This is one of the very first Words from the Lord, by Taveau D’Arcy, published in 1989 in THE ENCOURAGING WORD NEWSLETTER.(1987-2000) Now we reprint it, as it still pertains today.
<em>”He brought forth His people with joy, And His chosen ones with gladness.” Psalm 105:43</em><strong>
Dear Friend Standing in the Lord,
Has there ever been a time when it seemed that you “stood alone in the Lord?”
Were the trials of your circumstances such that no human (only God) could possibly relate to them?
Perhaps as a leader, a single or even the “spiritual leader’ of your home and situation, you alone know those exquisite pressures and challenges that continually bring you to the Heavenly Father’s throne.
If by any chance you can relate to such an experience, then, do not hesitate to “REACH OUT AND TAKE HOLD OF THE STRENGTH OF THE LORD>”…and despite the situation, BE OF GOOD CHEER….ANYWAY!
“BE OF GOOD CHEER:” SPOKEN IN THE IMPERATIVE FORM: a command! VINE’S DICTIONARY states that in each of the following passages of Scripture uses the words “Be of good cheer” (or take heart).”
The Greek word THARSEO is used which also means “Be of good cheer” or in my own words, “CHEER UP!”
MATTHEW 9:2 SCENARIO: To a person bound by sickness and sin: Jesus speaks to the paralytic on the mat. “CHEER UP!” says Jesus.”Your sins are forgiven” and later “RISE and be HEALED!”
MARK 9:2 SCENARIO: To people bound by things out of their control and also by fear of the unknown:
Jesus walks on the lake towards his disciples. They are in their boat being buffeted by wind and waves. To make matters even worse, they think that they see a ghost!
“CHEER UP!” commands Jesus. “It is I. Do not be afraid.”
JOHN 16:33 SCENARIO: Concerning suffering:
“In this world you WILL have tribulation.” says Jesus. “But, CHEER UP! I have overcome the world!”
ACTS 23:11 SCENARIO: During persecution:
Paul, after a ruckus over the Good News with the Sanhedrin, “The Lord appeared to Paul and said.” CHEER UP. I want you to testify of me in Rome like you did in Jerusalem.”
IN ALL of these instances the STRENGTH OF WILL comes into play. Simple naive “cheeriness” is not enough to resist the eternal pressures and temptations that war against the believer.
What IS more than enough, is the need for the believer to resist the temptation to rely on all that our natural senses beg us to believe. (“the natural circumstances”).
Instead our focus must be on the Lord ALONE: His power making US adequate and “more than conquerors” in each situation that arises.
For it is WHEN we stand “ALONE EXCEPT FOR HIM” He is able to impart to us the unseen mysteries of His will and purposes for our lives. Here we may discover that He chooses to surprise us with the POWER OF JOY.
HEBREWS 1:9: “You have loved righteousness and hated lawlessness, therefore God, your God, has anointed you with the oil of gladness above your fellows.”
WHAT IS the OIL OF GLADNESS with which we might be anointed along with Jesus?
The word “gladness” taken from the Greek AGALLIASIS is translated, “EXHUBERANT JOY” or “EXULTATION.”
It is part of the spiritual inheritance open to every believer, (“every spiritual blessing” Ephesians 1:3)
The “joy of the Lord” ( Nehemiah 8:10) and the “oil of gladness” are healing balms, sustainers in the midst of trial and “preservative agents” in times of duress and suffering.
The “oil of gladness” is a part of the “tender mercies” of God.
Coupled with the power of God, this creates the “joy of the Lord which is our strength.”(Neh. 8:10) as well as the “merry heart which does as good as a medicine.”(Proverbs 17:22)
1. By simply asking God to release more of His joy in us.
2. During times of praise and thanksgiving to the Lord.
3. Through special “releases” that come from the Lord during quiet times along with Him and /or in corporate worship gatherings of adoration, praise, prayer and deep worship.
4. Through meditation of the Word of God: the renewing of our minds plays an enormous part in our sustaining the JOY OF GOD in our lives.
The study of His Holy Word raises our earthy (earthly) PERCEPTIONS to view Life’s situations from God’s point of view. (His point of view does not allow us to view all that befalls us quite so desperately!)
5. By drawing on the Spirit of God for wisdom, knowledge and deeper understanding.
Experiencing the pure joy of the Lord “fires us up.’ It ministers to us Godly enthusiasm (coming from within) and excitement for the things of the Lord.
We overflow with the desire to advance the work of the Kingdom of God. We become “revved up” when we are weary or in need of refreshment and vigor.
The JOY of the Lord “fuels us” to minister the GOOD NEWS ….BECAUSE we have found it to be just that GOOD News!
1. BECAUSE God gives us the strength to do so.
2. BECAUSE Jesus said to “Be of GOOD CHEER.” He gives us the PRIVILEGE to be so in all of our circumstances!( Besides, WHY would any of us want to do less than one of the Lord’s COMMANDS?)
3. BECAUSE Jesus KNOWS the joy and true meaning of these earthly trials: HE sees them from the vantage point of Eternity: filtering through the Book of Revelation: the Bride of Christ, purified, adorned in splendor; Entering into the Marriage Supper with the Lamb.
Satan is DEFEATED. The Lamb is seated on the THRONE. There is no SORROWING; No PRESSURES are there. No TEARS will ever be shed.
And only HE knows the surprises which await us there! (NO WONDER HE IS SMILING!)
So, dear brothers and sisters, let us “Lay aside every weight” and “press on” in the STRENGTH and POWER and in the JOY OF THE LORD!”
Dr. T
(C)1989 Taveau D’Arcy All copyrights reserved

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