This LINK beneath a page filled with different approaches , after I Googled “blaspheming the Holy Spirit“However, feel fully free to do your OWN Bible research( many people today have never been trained and I see YOUTH and these younger MINISTERS appearing to do it or appear to be BORDERLINE about this) :
IT APPEARS THAT it’s ONLY ministries who are against the Book of Acts “Deep Pentecost”(mega manifestations, including wonder working supernatural power) and a growing number of similar types who are now becoming very well known and renowned, and keeping putting out many accusing YouTube, TikTok, and ministry websites. They are making light, mocking, and accusing as wicked evil sin. Multiple YouTubes depict moving in the Holy Spirit, falling out under the power, and praying in the spirit, as well as falling back in a healing meeting, with multiple people being demonized.
“SIGHTS SEEN” BY THIS WRITER.. who stumbled upon these present YOU TUBE “TMZ tabloid” however, mature preachers’ various YouTube channels appear to be anti, even hostile, toward the Book of Acts ministries, who never demean anybody and who are far more diverse, rhythmic, clearly more demonstrative and lively, and also more prone to be presented as “a type of Hollywood celebrity” and may seem to be over the top.
Servant Leader Sr Pastor, apostle defines:
Accusative “blood lust” (inquiring all-knowing natural curious mind) is an abiding part of the human carnal prurient accusative (LPV) nature, apart from Christ.
Note: LPV is my apostolic ministry term for the “organic” (human original sin-prone nature), which means the basic many forms of LPV are lust, pride, and vanity.
“Brethren, if a man be overtaken in a fault, ye which are spiritual, restore such an one in the spirit of meekness; considering thyself, lest thou also be tempted.”
Galatians 6:2 KJV the apostle Paul
DO WE PASS THE TEST , AS CHRIST’S PURE BODY, OF RESEMBLING ABIDING JAMES 3:17 “the wisdom from above” which is “pure, peaceable, easily entreated, full of mercy and good (Galatians 5:22-23) fruit, without partiality and without hypocrisy”
Sticks and Stones can break a lot of Body Unity Community Ministry Bones
(C)2023 Taveau D’Arcy All copyrights reserved under international copyrights
“ARE THESE DAYS OF ELIJAH? …OR THE DAYS OF THE NATIONAL INQUIRER?“ Dr. T. D’Arcy (Luke 1:17 depicts fruit of days of Elijah)
APOSTLE PAUL PENS Ephesians 4:1-3
“v.1 I therefore, the prisoner of the Lord, beseech you that ye walk worthy of the vocation wherewith ye are called, v. 2With all lowliness and meekness, with longsuffering, forbearing one another in love; v.3 Endeavouring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.
THIS IS A NON CELEBRITY national body of Christ unity movement (not a one-world church** as that has now been formed in the Abu Dhabi, UAE(**you may need to Google Abrahamic Family House). Also, TD, as a woman, is not over any male nor under one and is a Galatians 1:1-2 sent office senior apostle to the USA multicultural ministry, who is into “diverse collaborating” as a resource, not as one who desires to be in control over, but due to toxic dysfunctional 2 Tim 3:1-6, 1 Tim 6:5 ministry. I have submitted to the commands of Apostle Paul and “fled” and now have a global reconciliation “resource” ministry and ministry fellowship. (More later)
CROSS -BODY UNITY diverse Ephesians 4 Community, “walking it out in meekness, lowliness, long-suffering, endeavoring to keep the body in unity.” Also, with “everyone” submitted to God’s whole counsel, which trains every person to “work out their own Christian salvation with fear and trembling” (Sir Apostle Paul), which then means “each and every person” is supposed to be informed by ministry senior offices and trained, Bible balance to “hear from the Lord for themselves.” This instruction would also encourage the immature and the mature to “fellowship” and get some “iron sharpens iron,” even objective training, input from others.
YET, THESE WOULD be properly leader instructed to assess, evaluate but not to accuse human persons and not to publicly lambast, make fun of leaders, elders, offices and not “make them a gazing stock” (which breeds cynics and creates doubt and suspicion about all Christians). For it is very harmful to the immature and the good name of Jesus. So, this is why I am bringing this up.
I DO NOT NEED TO IMPLY that a person who addresses “false doctrines” is automatically ” wrong.” In fact, it should be done, and I do it continually. However, I do not finger point or bash or use TMZ tabloid witch hunting to target fellow Christians. I feel that is not in line with the First Church. Rather, Matthew 18:15-16, meek Galatians 6:1 is.
THIS all of what follows is submitted as Selah Point To Consider, To Ponder..and for MUCH prayer
FOR IT IS the Exhorters pure heart, ministry humility, their abiding in James 3:17 demeanor, also respectful TONE which ongoing truly MATTERS”
Humility speaks. Not many pay attention. And it doesn’t pay much. However, Creator God notices.Also Apostle Paul states (Ephesians 3:9-10 area) that the CHURCH (the many Holy Fear of the Lord True Christians) lives out their lives in private and in public “before the powers and principalities”to teach them different things about God..(yet, it’s all a big mystery!”)
FOR I AM NOT IN ANY WAY AGAINST being meekly and humbly concerned for their souls, also truly Holy Spirit-directed, lovingly and firmly (not reviling or bashing their ministry face), calling out a ministry group by name if truly Holy Spirit-directed, in peace, calm, and humility, with the anointing, but not on a regular basis.
YET I HAVE HEARD ENOUGH..following (far more than) 25+ years of this down at a US-based “want-to-be-worldwide-famous” governing, critical, legalistic, law-suffering grassroots organization. By now, I have had more than enough of the continual complaining “poor-me victims” who see all sorts of people “in sin” but never love them enough to verify by interacting and confronting them, which is a sign of no respect in the US for this kind of senior ministry. And I do have respect, so that is why I take note and am super careful.”
“I HAVE HEARD “ENOUGH” of the quasi-(boasting) and self-professing “5-fold offices” sitting around naming Brother So-and-So and Sister So-and-So as “false prophets” and “false apostles” when they themselves use witchcraft and false evil eye demons to control, bias against, falsely claim authority to govern, and hide to Pharisee backstab. Yet none of these ever take the time to respectfully confront and repeatedly accuse the countless individuals warning fellow ministry leaders that So-and-So (innocent new visitors, repeat attenders who are mostly single real women) are “area witches,” “Jezebels,” “church hoppers,” and ones who are “not submitted to (their own form of) “Spiritual Authority” and therefore are to be named and put on an “unsubmitted, known area “WITCH LIST.”
IT IS HARD to stomach all of this major dysfunction in many systems, local areas used to it, and I call it “big shot-ism,” which is the 1990’s moves gone elite, used to it, ego accustomed, and grandiose as if these are “trending in their own finite minds.” But this sort of biased teaching fruit goes on in the USA middle upcoming “need to be famous” but at the front lines of going to “fellowship with the saints” (Hebrews 10:25) which is this person’s choice sent USA turf.
And this continues on week in and week (weak) out ad infinitum.
ALSO DUE TO 25 PLUS MINISTRY YEARS of all of this childlike, needless accuser strife, I am very choosy with how I go about dealing with this. My personal advice would be to approach this with a level head and a spirit of forgiveness. It is important to remember that everyone makes mistakes, and we should always strive to treat others with kindness and respect, even if we do not agree with them. We should focus on building up our communities and working together towards a common goal, rather than tearing each other down with petty accusations and name-calling.”
However, I rarely say names or ministries for I know many of their Backgrounds before they got saved, And I did not grow up poor, uneducated or attacked and dysfunction and it appears that MANY OF THEM DID…(not their fault, but just FACT that does come into play with “leadership” “fame” ‘success “and “governing money” and ‘God’s people”
So I address this solely from that point of view.do it as many grew up poor, came from non-Christian backgrounds then got worldwide famous and the perks and demonic powers want us to create harm them. I am not saying I AGREE or that all is RIGHT..or well, It is not but I DO WANT TO OPEN REVILE ANY CELEBRITY MINISTRY for I have never walked in their shoes,
AND I DO NOT ADMONISH OR REBUKE ANY GREAT WORLDWIDE TOP HEAD LEADER..as I am not their peer. or in their family or inner circle.
.But I do know many of their “most ” of their USA Grass Roots Ministry “fruit” (those who SAY they ARE UNDER certain ones of these)..And I “AM” the peer of their Grass Roots ..meaning when I started back in the 1970s moves and onward.
So, I am “THEIR” peer and many of their elders in the body due to experience, not celebrity, but tried and true Billy Graham Jesus people, and onward tested experience. This is one who now has God’s call and gift to say things, yet with respect, but with warning and valid reasons.
NOTE: YOU DO NOT HAVE TO BE a “world-wide famous” to get a word from the Lord for the USA national body of Christ, and I have one.
So, this time-tested real person has a right to say some respectful type things, whether they like it or not. As I was given a “different” assignment, to walk it out among the fruits of the top famous mostly charismatic, spirit-filled, tongue-talking, who are the needed and valuable targeting front lines today, have been all this last move time.
ALSO I WAS A “SENT ONE” From Jesus People onward, to surf the USA body (all races, speaking in tongues and not). God had me study, examine, participate, endure, then study, evaluate, and observe and to learn many principles which in hindsight generally were “USA TV moves fruit”. However, my call was to be embedded, an offscouring of the world dung to the high style celebrity famous which I am now well used to and find it very pleasant and fun, also helpful and informative. So, I am godly content and have purposely remained quiet until right now.
https://www.taveaucreativeleadership.com FOR WHEN YOU CAN USE SOME “NEW” IDEAS!
I am against directly and personally naming and attacking a person, whether they are a fellow minister, peer, or Christian believer. It is beneath the dignity of Christ and the Apostle Paul to use low blows and desperate flame-throwing for monetized video attention-getting to gain the attention of the masses by flashing a famous minister’s name, face, and houses, discussing his cash, and many other things, even holy spirit moves and deep manifestations, which seem to border on big, grievous, and attacking blasphemy.
I am against making money off of doing that because I do not want to make a name for myself by doing this. However, God is releasing this upon me to do as a USA prophet, senior apostle, and a long-time minister (since the 70s) who was raised under a senior pastor’s office authority and who knows healthy true Bible Christian theology, character, and fellowship.
These are solemn comments that are intended to awaken abiding in, enduring, and overcoming in James 3:17 relationship fruit (this would be previously agreed to).
The Pastor of the Church of Jerusalem, Christ’s half-brother James, writes, “The wisdom from above is pure, peaceable, easily entreated, full of mercy and good fruits” (Apostle Paul’s Galatians 5:22-23), “without partiality and without hypocrisy.”
But I also self-introspect to make sure that my heart is pure and attempt to be ongoing James 3:17 abiding fruit and model (with God’s Holy Spirit help) but with Jesus Christ’s humility, personal self-government, emotional maturity. It is also important to note that this person is not back under the Old Testament Levitical Law or Mountain William Theology Bible-thumping, big-name calling.
They repeatedly hide, intentionally avoid dialogue, refuse to be in friendship, avoid working things out, and are generally not 1 John 1:7, Ephesians 5:21, Ephesians 4:1-3, nor prone (ever, never) to submit to one-to-one Scriptural Bible-commanded respectful, meek upfront leader-mature (Galatians 6:1, Matthew 18:15) confrontation.
We want to ASSESS ALL LEADERSHIP, GOVERNING ELDERS, STAFF, MEMBERSHIP LAY.. by the following “relationship fruit”
- James 3:17 “see above”
- (whole ministry, leader, lay, husbands, wives) Ephesians 5:21 “mutual submission in the fear of the Lord“
- Ephesians 4:1-3 “I therefore, the prisoner of the Lord, beseech you that ye walk worthy of the vocation wherewith ye are called,2 With all lowliness and meekness, with longsuffering, forbearing one another in love;3 Endeavouring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.
- I John 1:7 “If we walk in the light, as He is in the light, then we have fellowship, one with another, and the blood of Christ’s cleanses us from all sin” (note “IF” a ministry KEY word)
- Matthew 18:15 “ Moreover if thy brother shall trespass against thee, go and tell him his fault between thee and him alone: if he shall hear thee, thou hast gained thy brother.
- Galatians 6:1″Brethren, if a man be overtaken in a fault, ye which are spiritual, restore such an one in the spirit of meekness; considering thyself, lest thou also be tempted.”
WE want to identify:
- Bible Picture: See Scripture of the heavenly picture of “many diverse saved persons, from every tribe and nation, seated in joy and community” together at the Marriage Supper of the Lamb (His supper, His main end-time goal).
- Be Good Witnesses: He wills that ALL who will, will choose to come, and He calls His believers to invite them to attend.
- Use His Method: Read Ephesians 4 “Transformed Big Unified Community” effect on area society (means: should we who name Jesus as our personal Lord and Savior want to submit to His Christian terms… plus “train for that”).
- Note: The Holy Spirit’s letter addressed to the Philadelphian brotherly, motherly “Love Walk True Church” plays a big part in this theology: how Revelation 2 describes the hope, the witness, the call, and the godly promise to it.
- Plus, NEWLY cultivate the “holy fear of the Lord” remaining godly (mainly ‘the few”) ongoing remnant (this apostle T now equates this to an “Enoch in First Love Christian living”) and is part of the Bride of Christ who walks and talks in God-directed “Bible-believing” ongoing relationship small and great around many diverse nations… assessing a heart, lifestyle prepared mighty End of Last Days James 3:17 abiding…”Enoch” generation.
- Plus, the Bride of Christ: the use of First Church teaching terms “the Bride of Christ, ready and prepared,” “the foolish virgins who are not ready and will miss the Bridegroom’s coming.”
- We all notice that neither CHRIST nor Apostle Paul ‘put one minister, one Christian ministry group or Bible teaching, moving in the Book of Acts “Style” or “nation” ‘race’ or gender ‘over US ALL (that division and superior authority stems from carnal humankind and also the Book of the Law, also with Pharisee, Gentile authority tendency to want to RULE OVER and take more “turf”
- We notice there is NO MENTION OF FIRST CHURCH SPIRITUAL TURF “owning” NOR monitoring whether or not a believer attended or not ,OR went to MORE THAN ONE MINISTRY GATHERING or NOT. And also with that “Holy Spirit led FREEDOM for each person to decide and learn to be mature on their own and “hear from God”..that was NO Big I’s and Little You’s in the First Churches and no “one size fits all” nor five fold offices in ministry viewing persons a ‘their property” or “slaves’ . Males and females were not ministry ‘chattel” (as right this NOW)
- We notice that Apostle Paul recommended “we work out our own salvation with fear and trembling” and to “know me, know my lifestyle and my doctrine” so that nobody would follow any Christian “kool aide” without Bible examining and prayer FIRST. And Paul praised the Berean Jews and called them NOBLE BEREANS as they picked apart PAUL’S teachings to compare them with the Scriptures, to ensure that they were TRUE.
This means, even with shortcomings, the usual (many) disagreements, stumbles, and accuse-able ministry real falls, the recurrent flame-throwing, legalistic diatribes, the self-righteousness, the shameless spectator self-justified “finger-pointing,” can we rise up from this lowest ministry level and avoid “word curses” and “holier-than-thou” making a mockery of…yet without being a ministry compromiser, failing to admonish, examine and discuss…without any compromise, lowering down and political correctness, “greasy grace,” and immature endorsing, accepting, and condoning?
Or can we “agree” to “disagree” and upfront confront and identify…meaning to prepare in mature, healthy foresight, well in advance to avoid “strife” and disrupting “pure community” for the sake of the Lord, as to not grieve his Holy Spirit?
So this prosperous prophet submits this as Selah for all, not hardcore autocratic impure controlling doctrines.
This is the ministry “no accusation” training difference: (see beneath).
Asking a general Christian: “Character, Virtue” Real Question.
Q: When we get news that a famous preacher has hit national worldwide recognition and fame, appearing to make big money and seems to live the lifestyle of the rich and famous, do we make those videos and ministry podcasts to cash in on the popularity of famous preacher bashing, realizing that many hundreds of thousands will tune in, click our video, and how all of those clicks will put money in our pockets and give us a famous name like we’ve always wanted?
Money significantly MATTERS:After all, it’s another revenue stream, and do we thus see ourselves as being blessed by God for the opportunity for another side hustle for the increased profit, which we need so badly in these last days?
Value judgment, for anyone’s record: “God’s love covers.”
Q: What is the difference in warning and accusing, being a head grape on the ministry gossip grapevine, being viewed as “with it,” “in the know,” “knowing the very latest,” just like secular tabloid Hollywood?
Q: And if one of these nationally or locally known preachers is caught in sin or has fallen, what do we do as a Jesus accepter?
Q: Also, when I see these many who do all of this for evidently big pay due to sizable big numbers on YouTube, then I also want to know, did these who report, who spend hours and hours and maybe spent hundreds of dollars to get it done professionally, every submit to Matthew 18:15-16, meek one to one Galatians 6:1, and make an official appointing to respectfully upfront discuss theology, maybe reprove or correct, prior to getting in on Hollywood TMZ video to make money.
ABOVE: Also many backslidden doubtful cynics, skeptics for it feeds the fodder of the existing many doubts, severe accusations about ALL Christians. See this as THIS “putting the final nail in their coffin of doubt for the sin conscious Bible thumping, fraudulent and shyster “one more hypocrite’ CHRISTIAN LEADER. (Taveau knows ..as she USED to live with a BIG one)
Let’s compare: “God’s love covers…” and “If you see your brother or sister in sin, then go talk with them and hold them accountable” (Note: If that is your business and you are their mature peer and have the humility of the Lord Jesus upon you (the unction to do so).
Q. What is the “holy fear of the Lord” in all of this?
Q. What is uncovering Noah’s drunkenness (drunk with power? Fame? Making money?! Swelled head? Bright ego??!)
Q. What is “blood lust” in the crafted, skilled big YouTube videos which “target” specific, mighty well-known, worldwide famous individuals in videos cleverly designed with flash, flame-throwing, and artful editing, some even doing research back for many years to find “a particular shot” or “action” which proves their own point?
Also: does this attractive and highly creative, Hollywood-type standard for “gathering attention” not resemble blood cast into the water which attracts many sharks? And based upon the numbers of the many viewers, they attract many sharks well into the tens of thousands, even hundreds of thousands with monetized big views. And just for using high-style tabloid ministry gossip?
Note: It’s not the doctrinal “topics” that believers tune in for; it is to hear the famous Christian being bashed (human carnal lower nature!).
- Wondering: Do we promote the juicy gossip on our monetized TMZ tabloid ministry videos, capitalizing on the carnal “National Enquirer” modern “demanded right to know”?
- Does using this TMZ and histrionic Born Again, Bible Swinging National Inquirer “Hot Shots” method create more reverential “holy fear of the Lord” in the mega viewers? Or more suspicious, doubting, accusing, biased finger-pointing chief cynics?
- Why not use that as the marker of discernment on using this “calling out false teachers'” heresy hunting joyless attack method
Q. What is being a nosy busybody and accusing tale-bearer who gets joy from their own brother in Christ’s “assessed as “sin” if indeed the Lord would “count it as their sin”? Or can that be “God!” Hmm?
Still, while I believe that I have a valid right to discuss this, it is not my place to accuse anyone who does this as it is between the Lord God and them.
Hirelings? But this practice appears to have created a burgeoning industry consisting of all ages and races and formats, from long YouTube to TikTok and many others, so it must be regarded as “profitable,” be that good or bad.
And many now are being “famous” in their rights for doing this and now have known names as “Christian Heresy Hunter.” Point: But a tabloid-style footage which focuses on accusing names is more the famous well-known “Heresy Hunter,” breeding more “hearsay hunting” (mainly confused) “bloodthirsty” all-knowing many sharks.
But I do not do that, I discuss doctrines as they are GIANT and EFFECTING JESUS HEALTHY SANE NAME.. “Please feel free to calmly, politely and in James 3:17 Fruit, ask me any questions
Email tclleadership@gmail.com
Here are the Basics Tips for National Christian RESPECT:
Q. And…not to be PC, to condone error, to endorse false teaching, but then to realize that God fixed His holy Bible to make this mysterious, that only He can truly get it all 250% right. We mere mortals will not, even if we “believe” that we know more, even know all.
And clearly, nobody “knows it all” (only God DOES), and that is basically why and how I teach Cross Body Unity and Common Doctrine. I am not into fault-finding, but I am not into greasy grace, being licentious, or politically correct.
Yet Jesus cautioned and openly rebuked the Sadducees in Matthew 22:29 and said, “You err, not knowing the Scriptures or the power of God!” This evidently means that we each must know more of both.
- The Scriptures: This means having a basic understanding of mature Bible theology which is not back under the law, does not omit certain portions that we do not like, and includes “faith works,” understanding what “renewing the mind” means, claiming promises, understanding the Logos vs. the Rhema, and more.
- The Power of God: This includes the book of Acts, the Holy Ghost, dunamis wonderworking miracle power, signs and wonders, and the moves of the Spirit. Getting a word from the Lord (“the Spirit of Truth which will guide us into all truth” John 16:13) and being led by the inward witness are also important.
Both of these ministry facets are also my topic and ministry field. However, I will discuss them more later.
In Christian ministry, “team” and “Christian community” (a diverse body) in real life, we need to plan on disagreeing.
However, It’s “how” we do it that gives God His glory, or else it grieves His Holy Spirit.
In minister preparation, the bottom line is:
Are we screaming and yelling or coming to blows in the plan?
A dignified and calm reminder: The Marquis of Queensbury pre-planned and made his rules.
“NO HITTING BELOW THE BELT” thanks to this wise man:
I asked CHAT GBT Ai for this brief bio:
The Marquess of Queensberry was a Scottish nobleman named John Douglas, who lived from 1844 to 1900. He is most famous for creating the rules of modern boxing, known as the Queensberry Rules, which were first published in 1867. The rules introduced the use of gloves in boxing and prohibited grappling, wrestling, and hitting below the belt. The Queensberry Rules quickly became the standard for boxing, and they are still used today in most professional and amateur boxing matches. In addition to his contribution to the sport of boxing, the Marquess of Queensberry was also a notable art patron and social reformer.
According to the mature Apostle Paul, (Note Ephesians 2;14-15, Eph 4:1-4) and more, and also (this myself) Making reference to “Christian “behavior which would “preserve the EPHESIANS 4 (Psalm 133 style) community ” and the bonds of peace”…
Yet, this means “without dulling down what is in the Bible” and “without licentiousness”, “name-calling”, and without “knowing compromise”, any people-pleasing /PC, and the Old Testament (accusing religious) law.
This means that “fruit” in each Christian counts more than “fame, gifting, talent, office, education, calling”, and that to have ongoing “relationship respect” hallmarks what is community “Ephesians 4”.
Thus, the bottom line is: will those who say they are Christians do as God wishes rather than please themselves?
The opposite of this is the Pauline “From Such Turn Away Friendly Fire Dire Fruit of 2 Timothy 3:1-6 and I Timothy 6:5) as opposed to each one resembling James 3:17 “the wisdom from above which is “pure, peaceable, easily entreated, full of mercy and good fruit” (The Gal 5:22-23 “Fruit of the Holy Spirit”) without partiality and without hypocrisy.”
Ministry (2 Tim 3:1-6/1 Tim 6:5) “dysfunction” vs (James 3:17) “the wisdom coming from above”… which is what we have now (meaning both). I declare the Isaac** vs the Ishmael in ministry leadership. **Reminder: “Isaac” means “laughter”.
PS: “Nobody wants to be accused simply for showing up to (and attending) Hebrews 10:25 (command to fellowship) Christ at a Christian advertised 2 Timothy 3:1-5, 1 Timothy 6:5 “Friendly Fire Religious Ministry Fellowship”. It means when you arrive, but then find that you do not qualify as their pet-preferred (regal) kind. (And also, after a season of repeat attempting, it finally occurs to you that you never will.) Evidently, they’re just too “pure” (having evolved?!).
ADMONISHING ANY IMPURE ELITE MINISTRY(usually minus any holy fear of the Lord)
Frankly, it’s gotten exceedingly tough, seeming desperate (saying this on God’s Eternal Salvation Behalf!) TOWARD complete strangers, repeat attenders, who put money in their offerings, who are their “monthly supporters”. (and most of them are making a fortune”) Yet show demeaning disrespect to the “non preferred “type’s and styles’ among the brand the walk-in new visitors, expats, any lesser angels unawares, the not well-known, also the many atypical, and the non-boys-club types here in these last, end of days. And this is USA-wide.
Thus meaning: 2 Timothy 3;1-6, I Timothy 6;5 HAVE NOW ARRIVED ..thus these are “THE” perilous times, Paul warned us all about…as “the Last End of Days” have come and IN THE MANY too many outwardly pleasant yet secretly big biased …non diverse many churches, I (like these spiritual doctrinaires no longer loving and accepting) am not wanted, only the pet preferred kinds are wanted.
Soon, it may be like a Costco. One has to apply, be accepted, pay a fee, and show the card to get in to fellowship with the people-pleasing selective saints, to be allowed to mingle with, to participate among, to spiritually dine and fellowship, rub elbows among, but also enjoy their own mainly proven and quality fare. Also, leaders keep close track of many folks to filter out the ministry “riff-raff.”
Mainly ….”hail fellow well met..often “superior” “gifted and each well appointed,” are now the far less purely “Holy Spirit ” deeply anointed, “just like Elvis, Holy spirit has left many of these superior buildings
We hope not, yet do pray about all of this. And please ongoing pray for myself, for we do not please very many of those who use false governing authority in office ministry, and they are known to pray against myself and this kingdom ministry.
GOD’s Peace and God Blessings!
(C)2023 Taveau Creative Leadership All copyrights reserved under international copyright laws

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