
NOTE: This was first posted JAN 31, 2015 www.taveauleader.com
IN continuing PART 2, the writer rambles to finish her PREFACE, LEADER OVERVIEW but shortly in the next 2-3 parts of this LEVI PROPHETIC ROOTS examination series..we will at last ARRIVE to check out the cast of highly called characters in LEVIS’s personal family.
“Simeon and Levi are brothers:their swords are weapons of violence. Let me not enter their council, let me not join their assembly, for they have killed men in their anger and hamstrung oxen as they pleased.” Genesis 49:5-7
“Even good people can have adulterated, bad doctrine.” TD’A Leadership
After you’ve been repeatedly mauled by lions, you eventually learn how recognize their scent.” Taveau D’Arcy Ministries
(C)2015 Taveau D’Arcy Celebration of His Word Book Publishing All copyrights reserved
After you’ve been repeatedly mauled by lions, you eventually learn how recognize their scent.” Taveau D’Arcy Ministries
“Simeon and Levi are brothers:their swords are weapons of violence. Let me not enter their council, let me not join their assembly, for they have killed men in their anger and hamstrung oxen as they pleased.” Genesis 49:5-7
(And this following is also my APOSTOLIC LEADER DISCLAIMER)
FROM 1970’s until about mid 2006: While this writer DID often take a ministry stand against RACISM, PREJUDICE, BUT …. this apostolic “The She” NEVER EVER ONCE ( once even mildly considered) addressing apostolic CHAUVINISM, AREA MYSOGYNY or SENIOR LEADER GENDER OPPRESSION. However, following my deep religious southwest relocation…and due to all that has repeatedly transpired. (meaning only within the confused so called CHURCH) this non novice perceiver seer not one bit doctrinally confused mature writer RIGHT NOW regards ministry MYSOGYNY, GENDER JAUNDICE and ACCUSER BIAS, mixed in with sly big pastoral smirking soft spoken CHAUVINISM on the same par as RACISM.
AND AFTER THAT BEING FOUND SO, one must NOBLE BEREAN BIBLE STUDY the ACCEPTED LEADER BIBLE DOCTRINE in order to locate WHERE many of these “born again types” of LEADERS derive their BIBLE DOCTRINE… Dr Taveau D’Arcy Creative Leadership
MAIN POINT: THERE ARE ENDURING THEOLOGY THREADS IN BOTH OLD AND NEW TESTAMENT…and when they are correctly leader TAUGHT, good remaining, Spiritually SAFE in House Fruit will abide.
Healthy abiding local minister leader spiritual fruit resembles the following ALL ABOUT ONGOING, ABIDING MINISTRY, LIFE, FAMILY RELATIONSHIPS TRUE UNITY FRUIT.
(See page on right of THIS HOME PAGE for Taveau’s 10 BIBLE RELATIONSHIPS)
** GALATIANS 5: 22-23 Apostle Paul’s list of the “fruits of the (Holy) Spirit (love, joy, peace, patience, meekness, gentleness, goodness, self control)
**JAMES 3:17 list Spiritual wisdom, advice, knowledge and human person interaction highly POSITIVE enduring TRUE SPIRITUAL FRUIT
“The wisdom that comes from above is first of all pure, peaceable, easily entreated full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality and without hypocrisy.”
**FURTHER MORE… (ONGOING) ACCURATE NEW TESTAMENT BIBLE STUDY would then be minus Old Testament LEGALISM and (quite appropriate to this Bible equipping article series) missing “LEVITICAL RULES AND OLD TESTAMENT LAWS, BIG GOVERNMENTAL RELIGIOUS SYSTEMS)
(Many apologies, more in depth on all of that…. another time…)
II. A HISTORICAL PEEK AT THE HEAD OF THE TRIBE OF LEVI…(note; this will be covered a lot more in depth in the next 2-3 LEVI PROPHETIC ROOT chapters)
A historical glimpse into LEVI, the future Patriarch’s upbringing, his natural family lineage and the spiritual, emotional, natural nurturing and family upbringing help to give us a peek inside Levi’s”prophetic” ROOTS…>”
AND we want to take a LOOK at LEVI’S deep pedigree, his natural, spiritual, emotional BACKGROUND, is extremely important as LEVI became the patriarchal FATHER of one of the 12 tribes of the nation of Israel: the Levites (house of God servant leaders, including musicians, worship leaders, various, helps, etc.. and those who assisted the temple high priests, who leader oversaw, the many BOOK OF LEVITICUS ” Levitical” Laws.
DEFINITION OF THE WORD “LEVITE”: http://www.thefreedictionary.com/levite
HOWEVER in modern mixed up theology, there are some 5 fold office apostolic pioneering leaders who gain their own personal esteem, enjoy having a devoted following, intend to monetarily increase, and may revel in the display of their own exalted spiritual authority; Other may misinterpret the BIBLE..and wind up making formulas, religious decrees, a multitude of diverse rules, duties, requirements and by hard work and over doing many good deeds.
And sadly, some of these often become tempted to wield POWER or suffer a big temptation to be (ministry, locally) renown as THE LORD GOD’S AUTHORITY “OVER” various other local ministers. MANY, due to their own belief (or error or mass doctrinal confusion) may mistakenly mingle in OLD TESTAMENT LEVITICAL RELIGIOUS LAW in with many otherwise GOOD even HEALTHY (non legalistic) NEW TESTAMENT “CHRIST’S FREEDOM” spiritual doctrines.
MIXED UP OLD TESTAMENT LEVITICAL RELIGIOUS LAW supreme (OT Patriarchal) example: Old Testament Legalism, OT Leader MEN are OVER all FEMALES (even if the female isn’t even signed up as a member of their church, ministry /pastor’s fellowship group and/or not even married to one of them.)
APOSTLE PAUL WAS NOT UNDER THE LEVITICAL LAW. Rather he taught the First Church, “There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus.” GELATINS 3:28**
** WHAT THE WRITER has long determined is that due to the lack of Bible balance mixed in with much otherwise GOOD, BALANCED Bible teaching…then we find CONFUSION stems from the lack of KNOWLEDGE and MINISTRY TERMS (breeding much deep ministry confusion) in the GENESIS males, females CHAIN OF COMMAND In House mature, respectful ORDER and instead view leader MEN as OVER all leader WOMEN in a attempting to control, to repress and make forever subservient due to LACK OF REAL DEEP KNOWLEDGE or family life pure hearted EXPERIENCE in real life happy families.
MAIN POINT: USE “chain of command to maintain church, hose, non legalistic order” as opposed to enslaving oppressive “covering’ “all women being viewed as UNDER” (implying second rate,weaker “stupider” submitted vessel”) AND THIS non legalistic, non feminist, Writer has mentioned this many times in writing and in video… (and with a LOT MORE to come)
THEN ADD to the SLAVE OWNER pass down ROMAN PATRICIANISM in too many pioneering senior ministries..this repeatedly teaches, drills into BOTH males AND females..that “GOd’s WOMEN are SECOND CLASS” “SUBSERVIENT’ “EASY TO LOOSE THEIR SELF GOVERNMENT /SELF CONTROL” and are “made second class to be subservient and less than, all leader men.
HAPPILY, this is NOThow the writer’s father, nor men in her extended family EVER (EVER) were.
While the REAL MANLY HAPPY FAMILY MEN technically “wore the pants” as the HEAD OF THE HOME, they and each of their legal spouses, also enduringly practiced EPHESIANS 5:21 mutual respect also with “mutual submission in the fear of the Lord’ with the HEAD OF THE HOME (in this case my Dad) serving the family as the TIE BREAKER.
THUS this (raised non legalistically FREE) as in liberated IN THE THINGS OF CHRIST…the SHE (and her kid SISTER ) were NOT dulled down or confined by what was THE (accuser) LEGALISTIC LAW.
FURTHERMORE, it was only after embarking in MINISTRY, when the she-writer mingled and sat with, prayed for and with 5 mature senior pastors, ministry leaders in her former area, divine appointment, repentance for revival area meetings. repeatedly that soon the ministry pioneering, very apostolic leader, soon encountered MANY various, even completely New…local senior minister leader apostolic DOCTRINES.
AND as the ministry SHE watched deep south legalism and New Testament acquire Phariseeism spread just like said proverbial Bible “YEAST” the terms “covering” and “being UNDER the “A” Local Pastor” and “Serving a spiritual FATHER, APOSTLE in order foR GOD to “ELEVATED YOUR VERY OWN MINISTRY” began to become very widely accepted and ministry “quite POPULAR” (this was NOT denominational ministry born again groups but mostly among apostolic charismatic, prophetic)..and the well trained,dutiful, supremely devoted “elevated pulpit’ rising ministry, lay Christ Followers.
…..AND A LOT of this came from passed down, ministry inherited prior leader generation TEACHING. But a lot also seemed to stem from TV MEDIA (many GOOD) leader hero examples, good Bible basic DOCTRINES being misunderstood, mixed in with local church ignorance, and OLD TESTAMENT “RELIGIOUS” LEVITICAL LAW.
NOW (due to deep experiences and traveling minister wells of knowledge about REAL LIFE in local grass roots ORGANIZED CHRIST FOLLOWING… my very own senior 5 fold office ministries, TaveauCreativeLeadership and IFFM advocate “MYOB” FORM OF SPIRITUAL GOVERNING AUTHORITY (Mind Your Own Business) ministry wide advocate taking time needed time apart for NOBLE BEREAN EXAMINATION of “spiritual government, apostolic local church authority, hero role models of males /females, all MINUS OLD TESTAMENT LEVITICAL LAW and PASSED DOWN TRADITION (including Western European Roman Patricianism, Leader Doctrines of the NICOLAITANS as well as “RESPECTER OF PERSONS SPIRIT.”
ITAVEAU CREATIVE LEADERSHIP urges ALL Christ followers, all mature leaders to READ THE BOOKS OF MATTHEW, MARK, LUKE AND JOHN to see where/if LEGALISM is used by MESSIAH JESUS CHRIST and “spiritual covering, ‘needing to find a SPIRITUAL APOSTOLIC OFFICE as FATHER” (meaning: feeling heavily pressured by MINISTRY PEERS who tell YOU that “if YOU DO NOT SUBMIT to WHOEVER THEY might name as THE ONLY RIGHT ONE” ….MINUS their demonstrating REAL RESPECT for YOU and YOUR OWN NEED to NOBLE BEREAN PROCESS about this and finally “hear GOD FOR YOUR OWN SELF.” (more later on this also)
** GOOD HEALTHY MINISTRY DOCTRINE resembles the MESSIAH of ISAIAH 11:2-3 “He was sharp of understanding, delighted Himself in the fear of the Lord and would not (accuser) judge by the sight of His eyes or make decisions based on what He heard.) GOOD NONLEGALISTIC DOCTRINE does not spawn ministry, leader, personal/any other ACCUSATION
**GOOD HEALTHY MINISTRY DOCTRINE also would bring forth fruit which resembles:
EPHESIANS 1:7, 1:17, 2:14, 2:17-20,3: 19, Entire (apostolic) Chapter 4, 4:32, 4:21, Proverbs 1:7, James 3:17, Galatians 5:22-23;
** GOOD MINISTRY DOCTRINE would build, promote, protect and never UNDERMINE, subvert, manipulate, use deceptive cunning, defraud, use, abuse, control, intend to dominate… and/or character ASSASSINATE,KILL or DESTROY “any of the ongoing BIBLE RELATIONSHIPS.’ It would set more value on HUMANS and ALL LIFE RELATIONSHIPS over “Making big income, doing many good works, over ministry achievement, building, making progress, and scurrying to make it to the next appointment “on (my) Time.”
** GOOD HEALTHY DOCTRINE always keeps the GOOD in the GOOD NEWS (the meaning of GOSPEL)..
THEREFORE THE COMPLETE OPPOSITE IS MINISTRY DOCTRINE WHICH REPRODUCES LAY, FUTURE SENIOR MINISTER, FELLOW PEER LEADER “ACCUSER OF EITHER THE BRETHEREN OR THE SISTEREN,LEADER MOTHERING even dark SUSPICIOUS, NOSEY BUSY BODY , Competitive, Self absorbed, and Self Appointed “OVER SEER” leader doctrines…creating BIG I’s, Little YOU’S and the IN CROWD and the OUT/ REJECTED CROWD in even the local church, pastors apostolic meetings and then that’s cause human “bucking for personal favor, power and position.” …also of which (due to the worldly glamor, Holly wood, You Tube, Facebook TV Media, ingratiating fawning CELEBRITY is now seeped into over much of POPULAR WORHSHIP, VIDEO CULTURE SENIOR /RISING MINISTRY.
SO WHEN all of this is given, displayed as THE ONLY, THE MAIN example at LOCAL MINISTRY IN A GRASS ROOTS COMMUNITY..then WHO can really correctly determine exactly WHO and WHAT is ‘Bible authentic’ “ORGANIC” in following The TRUE CHRIST (and who was, IS HE?) and the same applies to “BEING IN MINISTRY.
POSITIVE ASIDE: The GRASS ROOTS LEVEL, VERY SMALL- MEDIUM to VERY LARGE ministries may feel like they have been forced to dwell in obscurity..when in all actuality they have been blessed by GOD to authentically represent HIM at the FACE TO FACE, TOE TO TOE, UP CLOSE AND PERSONAL…local level.**
** Akin to role modeling MESSIAH JESUS of ACTS 10:38 “Jesus went about doing good, healing all who were oppressed by the devil, for the Lord was with Him.”
BUT…the same LOCAL SERVANT LEADERS who have been SENT to represent THE LORD, mainly at grass roots, apostolic local: these also have a greater responsibility: human, people group, civil interaction… meaning that the HOW they role model and represent both the LORD JESUS CHRIST and also FELLOWSHIPPING WITH THE SAINTS as well as “BEING A 5 FOLD OFFICE SENIOR/RISING MINISTER) is simply a HUGE very very high calling …..which means that if we ACCEPT THAT TYPE OF CALL we must REPRESENT THE TRUE LIVING LOVING, GRACE GIVING LEADER LOVING GENTLE GOD and ministry cultivate apostolic DOCTRINE which is purely “ORGANIC TO THE BIBLE” ….
……and noting the state of the Grass roots ministry supreme dysfunction…the writer submits that each one taking personal responsibility to truly DO THIS is (supremely) URGENT.
We must self examine, the avoid all unholy, errant doctrinal MIXTURE!
AT DFW LOF/TAVEAU CREATIVE LEADERSHIP…we try very HARD to ministry wide advocate BIBLE CHRIST FOLLOWING ( including “fellowshipping with the saints” “ being in 5 fold office, budding ministry”) as NOT the “last 25-30 solid years’ same old same old….meaning that we attempt to (very respectfully) separate “BEING AN ORGANIC’ Person, Leader, Ministry, Christ follower, Any Human, Group, etc, as “standing with UNIGUE(spiritual and natural) DNA before the LORD… this keeps us from taking an easy over seer road..as we REFUSE to lower God’s DFW-LOF Lampstand to use MINISTRY LEADER CONVENIENT FORMULAS, BASIC (demeaning, disrespecting) STEREOTYPES.*
THIS writer suspects that the ministry use of RELIGIOUS BIASED, STEREOTYPES is produced by over hurried, time conscious, fast food, make it big, self preserving RELIGIOUS MINISTRY..we feed our many tens of thousands of viewers, blog readers, on “organic meat” which is MINUS all STEREOTYPES.
YET the largest grass roots ministry problem appears to be OLD TESTAMENT LEGALISM VS NEW TESTAMENT RELIGIOUS FREEDOM…which we now undertake to use in our DFW LOF /TCL equipping. What this writer has named THE FROG’S TONGUE OF CONTROLLING SPIRITUAL AUTHORITY is basically what majorly reproduces ACCUSER TASTELESS PHARISEE FRUIT all across the Christian ministry landscapes.
DFW LOF MINISTRY/TCL LEADER EQUIPPING attempts to TO DE-FRAG THE ACCUSING, PROJECTING REJECTION RELIGIOUS STEREOTYPE For example, I try to paint a young, nonuser, portrait of CHRIST FOLLOWING, being in MINISTRY using abiding RELATIONSHIPS /PEACEFUL UNITY…along with “God created ADAM AND EVE,ALL OTHERS IN THE HUMAN RACE, and then sent HIS SON (New Testament) to increase, to GROWING HIS ETERNAL FAMILY” ..which priorities ALL RELATIONSHIPS (see PAGE on right of this homepage for ALL 10 in deeper TD’A depth)
ACCUSER DOCTRINE PROVOKER supreme example: east coast, deep south mostly, other USA grass roots primarily: REGARDING MINISTRY POPULAR DOCTRINES: NEED TO BE “COVERED” VS the wise, healthy, need to practice self government, personal accountability and to accept personal responsibility (and a lot more at another time)
PASTOR/OFFICE ASIDE: Please EMAIL us ALL NEW TESTAMENT references to God requiring COVERING and SPIRITUAL AUTHORITY. EMAIL dfwleaderministryfellowship@gmail.com
IN DFW LOF/TCL HOUSE: WE TAKE THIS APOSTOLIC VIEW: along with getting God sent PRAYER COVERING and then finding mature, anointed, ministry others to PRACTICE PERSONAL AND MINISTRY ACCOUNTABILITY. (Which I have always done and now do. AND will explain all about this at later God appointed time);
AND simply put: keeping accuser minding every other ministers,lay business, is New Testament depicted as ever watching RELIGIOUS PHARISEEISM.
THUS THEN the “in Christ’s FREEDOM “ (already spiritual doctrinally liberated) SHE deeply recognized that among THAT proud SORT, that SHE was the ODD PERSON and when she repeatedly attempted to ignore them or avoid them…as this was a small berg of a all wise religious region..she was sadly amazed to find out that the (submitted to a local governing board, to the manly father of both of her children)was very suspiciously accused (meaning from afar,without ONCE being MATTHEW 18;15-17 Holy Bible (gossiping, emotionally immature) Leader Confronted ….but then amazingly, she met many others (mostly women, but also soft spoken, very honorable family man) who also had THEIR GOOD NAMES SMEARED after apostolic a legalistic ministry groups of presumative “five fold offices” kept “over seer watch” over ALL who were soft spoken, who did not “tow their own particular “witch watching” “Queen Jezebel enthroning” dark, spooky “nosey busy body” faith filled, “chief apostolic” doctrines.
AND SO this goes all around the USA, mostly in deep south moving in the Holy Spirit gifts, (otherwise potentially VERY GOOD) ministry subgroups.
The nontraditional, not one bit suspicious, HER writer, realized that VERY MANY of God’s 5 fold office apostolic men and women were NOT raised in PAULINE GALATIANS 2:28 LIBERTY.
SO hence, when God showed her how MANY were being oppressed and the future MALES and LEADER FEMALES were still being trained in this same MIXTURE of “Victory in Jesus Christ” intermingled with BIG I’s and LITTLE (know nothing) YOU’S in senior ministry..but also out in the many RELATIONSHIPS withing THE LAY…the heart of the writer grew deeply concerned and began to NOBLE BEREAN BIBLE STUDY and EQUIP on males, females ROLES in HOME, MARRIAGE and MINISTRY… ( a a lot more to come)
WAY Too often when there is leader kowtowing to entrenched Old Testament rooted prophetic “pecking order” and a pronounced “RELIGIOUS RESPECTER OF PERSONS” (pet persons) which fails to radiate “full unconditional acceptance for ALL types, races, various styles of ALL human persons.
ALL OF THIS might be cleared up immediately with top leader accurate inventory of current, personal and TV Media, all inherited traditional, all leader doctrines. (As in Noble Berean…)
It is also the writer’s big hope that by studying LEVI PROPHETIC ROOTS that we can help strip some of the legalism, apostolic Phariseeism which throws religious rocks of accusation on all who will not submit to their own In House religious brand of DOGMA and regards “Being a member of a local church” and “being viewed as UNDER some famous well known senior leader” EQUAL if not EXTREMELY MORE IMPORTANT as “having a ongoing personal intimate relationship with the free spirited, non accuser Jesus Christ!
AND I submit that they also need to train “spiritual discernment” and to better equip to obtain a more open, accepting, NON LEVITICAL, NON LEGALISITIC, NON LOPSIDEDNESS, which is in very many other wise fine places, making leadership WOMEN suppressed, as any female with Gods’ true power and Holy Might, is mistakenly perceived as “potentially coming to subvert” and they strongly react as if they have seen a big Queen Jezebel and many then act very weak, be stand offish, then accuse amongst themselves…but only in safety…. from afar.
THIS PENSIVE WRITER has repeatedly pondered: What might they do if a ROVING GADERENE DEMONIAC ever showed up??
PLAIN COMMON SENSE: Let’s allow “Perfect love casts out fear.” I JOHN 4:18
AND A BIBLE REMINDER: taken from ISAIAH 40:29 “To them which have no might, He increases strength.
IFFM takes a stand for against apostolic FEAR OF ANY GOD CREATED HUMAN, be they MALE or FEMALE, “Fear of (hu)man brings a snare.” PROVERBS 29:25
“But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin. ” I JOHN 1:7
DFW LOF, apostolic TCL applauds the many sr ministry leaders who regard ALL females, males as ministry potential friend, colleagues and God sent mortal peers.
AND we need to applaud our fellow Christ follower, apostolic 5 fold offices, who are descended from the continent of Africa, as they appear to have the least detectible respecter of persons spirit, a unique PERCEIVER, DISCERNER over all development..at least from what this writer has seen…meaning as USA subgroup, but have the MOST of God’s ISAIAH 11:2 HOLY SPIRIT POWER AND MIGHT.
(many others in all of the races have similar, but as a subgroup..persons who have been raised under the worst, formerly oppressed different cultural subgroups MOST OF THE TIME have been forced to rely on GOD ALONE and HE has met with THEM to give them MORE of his MIGHT SUSTAINING POWER. (Submitted personal opinion as a SELAH) (PS Submitting, maybe that’s why the FIRST CHURCH had so much Holy Spirit POWER and DUNAMIS DYNO-MIGHT” They had no body to turn to other than the LORD (no prior generations to lean on,learn important things from, NO HOW TO leader equipping books, CDs,etc.
FOR MINISTRY GROUPS who strongly mix in Old Testament Law who keep the tenets of resurrected Mid 70’s SHEPHERDING believing that each female must only move about, senior minister IF UNDER the covering of (A, ALL 5 fold office MEN) and are not just the BIBLE WEAKER VESSEL’ but very often assume that this verse implied “dumber, morally weaker, gullible’ SECOND RATE (which is “EASY TO BE TAKEN ADVANTAGE OF” among the local Predators in Cunning Apostolic Leadership…
This is only a small part of my reason for starting an apostolic BIBLE COLLEGE with PSALM 118 MINISTRY DOCTRINES FOR A NEW DAY. TEAMMATE UNIVERSITY “CROSS TRUE BODY: BOOK OF EPHESIANS” TBA
THUS ENDS PART 2 OF LEVI ROOTS…PART 3 FOLLOWS..wherein we try so very hard to get to LEVI and his leader, historic FAMILY, PROPHETIC ROOTS
(C)2015 Taveau D’Arcy All copyrights reserved
(C)2018 Taveau D’Arcy Creative Leadership All copyrights reserved


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