PREVIEW TO THE SERIES GOD’S HOLY SPIRIT KINGDOM ORDER(C)2013 Taveau D’Arcy All copyrights reserved
(C)2013 Taveau D’Arcy All copyrights reserved
“God will do nothing unless He first reveals His secrets to His servants the prophets.” Amos 3:7
“How can we profess to know about God’s Kingdom Order unless we first know the Master of the Kingdom, His heart, His ways and pure intentions?” Dr. Taveau D’Arcy
“But who has known the mind of Christ that we may instruct Him? But you have the mind of Christ.” I Corinthians 2:16
LOGICALLY: This implies that in order to understand, know, detect and truly follow God’s Holy Bible Kingdom Order then one must know the Master. Following that, How to correctly discern His Voice (so that one is not led astray “My Sheep will know my voice and the voice of the stranger they will not follow.”
And to fully know the Master’s true voice, one must understand, respect and yield to the Master’s Word: 1) The Scriptures 2) His Only Begotten Son Jesus Christ, Yeshua, Messiah whom the Bible states is God’s Word made flesh. 3) And as we are no longer under Old Testament Phariseeism, (legalism) we “renew our own minds in God’s Bible”, submit unto obeying them, but also experience direct daily 24/7 ongoing fellowship, clear direction from the paraclete, also known as the Comforter, the Guide and Friend: God’s Holy Spirit.**/***
** but all of the latter is spiritually DISCERNED rather than objectively, clinically, logically, historically deduced, surmised or mandated by any human’s personal dominating, rigid authoritarian, devised mortal plan.
*** The Kingdom of God and its Order is first received, perceived, discerned, balanced by study of the Holy Bible, then through the long big sometimes increasingly troublesome mortal process, yielded and MANIFESTED from being in the SPIRIT sense, until producing natural earthly /clearly detected WORK (Example: God ordained, HOLY SPIRIT WORKS, BUSINESSES, MINISTRIES, LIFE TRANSFORMING BIG CHANGES, More..) through mere apostolic, mortal, non legalistic humans into producing works which represent GOD’s Spiritual Fruits, Rest and ABUNDANT REAL LIFE.( Note, this is a vast understatement, as NO ONE can fully capture ALL that this implies in one short brief paragraph statement!)
Old Testament Examples: Enoch walked with God daily in Genesis, the prophet Elijah heard God’s “still small voice” I Kings 19:9, more;
New Testament Examples: Book of Acts, Corinthians: Holy Spirit wisdom, gifts; Ephesians Cross Body, Multicultural Order, submission, based on relationship, Revelation 19:10, much more)
PLEASE NOTE: There is a line when the Kingdom of God, His Order,and whatever HE is wanting, directing to be PERCEIVED in the person’s seeking/pure/no secret phoney agenda mortal SPIRIT and after a process and Time, in God’s “due season” when it MANIFESTS by being, demonstrations, aka SHOWS UP on earthly land, human transformations, indeed Mosaic, personal DELIVERANCE, (much more)
ASIDE: IN A FUTURE POSTING: We need to go into great depth about the NATURAL/HUMAN/APOSTOLIC WORK part involved in God’s mature, spiritually rich, Shalom whole mighty Kingdom. And the earthly part of “faith, patience, endurance, indeed human long suffering, “.COMING LATER ON.
REASON: if you want to know more about God’s KINGDOM ORDER, you should first get acquainted with the ONE who invented it, watches over it and directs it.
SECONDLY: God reveals to us mortal earthly humans by OUR relating to HIM via His Holy Spirit and through His Holy Bible.
EXAMPLE: If you owned a GPS car guidance system, but did not believe that the MAKER of the GPS system truly knew his/her STUFF, and/or could not trust what the GPS map was showing you along the way, then YOU couldn’t fully perceive, make clear opinions or believe it when it truly told YOU the correct path to take.
God’s Holy Word is the supernatural, dependable, mysterious, GPS System of the Ages. Yet ONLY when it is MIXED WITH the persons childlike, simple FAITH. So, just accept that by FAITH or not, BUT if you are childlike and full of accepting faith, then GO FOR IT: Then begin to look up Bible promises to also meditate on, to put YOUR faith in also.
To accurately discern, perceive but then make the DECISION about what IS Truth, about God’s Kingdom Over All order, then YOU will have to first go to the Lord in prayer and decide whether or not to fully yield to, plus mix your personal faith in believing, HIS HOLY WORD, the Bible.
This is the basic underlying real reason:
“For unto us was the gospel preached, as well as unto them: but the word preached did not profit them, not being mixed with faith in them that heard it.” Hebrews 4:2
So you can sit under a preacher, watch TV pastors, listen to a good sermon and quote Bible scriptures all day long YET if you do not actively put FAITH into what YOU are hearing or SPEAKING then it does absolutely NO GOOD.
The Holy Bible is not a book with a bunch of hocus pocus, pretend magic formulas or filled with dry ancient religious sawdust. Here is what the Bible says about itself:
Hebrews 4:12:
“For the word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two–edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.”
Deuteronomy 12:28:
“Observe and obey all these words which I command you, that it may go well with you and your children after you forever, when you do what is good and right in the sight of the Lord your God“
The Bible teaches a PRINCIPAL” the renewing of one’s own human Centered, basically natural, accuser/fear based Me Centered legalistic wimpy self conscious mortal mind.
Here is how to begin to take personal ownership to do YOUR “renewing of the mind” natural “Bible Study/Growth/Maturing part, so that God will be able to do HIS supernatural part.
Basic Helpful Tips:
Start to make a habit of digging deep into Bible study daily, whether it be on line or with pen and pad in hand. Drive around, exercise putting on CD/s MP3s of good Bible teaching. Attend classes as God directs. Pray for God to send you pastors, mentors and wise advisors with whom you can “iron sharpens iron.” You need persons who are proven, wise and who will shoot straight, without holding back,yet who will not kill you by being TOO overly direct.
Be object. Allow God to shine His heavenly searchlight on whats inside YOUR own heart and mind. Make sure to get rid of all burdens, cares, and worries. THEY will hinder YOU from hearing /perceiving the presence of God. Mark 4:19 reminds us that “And the cares of this world, and the deceitfulness of riches, and the lusts of other things entering in, choke the word, and it becometh unfruitful.”
Then make SURE that you have no remaining bitterness, anger, resentment or UNFORGIVENESS toward any other person. This includes YOURSELF.
NO FEAR, MUCH AGREEING CHILDLIKE FAITH: “FEAR =’s False Evidence Appearing Real” And the Bible teaches in Timothy 1:7 “God has not given us the spirit of fear but of power, love and a sign mind.” the PRESSURES and FALSE WITNESSES in the deepest parts of our weary, working, fear based albeit pure loving heart can BLOCK God’s voice by distracting us, keeping us from fully focusing. AND prevent us.
This Blessed Verse is an extremely IMPORTANT key to aide in clear discernment: JAMES 3:17:
“The wisdom that comes from above is first of all pure (not dirty, double entrendre, cynical, secret false motives) peaceable (not spooky,fear inducing, apprehension, worry), easily entreated (won’t argue to prove it’s point, won’t duck/avoid/hide, bitterly argue, to stop from being Bible confronted), full of mercy (has compassion, Christ like empathy) and good fruits (Galatians 5;22 fruits of the spirit: real love, Joy, peace, patience, goodness, self control, meekness), without partiality (doesn’t play favorites, is not prejudiced, biased, or have respecter of persons party spirit) , without hypocrisy (not double tongued, two faced, poser, no false fronts
The Apostle Paul wrote in the book of Ephesians chapter 6, “We wrestle not against flesh and blood but against spiritual wickedness in heavenly places.” THUS: When listening for GOD, the writer Oswald Chambers once wrote about the “tyranny of the urgent.” The sudden real things which will begin to happen once YOU determine to get quiet in order to hear the “inward witness of the Lord.” (dog needs to be let out, children fighting, phone calls, etc)
Reminder, there is NO FORMULA or “one size fits all” for learning out to draw near to God, how to renew one’s mind or even how to figure out how to get a pure heart in order to fully please God. Yet this is why God’s own Gift of His Only Begotten Son, the Messiah, Jesus, came to take all the rough edges off of big RULES and REQUIREMENTS. to simply grant us each GREAT UNDESERVED, FREE GRACE. So simply, do what YOU believe God is telling YOU to do, but then simply accept and believe HIM for HIS FREE GRACE.(C) 2013 Taveau D’Arcy All copyrights reserved

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