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NOTE: This was first posted (C) 2011 Taveau’s (now retired wordpress blog) Prophetic Kingdom Marketplace
A Leader Word for the Body Of Christ
We reprint this from nearly one year ago. (yet it was a 2011 IFFM Word)..It is valuable as it in part describes our own IFFM Kingdom Business Market Place, Ministry Position on Funds.
(C) 2011 Taveau D’Arcy All copyrights reserved
Organic Pure Prosperity of Body, Mind, Soul and Finances
“Beloved, above all things, I wish that you prosper and be in health, even as your soul prospers.” III John 1:2
- “Godliness with contentment is great gain**.” I Timothy 6:6
**Perspective: I Timothy 6:-5-11 context:
These words appeared in a vision given to pioneering servant
. Taveau D’Arcy by the Lord while on a family trip to Washington, DC in 1995.
The entire picture with the words THE CUTTING EDGE IS BALANCE was that of a pioneering leader standing precariously balanced on the edge of an enormous, old timey razor blade. It he/she slipped from being fine tuned balanced, they would either go over one side or the other.
In the vision, if the leader slipped and fell off onto one side, there was a deep chasm, with huge hard boulders and rocks..upon which they might be smashed.
However on the other side, there was a giant vast swirling river, which could carry them away, sweep them away.The Cutting Edge is for any leader rely heavily upon the Lord to keep that fine tune balance..and this was not ONLY on topics pertaining to finances, income, monies, but in every single other subject matter.
Discernment of Bible Organic True Prosperity:
TCL firmly believes God’s Holy Word in III John 1:2 (read that scripture above)….and that when each Christ follower takes personal responsibility for doing the things which our Father’s Word says will PROSPER HIS/HER OWN MORTAL SOUL…….then all these other forms of real life PROSPERITY (Pure Shalom peace, rest, finances, joy,fruits of the Spirit, gifts of the Spirit, etc)…..and HEALTH will eventually manifest. This may require spending time in God’s Word, even much proving of faith, patience and even long suffering. (“The trying of your faith works patience.”….)
There is NO “one size fits all” financial, healing or any other formula…just as GOD relates to each one of His Children as “His Only Dear Child” so, Father God permits each one of His children to grow, learn more about Him and to even grow closer to Him in the FOS Club (“the fellowship of His sufferings”) just as Christ Jesus was a card carrying lifelong FOS Club member as He allows different situations which we can view as His maturing us and also in teaching us personally HOW to prosper AS OUR OWN SOUL PROSPERS.
APOSTLE TCL firmly believes that God uses tests in “SOUL PROSPERITY” to build strength of moral character, endurance and abiding, enduring faith and love…not to mention, show us all the value of “passing through this life” on the way to Heaven.
With regard to the topic of MONEY, TCL believes in need, not greed, not lust for other things. (Since the Bible says they choke His Word.)
TCL Definition of financial TRUE PROSPERITY: is purely a matter of what God, based upon the Word of God, and the conscience of the Believer…what is THEIR PERSONAL VERSION of “financial prosperity.” TO live beneath may be rooted in unbelief, fear of looking too showy, or pride. TO live way above one’s own God directed peaceful conscience may be rooted in other forms of pride, lust or greed.
In fashion conscious society, even sadly in Christian pioneering ministry: Too many pastors, leader, and lay persons accidentally compete with one another by comparing their own God given level of personal, ministerial financial (viewed outwardly) with another’s. We all need to use great caution, since Proverbs instructs us, “Any person who compares him/her self with another IS NOT WISE.”
Example: God may also use one pastor’s, one lay person’s own view of what is prosperous to test him/her as in, “will they compete? are they in jealousy, rivalry? Will they gossip, speculate or set themselves up as judge?’ And the Bible teaches, “God uses the foolish things of the world to confound the worldly wise.” (The worldly wise sadly may be found in many born again pioneering other wise very nice, churches)
Here is APOSTOLIC TCL belief: IF we keep all of our eyes ONLY on the Lord and keep watch over our own SOULS, including ONLY OUR OWN CONSCIENCE, as before the Almighty God, then we will each not be tempted to judge, speculate, believer gossip or be jealous.
Secondly, TCL believes fully that there is much more to think about than WHO has WHAT and WHAT IS ON THEIR OUTER COURT. TCL frankly believes that pastors, ministers, lay persons who keep tabs on everyone else’s financial display are spiritually immature and completely shallow. To view oneself as a Christian Over-Seer Critic Watch Dog whom God has placed as supreme judge over all other Christ followers reeks of lack of love, being chiefly ego centric, and presumptive.
GROUPS or TRUE MINISTERS who set themselves up on public pulpits to ridicule, mock or label by their NAMES….any Believing Christ following other groups, ministers, pastors such names as “Blab it and grab its” or “name it and claim it” to thereby hurt the tender conscious of youth, baby believers and others in their congregation or radio/TV audience, may be judged similar to the Lord’s Supper Communion warning, ‘Many of you are sick and die young since YOU FAIL TO DISCERN THE BODY OF CHRIST CORRECTLY.” (There for the grace of God go we all…so all of us must refrain from being judges of movements, teaching, and God’s pastors….Let GOD only judge.)
TCL has a firm believe in God’s Word. In the book of Revelations, John gives a word from the Lord to the sr pastor of the Philadelphian Church (of Brotherly Love) This word tells them that The Love Walking, EVERYBODY honoring, Philadelphian Church…will be the only church who’s doors would never ever be closed (Rev. 3) and would be saved from the fiery trial coming upon the earth.
This writer has personally heard one media station permit name calling such as “word of faith pastors BY NAME…on more than one occasion, by more than one allowed broadcaster….living in the holy fear and dread of the Lord…this writer went to warn one of their staff on several occasions, but they did not want to believe all this.
The shocking result: SO now they are off the air in their formerly PRIME area wide broadcasting spot.
Third: TCL believes, based on the above, “let each one’s Godly clean conscience RULE” ministry, leadership/lay person standard: IF ONE mature leaders conscience says that THEIR own personal version of “what is truly prosperous” means a double wide trailer near a fishing pond” while another’s God given clean conscience allows them to have a $6million dollar mansion, 4 cars, even while TCL personally does not feel called to live ostentatiously, we must agree that THAT is NONE OF OUR OWN BEESWAX if any other true servant of God does.
SOME very large highly visible ministers must live in gated security to have protection due to death threats against their own lives or family.
TCL therefore urges all Christ followers to follow the Biblical instruction of wisdom, “A good man/woman lays up treasures for his /her children’s children.” Proverbs
SO, WE refuse to allow JUDGING anyone from afar, we prefer to let GOD ONLY be the judge.
TCL does believe that due to the ministry being viewed as “all about making big money” and due to the increasingly cynical rabid distrust of pastors, ministers and many local born again churches, we strongly advice that TV ministers, pastors use much more restraint in flashing materialism, since too many now equate MONEY as the near the Top for “God wanting us to go to church.” (SELAH)
TCL believes that any person who judges any other pastor, person or Christ follower for THEIR OWN GOD GIVEN VIEW of “Financial Prosperity” may be viewed by the Lord as judging, incorrectly discerning those in Christ’s Body or just plain and simple: Self Appointed Nosey Busy Body.
THE APOSTOLIC LEADERSHIP OF TCL firmly believes that PROSPERITY is from the inside to the outside. We advice all pastors, leaders and lay persons to practice Godly Contentment, no matter what your income level. “Godly contentment has great gain.”
PICTURE ANALOGIES: 3 Pictures are below, each on represents a human soul : III John 1:2 (C)2011 Taveau D’Arcy All copyrights reserved
Beloved, above all things, I wish that you prosper and be in health, even as your soul prospers.” III John 1:2
Inflated Exercise Ball: resilient, sturdy to even heavy applied pressures
bounces back; Nickname: a New Wine Skin
Deflated Exercise Ball: hugely deflated, lifeless, expressionless, no stabilizing power or source of fulfillment, emotionally flat as a pancake, very dull, exceedingly lifeless, may feel like it’s just “existing;”
Nickname: May be a Very Old Wineskin or akin to the soul of the non regenerative unsaved human person;sometimes blame shifting, APPEARS to be big, full and powerful, but is only a shallow performance; nerves on edge, always worried,avoids being up front and realistic, sensitive to the smallest undue real life pressures; Very fragile; Often Nicknamed: an Old Whine Skin
Thin Skinned Beach Ball: touchy, easily wounded, accusative,avoids accepting responsibility
(C) 2019. Taveau D’Arcy Leadership Ministries All copyrights reserved

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