Add More Leadership Prayer Covering
DECEMBER 14. 2012
IT APPEARS that we are in a new season. Thus, if you are a senior minister, you may either need to upgrade your own prayer covering as well as help all the others, mobilize parents, mature prayer warriors circle their spiritual, own wagons.
After what I am naming “a ministry advertisement “for this extremely helpful, plain speaking, simple to read, pragmatic tiny pastor’s /leader’s book, there is a word of the Lord.
This tiny book is not a formula based ministry approach, but will provide suggestions, new ideas and complement what you already have set in place.
SO, IF you are in deep need, then email me and I will send you a file free.
I am available to have an appointment, and set up prayer /leader training if needed in the DFW area. Leave Voice Contact Message: 214-763-4285
Here is the web link. for the digital downloads: E- BOOK: and AUDIO BOOK:
Sadly, the OCFC Fresh Words for leaders since June-July on have contained many deep, even dire, somber, warnings for the United States grass roots pioneering pastors. I have also tried repeatedly to get in to see area named leaders but nobody takes a non famous “she” seriously.
Preventive Prayer Major Covering and area networking has been my forte and in my family nearly all my life. Though this tiny book is named a weird name (to catch attention but also to train on how spooky some take prayer) I named it in 1996 “14 Spirits That Attack Every Ministry.”
On the channel video archives there are some somber OCF Fresh Words on the New link (viewed with ad free new Livestream found by clicking on link on Home page) AND the one I feel it the most severe, sober is the one on the archive link under the date OCFC . If you desire, here is the 9/22/12 Somber Word from the Lord for Sr Pastors: on old video archives (has ads, is our old TV station)
“Compassion free grass roots ministry has left this writer feeling like the Apostle Paul in parts of Asia: “I despaired of life itself.” OCFC leader is now OUT.” T. D’Arcy
”I perceive that the grass roots “ministry” crowd has been given a long visitation but has been tried in the balance and found wanting. “T. D’Arcy
“God is waiting for His own people to humble themselves. He wants to pour out more love and mercy rather than bringing us to our knees.” Susie Taylor, OCFC Board
Available to help all denominations, charismatic, denominational, non, evangelical. AND all whom God has sent me to try to get in to see, but could not get through all the white charismatic chauvinism and red tape bureaucracy.
But, that is all so tiny in light of what we now face. AND this is just the very small stuff. I am confiding in you what God has shown me and even proven with the Twitter I got so unexpectedly put in my spirit Dec 11 “mene mene tekel upharsin” and it was about God saying” times up for my hard heartedministers and leadership supposed “True Flock.” And the writer presumes that this mostly means western grass roots, mainly around the USA..but if any reader feels a check in their spirit about larger ones..then it may also pertain to them)
And all of this simply refers, goes back to the senior top of each true worship house taking time to truly humble themselves before God’ has to do it. AND so that nobody believes this pioneering writer is immune, God has her already on the threshing floor ..and has had her and many many other leaders there for quite a long period of time.
I believe God has waited and waited for perhaps the last 33 years to hold back this coming judgement time. And it was during that time that God began to speak to me of His Godly remnant, the Enoch True Church, The Philadelphian Overcoming Love Walk Pioneering Church and the Jabez’s who are similar to the weak Jacob, and it is in this latter part, I know that this writer is just one tiny person. The Jabez’s are the VERY many who have been milled repeatedly, taking tests of being outcasts, often accuser, personally,family and church rejected, yet due to their Love Walk Understanding, God has given them the kind of enduring forgiving, overcoming agape, that “takes a licking but keeps on ticking.”
In fact, those times in the many firey furnaces are what has trained and been called to refine the little nameless ones in the Jabez move.
We can now take NO credit, should God call us up to be used from the unknown obscure nameless ranks, as each one is simply, “a naturally weak one, that HE has made strong in faith.’ by only HIS NONLEGALISTIC LEADERSHIP MERCY.
While relocation to the new enormous spread out area was big enough, then being displaced from my family, then finding that the rank and file grass roots (primarily charismatic) ‘senior minister, pastor” is a Tough Customer who has no discernment, zero true ‘fear of the Lord” and is the Eli compassion fatigued worn out weary church, with minus the human compassion. And in trying to find normal senior minister relationships, being a senior white female was like a woman leader going to a Levitical Patriarch’s convention. IT was, has been, almost totally, persona non grata, nearly throughout (but not in pentecostal, evangelical or black, hispanics).
YET all of this only served to burn even more of the “fear of man” known as “ring kissing” off me. And God the revealer downloaded very much apostolic leader non hierarchal, non legalistic, doctrine. And it also gave me ever so much more empathy and genuine compassion as a senior leader for the newbie, stranger, alien, atypical persons and for ALL kinds of nonbelievers also,gays and straights.
AND it also served to cement in me the idea I had previously gotten while back on the east coast. It was that Christ’s true body is who truly acts like the Christ in the Bible. It is NOT about where or even IF they “fellowship with some chosen few saints’ in some 4 walls somewhere. It is about integrity, real accepting faithful love, being genuine, taking time off to just be “real” and then NOT taking one self so super doggone too seriously.
I repeat, Dr. T was NOT brought up amongst “respecter, suspecter and disciple disresepcter of SOME persons” and she is now resting apart from the Big System..yet still agape truly loves and respects and truly hopes to be good friends with those still inside it. And offers to speak to them re setting up more prayer covering, networking, etc FOR GOD’S SAKE and our NATIONS SAKE. Just in prophetic case….
PLUS: (in attempt to make haste to start up and clearly demonstrate more ministry progress) NOW add to this applying area would be staff, grass roots volunteers, the by product of the area senior ministry, media ministries(? )
I laugh: Finding apostolic apathetic many false persons, man male chauvinists, smooth talking Big Chief novices and the novices ministers VERY big wide open scripture quoting mouths, but who actually repeatedly (5-8 times) actually turned out to bear unhealthy fruit of very little integrity, little true understanding of the High Call of God on one that God sends to work in and through a ministry. It was then that finding pastoral fellowship, apostolic sharing would have been a huge leader blessing.
BUT since the writer doesn’t play leader games, kiss pinky rings, and play hierarchal hoop jumping, not one single person would let me penetrate through their Single Divorced White WOMAN Leader major etched in steel, seems to be area wide major ministry stereotype. Sorry, but I suppose I just don’t appear to be “the One Type.”
Sorry, but “ONE TYPE FITTING ALL” is passee and FYI the solid white community will be a minority by the year 2043. And by the 2020′s 40 percent of the human population, including the Church. will be classified as single. Let’s all get a leader prophetic grip.
However, out of the hierarchal and mostly well known, I find normal where I can not find it…and thorough the last 8 solid has been True Organic Christ Followers who are not legalistic and majorly friendly /open to newbies, strangers,and who are NOT “tough customers”…after years of hard ministry pioneering: are the NON church goer true Bible believers, whether one meets them in banks, massage tables, or in work out classes. (there are of course 1-2 exceptions)
But there have been a few healthy exceptions: Most Baptists, Methodists, Catholics, and REAL Penetecostals..seem to know how to welcome a newly arrived DFW stranger..and this means both males and they don’t come across so majorly gender biased and stressed when a new leader turns out to be a white female.
If I may shoot straight. Never ever before, in all of my born days, senior ministry days, has this writer EVERY had to rise up to confront the controlling spirit of chauvinism, which is akin to racism. But now she has, so that currently, in Church of Thyatira form “why do you tolerate that controlling person” which is of course perpetuated by someone at the top, she now Bible teaches to correct gross misinformation.
And it was only in this area, and after so many good incident free years, in all of my US travels, that when I would simply try to speak to a male leader at the end of a meeting, that on several occasions I as 1) 2-4 occasions was blocked by a female that broke in front of me to deflect me (accuser enabling) 2) I was grabbed by my wrist by the legalistic associate pastor who then placed my wrist in the hand of a waiting leader woman. 3) was patronized with the demeaning look, tone of voice which says,” little women are under all leader men” 4) a few places leader women are suppressed to allow the “men to lead.” This is NOT dark skinned church communities, however….
Shocking …perhaps since nobody in my family on in any senior ministry in the US has demonstrated such anti leader woman Levitical Patriarchal odd behavior. So, rather than seeing it as a personal attack, I felt the Lord told me to research the DOCTRINES which enabled the accuser to attack and hinder a complete messenger of the apostolic gospel.
And it was extremely curious.However when I surveyed the situation, it seemed that most male pastors quite frankly may not be used to dealing with a real woman leader who has the spirit of God’s might and power on her..much less a real man with it.
YET, there for the grace of God Go I also, thus we need to hand all of this over to the Lord, to cast it onto Him and then practice enduring, true overcoming forgiving , up front Father’s real non accusing Love.
So thus the new Organic Christ Following Community Online Fellowship was born out of realizing how many people have valid true reasons for NOT wanting to darken any church doors again in this life time.
Yet, we keep referring persons to local land churches when we realize that it the best for whomever it might be. Dare we attempt o care for something more than our Own Four or our Tithes and offerings by caring enough to refer another person somewhere else? Would I dare name this ” genuine Father’s Caring Love?”
And the Teammate University plans to teach Doctrines for the New Day,to bridge the very good which has been passed down from pioneering forefathers, with the fill in the gaps revelation ,but without apostolic Levitical Patriarchism, respecter of persons inherent apostolic legalism.
And as Jesus escaped the watching, accusing legalism of the Phariseeical leader system to minister freely on the hillsides, with true respect for ALL sorts of real hurting true and nontrue , even demon crazed persons, So the writer has fled to the web TV Prophetic Cave view airwaves.
Yet, she is not legalistic about bending to the fellowshipping with the leader prophetic saints for God’s divine leader appointments. And her message is mostly about “let’s revaluate the leader doctrines which make Jesus house an unsafe “Accuser Enabling” church house. So now this has prodded her into analyzing males, female roles in church and the home, authority, legalism, both the Messiah and the Accuser. (more after the New Year)
ANd if the figurative shoe does not fit you,the reader, please, do not for even one moment, attempt to wear it.
Tough Godly Love: Takes a licking and keeps on ticking.
“Faithful are the wounds of a friend.” Proverbs 27:6
“Let us be aware to discern the Body correctly, as in the Communion (Community) so that NONE of us are sick or perhaps die young.”
“Some of you may entertain angels unawares.”
Blessings and God’s peace.
Sincerelyand in James 3:1 “easily entreated, full of mercy, without hypocrisy” fashion.
Dr. Taveau D’Arcy
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