OCFC (The search for TRUE in modern leader doctrines provoked The Organic Christ Following Community) is now UNDER the IFFM (The International Fellowship of Foundational Ministries 501c3 IRS nonprofit)
PLEASE UNDERSTAND: that “discerning,perceiving” a true or false prophet/apostle is a subjective one between GOD and the PERSON balanced by the Bible. There are no proven ministry formulas. ( And if you have not already read OCT 10 PART 1, please go back one blog posting, and begin by reading THAT before Part 2 on )
The writer relates helpful leader tips, personal experience, Bible verses, and much discussion of how Spiritual Fruit ought not get confused in a leaders appearance, fame, or persona, etc. And each intentionally thought provoking comment, is given as a submitted Selah, for each person to winnow out what is Spiritual HAY from errant ministry leader STUBBLE.
(NOTE: we also are posting this on a few other Dr. T servant leader apostolic blogs, due to it’s importance)
Part 2
How can we tell a FALSE spiritual father/sr. pastor, elder,leader from a TRUE ONE?
“Many false prophets have come into the world.” 1 John 4:1
“The Messiah will delight himself in the fear of the Lord and will not judge by the sight of His eyes, or base decisions, based upon what he hears.” Isaiah 11:3
(C) 2006/2013 Dr. Taveau D’Arcy All copyrights reserved
Psalm 1 :1 teaches, “Blessed is the man/woman that walks not in the seat of counsel of the ungodly, nor stand in the way of sinners NOR SITS IN THE SEAT OF THE SCORNFUL.”
Maybe this explains one of the many reasons that persons have stopped going to church, at least in the west. They’re just simply following the Lord’s commands, at least in the grass roots ministry, out among certain Christian leadership groups.
Pure hearted true Believers will yield to what God’s Word says, no matter what…as they can’t abide an unclean conscience, as they understand that having one, will grieve God’s Awesome Holy Spirit.
Thus if they sit in a worship service, but then have to endure the head leader name names of other well known Christians, and mock they wear or how they believe, then all of that leadership SCORNING definitely embarrasses them, and not only about them SELVES…
....but as they also have the Holy Terror of the Lord, they inwardly cringe at how that name calling Leader is behaving, all in the Name of Christ, in front of the youth, the new visitor, even the grand mothers, and small impressionable children.
And, not to omit the potential presence of an attending tough minded cynic, who may have come begrudgingly to accompany someone else.
Believe me, I have heard this in 5-6 places, in more than one United States, in smaller- medium -large churches, and even on Christian public radio!
Because of God’s mercy, this pioneering servant leader was raised in the holy fear of the Lord, in a Southern Baptist’s senior pioneering pastor’s happy hallowed home. It was there that she was taught NEVER to name other persons names or back bite, spread gossip or suspicious innuendo, on each one of the 5-6 ministry occasions,(in legalistic churches, and on anointed evangelistic radio stations) ….and hearing such accusative, negative pulpit speaking has made me want to cringe, hide beneath the pews and not want to ever go back!
LEADER PRIME EXAMPLE: ANY naming of ministry large groups with mocking nicknames such as “Name It and Claim It” when done in the accusatory ministry leader attack fashion, always makes my ears burn with embarrassment…not only for THEIR SAKES but for the hallowed sake of the GOOD ACCEPTING HONEST NAME of the Lord.
And similar “twisted doctrine” pioneering senior ministry subgroups can suspiciously peer at another senior apostolic minister, not respect them enough to go directly up to them to Bible inquire about their ministry or how God is leading them, but instead may presumptively, accuser legalistically misjudge and spread evil ruinous tales, filled with unholy mixture, about them being suspected “witches” “warlocks” “dominating Queen Jezebels” and more.**
**The writer has bumped into this in mostly very deep south, in mostly at ease, mostly overly well fed naturally and spiritually minister self styled Grass Roots,many of whom are patrician, would be well known and famous, basic subgroups, none of whom are evangelicals or apostolic leaders of dark skin.)
The Word of the Lord is “do not touch God’s anointed” whether they are up on the pulpit stage OR out sitting in the congregation. AND whether or not they are NOT famous OR very WELL KNOWN
SUBMITTED: Thus when a senior office, leader, person, actively resembles the Isaiah 11:3 above mentioned MESSIAH , and does NOT resemble the Accuser, then that is ONE helpful discernment leader big Main Teaching Point.
A SECOND DISCERNMENT VERSE: Does the leader, senior minister, pastor, ministry fellowship, church, office of the prophet, chief apostle, display the character, spiritual fruits based on James 3:17 as you repeatedly interact, fellowship, co labor among and right beside them:
“The wisdom that comes from above is first of all pure, peaceable, easily entreated, full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality and without hypocrisy.” James 3:17
A few years back, after I just “HAPPENED” to be driving in my car, and thought to turn on the local (then very anointed) servant Christian radio station, God ALLOWED me to tune in when a famous witnessing radio program took 25-35 minutes (straight, and it may have been 40 straight minutes) to make a gazing stock of, naming, repeatedly, making mockery of, real certain PASTORS, BIG EVANGELISTIC, WELL KNOWN GROUPS /FAMOUS PERSONS by NAME…
..and I later felt great FEAR FOR them all, calling down God’s wrath up each of themselves, and the entire radio station… and at one point, God had me try to warn the radio leaders, and email the national host. I was in FEAR for the future of that radio station and the unwise hosts who risked calling down God’s JUDGEMENT.
The host emailed me back and I could tell the deep humility and holy fear of the Lord on his reply. And to this day he is doing perfectly fine but not so the radio station.
That tremendous, highly anointed radio station SADLY did indeed go off the air, within about the next year, and to my knowledge, now ceases to exist.
As the Lord had been putting on my senior minister heart since 2007: There is coming a day like Ananias and Sapphira, God is going to settle for 2nd /3rd class servanthood. He just won’t allow us to get by with a few of the things He used to let us.
I repeatedly kept getting the over all impression from the Lord, that when that Holy Fear of The Lord Appointed Time really came, that it would be a Godly time of true Christian Corporate Community, which one can understand in terms of the Lord’s Supper (COMMUNION).
And there is a Bible verse which solemnly warns each ministry and lay, about whenever they take COMMUNION. It says, “self judge, and then make sure to discern the Body of Christ incorrectly, “for some of YOU are sick and die young for failing to CORRECTLY DISCERN CHRIST’S BODY.”
And the over all Holy Spirit impression was that when the Due Leader Time of Ananias and Sapphira truly arrive, that ATTACKING (in public /in private), GOSSIPING, SMEARING ANOTHER’S GOOD REPUTATION or LEADER TALE BEARING will be counted as “incorrectly discerning Christ’s Body” and that “Some will be sick and some will die young.”
“For he who eats and drinks in an unworthy manner eats and drinks judgment to himself, not discerning the Lord’s body. For this reason many are weak and sick among you, and many sleep.(die). I Corinthians 11:29-30
This is a submitted SELAH. (not autocratic dogma)
And I also quickly add a “GOD FORBID!” So please pray about this and share it all around.
During the leader course of the last 20 plus years, this author has heard well known Christian TV station owners, ministers, senior pastors, hair styles, make up commented on from pastors who were standing in their pulpits.
BUT God pointed out to me that He purposely uses some who over do their makeup or make their hair over large, as “foolish thing” who are put on TV for the purposes of “confounding the worldly wise in the church.” SELAH.
I have had God repeatedly caution me about finding fault with the looks of some less reserved saints. I stopped making judgemental comments about certain “types’ which offended my dignified churchy sensibilities when the Holy Spirit one day revealed:
Each leader, pastor and person,that passes before my eyes is sent by God to TEST WHAT IS IN MY OWN HEART.”
Is there a proud, haughty spirit? Is there a judging, criticizing, self righteous spirit in my own heart?
Do I have a RESPECTER OF PERSONS SPIRIT? In todays hyper judgemental Body of Christ, some are equating FLASHY DRESSERS with SIN or mishandling of God’s money. Please be aware.
2 Timothy 3:1-5 “false accusers” …FROM SUCH TURN AWAY
Thus this pastor/writer has had to simply step away and apart from socializing, participating in ministry relationships, subgroups, from these (superior , proud?). BUT I have never once done this out of feeling superior, self righteous or accusative.
It was due to the leading of the Lord, due to the need to apostolically SPIRITUALLY SAFE GUARD my own 5 fold office senior ministry.
Apostolic Meaning: if “positive applied ” faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God” then so does NEGATIVE words of divisive, accusative Pharisee legalism, which like we mentioned in other articles, is akin to the YEAST of the accusative Pharisees…it puffs up and infects the whole lump of do.
The Accuser of both the brethren and of the sistren, is a religious pride spirit which is critical, accusative, legalistic, and mean, and it can be transferred and passed down to future ministry generations, whole ministry leader groups and churches. GOD HELP US ALL!
So that is one big reason that I screen what I personally allow to enter my mind /”receiver”/ “ear gate” as it goes into the “inner heart, leadership spirit.”
For many years, this senior minister used to have a “3 strikes and your OUT” In House Rule when accuser pastors,evangelists, workers would try to tell me vile tales about another senior leader/lay person….but that is so rampant now, in this modern day and time, to save my self “Garbage” I now realize who has the complaining, critical judgmental all wise spirit and now spare myself: I now have a TWO STRIKES and YOUR O.U.T. Applied Rule.
ASIDE: I definitely understand that ALL of this is very SUBJECTIVE so each reader must go to God and have HIM advise YOU as to what HE tells YOU to do. But my best tip would probably be: Just follow the Lord’s direction and abide by YOUR CONSCIENCE.
LEADER TIP: Whenever YOU begin to squirm at having to sit through some other other pastor or leader criticize, judge or make fun of how a TV person, another pastor leader looks or acts, definitely regard there comments a RED FLAG of WARNING. And if/when God tells you, politely remove yourself.
Personally, I have been blessed by the great anointings on pastors who were convicted by their beliefs to dress way way down in jeans and T shirts… and blessed again, by super pumped up fiery power dressers, as well as the many different looks, varying leadership /ministry styles in between.
AND I am not MOVED by any leaders “outer look” therefore it is easy to “receive from” God’s many different “styles”of senior minister.
I personally like the persons who motivate me, provoke me to thought, who are real, approachable and deep, yet who are not legalistic ,religious or biased. I dislike any form of hype or manipulation, and intensely dislike being pressured or have to put on a achievement/ performance in order to be accepted.
BUT that’s just MY own Realism Style.
And because the Bible says “the just live by faith.”
And “walking in faith means “not to be moved by anything we hear, see or feel.”
To this writer, this mighty revelation, has been one of my own personal BIGGEST Bible understandings….which practically applies in observing the spiritual fruit and deep integrity in the walk of another pastor, leader, lay, rather than being potentially “emotionally moved” by their hair style, ministry leader persona, flamboyance, personal charisma, or money.
And as a walk in the office of the prophet, chief IFFM apostle, this applies precisely to the walking in the fields of being a PERCEIVER, DISCERNER, APOSTOLIC PROPHETIC SEER.
Thus when I write about “looking past another’s Outer Court” of race, gender, position, appearance, THIS is the principle God revealed to me that is similar to “not being MOVED” anything other than God’s loving, peace of His “inward witness” “the Holy Spirit” but balanced by deep ongoing study of God’s Holy Bible.
And since I am not MOVED by what I see, feel or hear, but what I ‘discern and perceive” based on/balanced on God’s Word, then I am not moved by how LOUD they speak, or how SOFT, not by how they LAUGH or by how solemn they may act..
It is due to all of this, that God will use many different LEADER TYPES to richly bless me. I once asked God (about 25 years ago) for the gift of “the discernment of spirits.”
And surely this is a big spiritual part of that. (and by stating that, I only have the apostolic KIND of “discernment of spirits” which helps in emotional intelligence, cluing in on persons actions, attitudes, not seeing UNCLEAN DARK DEMONS on others…and certainly NOT “able to peer into another’s mind.” THAT latter part would NOT be listed in the Holy Spirit but more like occult.**
**Acknowledging: this is a HUGE topic, and I can’t dig too deeply, but it may come at another God directed time. And it is NOT one bit “spooky” “accusing” or “fear based ” but lines up with the ministry leader fruit of James 3:17 and I Timothy 1:7, Book of Ephesians, Eph 5:21
I love the Lord’s many FLAVORS.
Only the Father truly knows which style hair do or shirt collar style truly manifests His personal pick of ministry fashion, “up the heavenlies.” I certainly don’t.
And as I previously noted, what gets ME all happy and listening attentively is when whoever it is
Yet, what their LIFESTYLES, GALATIANS 5;22 TRUE FRUIT, HOLY SPIRIT PEACEFUL IN HOUSE ORDER, plus their integrity, whether or not they REALLY RESPECT all makes, types, colors, classes of Human Persons, and whether they are a LEADER, A LAY, a IMMATURE MINISTER, or a NON BELIEVER…I always ‘observe, discern and inwardly perceive.” (and duly leader note)
The Apostle Paul also commended the Bereans for taking time to thoroughly examine (pick apart) HIS apostolic leader doctrine…by studying the Scriptures to see if it was “truly so.” (Acts 17:11)
AND in 2 Timothy 3:10-11a, pioneering Paul penned,
“But thou hast fully known my doctrine, manner of life, purpose, faith, longsuffering, charity, patience, persecutions, afflictions”
Each “Subgroup Type” minister God has used to bless me has shared a common trait: each person had a pure heart and was, is, an humble, loving servant of God. Although each person dressed in their uniquely different style, Father God’s kind pure heart permeated through their outward dress and the anointing of God was very strong.
Because this writer was raised Southern Baptist senior pioneering pastor’s eldest daughter, but then had an encounter with the Holy Spirit in college.
And being a regional regular part of ongoing pastors, ministry leaders racial reconciliation, real leader repentance for purposes of ongoing revival, I had never once encountered any fear mongering among God’s Lamp Stands, be their skin color dark or light.
I had been in ongoing concerts of ministry leader prayer and entered into public regional ministry, including media, pastoring, starting in 1986. And it had all been respectful, leader accepting and mostly apostolic humble Ephesians 5:21 mutual respect, interaction without “Big I’s or Little You’s.”
YET, something in the doctrinal mix began to soon change.
There was no apostolic accusative, OT legalism which dubiously manifested in “over seer Pharisee Watching” all other ministers to see WHO they were or where not viewed as UNDER (and my own leader mind’s hindsight, that was ORGANIC* MINISTRY).(*Meaning: no human additives, or man made mixture)
However, there is the continual ongoing Body Cultural/Ministry Battlefield which is Biblically referred to as “the world, the flesh and the devil” which will attempt to hinder, block or even force an end to what God’s ever revealing supernatural Holy Spirit truly wants to do.
So in supreme hindsight, this writer takes a look way back in the time before the mid 1990’s , which preceded the time when, for my very first leader time EVER I BEFORE there was what I now refer to as “***Leader Witch Watching Overseer Prying Accusative Doctrine.” *** Mostly heard in deep south, primarily charismatic, overly prophetic grass roots leader Houses.
God often pointed out to me how “leader WINDS OF ACCUSER DOCTRINE” can affect the Local Church Levels of front lines 5 fol office senior ministry: either doing the Name of Jesus Christ MUCH GOOD or bringing it into DISHONOR,even accuser enabling SHAME.
And how one minister or group can express exceedingly GOOD, HEALTHY , non accusative, Bible doctrines on healing, worship, and moving in the gifts, etc, BUT lapse into twisted tainted fruit in NOT understanding genuine applied faith “faith works by apostolic real Love” and no where in the First Church New Testament was there giant overseer peering, to see WHO UNDER WHOM and an in House deeply entrenched patrician over seer achievement hierarchy. (see Patrician and doctrines of the Nicolaitans starting Aug 9, 2013 approximately)
RESPECTFUL APOSTOLIC SELAH: This Cult Following Status Seeking, Seeking To Become Ministry Leader Well Known, has only surfaced only since media, modern worship mixture and ongoing national Celebrity. Apostle Paul indeed taught in against divisions created by setting one lampstand/leader above another (I Corinthians 1:12 “Don’t say I am for Apollos, I am for Apostle Paul, etc)
God’s Holy Word teaches us, even warns us that “Knowledge PUFFS UP (makes arrogant) but LOVE EDIFIES” I Corinthians 8:1
Ephesians 2: 19 is what each of us need in these days:”to know Christ’s love that PASSES KNOWLEDGE.”
And that is one Bible verse that will well serve EACH ONE of us.
BIG REMINDER: On the day of Judgment, God wants to REWARD us for how we ACTED as born from His LOVE ….instead of HOW MUCH WE (think we) KNOW.
Local pioneering minister accuser watching, tale bearing, rumors based on presumption, apostolic assumption or over sight staying too busy to check gossip out by apostolic Matthew 18:15-18 one to one up front leader Bible loving, direct, respectful confrontation (indeed, True Professional Bible Minister Protocol) dimly reflects on any 5 fold office as it clearly shows emotional, leader immaturity and too often superior aristocratic over seer leader arrogance.
Furthermore this same ENTITLED OFFICE IMPURE FRUIT repeatedly demonstrates the non bless me Bible, RELATIONSHIP key verses such as Ephesians 4, Matthew 18:15-18 and James 3:17, and Ephesians 5:21 “Mutual submission in the fear of the Lord” (meaning cross 5 fold office universal Lampstands, in marriage, in fellowships with the HEAD OF MINISTRY, HEAD OF GODLY HOME or BUSINESS being the designated servant leader tie breaker).
And as any grass roots prophetic office /mature servant founding leader well understands:
In all of the heightened apostolic pioneering posturing for position, applied human power, be it in each reader, each local pastor, minister, “to err is human, to forgive divine.”
WE all certainly ERR (even if just in a minor apostolic field or belief /in House ministry system) and GOD is DIVINE and always right THERE standing, willing and ready to unconditionally accept and FORGIVE.
Indeed, let us each ask the Lord to search our own deepest hearts. Then what ever He tells us to change, we change. But however He tells us to keep, about how HE really wants us to LEAD: we make Him happy by choosing to proceed to do so.
“For all fall short of the glory of God” majorly including this frail, formerly legalistic apostolic person.
And EACH ONE OF US have our own selfish mixture of abject unholy fear, remaining human traditions, very many impure shortcoming, apostolic chief winds of human mixed up leader covering /other doctrines and a whole long list of SHORT COMINGS…and, once again majorly including ME.
YET, due to loving the Lord and truly understanding HOW VERY MUCH I AM LOVED BY HIM…this nonfeminist, no more primarily achievement tradition based writer is NOT ashamed. God even gave me a leader word from the Lord in song, back in 1998.
Thus when we achieve mature theological balance: taking responsibility to be up front, candid, an imperfect as going before the LORD, to enlist His Chief Minister assistance, due to the many apostolic/natural, human, feel a big need to escape tendencies, must be not mistake “self judging ” for “self accusation/ bringing condemnation.”
To do this is simply “owning up” and “taking stock” for the PURPOSES of avoiding big future TROUBLE, even leader death in family, self, ministry. Should we run from, seek to avoid this, we will stop being Bible “pure in leader heart” and will slowly increase in the dullness of perception, over all clear discernment and it will slow down, even hinder, or fully STOP “our*” ministry
(* APOSTOLIC WAKE UP: but it’s not meant to be YOUR own ministry or MY Own Ministry, it is ONLY about it truly being GOD’S OWN SENIOR MINISTRY)
Let me share how for the Apostle who wrote 2/3 of the New
Testament (shipwrecked pioneering Paul) wrote about HIMSELF. (as he evidently practiced going in before the Lord to allow the Holy Spirit to inspect what was going on inside HIS own apostolic heart, life and Lampstand)
Chief Apostle Paul definitely did not feel either ASHAMED or CONDEMNED when he acknowledged , “when I am WEAK he is STRONG.”
Therefore, “being in the senior pioneering Lamp Stand Over All Leadership” boils down, rather simply, to this:
Bible “being in the senior ministry” is NOT about:
but instead…
CONCLUSION: if the Chief Apostle, Prophet/Elder, Senior Office Lamp stand is clueless about God’s accepting, up front, meek but at times rising up in Tough Love, truly respectful enduring real Love…then based on either the PRESENCE OF or the ABSENCE OF TRUE GENUINE APOSTOLIC LEADER LOVE, then this will help us all DISCERN just WHO IS and WHO IS NOT a healthy, True Chief Apostle, Real Prophet or other Leader.
Submitted in Selah Form in a James 3:17 apostolic servant fashion.
(C)2006, 2013 Taveau D’Arcy All copyrights reserved
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