“Have mercy upon us, O Lord, have mercy upon us: for
we are exceedingly filled with contempt. Our soul is
exceedingly filled with the scorning of those that are at
ease, and with the contempt of the proud.”
Psalm 123:3-4 KJV
THE BACKSTORY OF THIS SONG: During the prophetic EAST COAST, during the time period in Central Virginia, God downloaded “THE VICTOR’S CROWN” as a LEADER WORD IN SONG for the dear late Dr John E. Jones, a true ministry friend, board member founder of Keisha Ministries. Brother John, a soft spoken gifted servant leader, with 4 earned doctorates had been many identities prior to meeting Jesus Christ. He’d been a little boy preacher, a Black Panther Iman, a Jimmy Carter for President organizer, who owned several Atlanta Coops.. He also had been an unsaved Baptist Sr Pastor, who had “preached on Sunday morning …yet sinnned on Sunday night”…
John got converted after his 5 month old daughter scratched his cornea which resulted in a brain aneurysm. He then lost all of his mobility..and became a bedfast near vegetable..also he lost all of his memory, which included the 4 doctorates.
HE lay in the bed, down at the Medical College of Virginia ,for 5 months. All of his friends stopped coming to see him. Eventually his wife left him. Later they divorced. So he was all alone,lying there,day after day.
One day, while lying there on the hospital bed..Brother John recalled the Bible story when the Lord told the paralytic to “RISE UP AND BE HEALED” For some reason he realized it was TRUE and he accepted the Lord. Immediately he felt the power of God heal him and after he rolled off the bed and onto the floor, he then got near to the wall and ROSE UP and was FULLY HEALED.
He went out the nurses station and all of the people who’d seem him lying there for 5 months,SCREAMED. But he was HEALED.
At first he still had not regained his complete memory, but later even each of his 4 degrees also returned!
So by the time Dr John and I met, he had gotten saved and had a genuine MIRACLE full recovery.and was on fire for the Lord. I shall forever recall Dr John’s honor, true humilty, his love and open mindedness for all races and persons, and his pure childlike, caring heart and unfeigned faith, and simple devotion to the Holy Lord.
Aside from my own sr pastor father, who was also one…Brother John was one of the seeming VERY RAREST of Christian ministry breeds: a no guile servant leader.
FOR THE WORDS, FREE PDF LEAD SHEET and many other Taveau worship songs.
CELEBRATION OF HIS WORD MUSIC http://www.celebrationofhiswordmusic.com
© 1998 Taveau D’Arcy All copyrights reserved
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1. We’ll have only crowns of glory to lay down at Your feet
Not false crowns of position or of pride
Lord, bring us out of sin and give us strength to look within
Bring us out of darkness into light.
2. Lord, bring us to our knees that we may walk in victory
Over hatred, division and strife
We’ll lay down our lives for Truth because we hunger for You
Not the approval of man.’
My one desire is to run the race complete
A victor’s crown to lay down at Your feet
I give my heart and my mind and life to You
O Father God, I want nothing more than You
3. Forgive us for the dead works
For the things we haven’t done
Lord, take the scales off our eyes
Let us know You and what You would have us do
Deliver us from all of satan’s lies
4. Father, forgive us for we know not what we do
For our arrogance, our failure and our fear
Come and rend out hearts and restore the missing parts
With true, mercy, compassion and Holy Fear.
REFRAIN (repeat)
© 1998 Taveau D’Arcy All copyrights reserved
(C)2023 DFW Leader Ministry Fellowship All copyrights reserved

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