“To, for and about the Loveless Present Church...
I just noted how this coincides with the ‘holiday’ this week. Funny, it’s God’s timing. This is not related to the secular world or individuals of other faiths who do not accept Christ personally. This is meant to address mainly principles, mature character, and safe relationships/ministry fellowships.
Why? Because they’re milking this for all it’s worth, and then some! Indeed BIG GIFTS, SKILL and TIME EFFICIENCY appear to preferred far more than Respectful, Interactive, Warm and Inclusive, abiding “Family Feel” EORR Life Relationships.
2 Kings 6:12 (KJV) ‘And one of his servants said, ‘None, my lord, O king, but Elisha, the prophet that is in Israel tells the king of Israel the words that you speak in your bedchamber.’““
“Rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft. Stubbornness is as the sin of iniquity AND idolatry” I Samuel 15:23
This is “Fondly and with Respect” by {The Digital} Maven Of Apostolic Theology www.thedigitalmaven.us
JUST IN CASE..”if any shoe fits, only then should one need to wear it!” Sincerely, Miss T
“First, I need to note: There is a significant difference in men—white, brown, and black men—who are PATRIARCHS, specifically Christian ones. These individuals are gifted with necessary and valued (plus ought to fully respected) seen as “anchor dispositions.’ They are mostly stable, wise, providers of advice, breadwinners, and essential figures in their families, Christian ministries, and businesses.
In this topic, Taveau aims to differentiate between the HEALTHY KIND of Patriarch and the many who may hold false, even occult doctrines and wield abusive, undermining ‘false character-assassinating’ impure authority. That is why I discuss the concept of the authority WELP, which stands for Western European Levitical Patriarchism.
Once more, this is not meant to cause accusations or create convenient stereotypes. No, as it’s said, ‘by their fruit, you shall know them.’
This mature writer reiterates that governing leader men, and NOT ALL CHRISTIAN MEN, nor all ‘Caucasian’ men, exhibit the WELP character or the described main doctrinal fruit. The WELP character is characterized as totalitarian, partial, a Boys Club, and against the cause of Christ, akin to 2 Timothy 3:1-5 (‘from such turn away’). It harks back to Old Testament control, evil-eye practices, word-curse demonic influences, undermining, backbiting, devaluing, and harmful biases. It even has elements of ‘slave-owning’ mixed in with dark witchcraft and false doctrines.”
“MAIN POINT ABOVE: Isaiah 1:18 portrays a calm, open, caring, governing authority relationship—not a pouncing, finger-pointing, or hard-core screaming. It’s far from accusing, nor is it about any person lecturing, book-thumping, being sin-conscious, reviling, bullying, attacking, or threatening individuals with phrases like ‘You’ll burn for “not being an official member of a local fellowship” ..seen as “evil” for suspected church-hopping’ or CAUGHT ‘sinning’ in public..based on a suspicious glance or appearance..(Means..like what’s happening now). No, Confronting Respectfully using “right relationship’ is not ‘weak.’ It reflects God’s goodness, and His compassionate forgiveness…also longsuffering patience and enduring “love” Instead, it reflects pure God confronting Adam in the Garden of Eden with open ‘respect.'”
“Very first, ‘we, and this writer, the “she “is an’ equal opportunity chief sinner. Also, ‘falling short’ and being a ‘clueless imperfect’ like any other human, whether Christian or not, male or female…
‘For all have sinned,’ says the Bible, and out of the many mighty billions, there was and is only one who is truly perfect—Jesus Christ!
ELITE WELP WATCHING (As Experienced by This Myself, Mid-late 1980’s forward)
All of this WELP study(Western European Levitical Patriarchism,which started off being called “The Shepherding Patriarchal Deep South Governing Movement) is based on first-hand, Luke-repeated eyewitness accounts from the last 25-30 ‘spirit of office prophet’ years. Starting in the late 1990s, it began to get tougher, more jaded, and infused with evil eye occult elements. The followers became more cultish, bearing fruit akin to Pauline 2 Timothy 3:1-5, forming an elite subculture that is both gifted and brightly talented, but seeming more and more showbiz and anti-Christ occult. Eli Temple, often dysfunctional like Demas, and ‘our type only preferred’ (showing respect of persons). Famous showbiz quantities of the dutiful many, who possess ‘mind-reading’ and divining abilities, are among the elite followers.”

“A.R.T, which stands for Abiding Relationship Theology, applies to various aspects of ministry, fellowships, pastors’ groups, Bible clubs, clans, cell groups, and more.
The essence of A.R.T is to emphasize the importance of how these entities treat, relate to, and respect all individuals in their relationships, from leaders and founders to governing elders and devout laity. A.R.T seeks to gauge them based on their artful relationships, introducing a new male, male, life theology stemming from Cross Body Unity and Apostle Taveau.
The purpose of A.R.T is to promote pure unity within the Body of Christ and prepare for the upcoming Last Days Harvest. It is based on the Pauline call for each of us to become part of a ‘Transformed True Community,’ where the community significantly affects the surrounding society. This unity is currently lacking but is akin to ‘Psalm 133 Unity where God commands His Blessing,’ ‘The Bride of Christ ready for the soon return,’ and ‘Revelation 2, The Philadelphian Brotherly, Motherly Love Walk Church, whose doors will be closed.’ It also aligns with the concept of the ‘Marriage Supper of the Lamb’ as described in the Book of Revelation.
Taveau D’Arcy’s Creative Leadership’s Abiding (James 3:17) Relationship Theology will be thoroughly explained, despite the distractions that have diverted our focus from God’s intended path.
Additionally, there are extensive WELP Training Series on Taveau’s YouTube channel, spanning from 2018 onward, and a mega series around 2021 and beyond. More information will be provided later.
A major assessment point to be aware of is the ‘Beware the Scowls’ of witch-watching, which often accompanies false doctrine and a letter-of-the-law, big-boss legalistic approach. These dour, non-joyful Christian ‘scowls of false doctrines’ can signal a potential tendency for Christian leaders, staff, elders, and laity to engage in accusation, such as Phariseeism, extensive witch-watching, public outbursts, as well as unhealthy behind-the-back targeting, tale-bearing, and false witnessing. These actions often reflect immature and weak character assassination, devoid of ‘face-to-face’ confrontation. Such individuals believe they possess all knowledge and are rooted in old-time traditions.
These major accusations primarily stem from well-meaning yet ‘false’ teachings and the use of backwoods old-timey patriarchal or matriarchal traditions within the ministry group’s style.
Leaders displaying aloof scowls, darting elite glances, and dark emotional intrigue may indicate a lack of genuine care, love, and willingness to engage in ‘one-to-one,’ ‘up-front,’ and ‘direct’ communication to validate, affirm, and show Christ-like respect. Therefore, a notable red flag is the presence of a joyless, dutiful atmosphere with abundant complaints and a lack of ‘mirth’ and ‘Jesus Gladness.’ Such characteristics can signify a deep-seated non-contrite warring cult control, stemming from traditions rooted in the Levitical Letter of the Law and male pride.”
“A mature guy (a real “HUMAN NICE PERSON”), meaning not an LP, respects and values his sister, mother, myself, and all races and kinds of people. A friend shared with me about the Western European (German) Catholic white monk who led the anti-woman ‘witch inquisition’ and wrote the book ‘MALLEUS MALEFICARUM’ (note the word ‘MALE’ in the last word, how ironic!). It’s still available on Amazon. I believe WELP misogynistic witch-hunting began there and made its way to form the Salem Mass Accuser of the Woman trials. I suspect there is a Teutonic heritage in many, if not most, of the well-meaning, avoiding, and divining cultish ‘WE-Centric’ assorted WELP groups.
This note pertains to teaching the hot subject but also touches on local, area common ‘appear to be similar’ types of doctrines.
A key principle that I keep noticing, both in history and today:
The witch-watching leader men appear to always forgive and forget fully about ‘a man’ who is involved in the same couple, sin, and/or any ‘evil eye,’ ‘mean witch’ spying, branding, ministry situation.
** Salem Witch Trials era – The first colonies’ classic book ‘The Scarlet Letter’ features Hester Prynne, who committed adultery and was forced to wear the scarlet letter. However, I can’t recall if they made the man do the same. I read that Nathaniel Hawthorne book in the 11th-grade AP class.
** Old-timey governing white LP law – ‘The First Time and/or Repeated Visitor’ – Mark that far-off leader woman. I believe that she is a Jezebel coming to usurp and take down our Christian men. That lone Christian has a mysterious vibe, energy, look, size, color. We need to target her in prayer, as witches love to come sit in the prophetic anointing. Yet, they never follow Matthew 18:15-16, the meek one-to-one, in private confrontation, as commanded by Apostle Paul in Galatians 6:1.
** Adam and Eve in the Garden – Genesis 3, where a lot of this demonic accusing spirit started. Levitical Patriarch Speak – ‘The evil woman did it!’ Adept avoiding quick thinking, ‘accuser avoidant ducking and avoiding,’ and ‘blame shifting.’ In Genesis 3, the LP witch-watching can be traced back to the first leader man who responded to God after being directly accountable. Not the woman, even though God had told Adam not to eat from that tree before Eve was formed. So, while Eve was beguiled, Adam willfully participated and ducked being responsible to God, saying, ‘God, that woman made me do it!’
** Big in history – LP men in accusing, using, devaluing, abusing God’s women, and also money. A classic type found in the Old Testament ‘Ministry Boys Club’ – Priest Eli and his sons of the devil, as described in I Samuel Chapters 1-2.
** Big into historical far-off leader type casting/accusing by biased stereotype, rude false teaching. In I Samuel Chapter 1, when the faraway visitor Hannah shows up weeping, representing a lone woman, she appears far away without a husband beside her. Note how temple office Priest Eli first accuses instead of showing human, Godlike, holy fear of the Lord with purely humble ministry compassion.
Ego witch-watching among the many ‘community’ types of peer ministry ‘relatives’ in the Christian body of Christ in the USA. White?
TD says… It’s kind of funny, as I was just writing about these New England WELP very early this morning. Now the traces are in a few, or maybe many, certain kinds of ‘divining,’ ‘far-off psychic mind reading,’ and character assassinating, with ever-speaking and trying to get to know the ‘elite spectral evidence’ used in this New England famous accuser ‘witch-watching’ trial. Except here, it’s more overt, emotional, and using their own prophetic seer version of autocratic ministry theology to rationalize bearing false witness on an accepted, ongoing ‘demonic’ character real issue.
Perhaps it was in 2021 or 2022 when the Holy Spirit put in my spirit the name Cotton Mather. I had never known anything about him but recalled the name from the First Colonies. So I looked him up.
It turns out that Cotton Mather’s father was the president of Harvard. We may assume that, being reared around such esteemed academia, young Cotton was elite, privileged, and had a very high IQ, similar to these modern-day accuser ‘Christian’ local, far-off, hiding, superstitious, never-mirthful, always-dour, and seemingly ‘elite’ witch-watchers. The bottom line on Cotton Mather: he wanted to be the next Harvard president but was not allowed to be due to his involvement in the Salem Witch Trials, which are mentioned in the short video above.”
Note the vocabulary I use, naming ‘far-off psychic, new age tendencies toward divining’ as ‘witch-watching.’ This is a sign of most entrenched, merciless WELP practices, which is akin to or directly derived from what was known as ‘spectral evidence’ used during the Puritan Salem witch trials.
TD explains it as a practice that is ‘majorly subjective, far away, self-preserving, emotionally dishonest, not relational, causing false witnessing, deeply controlling, nouveau riche, and highly invasive. It often operates invisibly but targets many, perpetuating practices like rumors, local blackballing, and avoidance. I personally refer to it as an ‘anti-hero’ practice, as it is the source of many rumors, tales, local ostracism, and avoidance.
This practice is also defiling, biased, prejudiced, akin to witchcraft, and involves betraying ‘mind reading’ to avoid genuine relational interaction. It is like ‘white witchcraft’ within the church, accepted, and expected by a vast, mostly elite Caucasian group of seers.
I am calling it out as a form of nonsensical ‘occult,’ which is serpentine, like Leviathan (see Job 41), and exhibits a controlling spirit of Python. It seeks to control, bias, promote false doctrines, constrict, withstand, and stifle those whom their ‘far-off appointed minders’ view as ‘evil demonic witches’ or ‘Jezebels.’ They primarily determine this from a distance, devoid of any real relationship, making it very occult, false, accusing, entitled, and evil. It is dangerously harmful to the naive and innocent, and I speak as one who has triggered it on behalf of the Godly Remnant.
REASON? The purpose of addressing false witchcraft/occult practices within a Christian ministry is to help individuals escape the heaviness, oppression, silent depression, elite warfare, and feelings of being demeaned or accused of being ‘less than’ or a wicked evil villain. This type of aggressive targeting by exclusive groups can be deeply damaging.
More to come later.
Might Be Helpful:
I found a video on YouTube by a blessed South African prophet, the positive patriot Kim Clement, which provides warnings about divining and includes good scriptures on the topic.
We, who are non-combative, very upfront, direct, approachable, and to the point, are trying to “re-dig the wells of the Book of Acts” with the Holy Spirit and ongoing prophecy.
We are formally attempting to stir up mature reform in the Book of Acts ministries, mainly those that are “seer-based” like myself. However, the ambitious many, who are involved in divining, have generally morphed downwards into the charismatic prophetic witch-watching, practicing subliminal white witchcraft that is more occult (driven by human ego). We are “pro-each and every person as in ‘the humans.” As of 2012, DFW TD and all of this are not supposed to be “charismatic,” as divinely instructed by the caring Lord.
Instead of opting out of all Holy Spirit, quite the opposite: I/we will be working on ‘hearing from God clearly’ as a quite popular topic, but we will do so through the mega movement of Cross Body Unity and Apostolic Teammate University, aiming to make it low key, ‘relationship ready for all.’ This includes all Acts, especially the prophetic, but with a more servant leader approach, relationship respectful, down to earth, and not focused on ‘reading people’s vibes’ or ministry minds (taking it as the 2 Kings 6:12 Elisha needed gift gone awry).
There is much more in progress.
To support, please pray (against white witchcraft and demonic attacks on the car and the family). Many thanks.
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(C) 2023 Taveau Creative Leadership. All copyrights reserved under international copyright laws.

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