NOTE: this was first posted www.apostolicteammateu.com in a part 1 to lay framework of out new college. it is not offering courses now, but plans on doing so. Right now I will be mainly posting this type of thing over there ..which “is’ soon to be quite Educational. For all to know . So please serve your friends and leader family by recommending us and “it’
This NOAH arises…”ever the Eye of the Tortoise ” and this may turn out to be12-20 parts as it’s full to cover all the many leader bases…Signed, The Chancellor, ATU President, Co laborer with Ministers in Christ’s (non stone throwing) Diverse Body
ATU, TCL, IFFM, DFW LEADER MINISTRY FELLOWSHIP..We’re on a continuing search for WHO, WHAT, HOW is ‘purely Holy Bible, First Church “purely organic” (** Organic means: without any human synthetic additives….however I’m NOT saying that this person fully 100% is!)
The Doctrines for a New Bible Teacher/Ministry Different Day
(C)2023 Dr Taveau D’Arcy All copyrights reserved under international copyright laws
This is NOT “BACK UNDER” the Book of the Law: however “We can still respect you even when, if we do NOT (even WILL NOT/ cannot) fully agree!”
Ephesians 2:14: “For he is our peace, who hath made both one, and hath broken down the middle wall of partition between us;”
“Peaceful Diverse Abiding Community”
(a Future True Church, a Not Back Under the Law Bride of Christ …which is Ready)
Paul says in Ephesians 4:1-3: “1 I therefore, the prisoner of the Lord, beseech you that ye walk worthy of the vocation wherewith ye are called, 2 With all lowliness and meekness, with longsuffering, forbearing one another in love; 3 Endeavouring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.”
TD mentions more on Fellowship down below
** PRO COMMUNITY based upon THE EORR in the Christian:
ALL THIS IS CROSS RACIAL, NON BIASED “PRO” “COMMUNITY” yet with each mature person hearing from God for themselves ** and not swallowing just ANY MINISTERS, PERSONS “Kool Aide” ..not even mine. ( which also can mean sitting under good ministry teaching, being SENT TO Hebrews 10;25 Church to be mentored, looked after, and schooled. So this is NOT “lone warrior” but neither is it being “UNDER” a overseer “shepherd” who is Back Under the Old Time Country Big Boss Law.
WHO IS A Galatians 1:1-2** type of leader resource, various prototype, models “authority” however “free range” that can help Christian ministers avoid “being overly controlled” also to “fill in the gaps doctrines” ministry, authority, hunger for the Lord, spirit of prophecy, hearing from the Spirit of Truth (John 16:13) + functions in sr Ephesians 4: all 5 offices, “knows BOTH “the Scriptures AND the power of God” Mark 22:29)
**My /this working Definition of “the sent apostle” akin to chief apostle Paul”offscouring, servant leader, lower case “a” Sent Messenger” “co-laboring ministry Body of Christ, by divine appointment investigative “fresh ongoing ideas” “non occult, new worship seer” “collaborator”
FOR THE RECORD AND USING BIBLE KNOWN VIEWS YET NOT WIDELY KNOWN: WE TRAIN CROSS BODY, PICKING THE BEST TRUTH FROM MANY VARIOUS ,”TRUE” EQUIPPING MIGHTY MOVES, BUT INCLUDE OUR OWN, Taveau’s Sr pastor Father was a Southern Baptist ordained in the Seminary in Louisville, KY, Her Bible scholar trainer sr office authority mother, came from Presbyterian, but was not into “the Law” nor “predestination” but all were true Bible Students, who led by the Spirit without any Book of Acts tongues or charismatic or pentecostal. Yet each one was similar to a Billy Graham calm, mirthful, merry and wise Rev Billy Graham, true holy fear of the Lord, also great parents and faithful Christian family persons. Yet TD was raised in the ministry midst, without bias, racism, accusation, listening gossip but with “real deep value and human respect for ALL TYPES of God formed persons, regardless of race, income, belief set, style or education. Each one of these family members valued God’s Word. They were not locked in to “being ” ONLY ONE denomination but “go if God leads you by His wise Spirit and IF they are Bible true and grounded”
So with that, it left Taveau knowing that the Lord is interested in ALL TYPES AND TRIBES OF HUMAN PERSONS and that none of is “perfect” or ever can expect. Nobody , not even Apostle Paul “will ever attain or arrive” UNTIL we meet Christ Face to Face up Heaven.
MORE LATER ON TD AUTO BIO; Here is a Brief outline: accepted Jesus as Lord and Savior age 9, rededicated her life at 12 Billy Graham on TV, Age 16 got truly on fire for the Lord as a Jesus Person ‘type” in Va Beach, Va. Age 18 University of Richmond, made the decision to experiment to see “what would happen” if she allowed the Holy Spirit to guide her 24/7/365 (for she did not want to “miss’ out on God’s perfect will for her life”) then, off campus, age 20 received the Book of Acts experience which was low key but effective. Age 24, married, prior to children, Taveau heard God speak to her in a Central VA partially low key charismatic/part reserved servant leader Presbyterian (non calvinist, non LP Law) intellectual, mature safe church , where He told her “I want you to study the USA Christian ministry leader doctrines. It will all races, styles, Book of Acts and not. I want you to learn their doctrines, their pet peeves, their Red Flag Buzz Words, their music and ministry style. THEN IN THE LAST DAYS I will have you build bridges of understanding between them”
So all that was was similar to Enoch “hanging out with God”” (hindsight akin to Paul Ephesians 1:17)..as Father God “divine appointment” softly, slowly guided and directed her via a Close Walk Intimate Revelatory “heavenly download” sort of “Walk” day in and day out…growing closer to the Lord(Bible Scripture: in her Ezekiel wheel Style one moment at a time)every so slowly, without big fanfare or notoriety, (as an embed, yet with her own ministry True call) And this progressed one day in, one day out..by faith and reading the Bible, getting good teaching, interceding, and dropped into her spirit while, during, after “interceding in the Holy Spirit prayer language” and MORE. Thus through the course of many decades from 1976 until This Now. From the on, had a real life ,family and called into public full time ministry at the time of the late 80s’ famous TV preacher media scandals. She noted the USA Fall Out (accusation and biased toward media preaches, money collecting, ) yet has watched the media, TV and Showbiz effects strongly affect life, ministry and many of God’s 5 fold office persons.
I TRAIN the Cross, the Resurrection Victory and move in the Holy Spirit, but with humility and not under law or using witchcraft, occult to mind divine or to control (for that is “most WELP” and I am not of their biased controlling elite nature)
Rather, this is for the EVERY DAY PERSON (all races, all nations, officially in a Church or not ..as we trutly under the recent ROUGH even TOXIC turf.
Rather this is WHOLE BODY OF CHRIST COMMUNITY “Cross Body Unity” non legalistic Bible Training…however, we understand and value each persons, lay and ministry, feeling completely FREE to hear God for themselves. “Pick WHAT YOU FEEL YOU NEED and FEEL IS RIGHT” this is an open ministry for Filling In Big Missing USA ministry gaps” but not AUTOCRATIC or LEGALISTIC but not PC.
So, I do my best to teach “freedom in Christ” but not PC, compromise or greasy grace but TRUTH Submitted in a Leader Selah (which means “pause, think about, pray about, see if it lines up with the Holy Bible ..but not “Back Under the controlling Law.
Also as this type of Christian 5 fold office USA Body Apostle, respects and values the Bible views of many. Our own bias is against ACCUSING WITHOUT FIRST DISCUSSING, AND UP FRONT RESPECTFULLY CONFRONTING (Matthew 18:15-16 /meek Galatians 6:1) which tends to help to preserve COMMUNITY and THE RELATIONSHIPS which is “respectful, mature” and which also “please the Lord” and is aligned with God’s ‘whole Bible Counsel” as in Ephesians 4 Community
Yet this apostle person realizes that while she has widespread deep experience and training she is still a “human being” and can never be 250% perfect (so neither can you)..so she submits MINISTRIES which are akin to her “volleying a tennis ball into YOUR COURT to then let YOU decide HOW To Handles (Dr T’S TENNIS BALL SELAHS” ) which are NOT LEGALISTIC, ACCUSING but “UPFRONT” 2 Timothy 3:16-17 “profitable ,instruction, doctrine, reprove and correction” which is also many times similar to Jesus “with “zeal for His father’s House” confronting “tossing over ” some legalistic mammon centric modern practices… Plus are akin to Child of Issachar and “Proverbs 27:6 “Faithful are the wounds of a friend’ and but not “a law unto itself”
Pastor Taveau never once insists that HER LOGIC, BIBLE EQUIPPING or IDEAS “have to be the leader final doctrinal l Bible say,”
Dr T is similar to the calling of the “apostle Paul who was “not sent out by any one person or any one groups” and who was a cross body unity SENT MESSENGER collaborator, servant sr leader and equipper, but not a rock throwing accuser legalist.
The minister she is a GOD SENT “Galatians 2:1-2” (funny but God conveyed this: “to the slacks wearers “apostolic men and leader women”and know the turf and the law and will train from this later. (she already has in many other websites www.taveauleader.com www.tclleader.com for 2 examples)
And after many decades(since flower power, Jesus People Days) of deep Bible and USA ministry doctrine big study, Taveau now fancies herself a “maven of apostolic theology” (www.tclleader.com )who realizes that Paul and First Church Holy Spirit, teaching of the Law VS Freedom.mAnd as she realizes Paul’s own description of himself ..she believes that he would agree.but not with license.
For Apostle Paul First Church mentored, and alluded to his own personal beliefs which handed the big, ongoing and maturing Bible study ” responsibility” to each Christ Follower…rather than letting it all rest on the 5 fold office, pastor, prophet, teacher, apostle, soul winning evangelist. And Dr Taveau believes the exact same.
And we will try to make this OPEN ENDED (so you can process and seek God about) but ‘from the outset, our purpose has been from the beginning, to do our best to ground this in Bible Truth, in the holy fear of the Lord and with one eye upon Eternity and standing before Christ alone.
This approach is to help ensure the future church, which is not accusing, fault finding, licentious, greasy grace, accepting of ever wind and trend of controlling bias ministry doctrine. We submit in Ephesians 5:21 in private and in public and with fellow office pastors, and ministers.
Ephesians 5:21 “Community, Ministry, Family, Marriage ALL RELATIONSHIPS”
“Submitting yourselves one to another in the fear of God.”
This verse is part of a larger passage in Ephesians 5 that discusses how Christians should live and behave towards one another. The verse encourages mutual submission and respect among believers, recognizing the authority of God over all.
FOR THE LEGALIST: I PURPOSELY ASKED CHAT GPT AI Does this Mutual Submission apply to ALL MINISTERS, MARRIAGE, MALES, FEMALE in the Church to which AI Replied:
:Ephesians 5:21 applies to all believers, including ministers, marriages, and all males and females in the church. The verse encourages mutual submission and respect among all members of the body of Christ, emphasizing the importance of humility and putting others’ needs before our own.
In the broader context of the passage, Ephesians 5:21 is followed by specific instructions for various groups within the church, including wives and husbands (Ephesians 5:22-33), children and parents (Ephesians 6:1-4), and slaves and masters (Ephesians 6:5-9). Each of these instructions builds upon the principle of mutual submission and respect introduced in verse 21, emphasizing how it should be applied in specific relationships and contexts within the church
REST ASSURED: . (note as Pastor T is a “female’ the “she” top leader, ‘she’ knows the law and understands the various beliefs..and what most common people, various significant, traditional diverse preachers may believe, even passionately ‘rock throwing” enduring ” feel”….Yet she is plenty fine with that .However, “she” asks for “PEACEFUL COMMUNITY and mature RESPECT ” (which She gives back all day) So later, this “she’ will point by point submit her Views which are not any better, yet they are “NOT into BEING CONTROLLED or DESIRING TO DOMINATE, CONTROL” and are decidedly ” NOT BACK UNDER” THE OLD TIMEY COUNTRY HILLS TORAH LOW…(but no time for that right here)
“putting the responsibility on the Believer not ONLY the Pastor, etc)
EPHESIANS 2:14 “KJV Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.”
I CORINTHIANS 1:11 KJV “Follow me only if I follow Christ”
PHILIPPIANS 2:12 KJV “Work out your own salvation with fear and trembling”
2 TIMOTHY 3:10 KJV “But thou hast fully known my doctrine, manner of life, purpose, faith, long suffering, charity, patience.”
ACTS 17:11 KJV Apostle Paul commended the Berean Jews, and hailed them as “NOBLE Bereans” for examining his teachings to find out if they really were in the Holy Scriptures”
This continues
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(C)2023 Taveau Creative Leadership All copyrights reserved under international copyrights (non Levitical) laws

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