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ABOVE..the LAMB’S BOOK OF LIFE…Everyone please Google Search the Lamb’s Book of Life, to make sure it’s True..and to wonder, WHY AREN’T WE CHRISTIANS hearing anything about it?
ADDITIONAL RESOURCE NOTE: I also located the Jan 2020 Pre Covid Similar YOU TUBE word (which Is located at the BOTTOM of this page..
Above: PRIOR TO COVID…Sept 19, 2019 I was given a warning for an upcoming, then to be ongoing, Born Again Christian ministry (character) Acts 2 divine FLUSH of His Mighty Refining Wind
NOTE: this first part article was first posted Sept 29, 2020 on
www.facebook.com/therealTaveau but it has been enlarged and edited to post here.
This is a 2 Parter..1. Setting the DFW Discovery Stage : DEMAS PART 2 will soon follow and it will be about the DISCOVERY
I JOHN 2:15-17 “Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him. …16 For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world.
17 And the world passeth away, and the lust thereof: but he that doeth the will of God abideth for ever.
“For Demas has forsaken me, having loved this present world, and has departed for Thessalonica—Crescens for Galatia, Titus for Dalmatia.” 2 Timothy 4:1
Just Curious: IF God’s Word declares that, “the fear of the Lord is the beginning of WISDOM”…then the abject ABSENCE of the fear of the Lord ….is the beginning of ????? ( during, following DFW “CHRISTIAN Ministry ” Appointed Time)
(C)2020 Taveau D’Arcy Creative Leadership All copyrights reserved under international copyright laws
Now About D’Arcy Deeply Discovering a Determined Leader Demas Sr Ministry Culture
Who was Demas? In 2 Timothy 4: 10 the apostle Paul stated. “Demas has departed for he LOVED the THINGS of this PRESENT WORLD” more than he loved closely following Christ.
In other words Demas was a ministry co-laborer with Apostle Paul. He was evidently younger man who had become a Christian believer,also one with evidences of a high spirit leader call from the Lord and had applied to work on apostle Paul’s ministry team.
And the highly favored Demas must have had a strong moral walk with the Lord as well as a level of maturity… as well as dependable very high deep integrity, for Apostle Paul and his apostolic team to find him acceptable enough to employ… …for Demas would have to be trusted for him to win Paul’s approval and to win a God called position on what would have been a unique…. and extra special as well as spiritually skilled, purely anointed, and probably scholarly inner prophetic, chief apostolic ministry circle.
The Demas name is Greek and is translated into the word POPULAR. And maybe the gifted and talented …as well as blessed and highly favored DEMAS was Mr Popular with all of his many friends….This also makes me wonder if the younger Demas had a temptation as a PEOPLE PLEASER or did he start off with Paul as very Eternally Heavenly Kingdom minded..but then later fell away due to “lust for other things” temptations….
And, very possibly the inquiring young Christian minister had money worries, or grew impatient with the slow ministry progress..even bored ..so much that he imagined how good it would be to be on his own and do only what he wanted.
I’m thinking that perhaps Demas was a big worrier and wanted to lay up funds for his retirement…and his hardworking father had always warned him to be frugal..and to save…So possibly, the honest Demas felt guilty…and was therefore big tempted to worry due to the fact he was not going to live up to his business owner father’s big expectations..at least..as that is how it appeared..based upon his present very small ministry base pay…
Plus, maybe Demas was one of those who find it very hard to depend fully open the Lord and to be able to really trust in the Lord’s ample provision… and/or ,maybe was hiding his doubts and weakness…so much so that he’d put on a show when he applied to be on Paul’s ministry team,and he’d used his Mr Popular winning side…when actually he was just trying to get known as ONE of the Select Apostolic City Wide Team…which meant the (closet Poor Me) Demas “worked it” and purposely “curried favor.:.. to get to be on Paul’s team..(but we truly do not know) ..
However, should that have been Demas case..then we realize that it would demonstrate clearly that The Very Popular and Big Gifted Demas… possibly had more faith in his own ability to use his Personable, WINNING and Mr. Popular big favored side to get into the position, as in manipulated his way, as opposed to having a deep pure heart …which contained genuine faith..with it all based upon a deep relationship with the Most High GOD.
And after a fashion, maybe all of this built up...including Demas somber warning from his natural dad….and it became like a repeated video(or back then… forever turning chariot wheels)… repeatedly playing inside his head, just maybe all the realistic,logical natural load of fears, added up to huge CARES and continual WORRIES..so much so that it sort of broke him…to think “SELF PRESERVATION” “DEEP STRESS RELIEF” by taking The Only Logical, Yet Natural “Way Out”as a possibly comforting, natural SOLUTION. For all Demas’ life, he’d been poor and he never ever wanted to go there again.
Yet, whatever really occurred, in big hindsight, it all proved to be the trick of God’s Enemy..the Adversary who wanted to trick Popular Demas out of his highest real Call..”THE ETERNAL GOD CALL” which he would not fulfill…nor would Demas great influence be there to advance the kingdom by (potentially) being majorly used by the LORD to bless and turn many human lost souls toward the Amazing Lord!
Thus it was an inner battle royale for Demas mortal soul..meaning his mind, will,and leader emotions…as it meant a YES or A NOT to his own ministry and was a Fork in the Road, for whatever he opted in for as his (THIS ONLY ONE REAL LIFE’S) future call…as it was his choice for HIS Own Main Life Purpose.
However, the assertive as well as pleasant,and gifted adventurous young Demas proved himself to be shortsighted and deeply emotionally immature, and also spiritually lacking in deep discernment.. as well as majorly imperceptive. REASON? For he failed to RUN TOWARD God privately, to to fully seek His will… and get God’s ample clarification….meaning before he just upped and went…(a major cop out??)
Also God’s …as well as Demas’s own…personal demonic sneaky Adversary would use Demas’ choice to cause many immature others to also question what they believed…and/or convinced them,too, to “settle” for the Hear and Now, with an immature impure focus on Material Security or Fortune….as in big hindsight, this was not just a history of one young person leaving the apostolic team on a ministry.It was a silent picture of THE FLEETING SHORT TERM PLEASURES OF THIS WORLD versus ETERNAL KINGDOM LONG TERM REAPED FOREVER BLESSING..
Yet, each one of us face Life, Eternal and God Call many choices..both in mini type tests or MEGA between Life and Death ones.
And surely Demas’ inner determination to quit his select key position on Paul’s apostolic team greatly disappointed and surprised apostle Paul ..for the Bible describes the mature senior minister Paul, as emotionally invested,caring about Demas truly… and therefore was feeling “forsaken”..And perhaps, Paul had invested a lot of time and training, encouragement and apostolic oversight..as well as many days spent in personal mentoring, educating and imparting to the younger Demas ….for the surely Paul highly regarded and deeply respected even fully trusted the rising junior leader..and had most likely assumed that the special Demas would remain devoted and ever loyal.and fully on FIRE for the deep things of God.
Yet, it was not Paul’s choice about whether Demas would remain or not. It was indeed ALL ONLY about minister DEMAS…. And the restless Mr Popular’s personal choices revealed his true human nature and short sighted, doubtful spiritual walk…as well as underlying Major Ego Self..
1. He would under estimate the call from God over his excellent life..
2. He would reveal himself to be Me, not the Lord, or Paul or OTHER (Loyal,faithfully committed) CENTRIC
3. Alas, Demas would reveal that he was not very deep spiritually and furthermore
4. That he had no discernment..as he never understood how IMPORTANT St Paul would become…and that it would be only a hand picked very FEW whom the LORD would choose to SEND to be under Paul as well as to be in person mentored directly by him.
In this writer’s amazed limited mind, when Demas just up and QUIT :..
** in great historical hindsight..can YOU imagine being called by God to serve with the writer of 2/3 of the New Testament..but then to walk completely AWAY because YOU only want to get comfort, leader entertainment…along with decent retirement security, a 401K and peaceful job security…and so that YOU might drive to work in a Silver Rolls Royce Chariot? OR even to be viewed as WINNING by your Peeps, Family, college friends or ministry peers?
A REPEAT SELAH PAUSE: I JOHN 2:15-17 “Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him. 16 For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world. 17 And the world passeth away, and the lust thereof: but he that doeth the will of God abideth for ever.
And sad to say, that was near sighted Big Kid …AKA The Demas, adventurous God called area Mr Popular ..amazing that with all of his spiritual TRUE Wealth,he assessed that as LESS THAN..and ….was mainly only interested in acquiring MUCH MORE Mammon and Stuff…( in modern ministry language.. Demas demanded MORE perks,a more upwardly mobile position, and/or to be given more ministry authority power!**
**…which we realize is soon passing… Temporal . fleeting..and Biblically speaking…actually going to go up in flames when he stands before God’s End Time Throne (all works done which are NOT commissioned by the fearsome God will be burned with fire, yet all not the person. But all God truly commissioned works will be rewarded).I Corinthians 3:15
SEE many Bible translations of : https://biblehub.com/1_corinthians/3-15.htm
So, sadly, Demas valued collecting “Stuff”...in the Here and Now ..
OVER following fully after Jesus and being willing to suffer..to take up his cross daily for the Lord
(The Unverifiable ( Untrue) following.. is letting our imaginations run a bit …)
Demas made a Life Choice for more natural PERKS…PRIVILEGE and for pursuing and achieving and personally acquiring and laying up many stockpiles of Attained Big and many Small Possessions as well as a healthy life savings replete with CD’s Bonds and many Stocks.
(Probably) EVENTUALLY Demas got the PLATINUM THESSALONICAN EXPRESS card and was able to purchase whatever he pleased. Also,as he was doing fabulously, The Young Squire, Sir DEMAS , would paid it completely off …every month and… was never ever late.Next he invested and owned a fleet of the best show horses, prized winning livestock and vast fleet of golden chariots along with drivers…later he invested in Historic Ruins as a real estate wise money making potential move. And following doing all of that, Demas joined the MOST expensive Country Club and was soon invited to be on the area leader board of six major corporations. And for his mega vacations, he and his(most recent) wife went to their private beach home, complete with cabanas…located on the Gulf of Salonica, where Demas had also repeatedly invested in beach front property, as well as a few timeshares.
And once in long while, amidst it all, Demas heart would feel a tiny bit of deep regret..so then he would send over a big check via courier to sow seed into Apostle Paul’s growing senior ministry..(this helped him feel a lot better)
Yet all in all the once BIg Called Big Mr Popular…attained worldly material prosperity in the Things of This Mortal Life…for he chose making better money OVER ministry life sacrifices. He demanded human possessions, earthly favor and “temporary happy making more money” winning big income…and all the presumed consumable store bought pleasure…
The Eternal rock of heavy revelation
YET many decades later, after Demas had laid down and passed..he immediately woke up on the other Side…and was suddenly very shocked, that WHAT he had so longed and loved..and achieved were no longer there…and as the Holy God replaid each of Demas earthly actions, many decisions, one of the last frames was of all of the rich and regal items he had purchased…the many vacations, the trips and the cozy condos he’d rented to sky in the mountains…
And right after as a Born Again Believer,aka Mr Popularity Demas, was curious about his Eternal reward…so he looked over at the LORD to see ..but…there was absolutely NONE
And when he turned his head back to take one last glimpse and to glory in all of his amazing acquired material many possessions…so that for at leas a few seconds, he could briefly treasure his comfortable and well off LIFE…
However, this time, as Demas looked,searching for a parting glimpse of his many luxurious treasures, he only saw a heap of ashes..for way deep inside he had an inner realization… that EACH and EVERY THING that he done to please himself, or any friend, or any family member..meaning each one of the things,items he’d purchased, any good deeds, and hard leader work that he’d built or done that were NOT commissioned BY THE LORD were now lying in a big ashey heap on the Golden Heavenly Kingdom floor.
A REPRISE SEE many Bible translations of : https://biblehub.com/1_corinthians/3-15.htm
(C)2020 DFW Leader Ministry Fellowship All copyrights reserved
NOTE: I finally located this additional video that goes along with all of this
Coming by sometime FRIDAY.
(C)2020 Taveau Creative Leadership All copyrights reserved

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