(C) 2014 Taveau D’Arcy All copyrights reserved
Hi, this writer who happens to be a SENT person, as in the Lord, who has gotten supremely TIRED of being accused, watched and regarded as “suspicious” and “potentially in REBELLION” due to the amazing superfluous (growing?) NUMBERS of “prophetic OVERSEER” (who are mainly primarily 85% immature Pop Worship Ministry Viewer Culture leader affected) and (sorry to have to discern this in my own RACE…but 85-99 % primarily self regarded apostolic Caucasian.
As the NON man hating writer was NOT raised in her entire pastor’s father, mother’s apostolic, ministry/in pioneering
family, generations… going even WAY back..) SHE has determined that this NEED to be “OVER” a big host of OTHERS must stem from PARENTING..meaning they are many only VERY WELL INTENDED but who may not have been raised RESPECTFULLY or brought up knowing THE FEAR OF THE LORD.
Thus it was only by God’s sheer GRACE that this fortunate leader writer who WAS raised in a Godly, fear of the Lord, Ephesians 5:21 mutually respectful “mutually submitted” both abiding real PARENT hallowed Safe Haven Leadership (not all knowing) HOME..was given the HONOR of having “undeserved” great caring LOVE and REAL RESPECT, which descended to her and her baby sister, from first her Minister FATHER, then through her MOTHER and also came from GRANDPARENTS, RELATIVES and from circle of Christian FAMILY FRIENDS.
This (unknown by her at the time) caused the PERSON CALLED OF GOD to function in a RESPECTFUL “PERSON” type of mental outlook, and NEVER a “FEMALE” “PIONEERING A LEADER WOMAN’S MINISTRY”…
BUT it was NOT until the happily raised, RESPECTED WRITER “THE SHE” was “summarily SENT OUT into public Pioneering/Speaking, Teaching, Networking LEADERSHIP until she understood how VASTLY VERY MANY had not been so raised.(meaning RESPECTFULLY, NON BIGOTED, SPIRITUALLY PERCEPTIVE, HUMBLE, APPROACHABLE and “BIBLE FULLY BALANCED IN (non caustic, non ACCUSATIVE) basic DOCTRINE…and without…
Thus, as the many years have progressed, and with MEDIA, TV, FACE BOOK, FANTASY and POP WORSHIP TV affected grass roots “presenting themselves as Ephesians chapter 4 ” 5 fold office senior ministries”
AND after being JUMPED in public settings by “senior 5 fold ministers” exactly when I was already SUFFERING in deep abuse, pain of forced divorce, and may not have “looked” the most happy and perky…
So I now see the real need to (warn )PASTORS about allowing this as MANY are previously abused, big time SUFFERING prior to walking into, visiting their supposedly advertised as SAFE WELCOMING HAVEN SANCTUARY” “SAFE ACCEPTING, RESPECTFUL” HOUSE OF GOD…
HISTORICALLY: This big (in 1996, 2003 and 2010) who were (all this unbeknownst to her) SELF APPOINTED “DOCTRINALLY ENABLED, EVEN ENTITLED” over seer “area?” watchdogs who, without even once acknowledging her as a HUMAN SAVED PERSON, FELLOW SR MINISTER, “FRIEND OF GOD” or even took time to have their secretary respectfully call the HER up to Make and Official Matthew 18:15-18 Holy Bible Protocol honorable appointment…and the latest 2010, the she was NOT even asked her NAME and was a FIRST TIME respectful, quiet, calm visiting senior pastor/experienced minister..
MADE her comprehend how VAST is the BIBLE DOCTRINES which are NOT BOOK OF EPHESIANS Chapter 4 “Mutually agreed upon, intentionally COMMON DOCTRINE” which ARE “One Lord, One Faith, One Baptism “(to be modeled in lay, leader, “lowliness and meekness” Ch 4:1-2) and which then do NOT INCLUDE the modern day leader following:
Fellowshipping with the saints or not
Hairstyle, dress code, jewelry
Old Testament roles in church/marriage in men, women
Pan/Pre, Post Tribulation
Rising to bow and scrape to aristocratic elevated offices
AND divorced/ leader women, men
and MORE…
So while the bolder is not a NOVICE, after coming from such RESPECTFUL MUTUALLY SUBMITTED family /marriage background…and VIEWING the “public accusations” (for “not being submitted under any authority” “not being a member of a local church” and “being in rebellion in your home’ (which all of this was done by NOT ONE who had politely ever asked to speak to her privately (in Matt 18:15 polite terms) PLUS IF they had been so PROFESSIONAL, and upon a direct, face to face, polite INQUIREY then she could have given them each of her BOARD MEMBERS names and the names of the senior pastors to who SHE was personally accountable to and the name of the local CHURCH where the SHE attended (before she planted 3 cell small ones).
AND as the first TWO shocking (out of submission to BIBLE APOSTOLIC ORDER) strange encounters both happened PRIOR to her relocation to the great SOUTHWEST..her spirit was already HIGHLY AWARE and majorly PERCEPTIVE not of her OWN visitor apostolic BIBLE BOUNDARIES and as a fear less WOMAN…but also VERY VERY CAUTIOUS and HYPER perceptively aware NOT to tread upon the prophetic in house protocol of any local usually MAN ONLY PASTORAL MINISTRY southwest subgroup.
Alas, however, in the 2010 incident, where the writer went up to make ministry friends with the local (famous sr prophetic leader) second in command. But as she simply began to state what she was (only ) there for..to build a area DFW ministry relationship network… the words I AM Pastor SO AND SO..was not even given time to proceed out of her polite respectful “always under self governing /in every House authority” LIPS…
RATHER (as she was just about to introduce HERself to the MAN second in command..) the HE grabbed her (over familiarly, accusatively? apostolic male chauvinistically??) by her WRIST and proceeded to hand HER WRIST into the waiting open HAND of a associate minister who was FEMALE.
(PS would they have a black person waiting to take the arm of a black person who attempted to speak?)
BUT that was not the end of it. The waiting FEMALE then, without ever permitting the writer to even give her her NAME …started to accuse the SINGLE WHITE HER for “being UNSUBMITTED TO ANY AUTHORITY” and she repeatedly informed ME that “you need to come sit in this prophetic charismatic, mostly all solid western european leadership, CHURCH and BE UNDER SPIRITUAL AUTHORITY.”
(As I tried to speak up to tell her who I was …she got louder and louder until I knew that was the enemy himself…and this all happened during the worst, time of loss and being a newbie and DFW stranger…who was just trying to make ministry apostolic FRIENDS..
So that depleted me..and I drove back wondering WHAT is this same entitled “JUMP A PERSON WITHOUT FIRST SHOWING RESPECT and CARING about THEM as a HUMAN BEING?”
That really changed my views regarding self important “WE ARE THE CENTER OF GOD’S WORLD” combining Old Testament Levitical Patriarchism and barking orders LP Matriarchis, interspersed (majorly around the deep south purely white charismatic) Western European PATRICIANISM…which I wrote about on this TAVEAU LEADER BLOG repeatedly in 2013-2014.
..and I never ever went back. I had not desire to be publicly accused and presumed a WICKED EVIL DOER simply for SHOWING UP and politely asking to make an eventual minister to senior minister respectful appointment.
NOTE: Popular TV Media Affected “First Church of WE” could mistakenly regard the above direct comments as “TAKING OFFENSE” and “HAVING UNFORGIVENESS BAGGAGE” which add to this point (in the writers perspective)…
1. This removes the personal RESPONSIBILITY before the LORD to self examine THEIR own legalism/accusation surely habitual ministry ABUSIVE totalitarian (?) unsafe practices
2. I have already stated this: God historically appears seems to use this WHITE NATURAL APPEARING SINGLE TALL STRONG APPEARING but usually very calm, timid) FEMALE as a giant LITMUS TEST to uncover LEVITICAL PATRICIANISM, CONTROL and ACCUSER ENABLING BIGOTRY. Meaning: I can sit in the back of an audience and someone will send a WITCH WATCHER to interrogate me about “who I am and what I am doing her” (incidentally ONLY the same charismatic Jezebel conscious LP /MP type doctrinal ministry subgroups have ONLY EVER done this) …
3. After the first such incidence, I was supremely aware that a lot of senior pastors/chief apostles, must not have grown up like I was allowed to do: being GIVEN RESPECT and not UNDER “spiritual covering/Levitical Legalism “Little WOMEN /applies to Black /Dark Skinned Person :THOU SHALT NOT.
So I have made it my practice to FORIVE ALL OF THEM “for they perceive NOT what they DO…” but then I agape LOVE them, but now from AFAR..and I never spread gossip about them.
4. After a great apostolic while, I understood God has made me a CATALYST for this type of thing..and has removed from me all FEAR OF HUMANS (man or Levitical Woman) and has at last made me BOLDER and I now have a VOICE..and a BIG LOUD MOUTH which to speak up as I now ADDRESS “dogma/critical leader doctrines” and I now really want to DO SO on behalf to the many thousands of OPPRESSED and leader ACCUSED (both soft spoken, atypical men and leader non controlling women) who are being oppressed and dominated by apostolic often mysogynistic /Old Testament Mixture and Levitical Legalism mixed with elite WESTERN EUROPEAN ROMAN PATRICIANISM … add to this human persona, flesh, Disney Fantasy, Boarnerge Wannabe Immature Leaders and demons from the pit of hell.
Submitted in SELAH IFFM In House Form.
PERSONAL ASIDE: “There for the grace of God go I also, I fully acknowledge and deeply understand.”
5.AND RATHER than take INCIDENCES “personally” I regard them “PROPHETICALLY” meaning that if I (quiet, humble, always open to be respectfully spoken directly with) am JUMPED and ACCUSED for no valid REASON…then what is the much more timid, non native English speaker, visitor gay, single leader men, leader women, etc also being MISPERCEIVED and APOSTOLICALLY MISTREATED??
ONCE a pastor mentor shared that (many years ago) that when TV NIELSON RATINGS got 1 complaint or 1 praise, they took it to mean that 43 others did not COMPLAIN or PRAISE.
And this helped me with my own personal strange encounters.
PROPHETICALLY I now know that if I am “spied and gossiped about, jumped, accused, attacked, ministry stolen from, have ministry chauvinism, ageism, misogyny, perpetrated against the ME…then it signifies that those SAME “pastors, minister, churches, fellowships” have done the exact SAME IDENTICAL TYPE THING to potentially at LEAST 43 others per every ONE incident that has afflicted, been biased toward me.
MY NOW MOTTO “Whatever doesn’t KILL YOU will actually make you STRONGER but also eventually give YOU more BIBLE TEACHING FODDER..”
So here it continues..
and please keep checking www.organicleader.org AND www.dfwleaderfellowship.org every few days..
as I am now writing on a few related ministry leader subjects.
Much more…
PS Please stand with us in more PRAYER as we advance.
Mighty Blessings!
(C)2014 Taveau D’Arcy All copyrights reserved
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