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Above ..the picture of Taveau’s dear Mother. There’s an error. She passed in 2016. At nearly 91. That picture was taken about 2-3 years earlier. Minister Nonie Johnson, knew both HER GOD, but never grew OLD FOGEY but remained upbeat and Current…and always kept on hand HER “Christ loving Happy Inner(brightly intelligent) Child” as well as several decades devotion to her repeated Bible study of HEALING FAITH.
Never got so often ministry RECURRING stereotyped as during the Deep Southwest (active, hurry busy, relentless scurry) ministry relocation. PS now I know at least a LITTLE…about how accusative, wearing and BAD “racism” must feel like.** …AND IT AIN’T FUN….Neither is Far Off “Labeling, Marking, Sectioning off ,Withstanding, can’t help but assess as BIASED …WHITE ON WHITE PRESUMPTIVE PROFILING …. NOT ONE BIT EORR Nor fully James 3:17 “without PARTIALITY” ..AFTER 12-15 Deep South ..amidst years of it… finally determined that Chauvinism =’s RACIAL BIAS… AND also…AGISM (meaning also in the same SUBCULTURES of white flow) is now the Set In Place Cut Off of WHO or WHO IS NOT “fully acceptable” (Meaning, Hey, Good Ole Fellas, you need not be quite so OBVIOUS…)
Signed a Perceiver Discerner Office
NOTE… EACH ONE OF US PD’S (Perceiver Discerners) are watching YOU like Perry Mason. For example ..This area person’s mystery loving Mama raised me with a lot of TOGETHER- watching his old black and white trial lawyer repeats..where Intuitive Sage Perry “perceiver assesses” + inquiringly studies ..EACH fact, slip of paper + each potential clue or sign, each face..and EACH tiny subtle nuance and fleeting glance)
**FOR MANY, MAYBE FOR THE MAJORITY OF YOU, DARK SKINNED, MAYBE OFTEN ABUSED OR FORMERLY PERSECUTED …SERVING, LOVING HUMANS..I always carry YOU in my heart when I bump into THIS deeply unsettling UN CHRIST LIKE (if not PRO CHRIST then it ought to be assessed as “anti-Christ?”) suspicious elite (immature) turf.
ASIDE..NOW ..and ever so happily, I can now report that this PERSON is abiding in new EORR even appearing to be wide area.. ..appearing very special ..Life Turf.
THE HUMAN, ALL KNOWING, “GREEK” DARK..NATURAL BRAIN TRIGGERS A LOT OF MENTAL TRUE, UNTRUE, EVEN BIASED VIEWS. I submit an office Selah for the purposes of EORR and offer helpful tips for leader counteracting
“For I DETERMINED (will comes into play) not to know anything among you except Jesus Christ and Him crucified. ” Apostle Paul, as he instructs the Carnal, at times Ego Centric and Ornery, First Church of Corinth I Cor 2:2
“Holy Faith is not moved by what it sees, feels, hears..but is moved ONLY by the Inward witness of God’s Holy Loving Diverse Spirit…and the Word of the Lord.”
(C)2020 Taveau D’Arcy All copyrights reserved under international copyright laws
“WE EACH NOW NEED TO KNOW...some of us, maybe MANY of us are ASSESSED or TYPECAST By The OUTER COURT, EARTH SUIT, by AGE, RACE, GENDER, APPEARANCE ministry proven (yet OFTEN BIASED “Typecasts” Such as this person.
And a lot of MIDDLE AGED, OLDER live by our INNER AGE. NOT TV MEDIA AND PRIOR CHRONOLOGICAL OF SAME APPEARING AGE GENERATIONS. Such as me: God plus Happy, Very Well Read Mom, Her Mother who were all AGELESS and kept VERY CURRENT… “full of sap and very green”… to the last.
SO having a AGELESS inherited real life VIEW..also WORD OF FAITH “His natural strength had not abated ….””My/our YOUTH is renewed like the eagle’) not deserved, but simply by GOOD NEWS teaching…yet this by GOD”S MERCY and GRACE..(starting nearly 40 years ago, standing, believing PRIOR to the need)
THIS TRULY NOTE...that I used to PRAY (start age 19) that “God would help me not to be moved by ANY BIRTHDAY NUMBER or what the MEDIA, HOLLYWOOD, OLD FOGEY ACTING PEERS “AGE NUMBER STEREOTYPES”…
….And I will avoid peers, ministers, family, persons who are OH WOE IS POOR OLD “OVER THE HILL” ME…and I choose, refuse to IDENTIFY with TV MEDIA,PEER “AGE” STEREOTYPES..
I do NOT agree with “now, WE are ALL over 45, 50, 60. 70, 80 so ALL OF US, are PAST THE PRIME, GOING SLOWLY DOWN HILL” (I discern any of that OLD FOLKS, favoring their meds and miseries…as an ALERT…”negative faith comes by hearing” this type of AGREEMENT and FAITH IN THE NEGATIVE” where as (positive, uplifting, Moving FORWARD faith” comes by Hearing and Hearing and Hearing THE WORD OF THE LORD”…thus BEFORE I “internalize any of that very CAUSTIC FAITH (FOR BEING OLD, settling down into whatever resigned weakness, faith for not being WELL)…I respectfully but quietly inner mark all of that as my warning sign to depart.
TWO PROMOTING MAJOR STEREOTYPES (we internalize subconsciously IF NOT WATCHFUL) in the back of my mind are both of these Major TV Examples…. (medicated, SHUFFLIN’ Old Codger) Boomer (fatalistic + resigned) US” Supreme example”Wilford Bramball eating his oatmeal comes to mind” NEXT supreme USA effecting Movie, “The BUCKET LIST” (made me SHUDDER)….
I hate the word “BOOMER” sounds like the Over The Hill Shuffling Written Off Dull Way Down Codger. (to all of the official Quality Old Codgers,even Wilfred Bramble, unless he has just passed… please regard this as venting, so I submit my apologies)
YET.. I also did a few natural types of things;
FIRST …ONE T’S PERSONAL SECRETS: Starting whatever age YOU are about to turn next; Just imagine how YOUNG that age number will seem when YOU hit 96! I also always do that!
SECOND: also imagine how many big inventions SCIENTISTS have already discovered..implying HOW MANY MORE to keep YOU feeling,looking, very YOUNG despite..along with God’s DIVINE HELP, FAITH AND GRACE..but meaning WITH NOT just a QUANTITY of LIFE, but a BIG GREAT QUALITY of a Long Life….Plus also meaning… UNLESS Christ returns SOON.
PLUS…I worked out steadily and actively since that time until RIGHT NOW (Covid times) plus TRIED to eat healthy, to wear daily sunscreen (!) to get rest, and to habitually ..and unconditionally, FORGIVE and harbor no resentment, grudges. I prayed, still want to, about NOT being MOVED by any CHRONOLOGICAL Number…for myself, when I turned 45 THAT number was difficult as growing up ,I had always pegged that age number as ‘experienced and set on the true path of their confirmed destiny”..which I was feeling not. So I pondered,and decided that I had done an awful lot, but had not been widely recognized…but after that self evaluation I simply recognized that I was not CONFIDENT as I could be in my own chosen self..and BY FAITH I just believed MUCH MORE in my senior minister TRUE SELF.
NOTE: when I turned all ages after nothing at all gave me much pause, until I turned 60..but it was NOT AT ALL BAD, as it was mostly a great deep feeling of GRATITUDE that I still felt so GOOD, could WORK OUT and was NOT ON ANY MEDICINES..I again checked on my inner age, and it was still 28!
AND repeatedly meditated and studied, asked for GRACE in God’s divine wellness Bible passages. (25 plus and going YEARS)
SO I have simply prayed prior to EVERY birthday, that God would keep me from being MOVED (Faith is not Moved by what it sees, hears) and while I am not in denial (for the outward man does change) INSIDE…
…VIBRANT and FULLY LIVING LIFE...and after continually persisting in doing all THAT…now, during my FINE LONG LONG Loving LIFE, I still live by my inner age 28..but perhaps.. after encountering longsuffering TOXIC MINISTRY DFW ..I now assess my INNER AGE as 30.*
*Exactly the Sent Time when the apostolic Messiah was called forth to OFFICIALLY start His global work ploughing and (prior to media) global planting Appointed Time…
AND that is PRECISELY how I feel..that after surfing Christ’s multicultural, spiritual various doctrinal plus TV media effected coarsening BODY..from being by Christ CALLED by Him at age 24 until this NOW..that this non salaried prophetic senior minister NOT FEELING ANY OLDER..real person..is AT LAST being given the TIME to DO whatever it was that HE had first imparted, perceptively foretold. AND NOW I plan to RESUME after sitting on the DEEP DFW Apostolic Backside to STUDY and wonder about the EFFECTS of the supposed Born Again Ministry (but not meaning white Baptists, Methodists, non tongue speaking MINISTERS)
I also pray about recouping the assessed LOST, ROBBED focus, plus real attacked, assassinated, and hoodwinked COMPUTERS, SANE MINISTRY OFFICE and 2-3 Top Quality Keyboards, drums, professional legitimate REAL NON POOR LIFE RESOURCES, which majorly include my worship music, major recording non play, real keyboard plus my Real Professional TV Media big quality equipment.
If I feel like I did at 24..except MUCH MORE ALIVE.. (even a LOT more JOYFUL, FILLED WITH HOPE, also at least on the inside, I feel MUCH STRONGER, LIVELIER, FREER and now ABSOLUTELY MAJORLY CONFIDENT AND FEARLESS..(hastening to add BECAUSE OF THE FEAR OF THE LORD and taking up whatever CROSS)
..AND right now akin to a NEEDED Business Like emotionally mature …which I like to the inner wise age of 30… due to being around a LOT of tough minded even a few demonic,2 TIMOTHY 2:24-26, “People Who Oppose Themselves” (I have long time identified and now nicknamed a subgroup of MTC …. God’s “Mentally Tough Customers”.) as in private family plus in Unknown area senior ministry (prior to the new SC Quality Good Neighbor both ministry general area local region..then deep inside, I am still feeling ready to toss over any temple MAMMON CHASING unholy Spiritual Tables, plus willing to TILT any more withstanding Unhealthy Sacred Cows.
THEREFORE ALL OF THIS MEANS I can hang out with ANY (Non Poor Pitiful- WOE IS ME) ministry AGE (PS NOTE You gotta keep what’s REALLY TRULY VERY GOOD and toss out what is IFFY, BAD from EACH and EVERY (!) Bible Based MOVEMENT)
SO PLEASE avoid stereotyping the likes of ME by OUTER COURT EARTHSUIT.(Note this also as a NO RACIST, APPEARANCE, GENDER, CAUTION in DFW TOO)..
And I will also do the SAME for minister YOU.
THUS I will close with Apostle Paul, “I want to know nothing about anybody except Christ and Him crucified”
And the Old Testament prophecy about the coming Christ Messiah…
Isaiah 11:2-3 “He will be quick of understanding,delight Himself in the fear of the Lord, and He “WILL NOT JUDGE BY THE SIGHT OF HIS EYES” or make decisions “BASED ON WHAT HE HEARS.”
THE ONLY REAL LIFE END GOAL: “Peaceful, transformed, many ASSESSING but not ACCUSING True Diverse EORR Community (Ephesians 4, which also includes Common Doctrines)
Reminder, it’s the TIME for the EORR Cross True Body of Christ REAL (maybe Last) MOVE..
I have a very strong inner witness that what God allowed me, us, any of YOU to get away with PRIOR to this Time Period, that Judging (Acts 5 Ananias & Saphira ISSUES..in case YOU doubt) HOLY SPIRIT is NOT going to tolerate.,
SENIOR MINISTERS...I have repeatedly had this warning word… for many Bible Believing (non servant leader) Christians since 2000.
But He was giving each of us GREAT SEASONS OF GREAT GRACE
Beginning end of 2020 and then in 2021 ONE..begins HIS NEW APOSTOLIC SEASON.
Its like taking the Corinthian Church at the Lord’s Supper, “Some are sick,some die young ” as they fail to “rightly discern the Lord’s Body.”.
(Prophetically sensing this since 2000 ) SO it will be as Holy Spirit advances widely…ALL “accusing, attacking, labeling, demeaning, disrespecting, ministry accuser gossip and talebearing, tawdry far off blackballing ALL BASED on GUESSING, RUMORS and FAR OFF SPOOKY SPECTRAL VIBES…will NO LONGER be Holy Spirit acceptable.
(C)2020 DFW Leader Ministry Fellowship All copyrights reserved

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