NOTE: This was first posted Feb 2, 2019 www.onlinefellowship.us and also on several other apostle Taveau D’Arcy Ministries sites
NOTE: In this APOSTLES, ROMANS series, it is similar to how God gave me needed grace, ministry understanding, OVER GREAT TIME to finally grow closer to Him and to know the Holy Spirit, weed out Law, gender, ministry , all TV media strongly now affected DOCTRINES. And this is what, how, Taveau D’Arcy Ministries honestly experienced it and tells basically what, how she receives divine creativity, so many ideas and all of the REVELATIONS in each one of her websites.
DFW Leader, Apostle Taveau Creative Leadership Consulting….is the head overseer,doctrine prophetic originator inner visionary…and a human who is “not a table waiter” in this definitely kind hearted, free spirited yet supernatural, genuine ,hugely multifaceted, indeed NICHE pioneering ministry.
Sharing it to encourage , edify and hopefully leader strengthen. More to come but as trying to relocate from Denton to McKinney …then will be WHEN GOD strongly allows. NOTE we shift living base to McKinney, but keep our Denton worship, homeless/car dwelling big adventure outreach and support OVER THERE and LOVE and Shift LIVING areas as God clearly directs. LOVE the spirit of Denton area. But need a formal rest off of the major front leader lines
Apostle Taveau is trying to take a Sabbatical all of 2019. So will be posting, doing, sharing, filming and traveling, ministering ALL ONLY when, if GOD directs. PRAY FOR HER and FOR DFW LEADER DIRECTION. Supposed to go to Charlotte for 2-3 months. BUT need clear support, offer of a place to reside, $2600 (4 tires, repairs, journey) and specifics.
SEND MINISTER QUESTIONS: dfwleader@gmail.com
FIRST ..Sharing exactly how God directed ME to do it beginning in late 80’s all of the 90’s until now.
EPHESIANS 1: 16-23
PRAY AND DWELL UPON APOSTLE PAUL’S PRAYER. It is important that YOU sink YOUR faith into believing all of this.
2. Continue to do it often per day, 3 weeks
It will slowly silently begin to increase something deep inside you, building SOMETHING OF HIMSELF ..(via faith, by free unmerited secret Grace) from the inside to the outside.
Then pray these for your network and for church, household, government, area leaders
NOTE: I know in HIM in part, I share THIS in part, THIS IS NOT ALL CONCLUSIVE. Submitted Selah.
(C)2019 Taveau D’Arcy Creative Leadership All copyrights reserved
There was no word for “apostle” in the Old Testament. Prophet YES, apostle NO.
APOSTLE: God directly commissioned, mandated top, head, ONLY original founder. Can be any race, either gender.
FIRST 12 CHIEF APOSTLES: we refer to them, honor them as the CAPITAL A FAMOUS APOSTLES
JESUS CHRIST was the CHIEF APOSTLES’ CHIEF APOSTLE. .”Organic original top leader founder, who FIRST and ONLY heard the call from the LORD and then continually sought HIM, fellowshipped in a private one-to -One RELATIONSHIP with Him to receive the heavenly DOWNLOAD
This is how this perceiver-discerner also experienced it, even now experiences this.
NOTE: While the male, female, SPOUSE may be close to the ORIGINAL FOUNDER DIVINELY CALLED APOSTLE, they are NOT a CHIEF APOSTLE…but rather an important close member of the “apostolic team” and may be a confidante, contributor, but are not officially and uniquely the God’s Graced ORIGINAL FOUNDER (who first got the revelation , for example, out in the meadow, in the prayer closet.)
The reason for being this specific, is that the Father God holds the CHIEF apostle, ultimately directly accountable and personally responsible for the in depth vision and many choices, decisions along the Way…(meaning not the spouse /the SENT members of apostolic team…not nearly so much)
Many, due to Old Testament Law views, historic unchallenged (Back under the Levitical Law) Tradition, may view a woman senior commissioned apostle as “a pastor’s wife” but this is WHY we’re spelling it all out specifically. (Apostolic in ministry, business, etc)
THEREFORE…NOWADAYS all other apostles, chief apostles are servant leader, albeit renown or not, due to the observation that senior chief apostle PAUL only wrote the 5 fold office names, including “apostle” with a lower case letter, denoting Christian ‘servant leadership”. And Paul also wrote about himself as an “apostle” in this same “lower case, servant leader” fashion. Plus Paul also used lower case letters for bishop, deacon.
EPHESIANS 1:17 *That the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give unto you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of him:
ROMANS Chapter 1 v. 1 “Paul, a servant of Jesus Christ, called to be an apostle, separated unto the gospel of God..”
1. There’s a human person ,who perceives an inner tugging in their hearts to not just be an attender in a local fellowship, but to have some type of ministry.
2. He, She first must be a Believer in Jesus Christ, made Him their only Lord and Savior. Usually they have had the infilling with the Holy Spirit and the complete Book of Acts 2 experience.
3. NOTE THE “FIVE FOLD MINISTRY” BIBLE OFFICES ARE LISTED IN . Ephesians 4 servant leader Bible offices: apostle, prophet, pastor, teacher, evangelist . Dr Taveau apostolically functions in every one. Pastor being her least manifested one at this time.
4. Apostle Paul states specifically that any person feeling that they want to become an “ apostle” ..which the top, organic only pioneering founder leader, chief doctrine originator and approving overseer (DFW LEADER strongly prefers a less Bossy implied apostolic meaning…..an “over perceiver seer”)
5. STATING IT FULLY: However the person does not sign up to be “an apostle’ or any other ministry office, simply because it sounds appealing, interesting or perceived with bringing fame, perks and big finances…
6. The pure heart motives are the first and foremost Bible based APOSTLE ongoing deep requirements.
7. SECONDLY. the “called” person must sense, perceive and discern, and also have it confirmed, that they are called in such a manner first by GOD and then by others, Bible passages. . ( “called by God”)
8. And when God begins to really call them, and instruct them, guide them, repeatedly deliver them, begin to refine, reproved, correct, build up and to educate, often repeatedly SIFT them, …He CALLS, SETS APART and maybe even leads them through great long extreme trials, which seem hopeless, confined, ostracized, ignored, cut off, deeply unjust, forgotten and /or feeling IMPRISONED (like Apostle Paul) in which God then tweaks and rescues and prophetically trains the “rising office” in personal, abundant and most often life saving, life giving and overcoming , empowering “wise deep insight” and “ongoing big and small revelations.
9. Then during this usually super long overcoming and inquiring, experimenting, gaining true knowledge (information) but also much more hands on, personal, ministry life experience and hanging out with the Lord in various small and super large trials. Then one slowly adds “supernatural increase of wisdom and ongoing downloads of Holy Spirit REVELATION”
ALL THIS NOTE: Which is how this apostolic writer gets their very own APOSTOLIC “niche version of Christian ministry” …meaning Complementary, rather than competing “apostolic healthy leader doctrines”
EPHESIANS 1:17 *That the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give unto you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him:
1. Apostle Paul prays repeatedly for the Churches and shares how he receives “the abundance of (apostolic) revelations) Which is how I learned for this ministry.
2. It’s a FREE GIFT given directly from God by Grace . It is not earned, achieved or book learned,
3. It is RELATIONSHIP perceived and received in personal prayer closet, free random sometimes surprising times…and “IN THE KNOWLEDGE OF HIM “..key words
4. KNOWLEDGE OF HIM (not just knowing, reading, sitting under good teaching ABOUT him) (This RELATIONSHIP REVEALED pure supernatural ideas, concepts, teaching comes when you least expect it. Makes it more interesting, PS it comes basically via like PROVERBS 2: 1-5 but also PSALM 91 type “HANGING AROUND AND BEING GUIDED, DIRECTED, REVEALED TO, and CORRECTED and SUBMITTED TO the Bible and the Holy Spirit direct leading of, buy, Him, (‘fellowshipping with Him..He eventually rubs off on you)
NOTE:Selah not religious dogma, I understand that every one may come from different sets of traditions, Bible belief /ministry sets, plus many TV show, “The Apostle” movie, even bias, and that each one must discern, pray and compare with the New Testament (weeding out the Critical Levitical Legalistic Law) to form your own opinion
ANY MINISTRY QUESTIONS? Email: dfwleader@gmail.com
(C)2019 DFW Leader Ministry Fellowship All copyrights reserved

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