(C) 2013 Taveau D’Arcy All copyrights reserved
May 9, 2013
Resuming our APOSTLES series
(from beginning Feb 8, 2013 7 part Series)
I realize it’s taken quite a while to get back onto one of my own most exciting, extremely important hot Spiritual Governmental topics. The difference between the FIRST 12 Chief Apostles and the one the arrived as the Newbie in the town of Jerusalem, much later.
Begin by finding and reading at least the first 1-5 Blogs about this topic. They are on this blog beginning around February 2013, and go up to Part 7.
Over all notes:
Jesus Christ picked the first “organic 12” and hung out with them for 3 years: leader training, fellowshipping, imparting and hero role modeling.
Yet within this small Brotherly Leader Tribe, we study the New Testament First Church and realize that within them were division, immature self seeking Mama’s Boy Boanerges, a deadly betrayer, and many other specific real life personality strong differences. The apostle Cephas, later renamed Apostle Peter, was at first, even though official born again, still in big need of personal mind renewal, wise leader deep insight, even a “Rock of Revelation” that would eventually “hit him on the head” to REVEAL that there were many unique ideas past historical Hebrew Levitical Patriarchal Accusative Legalism.
One of the main examples of how Cephas had to have an ENCOUNTER with the Lord to even get delivered from the inherited anti nearly EVERYONE who was not a national Jew (every Gentile, which was every kind of race, person who was NOT technically born a Hebrew raised under the Old Testament Torah, Mosaic Law, washings and sacrifices “We are the WORLD” type of RELIGIOUS SYSTEM.
Yet, Peter had a REVELATION in Acts 10:34 and declared “I PERCEIVE that the Lord has NO respecter of persons.”
Thus when later on, after Judas betrayed Jesus, the Messiah, and hung himself, the remaining First Apostles nominated Matthias to take Judas place. (Read the older blogs for more about all this)
NEXT: Later, after a murderous anti Christian, superior Torah observer, who was well educated in Levitical Law. also encountered the Risen Christ and went through a huge inner personal transformation, this Newly Born Again Saul, was renamed the Apostle Paul, who wrote 2/3 of the New Testament.
Although the apostle named Paul was raised similar to Peter (Cephas) under Patriarchal Levitical Respecter of Persons all male leadership, following a big Holy Spirit vision, the new Believer, also began to see all persons, races and all men and women from an Eternal Leadership Point of View.
POINT: God took what all the first 12 Original disciples were in their natural and Spiritual future leader DNA and anointed, equipped and apostolically imparted to them, YET, it took a supernatural encounter to HOLY SPIRIT OVER RIDE their own strongly intrenched, rigid, religious ministry made up leader mindsets.
Here is ONE reason: there was NO written New Testament, only the Old Testament. So this is why the first church apostles spent a LOT of time in prayer and fasting, seeking God and also why the Holy Spirit came in the book of Acts (to quicken them , impart to them and equip them, make them Sent Messengers with many ‘signs and wonders following”)
PS See Isaiah 11:2 The 7 Spirits of God which were imparted, flaming and igniting by the Acts 2 Holy Spirit dunamis, (which we appear to have lost a lot of today):
And the spirit of the Lord shall rest upon him, the spirit of wisdom and understanding, the spirit of counsel and might, the spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the Lord;
that today we have PART of the 7, but noticeably absent seem to be the SPIRIT OF COUNSEL and true apostolic MIGHT and the FEAR OF THE LORD.”
Isaiah 11:3 teaches that the apostolic, sent first to grass roots, Messiah, was QUICKENED by and DELIGHTED IN the His Father’s “Fear of the Lord” (and also would not accuser judge by the sight of his eyes or make decisions based on what He heard.)
Apostle Paul, when contrasted with the first 12 Organic Apostles, seems to have been much more emotionally mature, not filled with immature achievement and personal success human ministry agenda goals. Rather, after Paul’s STRONG Holy Spirit deep encounter, he completely got an ETERNAL VISION MAJOR TRANSPLANT. It woke him completely up, completely shook him up and made his keep his eyes totally on the Lord, for the rest of his life.
Apostle Paul could undergo prisons, shipwreck, floggings, deprivation, and much humiliation, and even first 12 apostle rejection,(we’ll discuss this more later) because Paul had seen JESUS CHRIST THE MESSIAH and had completely shifted his former Man Pleasing, Self Seeking Human pioneering leader perspective.
I will continue to contrast PAUL with the first 12 on the next blog.
THAT”S ALL FOR THIS BLOG. .but we’ll hurry back SOON.
PS Need YOUR PRAYERS for God’s providing me a SENT APOSTOLIC PUBLISHER who will help me get all the leader books OUT.
Your Sister, Taveau
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