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NOTE This was first posted Feb 4, 2020 www.onlinefellowship.us
(C) 2020 Taveau D’Arcy Creative (E.O.R.R.) Leadership All copyrights reserved
STUDY “Digging up the LP Prophetic
Read just beneath….”And no wonder that the She is feisty!”
On a search for Levi Prophetic Anti Real Woman, Controlling Authority Roots
WELP (TCL in house coined term) stands for Western European Levitical Patriarchism,(1970’s New Wine Charismatic Magazine “overseer shepherding” ..now USA charismatic wide)
WELM, usually dominating, no nonsense, very autocratic, barking Western European subservient Matriarchism. Taveau is NOT a WELM, but was raised around a few of them, so the God sent she…has learned how NOT to be..meaning how NOT be be a controlling governmental, authoritarian, autocratic sr office female.**
AND THANKS to her NON WELP , E.O.R.R., non chauvinist, supportive, encouraging sr pastor dear father!
** However, since moving to deep southwest, mostly gentle, Office Prophet T has had to get her boots on, as there are very many MORE “hardened mentally tough customers, even in the “Christian Ministry” who will bowl one over using carnal ego and very strong willed “conniving user” determination. FYI: Due to her past realistic life, the calm SHE may appear fierce. And the She is…FIERCELY determined NOT to be CONTROLLED or JUMPED IN A PUBLIC CHRISTIAN SETTING …EVER AGAIN… by a dominating Spooky Spiritual AVOID ANY RELATIONSHIP (Notice NEVER dark skinned) …Mr Ms Big Christian …meaning caustic crazymatic WELP or WELM.
THIS LONE INDIVIDUAL’S TOTAL NUMBER OF SURPRISING, AUTHORITY ABUSE, LP ACCUSER DISTURBING TIMES(3-4 x in 20 deep south field ministry Silent Years, 2 x Central VA, 1x DFW, singled out while sitting calm peaceful silent in James 3;17 in a prophetic WELP group as a Suspected white W. or sinister Queen J:7-10x DFW, 6-8 at least East Coast deep south, DFW, NC) 1990s until) Hence for the sake of JESUS CHRISTS’ HEALTHY non LP non aggressing, fully respectful, NON Accuser biased,..safe sane GOOD NAME..at the least we now try to equip.
EVENTUALLY with the Lord granting time and grace… I hope to go into deep detail on every type of errant doctrine Aggression..to make a BIG CLEAR prophetic point. But after that, then MAYBE the Sitting She will never have to address all of that Hebrew 10:25 Friendly Fire Toxic Fellowship…hugely ENORMOUS immature UNSAFE and DEMEANING big BIAS..ever again! …..Yet God instructed the usually Lone Quiet Observant HER.. many years back.. “IF you bump into something 1-2 times, ignore it. BUT if you encounter, ( I show YOU ) something that would hurt my PEOPLE or harm MY REPUTATION…3 times or MORE…THEN YOU are to teach on it…However, ..You are not take whatever happens PERSONALLY, Instead view it like a PROPHET…meaning…I AM SHOWING YOU WHAT I ALSO SEE…So 3 x or more…that is a SIGN that It must be taught on, for it the similar ACCUSATIONS are going on RAMPANTLY… and it HURTS my precious Body! And sullies MY PRISTINE REPUTATION.”
A DEPARTURE (ABOVE) So remain the “spiritual fruit” often observed by this Luke Type of First Hand Seerish Eye Witness 1990 onward, where Western European Levitical Patriarchism, Levitical dominating Matriarchism is ever present in the doctrines and the devoted, overseer deeply trained, community. DEEP SOUTH VA, FLORIDA, NORTH SOUTH CAROLINA, TENNESSEE, ALABAMA, GEORGIA, DEEP SOUTH REGAL TEXAS..but surely many other US states which God never ‘SENT ” me. WENT TO TULSA, but did not notice it in the “WHITE ” FOUNDERS……but had no time to visit out with the rank and file churches back then. YET “respecter of persons” strong willed WELP was present a lot in word of faith among the immature in my prior legalistic need to be Famous, but diverse state, I cannot say I faith filled eye witnessed it while repeatedly visiting HOME OF Word of Faith Original Leader Founders. THEY were, and now are NOT LP or LM. (the top mega ones), NOTE ..out of all USA “tongue talking main groups” there is one , huge, impacting, good quality, spirit filled denomination, majorly into servant leader, Christ genuinely following, however it contains mostly ALL WELP but not many WELM, as they are feminine, usually not allowed positions, power, authority ..seeming mostly..43 full year quiet God set survey…..for that large servant bunch gave up Holy Ghost gifts, signs and wonders many dulled down years back..and forsook “Isaiah 11:2 “Holy Spirit MIGHT and POWER”..so the leaders male and female authority..usually must not know about, or may not be allowed to have much strength.
Speaking of “WHICH (elite spooky spiritual “crayzmatic ” far off perceived as “witch”??)_ HELPFUL ASIDE…RIGHT NOW just posted on ON MY YOU TUBE…QUEEN JEZEBEL (USUALLY ONLY WELP) MINISTRY TRAINING upcoming ..for the Easily Scared…now up if you can locate the channel
PS See ODE TO WELP (the ANTI RELATIONSHIP “NOT SUBMITTED TO EPH 4, EPH 5;21, MATTHEW 18:15-15, humble GAL 6:1, enduring JAMES 3:17) Religious Overseer Accuser Pharisee Ministry) top of www.onlinefellowship.us for what I Deep South VA, DFW experienced.
NOTE: So while DR T strongly prefers to be ONLY calm ,persuasive, relaxed and down to earth In ministry..meaning to ONLY use “James 3:17, leader PERSUASIVE mantled authority but MAY need to ratchet it UP to be MORE FORCEFUL (on certain occasions)…due to being outnumbered by so MANY dominating forceful, full of themselves + strong willed, humans per capita.
FYI..FWA..In Virtual House term …aka a FWA (female with (pure) authority…as in God’s leader office, mantled authority)
A Healthy Wise Patriarch: Patient, wise overseer of the entire family, ministry big clan. Stable, emotionally sound, extremely wise, secure ; May come in any race, style, appearance, demeanor, various dispositions, all of which are God approved, blessed and accepted, and, not to fail to mention, verified on the Myers Briggs Personality Test. Mostly persuasive leadership, rather than authoritarian, ministry autocrat. May APPEAR to be the giant unswerving rock of Gibraltar, yet is NOT controlling or dominating, or anti, afraid to be around… and neither in any way feels threatened by, needs to “win” “Be viewed as OVER” the opposite gender. (nor will this kind of HE “use” or “abuse” unjustly “accuse” any female or male).
MY Definition of Levitical Patriarch: Good High Leader Office as an anchor disposition ..mighty mostly stable, Patriarch yet one who has reverted Back Under the Old Testament Governing, Levitical Critical Law, mostly authoritarian, maybe ongoing aggressive using doctrines and even personally while remaining ongoing critically autocratic, A WELP patriarch combines Old Testament Patriarch of the Hebrew Tribe of Levi of Genesis 34. Thus I will repost Levitical Patriarch Bible Study on Roots of Levi: Mysogynist, Bitter, Levitical Patriarchism, unsubmitted, dehumanizing many, accusing self righteous, a legal law unto him SELF, warped view of patriarchal leader authority, deeply insecure, rebellious,chiefly rivalrous, authoritarian, conniving, usurping, murderous, legalistic dominating roots…. shortly.
LEVI USURPING, REBELLIOUS, MURDEROUS, CONNIVING BITTER ROOTS: GENESIS 34 (NOTE when we post the BIBLE STUDY it will describe Levi’s early formative mentoring years
CLICK TO READ GENESIS 34: https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Genesis+34&version=KJV
CLICK HERE https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Job+41&version=KJV
©2015 TAVEAU CREATIVE LEADERSHIP All copyrights reserved
Q. What signs were posted on the Pharisees executive temple washrooms:
A. Patriarchs and Matriarchs
As the lady senior pastor entered the dignified, mostly male ministerial fellowship, she felt about as welcome as a prophetic woman at a Levitical patriarchs convention.
Q. What kind of rocket did the New Testament Levitical Pharisees launch at their enemies?
A. A patriarch missile
Q. Why did the autocratic Levitical patriarch cross the road?
A. To oversee the other side.
Q.What do you call a man who keeps the Torah and is very loyal to his country?
A Levitical patriot.
Q.During Jesus’ day, what was the top selling book among Levitical patriarchs?
A. Releasing Your Inner Pharisee
Q. What was the nickname of the super strict Puritan founding fathers who
came over on the Mayflower and settled in Plymouth Rock, Massachusetts?
A.The New England Patriarchs
(C)2020 Taveau Creative Leadership All copyrights reserved

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