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SENT TO BODY SURF BY GOD’S HOLY SPIRIT SINCE 1976:(of course the She was only 3 years old ..haha) Seen a LOT of New Moves, Worship, also, MUCHO True, Untrue Doctrines..Great TV major AFFECTS…
Thus..What I’m picturing, for the last several years: I picture the accessible media, the super busy society, affecting Hebrews 10:25 interpretation of “fellowshipping with the saints.” Yes, there is the “Big System” of laws, rules, but also the mature staid traditional, the non traditional plus the now ATYPICAL which I am perceiving myself, IFFM, DFW Leader, TCL CHOSEN + SENT to. And this major group is mostly OUTSIDE the 4 church walls.
Yet they are hungry for the Lord, many also truly KNOW Him and do not prefer “strict” or “confining “”legalism” or “formula big system”..and (NOTE) should NOT be accused as “church hoppers” “not being UNDER a local pastor”..NOTE: WE BELIEVE THAT EVERYONE RIGHT NOW MUST HEAR GOD FOR THEMSELVES.(PS So it’s ALL RIGHT to be ” traditional” “denominational” to ” Be in a Big System” ” to be atypical” or NOT, as in none of MY or ANYONE ELSE’S business!)
Note also: this is HOUSE TO HOUSE like First Church TIME.
And I also do prefer it.…YET, one can be FELLOWSHIPPING in regular fellowship, Mighty Mega, Mini Micro, Barista Fellowship, offices, vehicles or sitting 2-3 in the Park. Ad then, the CELL PHONE , YOU TUBE, LIVE STREAMING and “ONLINE FELLOWSHIP.US” through which Holy Spirit yoke breaking anointing still empowers, heals and equips….then one can NOT “stereotype” what is and is NOT Hebrews 10:25 “fellowshipping command” as it is NOT to be Pharisee accused no matter which “form” “or NON-form” it appears in.
Also I purport that ALL of this can be LINKED Unique Life by Unique Life (by MEDIA, STREAMING, CELLS) around an area, a globe…Plus I submit that all of this includes Christ followers, Christian ministry leaders, as being SENT. (PS Lines up with “apostolic” SENT ones…) plus Ezekiel 1 Vision of the wheel (“by divine appointment”) and GEN 5 Prophet Enoch “he walked and talked one on one with God and one day God came and TOOK Him” (foretells… Jesus Christ coming big SOON) Submitted in Respectful James 3:17 Selah, no accusing legalistic dogma;
NOTE: I believe that the biggest accuser TEST may be linked to MONEY. As the System depends on it, which is not all wrong. But the not well renown, NON system is doing without. Plus the TV teaching over the last 30 plus years, trains God’s people to ONLY give to the famous well known. Which can be really GOOD but may not view the area local fellowship, new Rising ministers as “God’s anointed” Likening this to “Monsanto” mega farms(which includes doctrines also)…affecting all of the (not prone to being doctrinal Noble Berean) grass roots…
We believe in picking out what is the FINEST choice hay, but tossing out what is STUBBLE, (you need to do that with US and every God perceived “move”) Thus endeth the selah. Please accept this as ASSESSING not intended as ACCUSING. TCL Leadership “Mighty Noble Bereans IGNITE” “The “inward witness directed(Ezk. wheel style) Body of Christ, in every shape, size, color and form, area, globally.. may be regarded as the Biggest Caring, Serving, Giving, Loving Outreach waiting flash mob of all TIME ….
…However PERCEPTIVELY, GENTLY, RESPECTFULLY, NON VIOLENTLY, SPIRITUALLY, NOT TERRITORIALLY, NON DOGMATICALLY, NON ACCUSATIVELY ..and each one in abiding JAMES 3:17 Fruit)..just waiting to be summoned when God’s Holy Spirit really moves”
The TCL apostolic Management PS And to those who prefer…. DFW Leader ONLINE Ministry Fellowship www.onlinefellowship.us (may be viewed as a traditional fellowship apostolic resource)
(C)2019 Taveau Creative Leadership All copyrights reserved

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