A.R.T. ABIDING RELATIONSHIP THEOLOGY: “How did Jesus Christ ACT and /or REACT in every single RELATIONSHIP when He was walking the earth in ministry and personal life, around the area..in Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. Then we simply model Him.” http://www.relationshiptheology.org
NOTE: This was first posted Oct 2018, www.dfwleader.org
A NEW NOTE: June 29, 2019
MAIN POINT….INSTEAD OF HISTORICAL, PASSED WAY DOWN “ACCUSATION DUE TO “PERCEIVED SIN”…IN THIS DAY OF MASS ACCUSATION, 24/7/365 MEDIA, TV, HOSTILITY, BIAS, let us perhaps view the following LGBT…. instead via enduring in submitted respectful, not one bit PC… JAMES 3:17 A.R.T. THEOLOGICAL DIFFERENCES..as in “each human person, who is a unique individual “made in the image of God” ought to be respected to have their own BIBLE VIEWS and /or else to NOT have ANY Bible views.
Such is a civilized normal “for ALL for the people, as in a democratic, society???“..or at least up until the current?
POINT: rather than GENDERS, SEX ORIENTATION or IDENTITY..first regard each one as a fellow HUMAN BEING “the office of the human being made in the image of God ” Psalm 139. AND they should reciprocated. (this view assists in all forms of bias, race, age, social strata…even (!!) politics). And such is the TCL E.O.R.R. Equal Opportunity Real Respect motto and abiding policy.(meaning whether or not YOU believe what I fully believe to be The whole eternal Truth)
THE BIG RELIGIOUS RIGHT CHECK LIST: Abiding in James 3:17 “the wisdom that comes from above is first of all 1)pure 2)peaceable 3) EASILY ENTREATED 4) full of mercy (Eph 4:32) and 5) Good fruits (Gal 5:22-23) 6) WITHOUT PARTIALITY 7) without hypocrisy”
I CHOOSE TO REGARD EACH AND EVERY HUMAN BEING..REGARDLESS of WHO, WHAT..with or without them aligning to all or even nearly all of what I personally belief…in such a PSALM 139 “Office of the Human” polite, fully respectful Abiding Relationship Theology manner.
WHY? VIDEOS OF SCREAMING, DOGMATIC RUDENESS, ACCUSATION, “US AGAINST THEM” IS NOT GETTING ANY OF US ANYWHERE and the nation is at risk. “Evangelical, supposed Bible thumping Christian attacking, again sounding self righteous” is making it a lot worse. AS this is NOT the old Blonde Blue Eyed Baby Jesus, WE CENTRIC Mama’s, Savior wrapped up in the red,white and blue, GOOD OLD TIMEY “Religiously RIGHTeous…60’s, 70’s..80’s, 90’s….USA.
Submitting this and what is following…to the leaders in the “Born Again, Jesus Accepting, Body of Christ, in a James 3:17 non self righteous Selah.
Sincerely, Apostle Taveau D’Arcy
ABOVE Matthew Shepherd. This big-time caught my “USA /Body of Christ” deeply concerned me, clearly demanded my attention 20 years ago. Please see prior article “Taking a Stand Against Homosexual Disrespect in Ministry”
(C)2018 Taveau Creative Leadership All copyrights reserved
NOTE: As a “Ye Must Be Born Again” trying to be a True Christian Believer, I am appalled at the repeated TV Media increasing portrayal of supposed Christian “ministry ,leader, lay” as disrespectful, demeaning, accuser Name Calling and perceived as aggressive, potentially violent and actively endorsing, using, seem to be promoting Hate Speech.
I officially am NOT one of THESE.
BE IT KNOWN: Starting in my early 20’s, as a private school elementary school teacher, I have carpooled, taught along side, befriended, and laughed, joked with, had my hair amazingly repeatedly done……plus repeatedly endeavored to show heart compassion, and even one time attempted to transcribe hire, non elite,but all honorable, gay/ homosexuals. Recently I have been befriended by a messenger from the local caring Christ following church, who happens to be another (Methodist ) LGBT participant, but who has shown this fellow person, far more Good Samaritan love and true equipping very big concern, than any (actually all) of the preceding area (“TV being affected”?) l professing charismatics!
I fully assess each of them as my fellow “humans”…who might possess a different past, as well as clearly different version Bible theology…and surely each of them most likely thought the very same thing …about dear little heterosexual ….me.
And I willing walk/work or fellowship, if it’s fun… beside any of them, if I judge them…..MEANING….by their ongoing enduring Abiding Relationship, peaceable, MYOB, similar to JAMES 3:17 ENDURING TRUE TRUSTWORTHY FRUIT(note: yet I do the exact same thing regarding ministers, all races, all belief systems, all pastors and all PERSONS, SOCIAL NETWORK) ..for I am EQUAL OPPORTUNITY REAL RESPECTING..Greet, View All as PEERS…until at least proven OTHERWISE.
JAMES 3:17 RELATIONSHIP PURE FRUIT: “The wisdom that comes from above is first of all pure, peaceable, easily entreated, full of mercy and good fruit, without partiality and without hypocrisy.” James, Sr Pastor Church of Jerusalem, Christ’s dear 1/2 brother
And, I remark also that each and every human being One, was very talented, gifted and mostly other Human Centered. And for each of those super valid reasons, each and every one of them earned , really deserved my Real Respect.
Also, while I have always been assessed as “Straight” I make it a life long practice of fully bending over backwards to NOT label them, accuser lump any one of ANY TYPE OF PEOPLE /FAITH, BELIEF /MINISTRY GROUPS into a Stereotype, nor do I ever see them as “US AGAINST ANY ONE OR ALL OF THEM.”
I would advise that this become the practice of the other ministers, lay in Jesus Christ’s True Body.Yet, to avoid big US Misunderstanding, I will explain each one of our own (mine included) to take it upon each one of our diverse free thinking nonsalacious Selves, to TURN Christ following Noble Bereans. WHICH might include ‘
- EPHESIANS 4 COMMONLY HELD DOCTRINES: Meaning, the different denominations, purposes, focuses in the historical, international, differing local, apostolic diverse Bible fully believing , submitted to tribes, big groups, fellowships, leader/lay, persons.
- We all actually need to PRAY...for perception and balance…. Plus for the general Christian Leadership to accurately, minus any religious knee jerk reactions, what maturely should be a reasonably, non emotionally, ATTEMPT to understand, that they are not one big LGBT FORCE GROUP (which to me resembles the big negative of now, current “ACCUSER” POLITICAL PARTIES ).who attempt to over power and to dominate to make over public society in THEIR VERY OWN fashion) ….yet all of that is a growing underlying potential PART.
- YET, while I readily acknowledge the HUGE (….YUGE) forces in all these types of Big Unyielding SYSTEMS (outing MY OWN PERSONAL NON RABID VIEWS) is not now or has been or will probably ever be MY CALL or FULL OUTED FOCUS…
- I consider that any big or small group, ministry, church, Party, faction…is actually comprised of various… random vast or tiny few… HUMAN …UNIQUE… ATTEMPTING TO BE VALID ..EQUAL..SOME SINCERE, MANY POSSIBLY NOT…yet God formed, well loved, INDIVIDUALS.
- This realistic basic view thus if my, our field. E.O.R.R. People Subgroup Grand View.
CLICK LINK to find out:
- The Explanation is that “One by One, each of them and US are born, One By One they each grow up with their own experiences, family, emergency situations, ideas, and acquired theology, again personal subjective EXPERIENCE, positive or accuser negative. One By One, each of them, plus you and me hear tugs on each of our very own private hearts and make Visible, many Invisible leader Choices, about WHO we believe Jesus is or else NOT. One By One we either make the Choices which Father Creator God requires that will ensure that when we pass this mortal, often tribulatory, temporal Planet, that we all graduate into Eternal Joyful Abiding Stressless HEAVEN!
ABOVE: I found the above online, maybe April, 2018. It shows parts of a non bigoted Australian Church march. They’re holding a sign accepts responsibility for being accusative and mean spirited…as well as sincerely apologizes to the gay community. They apologize for unloving following:
….for hiding behind religion when really I was scared
…I’ve looked down on you instead of honoring your humanity
….I’ve looked at you as a sex act instead of a child of God
….I’ve rejected and hurt your family in the name of “family values.”
…for not listening
….for judging you
RESPECTING A HUMAN PERSON who is Psalm 139 “made in the image of God.” is NOT to be accused and mislabled as someone “condoning, endorsing” any ongoing, pubic, private practice, behavior (however, that “repeated assessed sin” (Examples: Sin Conscious Accuser Phariseeism, swearing, covetousness, greed, lying, fornication, superior pride,etc) might very well include ALL OF US..gay, straight???) as that would mean
1) that we are all “Back Under the Law” (which is legalistic)
2) that they are superior religious proud, even arrogant, to Pharisee throw rocks at “sinning others” when demeaning disrespect, due to being in Job 42 “PRIDE” is equally and perhaps a worse (accepted)SIN.” Selah
- SO my very OWN personal, life long views are “I will submit what I fully believe as Leader Jesus Christ’s New Testament Holy Bible Truth.” YET in a fully respectful, non demeaning, non dogmatic and NOT “Theological Fisticuffs’ and/or I am Religiously ALWAYS RIGHT …Relationship truly Respectful Holy Spirit directed loving manner
- Based on the Submitted Tennis Ball Realistic Selah Links provided herein
- ALSO, Submitting Bible Truth in respectful Selah “Selah means to Reflect and Pause to Deeply Consider” as well as in Ye Must Be Born Again” apostolic senior leadership, means ” I love YOU enough to LET you have the responsibility to pray, to perceive and to go to GOD to Hear GOD regarding such for YOUR OWN SELF.” (NOTE: This shows REAL E.O.R.R. Office RESPECT)
ALL THE COMMENTS, submitted non PC Commentary, plus the LINK are just now being respectfully lobbed into each one of YOUR “Unique Personal Inner Tennis Courts” for YOU to discern, percieve and even Noble Berean…meaning even for YOUR own self!
AND I prefer, and TCL, DFW LEADER MINISTRY FELLOWSHIP submits the following as THEIR Real Human Deserving of E.O.R.R. (Equal Opportunity Real Respect..For the Office of Every Human Being Made In God’s Image Psalm 139) !!! ..which is to AVOID seeing STEREOTYPES and lumping ALL Gay, Straight, the Races, Classes, Ages, and Big Hairy Styles, into formless but too often accuser Judged (misjudged!) MERE CLUMPS of HUMANS …(all of which devalues the gifted, preferred by God, well loved and created in God’s Image INDIVIDUAL..of which I am one.
LINK TO E.O.R.R. http://onlinefellowship.us/?page_id=18311
- PLUS, each God loving one of US, must also have at least a modicum of Jesus Christ Relationship EMPATHY…as well as IQ Understanding enough to take time out (this shows our Real Love and Other Respect..which is PC or COMPROMISE or (God forbid) ENDORSING… ..MEANING..to take note what is THEIR “Bible Interpretation” which is their THEOLOGY.
- And this and the life long /ongoing, thorough Noble Berean Bible Study of ABIDING HUMAN RELATIONSHIPS (http://www.relationshiptheology.org) and had some befriend me, come to my emergency aide, when other “faith filled, tongue speaking” “Ye Must Be Born Again” Ministries avoided me.
(C)2019 DFW Leader Ministry Fellowship all copyrights reserved

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