilty – MorningStar – CD Fly Me Like The Win (AND this used to be my theme, as I am not back UNDER the OT Loveless, ever Inquiring, massively ACCUSER Legalistic…always keeps…
NOTE: in the coming weeks, I plan to PAIR Apostolic TEAMMATE U https://www.teammateu.com with the MAVEN OF APOSTOLIC THEOLOGY.brand new ministry site….but I am not sure WHEN, or HOW as I do want to OFFICIALLY Set up a TEAMMATE U Fee based COLLEGE..and address doctrines on https://www.tclleader.com Just want a CLEAR direction from the Loving Lord PLUS a “quality site idea” and (down below) I am hoping to SET UP MUCH MORE professional Video quality. OFFER ZOOM or similar courses ..after we relocate in our NEW OFFICE! His Mighty Enduring Blessings! Dr T SUGGESTION: check in every week or 2 https://www.tclleader.com …or.. https://www.mavenofdoctrines.com TD’S APOSTOLIC WISE TOP FOUNDER CONSULTING Email:…
“But if YOU forgive not men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses.” Jesus Christ’s own words in red letters in MATTHEW 6:15 (See Matthew 6:15 many translations https://www.biblehub.com/matthew/6-15.htm ” MOSTLY… the only thing that gets ACCUSED is (another) RELATIONSHIP” Dr Taveau D’Arcy Revival Preparation…. TAKING AN INNER EVALUATION, ALLOWING GOD TO SPEAK TO US, TO CLEANSE US SO THAT WE CAN FULLY TURN FROM RELATIONSHIP BIAS, DISRESPECT, ALL PREJUDICE… IS AKIN TO “CLEARING THE INTERNAL RUNWAY, SO THAT THE HOLY SPIRIT CAN LAND” NOTE: This was first posted June 21, 2017 www.relationshiptheology.wordpress.com MARK 13:8 “For nation (“ethnos” race, tribe, people group, ethnicity) shall…
NOTE: this was first posted March 19,2019 www.onlinefellowship.us NOTE: Sept 16, 2019 God gave me a PRIOR COVID warning word for Christian Ministers. The ACTS 2 COMING FLUSH OF HIS MIGHTY SPIRIT..to flush out what is supposed to be “HIS” MINISTRY…meaning the Character, plus the ministry ROLES, PHILOSOPHY ,PURE HEARTS..and that the FLUSH OF HIS MIGHT HOLY SPIRIT WIND would be ONGOING. I will try to post it here: THE ACTS 2 COMING HOLY SPIRIT FLUSH (repeat of the original word Sept 2019) https://onlinefellowship.us/?p=25818 AFTER MARCH 16, 2020..the COVID SHUT DOWN FULLY BEGAN.. IN DFW, TEXAS...I sensed that the LORD GOD was ‘REBOOTING HIS (RELIGIOUS) CHURCH”..and HE still is.. …
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