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NOTE: this was first posted www.dfwleader.org June 9, 2018
As Apostle Paul wrote, “Being defamed, we entreat: we are made as the filth of the world, and are the offscouring of all things unto this day.” I Corinthians 4:13
Support our cause, because we’re pariahs to the legalistic Pharisee( all over the entire Sent Place) Caste System
$2-5, 10, 20, 30 only… “Little is MUCH when God is in it!” The DFW LOF Over Perceiver Seer Management
(…Then they accuse persons of NOT WANTING TO ATTEND ANY LOCAL FELLOWSHIP!)
(C)2018 Taveau D’Arcy All copyrights reserved
NOTE: The mentioned beneath EMERGE FROM CHURCH (from this house, Taveau Creative Leadership) is not and has never been affiliated, or associated with what has been named THE EMERGENT CHURCH assessed as a movement) RATHER, Our main concern is for AND we give real submitted reasons for WHY…. so many are NOT wanting to attend ANY Jesus following Church today..
NOTE: then the leaders wonder, meaning CLUELESS, WHY no LIBERAL/ DEMOCRAT, ECO GREEN, trying out NEW AGE, various kind of true seeking sent persons, as well as the just plain ole’ curious, other religion, kind person is willing to darken the front (risking being ACCUSED, giving strong evidence of having major BIAS…) DOORS!
BENEATH is the very old EMERGE FROM CHURCH apostolic blog. It began, along with TWITTER @emergefromchurch after relocating to the deep, much more showboating, still Bible believing South. It just shows how CHRIST FOLLOWING BIBLE PACKING COMMUNITIES reflect “fellowshipping with the saints” and “being a part of JESUS SAVED ones” can vastly, even extraordinarily DIFFER.
EMERGE FROM (LOVELESS, ATTACK, IMPURE) CHURCH (most of the pithy ones were at the start 2012 /2013 )
FY1…Back when I was 24 and a turned on Bible believing, always submitted Christian, one day in church, I sensed God was telling me ” I want YOU to study my whole leader BODY. Learn their doctrines, special vocabulary and their worship. PLUS their pet peeves. So I said, YES to the LORD and followed His Spirit ever since.
It was just as Billy Graham era in God’s time waned, Jesus People,ebbed …that MANY new waves of Bible teaching, and worship music began, as well as TV MEDIA …and have been BLESSED to be one of the Luke first hand God fully SENT eye witnesses. Around the USA.
VIVID SPIRITUAL DOCTRINE (NOT VERY GOOD) MEMORY…I recall being a SENT LEADER to the most southern US State, central Orlando, Tampa , Pan Handle, FLORIDA..starting in the late 1990’s. It was there that I first got first hand spiritual EYE WITNESS to what eventually headed due NORTH EAST and began to afflict, infect and strongly infect this Luke (non Jezebel) EYE WITNESS, what had been a practically ACCUSER FULLY FREE local denominational, mostly traditional, area.**
However way back up north, in my home region, the accuser of suspected (complaining) “Church Hoppers” had assaulted ME when, with the dad of both out children’s blessing,I was SEEN (from afar, never once up front ministry confronted) as “HOPPING from REVIVAL to REVIVAL” which (in hindsight) HOW would they have SEEN me if THEY TOO had not been there at the SAME REVIVALS?)…. But way down deep, I began to wonder…. fully… about “being ACCUSED for ( the assessed BIG)”SIN” of ” fellowshipping with the Saints in MORE than JUST ONE fellowship!”....and far later, I concluded that was BACK UNDER the LETTER OF THE LAW! ….PLUS within those ministry TRIBES which did SUSPICIOUS SIN SPY also included a tad bit of Overly Super Serious Slaves Masters Overseer (prime LEVITICAL) Hierarchy( which had also slipped in but that TOO is/was BACK UNDER The OT Governing LAW)
Many of you truly understand….Life among the Fellowshipping with the Saints has it’s many attacks and trials**
**(NOTE: these are mostly White Bible teachings..My big Selah: The other skinned communities have less leisure time historically, to sit around messing up God’s Holy Word..and also have far more Holy Spirit POWER and apostolic MIGHT, maybe having been still enduring BIG HARD TIMES.) However, these are not blanket ministry observations, for I have repeatedly encountered MANY of ALL SKIN COLORS who are NOT)
ALAS…IT was none other than the apostolic “witch watching,” …forever spying a lurking “Queen Jezebel spirit”** …prioritizing presumptive overseer “accuser sin-spying, afar off juding those who disagree with them as “critical envious spirits” who are “out from under (note THEIR OT FORM) of governing authority (as in maintain CONTROL)… and, as these are continually under pressure, hurried, and heightened aware.. they rush past, time conserving, and prophetic “far off diagnosing” …meaning… assessing MINUS any human respectful contact…even authentically grieving, deeply wounded, and RESPECTING Jesus accepting TRUE persons… as having the SIN of ” carrying big SELF PITY BAGGAGE”…***
HENCE http://www.relationshiptheology.org Training BASICS 101
SUBMITTED SELAH….as way to accepted and today is widespread!
***(Please note; The Compassion Fatigue Eli Temple High Priesthood I Sam 1 series came from repeatedly, nationwide, recent area wide, prophetically noticing this. About 2014 www.taveauleader.com
**FOR THE RECORD..( I have since named The J WORD (perceiving JEZEBELS but never respectfully, up front, directly (politely) confronting them like Rev 2 leader commands)….and the wearing ceaseless intrinsic spying as ENTHRONING JEZEBEL..as it so empowered it!!) so this is why I first began to NOBLE BEREAN “original, Bible First Church ORGANIC” only to find that there was NON OF THAT THERE in Messiah Christ/and or His FIRST LEADERSHIP. And neither was it in the extensive in deep depth writings of the first Church WHOLLY servant Apostle PAUL.
AN ASIDE ..This big spirit filled interest came right on the heels, maybe during the same time of DELIVERANCE trains of ministry real though. Derek Prince is the main one which I held on to. BUT never swallow ANY great persons KOOL AID without first NOBLE BEREAN acute study, witness of God’s Holy Spirit (PERSONAL PREFERENCE)
REAL NO FUN REASON: all this over focus on dark demons, especially ‘perceiver seeing” them on Pastors, Intercessors and new atypical VISITORS, LAY.. creates lay, minister, leader PARANOIA and the sin of ACCUSATION. Hence the need for what I have named ABIDING IN JAMES 3:17 FRUIT RELATIONSHIP THEOLOGY (assessing rather than accusing based on Abiding in JAMES 3:17)... http://www.relationshiptheology.org
FOR..this is WHY I stand so strongly against spiritual, even good, somewhat TRUE, doctrines which go haywire and create leader/lay PARANOIA and then turn the Hebrews 10:25 “do not forsake fellowshipping” DIRECTION into unhappy, big dangerous, even wearisome encounters am (SOME) with 2 TIMOTHY 3:1-5 “FF” From Such Turn Away” FRIENDLY FIRE FELLOWSHIP.
HENCE we are repeatedly teaching on this for SUBMITTED SELAH…as in a pastoral kernel, intended as EDIFYING teaching.
YET, this has been rooted in what I began to name elder Old Testament LEVITICAL PATRIARCHISM (our apostolic term)..which I have repeatedly taught on, video, articles. AND will do so SUNDAY.
MINISTRY ASIDE….SUBJECT…QUEEN JEZEBEL…living legend and ministry folk lore..GLORIFIED by Being AMPLIFIED (Salt of the Earth Deep Grass Hardworking Roots)
ALSO… I learned the prophetic VOCABULARY and how to minister to some of THEM. For they are the ONES who often refer to “DEEP PROPHETIC BIBLE ROOTS” of their big FAVORITE “subversive, controlling, mean, often seductive, FALSE, man dominating JEZEBEL” who is ONLY a leader real WOMAN, but fail to interpret I Kings 16, Rev 2 Church Of Thyatira in a non biased authentic TRUE fashion, so we have (see http://www.vimeo.com/dfwleader 2 part archives).
AND these MOSTLY WHITE SKINNED Gentlemen (maybe among an entire OT LP “Submitted” Ministry… mostly ONLY 1 dark skinned, but never the Head Authority, certainly ZERO leader women). conveniently OMIT, AVOID discussing the ACCUSER who is ONLY mentioned in Genesis, Revelation..in the MALE SPECIES only.
…but more later on big such..
WESTERN EUROPEAN APOSTOLIC TRADITION brought to the USA the PURITANS, who then, up in New England, produced the big ACCUSER of females SALEM WITCH TRIALS. Plus the Nathaniel Hawthorne favorite, THE SCARLET LETTER. (OT Law hyper SIN CONSCIOUSNESS)
Later the SHEPHERDING Christian movement rose up from the DEEP SOUTH. I was in college and subscribing to NEW WINE MAGAZINE when it went off into PATRIARCHAL SHEPHERDING. (I really do still respect and honor all of those well meaning WESTERN EUROPEAN HERITAGE LEVITICAL PATRIARCHS..for all the VERY GOOD they did on behalf of God’s Holy Spirit!!) Mid 70’s.
It was after errant controlling chief shepherding entered in, that I sadly canceled my subscription. However, the spiritual legalistic doctrine began to infiltrate, I would submit, only, mainly the Holy Spirit, tongue talker, moving in the spiritual gifts, mainly prophetic major and minor leader moves. WHOM I really RESPECT and always winnow out legalistic CONTROL from all of their other mostly VERY GOOD RIGHT non wacky /controlling spiritual doctrines.
In a well-intentioned true search for BIBLE fellowship and home governing ORDER, they found themselves captive to TRADITION (OT Patriarchal Legalistic law) and evidently did not dawn up any of them to research the manner, life and ministry RELATIONSHIP different REACTIONS to males, females, sinner, believers, roving garden demoniacs and temple Pharisees..which we have thoroughly DONE… http://www.relationshiptheology.org
Submitted Selah. Now the ball is in each of YOUR own COURTS. Be a prayerful, abiding in JAMES 3:17 FRUIT**, wise Noble Berean.
**JAMES 3:17 nontawdry RELATIONSHIP FRUIT: “The wisdom that comes from above is first of all pure, peaceable, easily entreated, full of mercy and good fruit, without partiality and without hypocrisy.”
Tune in SUNDAY for LEVI PROPHETIC ROOTS…Levi the FATHER of His Tribe.
WONDERING…due to generational sin principles…was JESUS the MESSIAH (through Mary) a LEVI DESCENDANT? And if so, not, WHERE does all of the modern LEADER/ministry, devout lay LEGALISM, MINISTRY ACCUSATION actually stem from??
AND WHO would be, could LEVI be… the “FATHER” of what is going on under the Son, in the good worship name of CHRIST FOLLOWING 5 fold office assessed as ” ministry” TODAY?
(C)2018 Taveau D’Arcy Creative Leadership All copyrights reserved

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