Note: I first posted this Word from the Lord Jan 13, 2015 www.taveau.org
(C)2015 Taveau D’Arcy Creative Leadership All copyrights reserved
“I saw satan fall like lightening…” Luke 18:10 (And I perceived the Lord show me the word LIGHTENING regarding 2015)
LUKE 18:10 /strong> is only one of the few Scriptural mentions of LIGHTENING…I looked it up on a Google search and found this wonderful Bible study which has lightening in it.
In my over all impression…God’s showing me the word lightening conveys miracles, movements, and many many other types of both leader positive and even negative (increasing In House judgement where there is no aware SELF JUDGEMENT) will increase…
AS in LIGHTENING… SUPER QUICK, VERY FAST…from 0 to 60 in split miliseconds…and it may mean both …as in a GOOD EXPECTANT SENSE (in the Bible sense of persons living in the LAND OF GOSHEN) and/or NOT (outside of the land of Goshen)..but I suspect in many realms and areas, BOTH…meaning personal, leadership, and/or even in national.” Submitted Selah. T D’Arcy
YOU may perceive and discern this as a submitted apostolic SELAH. For all who have ears yearning to hear what the Spirit of the Lord says.
(repeatedly ties in with former words, on www.taveauleader.com, and here and video. Many more)
FIRST: Greetings and Blessings,
As we have MANY in depth deep senior apostolic ministry Taveau D’Arcy Creative Leader current ministry blogs…which are each leader directed to human persons who feel strongly impressed by God to begin(to spiritual trail blaze, to so called pioneer, to start /to help birth a realistic WORK…we have found too many overlapping.
Currently, we are all over addressing, the MANY levels and spiritual/natural wisdom facets which take place AND are related to what I will name as the PERCEIVER-DISCERNER (mostly prophetic seer, even servant apostolic Christ Following real Holy Spirit many times glorious, realm.
BUT at many important Times, God gives me a 5 FOLD MINISTRY OFFICE for a direct, even pointed, upfront WIDE AWAKE FOREKNOWING CALL…and I have several times backed down as I was not truly sure how they would be received.
WHILE I HAVE REPEATEDLY alluded to most of them, beginning today I will put them HERE on TAVEAU.ORG…which is now a Daughter /son of ISSACHAR Ministry Blog which will not mince God prophetically sensed “REAL TIME LEADER PRESENT DAY/APOSTOLIC PROPHETIC OFFICE WORDS.
And as each submitted one is subjective, I yield it to you to weigh it and judge it with help of God’s inward witness bearing PEACE. I also submit this to you in James 3:17 humble ministry fashion.
I do need to share the word received just before CHRISTMAS which was a WARNING to WAKE UP the immature 5 fold ministry offices.
IT was as if, for the last 10-12 ministry years, God had been attempted repeatedly to alert and maturely inform the SENIOR /RISING MINISTRY OFFICES that HE was going to truly Mightily MOVE..but that it was HIS MOVE not yours or mine..and it would be need to be REVEALED (downloaded) one to one, minister as HE chose fit.
STARTING late 2011, 2012, upt unto JUST NOW, I began to get a severe urgency with in my spirit. AND another apostolic WORD came forth to the same current, would be 5 fold Christ following leader offices.
IN 2011 The Spirit of the Lord deposited a SONG “ALL THE SAINTS HAVE JOY” (found on www.creativewisdomministries.org) which is about God’s people having JOY in the sanctuary because “in the River of God there is no condemnation.”
ANd Holy Spirit began to instruct me regarding 5 fold leadership hero role modeling the nonaccuser ISAIAH 11:2-3 Messiah, who “delighted Himself in the fear of the Lord, who was quick in understanding ( as in spiritually perceiving and discerning) and who WOULD NOT JUDGE BY THE SIGHT OF HIS EYES.”
I started to get this slow, unfolding but mighty end time (beginning in apostolic leader grass roots?) would need for each person to allow the LORD to reveal, but then to repeatedly sift.. which I perceive HE has repeatedly done (and in my office included!)
And the word of God “Not by might, not by power, but by the Holy Spirit” seemed to be a root verse to describe just how God would ever move.
I also saw a coming God judgement on the 5 fold office senior ministry, pastors in the Body of Christ. However (I wrote, filmed and TV broadcast this word repeatedly starting 2012 onward..to all who would bend their necks to hear)
I filmed a real SOBER apostolic WORD 2012 regarding this which I am now presently trying to locate (if I do I will post it here)
It had a LOT to do about superior pride, making money, and Lost First Loves.
And in the New Years of 2013, God said these leadership verses and slogans:
ISAIAH 1-11 God was waiting on His own people to get rid of their MIXTURE (worship of false gods, pride, vanity, leadermixture) BECAUSE THEY were withstanding HIS (Isaiah 10:27 “yoke breaking anointing. which would make their necks so fat that no fierce Assyrian nation could wipe them out and destroy their worshipculture.”
GOD repeatedly spoke to me about the ESAU TEMPLE HIGH PRIESTHOOD (in addition to the EMPATHY FREE ELI TEMPLE HIGH PRIESTHOOD and those articles are on www.drtdailynotes.wordpress.com and www.taveauleader.com)
AND while this has not fully happened, just before CHRISTMAS 2014 I
AMOS 3;7 “God does nothing unless He first tells His prophets His servants” (a true SERVANT humbly attends directly to, even patiently WAITS for the Word from the Chief of Command.”
I got also about the OVER BUSY, Lost First Love Lampstands, which had become over tired, spiritually dull of discerning and which had lost their HUMAN CARING COMPASSION and CHRIST LIKE EMPATHy and told about this in www.taveauleader.com THE COMPASSION FATIGUED ELI HIGH PRIESTHOOD
God urged me to repeatedly encourage time apart from being at work, in ministry..so as to maintain a SABBATH REST TIME apart to de-clutter, de-stress and even de-tox..but also as a mature sign of honoring God as FIRST LOVE and keeping (in a non OT legalistic sense) HIS Sabbath Apart..
GOD repeatedly reminded me of the apostolic GREASY GREASE which robs, demeans and then uses God’s Holy Bible in a licentious, accuser blame shifting manner, as in MINUS the humiity, leader fear of the Lord. He informed me that it was NOT the SECULAR LEADER WORLD that created such RIGHTEOUS ZEAL FOR HIS FATHER’S HOUSE, but God’s both Old Testament and New Testament top priorities” LET JUDGEMENT BEGIN IN TH E HOUSE(S) OF GOD. ”
(BUT WHERE in each HOUSE OF GOD? at the very Top)
And while it is not HAPPY or “BLESS ME” to note that in the NEW TESTAMENT ACTS 5:11 that both Ananias and Saphira (who did not self judge as in private, unto the most High God”) each personally was JUDGED by the moving, Living Most Holy Spirit.
AND THIS is also part of what GOD was repeatedly showing me prophetically.
GOD’S SOLMEMN WORD was also “God is not going to settle for what He used to in prior past Holy Spirit moves. He is not settling for SECOND, sadly THIRD hand Servanthood.
DEEP AT THE ROOT OF EACH OF THE LEADER strongly appeared to be leader BUSINESS, OVER WORK but LOST FIRST LOVE. (Revelation 2:17 contains Lampstand, extreme dramatic apostolic, even shocking WARNINGS.
1 To avoid allowing the Father to 2 TIMOTHY 3:16-17 instruct, reprove, correct will (v 17) leave you with NEED (as opposed to “THOROUGHLY FURNISHED”) which is what appeared to be a real source of all that over business, working, even manipulating, (and a handful defrauding) even to get by.
2. GOD commands a BLESSING on each one who “keeps HIS SABBATH apart unto HIM”
ANOTHER SELAH HINT: To avoid missing out on God’s Sabbath Commanded Blessing in ISAIAH 56:7, first take note of what it is:
SAYS THE LORD…meaning ALL who take a SABBATH TIME APART:**Meaning in a New Testament non Law form
**”I will take them to My holy mountain (a peaceful place of hearing/being apart with God, akin to Sr Leader Moses up on the Mountain having God download FRESH HOLY SPIRIT MANNA and the TEN COMMANDMENTS)(Exodus 33
** I will make them JOYFUL in my house of prayer (pioneering leader work won’t be a big burden, drudgery)
** YOUR burnt offerings and sacrifices will be accepted on My altar (all those hard days, big troubles and apostolic long work days)
** For My house shall be a house of prayer for ALL peoples.”
(My own belief is that POSSIBLY… because of the humility of coming before the Lord, of preparing one’s heart to go into His Almighty presence..and the time apart which gives HIM time to reprove, to heal, to deal with internal pressures, even problems, such as unforgiveness, to get rid of any accusation, superior pride and/or bigotry…
….thus the nonlegalistic, widely accepting, SPIRITUAL ATMOSPHERE will radiate God’s fathering, senior ministry acceptance, and will allow the ABIDING FEAR OF THE LORD to dwell in the Ministry and all of this will combine to form a welcoming humble FORCE which many different kinds and styles of diverse races, human beings will begin to feel attracted toward.
(It requires TIME to allow God to “plough up” each of our own hearts apostolic “fallow ground.”
Then, starting in the SPRING, FALL, of 2013, 2014 and JUST before CHRISTMAS 2014, out of the blue, I perceived God’s HOLY SPIRIT telling me that HIS SPIRIT is ADVANCING but HE wants NOTHING to withstand this, HIS Move…especially NOT spiritual thickheadedness, leader crassness, lack of caring Christ like compassion, and all forms of superior apostolic pride and even rationalized personal pet bigotry and ministry prejudice…
ME not WE centered bigotry, long standing personal,spiritual doctrine, division, accuser resembling behavior, doctrine, even ministry gossip and rumor mongering ALL do NOT reflect the GENUINE “ORGANIC” New Testament MESSIAH who “delighted Himself in the fear of the Lord, was quick of understanding and WOULD NOT JUDGE BY THE SIGHT OF HIS EYES, NOR MAKE DECISIONS BASED ON WHAT HE HEARD” Prophet Isaiah 11:2-3
In closing, it is my own opinion, that once Reverend Billy Graham passes (at this writing I believe he is 95)…then the MANTLE WILL FALL ..but on a SPIRITUAL BIG GENERATION…one that is BOTH YOUNG AND OLD JOSHUAS, 24/7/365 Communicating Enochs and ageless, timeless Calebs. God is passing His baton to a SPIRITUAL GENERATION not a Chronlogical age one.
AND they are the ones who “already know their God and have already done exploits…but often times in the realm of their private life, ministry, but as the Holy Spirit Leader of Apostolic Leader truly moves, with the TV, web, media evangelism now included, as never in past revivals before..
EACH AND EVERY JESUS CHRIST ACCEPTING BORN AGAIN TRULY COMMITTED PERSON can be a “sent messenger” with or without Title, degree, ministry office or official mandate from anyone apart from the Living Lord God.
AND to those who are heads of, senior pioneering work planters, attendees of prior existing fellowships, churches and house fellowship, be they mega to micro…and including ALL who follow traditional, popular current covering, spiritual authority doctrines or NOT…we say in the IFFM, APOSTLE TAVEAU CREATIVE LEADERSHIP IN HOUSE FREE, NON LEGALISTIC (but ministry accountable, self governed )nontraditional but valid (Pauline) MINISTRY STYLE:
GALATIANS 1:1-2 KJV “Paul, an apostle, (not of men, neither by man, but by Jesus Christ, and God the Father, who raised him from the dead;)
2 And all the brethren which are with me, unto the churches…..”
BLESSINGS ON ALL OF YOU as we each figure out what the Holy Spirit is trying to tell each and every UNIQUE INDIVIDUAL who names the Name of Jesus Christ.
Lampstands totally ignite!
(Isaiah 11:2)
Sincerely, T
(C) 2015 Taveau D’Arcy All copyrights reserved

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