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NOTE this was first posted Sept 21,2019 www.onlinefellowship.us
PLANO AWARD…Very frankly, I cracked up when I was notified about the perceived above AWARD. I had done nothing deserving. And it simply makes focusing FULLY UPON THE LASTING LIVING LORD all the more needed. I shared it due to irony and for giving God any glory ..due to HIS great (much needed) Grace. For my esteem ought not come from ministry accolades, victories, losses, other’s words and/or possessions, assessed numbers, for when we all appear ALL BY OURSELVES before The Throne, HE will be the ONLY thing, the ONLY PERSON who truly matters.
ABOVE YE MUST BE BORN AGAIN deep grass roots, many TV, WE afflicted.. are currently our very own plus potentially the Most High God’s ongoing VERY WORST accuser, rivalrous, very very shallow nightmare
Now I share the VICTOR’S CROWN background.
ANCIENT BACK STORY: This song was downloaded (given) by the Lord in honor of one my fellow blessed prophetic friends, peers, now late board member, Dr. John E Johns, Keisha Ministries, Richmond, VA. He embodied true servant elder leadership, was from the African American heritage, without a racist or privileged, Pharisee or proud, ministry competitive ego. Everything about the very well versed, non self important him…was authentic, humble, quiet Big Intelligence..and a true big gentleman..
I used to laugh recalling what a deep contrast the Dr Jones I got to know with the one that prior existed to our knowing one another: Sharing Examples… Dr John / Sr Pastor Jones, had 4 earned doctorates…He had been the following: a seeming sought out, traveling little boy preacher, a Black Panther Imam,worked for Jimmy Carter’s campaign and developed one of the gifts that the campaign handed out nationally (a gold peanut on a chain I believe)…Plus he owned at least a couple of co-ops in Atlanta. Also he had been an unsaved Baptist preacher who preached on Sundays but sinned on Sunday night.
( I suppose that I’m simply very comfortable around HONEST right or left, perhaps an inner RADICAL dwells deeply yet kinda demurely, on the inside, mainly a perceptive grass roots organizer…one who’s NOT big afraid of the NON TRADITIONAL and/or UNTAMED..Note: if they have a pure heart and a pure lifestyle, no hidden agenda)
Dr. John, who could be very intense, but NEVER into controlling….eventually got radically SAVED when his 5 month old infant child scratched his cornea and he suffered a brain aneurysm and lost his 4 earned doctorates and became completely paralyzed, a human vegetable at Medical College of VA in Richmond.
Soon, his wife left him... and all of his friends stopped going to see him as he lay in the hospital. AND one amazing day Dr John got SAVED…. when JESUS one day triggered in his mind the Bible passage about the supernatural miracle HEALING of the PARALYTIC.
After 5 long lonely, dreary months, John E Jones felt the Holy Ghost power supernaturally quicken his body. He managed to roll off the bed, but when he hit the ground, God’s supernatural power fell all over him. Then he scooched himself over to the wall, managed to inch up, then rose up fully HEALED and could walk.
And when Brother John, who had been close to a vegetable, lying in bed 4-5 solid months, walked out of his room, to the nurses station… to inform the nurses and doctors of his healing..John said that many of them SCREAMED in SHOCK….
However, right a first, Dr John could not remember his education…thus he could not add even a few numbers…. HOWEVER Later his 4 degrees all came back…I SURE WISH he was alive today to share personally! GENTLE SPIRIT of servant Leadership, Mighty Dr John E Jones.
Later, after I knew him, he had much kidney trouble, had to be on dialysis. Following my relocation to DFW, he came out here to meet with me and another prophetic board member, but then after he returned back home, eventually he dropped out of all ability to contact. Thus I suppose he passed, perhaps from kidney failure.
However, during this same time of apostolic pioneering servant ministry, as when God gave me THE VICTOR’S CROWN.. I observed, plus started to be repeatedly attacked by, (very much overseer accuser far off spiritual area warfare…) was the very opposite by area upcoming traditions of all wise men, and the controlling, Minding Every Other Minister’s, Rising Ministers, business apostolic shepherding, now I name(2012-2013) Old Testament WELP (Western European Levitical Patriarchism) which as a prior (raised) emotionally mature Southern Baptist,I had never ever known such things existed in Born Again Christian ministry, elders, lay. Back area then was when the Lord began to point out the start of what is now the GREAT local church “apostasy” which has mushroomed since.
It and the ministry accusation, fear of losing big control as well as the many character assassinations, (paved the way for the 2 Timothy 3:1-5 From Such Turn Away FF (Friendly Fire) false authority ministry Fellowship.
ALSO I believe that is WHY I began to study BIBLE DOCTRINES, and “Bible true and false governmental authority” which I now can much more fully address, want to address.
And Christian mature honor, humility and non competitive, non controlling Unity, without big control, genuflecting, Big I’s and Little Peon YOU’S, without all accusation, bigotry and minister, personal achievement taking first priority over ALL RELATIONSHIPS…
(PLEASE BEAR WITH this very old non professional recording, but at least you can get the gist ..really ought to be far slower and more contemplative, but due to keyboard loss…we at least have this very old hand hewn demo)
(C)1998 Taveau D’Arcy All copyrights reserved
JEREMIAH 3:15 “Then I will give you shepherds after My own heart, who will feed you on knowledge and understanding.
JEREMIAH 23:4 “I will also raise up shepherds over them and they will tend them; and they will not be afraid any longer, nor be terrified, nor will any be missing,” declares the LORD”
THE VICTOR’S CROWN A Ministry Leader Anthem
(C)1998 Taveau D’Arcy All copyrights reserved
TD is a CCLI songwriter affiliate. For this and many other Leader Words in Praise Chorus: http://www.celebrationofhiswordmusic.com
PS Please keep us in your MINISTRY PRAYERS as the missing DFW Ministry PIECE has always been Administration, Spontaneous Worship and getting the TV, RECORDING, ONE TO ONE COUNSEL STUDIO UP AND GOING..
If you wish to donate, help:
Contact: tcreativeleadership@gmail.com
1. We’ll have only crowns of glory to lay down at Your feet
Not false crowns of position or of pride
Lord, bring us out of sin and give us strength to look within
Bring us out of darkness into light.
2. Lord, bring us to our knees that we may walk in victory
Over hatred, division and strife
We’ll lay down our lives for Truth because we hunger for You
Not the approval of man.
My one desire is to run the race complete
A victor’s crown to lay down at Your feet
I give my heart and my mind and life to You
O Father God, I want nothing more than You
3. Forgive us for the dead works
For the things we haven’t done
Lord, take the scales off our eyes
Let us know You and what You would have us do
Deliver us from all of satan’s lies
4. Father, forgive us for we know not what we do
For our arrogance, our failure and our fear
Come and rend out hearts and restore the missing parts
With true, mercy, compassion and Holy Fear.
My one desire is to run the race complete
A victor’s crown to lay down at Your feet
I give my heart and my mind and life to You
O Father God, I want nothing more than You
© 1998 Taveau D’Arcy All copyrights reserved,
(C)2019 Taveau Creative Leadership All copyrights reserved

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