This was first posted June 2016
WHO WAS THE REAL COMPLETELY ” 100 % ORGANIC” 5 FOLD OFFICE SAVIOR? Only SWEET infant BABY in the manger? Or a radical (yet inquiring servant leader) grass roots organizer, who dismissed all religious Tradition to submit to whatever “He perceived His Creator Eternal Father do or say?”

(C)2016 Taveau Creative Leadership All copyrights reserved
“Messiah Christ came to comfort the afflicted and to afflict the comfortable.”
JESUS walked into the Pharisee temple and tossed over their ever so righteous, mammon centric tables. One of them said, “We liked you better when you were your old Sweet Baby Jesus self.”
JESUS walked into the Pharisee temple and tossed over their $$ tables. One of them said” Shame on YOU, Jesus…now You’ve shamed Your Dear Mother, Mary..and surely embarrassed each one of Your new disciples!”
JESUS walked into the Pharisee temple and tossed over their $$ tables. One them cried out, “Jesus! Let not your good be evil spoken of!”
JESUS walked into the Pharisee temple and tossed over their $$ tables. But later they murmured and discussed it among themselves, then shook it off saying, “Jesus has made bitter root judgements against us!”
JESUS walked into the Pharisee temple and tossed over their $$ tables. One of them said “Jesus, Shame on YOU! You’re being contentious…and causing strife and division.” So they ignored Him and placed a black mark beside His name…
JESUS walked into the Pharisee temple and tossed over their $$ tables. Immediately the two top leaders dismissed Him. One impatiently muttered to the other, “That Jesus….everyone around the area knows that He’s out from under all spiritual authority and therefore IN REBELLION…. just pay Him no mind!”
JESUS walked into the Pharisee temple and tossed over their temple $$ tables. One of them said to the others ,”Pay him no mind, Jesus is just feeling sorry for himself. He’s probably jealous because we’re the temple overseers and he’s just one of those grass roots nobodies!’
JESUS walked into the Pharisee temple and tossed over their $$ tables. One of them said,”Jesus, clearly You are very wounded. I strongly recommend that you enroll in our 8 week Fix You Fast Class!”
JESUS walked into the Pharisee temple and tossed over their $$ tables. But they simply dismissed Him saying,” Evidently, Mary’s boy, Jesus, has a LOT of big unforgiveness baggage.”

(C)2021 DFW Leader Ministry Fellowship All copyrights reserved