NOTE: this was first posted June 17,2018 www.emergefromchurch.wordpress.com
Above photo: Historic Taveau Church Cordesville, SC
(C)2018 Taveau D’Arcy All copyrights reserved
THESE ARE ALL AROUND. Tiny mostly Patriarchal Aristocracies. Resembling little SEPARATE unto THEIR OWN particular tradition, leader custom and treasured Bible STYLE…very very many, if not mostly, affected, infected and too way often AFFLICTED by copying, trying to rise to apostolic TV famous or “the method GOD PREFERS” ministry (but still mostly at Grass Roots) mighty Real Front Lines LEVELS.
Many, if not most, even TV infected ALL, feel that certain, underlying, heightened, even society big stress, recurring pressure to be TAKE THEIR ministry NATIONAL.
Meaning as they “know they have the call” and that common presumed NORM is to act, model themselves and perform just like many have heard about, passed down tradition but also with TV ministry, much high tech and more…PRESSURE TO PERFORM, ACHIEVE, to be viewed as apostolic VALID, worthy of being taken SERIOUSLY and then maybe some dreaming of BIG FUTURE WORLDWIDE GLORY, with it’s many perceived PERKS, Adoring large and small FOLLOWERS, creating a steady OVER THE TOP Big Income.
(Admitting as a grassroots small, below the Mason Dixon line, minister, I fell for it ..but only for a time..)..yet it was brought up in it, as was raised by a skilled, but NOT into aquiring Big Stardom, Southern Baptist mostly deep , thoughful, non traditional Senior Pioneering Pastor.
Yet, I was much younger, and so were a lot of these and maybe we, me, Thou, simply didn’t KNOW the power of TV MEDIA in this giant ongoing age! Most of us ONLY did what we knew at the time in most of our genuine efforts to PLEASE ONLY GOD. However, Noble Berean’s were only a vaque Bible term to me, many of us, at that Particular Word Proclaming Time.
Yet following (late 80’s moving onward) Madison Square National Advertising perceived formulas, ratings, Born Again Christian TV and glossy Charisma hit the media, it really did bring many Local Ministry Changes and with it many unique challenges..
The many TINY but potentially MIGHTILY used of God, deeply GIFTED, many consecrated, yet BACK UNDER the OT PHARISEEISM and it’s NOT only dwelling up on the STAGE. But now transferred into the massive Pastor /Prophet/many an Overseer ADORING devout, faithful and TRUE…FANS!
Seems that over many now apply big pressure on what I submit may be termed the YEAST OF THE FAD-DUCEES..the NEW apostolic typical grass roots REQUIRED, by this writer’s assessment, are Human People Pastor Prophet Auguest Apostle Pleasing. This includes rising, apostolic genuflecting, long suffering eternal over honoring, many bowing and scraping. …NONE of which I can deeply Noble Berean find in the earthly example of Messiah, Jesus Christ, and His First Team..or in the writings of Paul.
http://www.relationshiptheology.org APOSTOLIC MINISTRY RESOURCE
Fully note: it is Right to apostle, office HONOR but not to Office Worship, (idolize)..we present a term: TO OVER HONOR**
** Meaning, any kind of (mostly well intended) assessing it as (the Lord’s )Hero Worship. .. possibly strips all power FROM God’s people, FAILS to encourage them to assess and perceive what they are being FED, in effect makes them willing “Spiritual KOOL AID” fed followers, indeed submitted, even “Biblically covered” FANS, WORSHIPPERS of their very own pet.. ELEVATED TRUE OFFICE and this in terms elevates the OFFICE MALE, APOSTOLIC FEMALE as given the much Higher Set Place..even over the LORD GOD’S Holy apostolic Bible WORD ..
FIRST CHURCH Chief Apostle Paul stated “Follow ME only as I follow CHRIST” meaning “CHECK OUT WHAT I AM TEACHING”.(it actually implies “I don’t want ANY of YOU to become HUMAN overly trusting, overly dependent) (Sample mature basics:Micah 7:5, Psalm 118:8,9)
.Also Paul PRAISED each unique devout Faith Filled Follower’s own personal choice to be ” true, untrue doctrinal testing NOBLE BEREAN.” and can make BLIND WILLING, many UNQUESTIONING Faith Filled Fan Club undue LEADER followers.
ALSO: Apostolic Leader Galatians 1:1-2, servant apostle PAUL’S VERY OWN Spiritual Governing approved authentic BIBLE, New Testament “off scouring of the world” AUTHORITY… was NOT about OVERSEER WORSHIP, use of Big ministry TITLES and or the head authority watching, keeping nosey TABS on all the rest. NOTE: and it is also DFW leader Ministry Fellowship, Taveau D’Arcy Pioneering Ministries AUTHORITY MODEL:
Apostolic Galatians 1:1-2 “Paul, an apostle, (not of men, neither by man, but by Jesus Christ, and God the Father, who raised him from the dead;) And all the brethren which are with me, unto the churches of Galatia:”**
*** By this ministry assessed as senior apostle chief MYOB, and NOT ONE TINY BIT Levtical, big hierarchal..and/or Status Elevated. ZERO Office apostle, prophet on a Pedestal!
Included in the servant Apostle’s also senior authority writings, 2 Timothy 6:6 “Godliness with contentment is great gain” (Which this human real person practices abidingly!)
Above: Coming Soon..TEAMMATE UNIVERSITY “Very global, abiding joyful.. amidst apostolic teaching… like we really mean it” http://www.teammateu.com In about 6 weeks!
RELIGIOUSLY “Doctrinated”?… See BOOK OF EPHESIANS COMMON DOCTRINE for less, submitted, God’s people pleasing, required although religious RULES abiding…balance.
Free PDF Download… http://www.onlinefellowship.us PAGE EPHESIANS 4 COMMON DOCTRINE
I respectfully submit this following 45 full yeas of being sent by God’s very multicultural, certainly non religious, even eclectic, GUIDING, GOVERNING, wholly Holy real SPIRIT.
USA Grass Roots, higher levels, are murmuring …as I am sent out among the NON CHURCHED. Just like the time of I SAMUEL, (deep in ministry dysfunction, suspicious accusation, God’s people using, hard working, many like Eli experienced…more) Eli Temple High Priesthood. As God’s wide, eternal GLORY is attempting to really MOVE..so the ICHABOD might be also.
Mainly WESTERN MEDIA currently being affected LEADER WORD: Similar to Eli and his associate minister 2 debauched hustling priestly sons, all around the United States of America..”the Lord’s offering is despised”)
Thus submitted for deep Selah.
(C)2018 Taveau Creative Leadership All copyrights reserved

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