NOTE: this was just posted June 14, 2018 www.emergefromchurch.wordpress.com
“We need to recognize, this is not 1980’s, 90’s- submitted even early 2000’s Christ Following. This is media influenced, becoming more and more radicalized… and I am immersed and out there with them…. and loving it!” Sent apostle T. D’Arcy (Used to have a dear Arab Muslim friend who shared that when persons encounter repeated DISRESPECT that is what primarily radicalizes them. BE IT ANY RACE, NATION, PEOPLE GROUP, FAITH)…SO WE NEED TO RISE UP AND FULLY RESPECT EACH AND ALL. ….So I would also view myself (after 12 1/2 full years in DFW encountering area (many so called) “CHRISTIAN” ministry) being much more RADICALIZED. However, THIS FEAR OF THE LORD “radicalized” is just to PROMOTE “more LOVE for ALL FAITHS, HUMAN GOD MADE PERSONS, whether or NOT they EVER accept JESUS CHRIST as their PERSONAL LORD and SAVIOR!)
(C)2018 Taveau D’Arcy All copyrights reserved
“They (the namby-pamby legalists) think YOU’RE NEGATIVE, a “COMPLAINER” “UNDERMINER” “PASTOR ACCUSER” ..when really really out there where the ones who are NOT felling safe, welcome, or able to TRUST, have a big host of media ILLUSIONS are truly affecting them, but then the messenger is NOT in some elevated pulpit, surrounded and buffered continually by handlers, keepers and body guards..rather the Father God has sent YOU out to be AMONG and WITH them. And actually, to sense nearly full, multicultural, NON PARTISAN.. ACCEPTANCE. ” TCL Overjoyed Upper Management (Not one bit a part of the Compassion Fatigued, USA Empathy Free, Eli Temple Accuser High Priesthood)
“The loveless nearly almost always RED STATE “Ye Must Be Born Agains” are area wide, repeatedly…unrealistic, not purely in touch, or perceiving that they now come across as ” set in each of THEIR ways.” “To accept the likes of weird YOU..WE need YOU to conform TO SAINTLY US”…And also, these Super Saintly, many”Well Versed” Believers recurrently, repeatedly prove themselves to be THE MOST suspicious BELIEVING PEOPLE AREA GROUP. Which from the Front Lines is THE MOST LEAST LIKELY to woo and represent the non –partisan , non acccuser CHRIST to the Blue State (not going NEAR a perceived as BIGOTED, ACCUSING, Fellowship). And brutally honest: this human fearless respecting person avoids them like a PLAGUE. “SPIRITUAL LEADER “DULL OF DISCERNING” DUH ..WHAT’S UP SELAH.
NOTE: if the left side of the USA all decides to relocate to this Big Lone Star, and/or any, all OTHER RED RELIGIOUS US States…YOU super into JUST THOSE LIKE YOU… self satisfied, all-knowing, and NOT big on dealing with human God made real Left Wing, Avante Guard, non RED THINKERS…many, if not most of YOU are NOT one bit prepared. AND “faithful are the (upfront, non accuser) wounds of a peer FRIEND”
And I’ll be at with them, at a local Barista Fellowship..hobnobbing and FELLOWSHIPPING, and TRYING to represent slacks wearing CHRIST.. until God’s ALL FULLY, EQUALLY (Unconditionally!) ACCEPTING ..TRUE.. NON BIASED LOVE , less than OPPORTUNIST…authentically returns.
Let us put this brutally FRANKLY… so that anyone can get this..
WHEN/IF one of the SAFEST (emotionally protective, refreshing, relaxing and EDUCATING) if not sane places is to be ONLINE rather than out among the LORD’S “YE MUST BE BORN AGAIN” big US population..when Apostle Paul commands “Do not forsake fellowshipping with the saints…as some have” in Hebrews 10:25**
**(although not Bible Beat Down Dogmatically, would never accuse anyone LEGALISTICALLY)
And since the LAST times we posted, simply TOO MUCH has evolved in mature office prophet, chief (servant) apostle TAVEAU CREATIVE LEADERSHIP to not begin to post ..for the sake of RELIEVING most of, all of YOU who feel that similar ministry, overly well educated, very well read, but elder, leader, lay All Wise All Knowing LEGALISM which translates( sooner or later) into picking all apart GOD’S PEOPLE with ministry leader, fellow Born Again Believer sin of ACCUSATION.
And we’ve been there..even RECENTLY. So hence, I as a mature, long life, Christ follower, who had been given the GRACE to have ‘natural, loving, giving SERVANT leader pastor (wise, happy, emotionally mature) parents, and somehow figured out WHO our Lord JESUS CHRIST IS from the get to..by GOD’s undeserved MERCY.
Yet during that 5 decades ago “salvation” time, MUCH has gone down the spiritual US lay of the land FELLOWSHIPPING Pike..and what has been coughed up and that which is now OUT on the lay of the (over the whole) unrepentent, whole lot more accuser LAND..can be (relationship speaking) more compared to coming in touch with the LAKE OF FIRE.
Hence, for the GOOD NON BIASED HOLY NAME OF CHRIST and for the AMAZING BIG VAST NUMBERS of TRUE, VALID, CALLED, EMOTIONALLY WHOLE, NON BIASED , MATURE, SAFE, HEALTHY Senior Pastors, Prophets, Apostles, Bible Teachers, Witnessed, as well as non offensive fully sold out LEADERS, “Born again”LAY..we rise up ..similar to JESUS CHRIST as He strode one God appointed Day into the caustic chaotic dysfunctional, highly well trained, educated but ACCUSER Overseer Pharisee Mammon Chasers particular high functioning apostolic leader tables..and PROCEEDED to address them in a non demeaning PROPHETIC SHOCKING WAKE UP ACT.
Hence we now re start EMERGE FROM CHURCH official Submitted Pondering (pithy) SELAHS!
TO ACCOMPANY much of this: DFW LEADER EMAG http://www.dfwleader.org
DFW Ministry Leader ONLINE Fellowship “when the safest place to DFW fellowhip is ON LINE” “Abiding in the One True VINE..ONLINE…and doing JUST fine! http://www.onlinefellowship.ushttp://www.onlinefellowship.us
PS and I myself ,am also out of the Stuck on Itself apostolic leader area Village, either at a BARISTA (fully respecting, diverse and non accuser) FELLOWSHIP or at the new area leader TCL , DFW LEADER , TEAMMATE U official offices. (see links at top of homepage to connect)
SUBMIT YOUR OWN valid reasons for EMERGING FROM (FF) CHURCH: dfwleader@gmail.com And we’ll post some if we FEEL the Leading of God’s SPIRIT.
BUT too busy to RSVP. So try to love us anyway!
(C)2018 Taveau Creative Leadership All copyrights reserved

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