Apostle Paul mentors the First Churches in I Corinthians 14:10 “There are many voices in the world and each one has significance”
See I Corinthians 14:10 in many Bible translations
(C) 2013 Taveau D’Arcy All copyrights reserved under international copyright laws
April 30, 2013
WE MUST REMAIN AWARE: Learn to Discern and Perceive
“Discernment comes with reason of use.”
“There are many voices in this world and each one has significance.” I Corinthians 10:14
Here are a list of a few of the MODERN DAY “many voices.”
1. the voices of others
2. Self talk
3. phone calls, voice messages
4. words of shared advice
5. recurring ideas
6. dreams, visions, inner pictures, night mares
7. prophetic or spiritual words from another person
8. TV, media, radio, mp3 words, messages, musical words
9. movies, DVDs’, video games, videos, You Tube
10. the words of friends, parents, children, spouse, leaders
11. rumors, gossip, hearsay
12. presences, pressures, feelings, (such as fear, anxiety)
13. Facebook, Social Media, etc
14. TV news, online news
15. OTHERS: _________________________________
THUS, how can we tell WHICH INNER, OUTER and ANY OTHER VOICE truly represents the Most High, Living Father GOD?
Here are a few basic starter discernment Bible verses (claim these by faith by asking GOD’s Holy Spirit to quicken you to know WHEN it’s HIS safe friendly Voice OR if it’s the VOICE from the dark side.
Each VOICE must line up with James 3:17 (whether it come from a PERSON, from INSIDE or a DREAM, a PROPHECY or TEACHING,etc)
“The wisdom that comes from above is first of all pure, peaceable, easily entreated, full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality, without hypocrisy.”
“The wisdom that comes from above” is…..
1. PURE: no lust, double entrendre, bigotry, debasing, degradation, secret agenda, manipulation, bigoted, deceptive,false
2. PEACEABLE: the voice, words may be sober, even somber but never make YOU feel “spooky” or”fearful” (Big reminder; FEAR “False Evidence Appearing Real”)
3. EASILY ENTREATED: God’s voice is not argumentative, dogmatic, dominating, hurling insults or having to remain in control by proving it’s own point. It doesn’t avoid being confronted or Bible confrontation. It does not hide, duck, avoid taking personal ownership, be it personal or in a Bible relationship. It is easy to deal with.
4. FULL OF MERCY: Gives others the same granted grace which God has granted to them in dealing with one another’s human flaws, many sins, short comings, stupid remarks, etc. Has genuine empathy, real respect and Christlike caring true compassion. It is also not rigid, self righteous, legalistic or proud. Forgives all others as Christ has forgiven them.
5. GOOD FRUITS: the words, sayings, and conversation, Bible /TV teaching resembles Galatians 22 Bible Fruits of the Spirit: love, joy, peace, patience, temperance, kindness, goodness. AND James 3:17 (see above); It resembles Jesus, the Messiah in Is 11:2 “delights in the fear of the Lord, does not judge by the sight of His eyes, etc” NOT the Accuser.
6. WITHOUT PARTIALITY: Doesn’t play favorites, is not clannish, cliquish, does not practice RESPECTER OF PERSONS (which is a respect for some, but a disrespect for all of the others!). This includes bias, prejudice, racism, genderism, agism, socio economic strata, ministry position, and class.
7. WITHOUT HYPOCRISY: Is not two faced, back biter, faker, poser or deceptive betrayer, slick user, con artist, and or pretend to be one thing, but live another type of thing. Is not a “minister” who uses others, deceives others or tale bears after being a “friend” to another. It is the REAL DEAL both in front of many others, but also behind the scenes with close family.
“My sheep shall know my voice and the voice of a stranger they will not follow.” John 10:27
“God has not given me a spirit of fear but of power, love, and a sound mind.” 2 Timothy 1:7 (BRING THIS OUT when YOU get temptation to feel spooky, worried, afraid, in deep dread, apprehension) BUT it takes jumping back up onto doing it repeatedly, if you fall off.”
“The joy of the Lord is my strength” (means: that when YOU lose YOUR joy, that YOU will need probably find that YOU allowed afraid /worry, oppressive, negative, thoughts to come into YOUR mind)
“I wish that above all things that you prosper and be in health, even as your soul prospers.” 3 John 1:2 (Do the things that will PROSPER YOUR HUMAN SOUL (the soul: mind, will,emotions.)
A lot of other Bible leader thoughts ..but later!
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