NOTE: This was first written in rough draft on www.facebook.com/therealTaveau April 20, 2023 but then re-edited and posted here.
“What would that be like?”
(C)2023 Taveau D’Arcy All copyrights reserved under international copyright laws
TO AVOID CONFUSION..First we take note that “simply” because a ministry is “big”, “well-attended” and “popular” and ” famous” “or not” and has a lot of devout repeat attenders, it does not imply or resemble or is a “cult!” Not necessarily. As there are many signs of a cult, we want to watch for signs of the following:
To control:
- Neo-Phariseeism: new rules instituted and required by a group that pertain just to those who attend, join, or occupy their turf.
- The frowns of false teaching. (a sign of coming accuser Levitical Law, maybe overseer Phariseeism, undermining, tale bearing, assess by false,untrue doctrines, accepted patriarchal and /or common Deep Country passed down traditions)
- New rules to monitor and keep control.
- Turf guarding (usually strict with frowns).
- Not much mirth on the leadership, staff, and consuming people (Hebrews 1:9 Jesus Real Joy!).
- Evil eye, direct targeting, including leaders/staff praying against with anyone of these first interacting or chatting, or trying to get to know that person.
- Regard many people as their ‘turf’ as objects, offering donors.
- Overseer word curse biased minister repeated accusations.
- They all keep close watch over everyone. Leader monitoring.
- Use of witchcraft “2 Samuel 15:23” to control, which is the use of false governing power, including accuser false witness, undermining authority.
- The cunning use of avoidance, avoiding being direct (shows want to control).
- It respects only a few pet types of “elite, inner circle, special choice persons,” not all.
- The perverse office use of Holy Spirit gifts like a “voyeur collective” as in like psychic to read people without ever speaking to them directly.
- Could use staff, top leader, plants in the audience to suppress, to block, to hinder intentionally oppress, and withstand.
- To keep power, they can use psychological warfare, for example, ministry shunning, blocking, to keep leadership power.
- “The worst case cult” (maybe ALL OF THE ABOVE PLUS SOME) Also they look for people they can use, victimize and /or abuse, control for their own top leadership, elders self central carnal real issues (THIS IS RARE AND NOT THE ONES I HAVE COME INTO TO DIRECT CONTACT WITH..) Yet there is a “Vulture Culture” in Ministry in SOME parts of the USA (DFW had a miniscule appearing type of one but it was not the norm, but I did discover it’, and understood that it was the Holy God ALLOWING ME to understand it, to train on it, and to make MANY Wary!!”
Pure reasons? As it’s all a Demas form of guiding ministry, in it for the “now,” not eternity, so this is what they do to get what they want. And is big stuff and power. And as all of this is about gain, they have no real love, only for money, and this is a sign of power-seeking turf owning “the love of money.”
All of the above, plus the lack of love, usually no holy fear of the Lord, lots of rumors, drama, and many undercurrents of dark emotional deep intrigue, power, and control, usually relates to money, its ambition, pride, and power. It’s a Demas or an Eli, not an Enoch. It’s lost its first love if it ever had it!
Mega blessings, and please keep peace!
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(C)2023 Taveau Creative Leadership All copyrights reserved under international copyright laws

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