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Above. The Bretheren dwelling in Unity..except for the accuser undermining,money grabbing sinister…diabolical JUDAS “Christ’s betrayer”…..surmising that HE, TOO, was inner led by ambitious…accusative, even murderous…demonic FALSE, UNTRUE Beliefs…Perhaps..even a secret quest for more perks, higher position and potential area purchasing power…
NOTE: this was first posted www.facebook.com/therealTaveau Oct 5,2020 but then enlarged and edited to post here
AM BODY OF CHRIST ASKING….Q. Why is it that SOME Christian ministry office people appear to DELIBERATELY make JESUS FELLOWSHIP HOUSE, COMMUNITY SO UNSAFE that it drives people to worship ONLINE..or not want to fellowship at ALL?
SUBMITTED AS CHRISTIAN TRUE BODY SELAH, not TOTALITARIAN, AUTOCRATIC DOGMA For all to “pick out what’s BIble hay but toss out what is undue religious stubble” TD’Arcy,deep south WELP Experienced since prior to 2000.
DISCERNMENT of WESTERN European Levitical Patriarchism*
(*I know this ministry spirit too well..and it recognizes me!)
THE TERM WELP ironically describes the accuser of the Leaderen, Sisteren, atypical many Bretheren and resemble Racism…for it’s not very diverse…WELP resembles it’s resulting RELIGIOUS SINISTER SPIRIT…as it leaves a demonic inner STING which requires time apart from God pure focus to forgive, and to be healed, but for far too many, it represents the 2 TIMOTHY 3:1-5 “From Such Turn Away Friendly Fire accuser Fellowship” which removes local perceiver-discern “wanting to Hebrews 10:25 obey the command to Fellowship) ..sadly with a deep inablity to truly trust.
NOTE: This pithy article could be subtitled:For There is No Totalitarianism, Any Rigid Christ Following FASCISM in ORGANIC New Testament Bible First Church True Authority Hero Annals
( unless you’ve gone PAST the Bible boundaries & formed a cult!)
(C)2020 Taveau D’Arcy all copyrights reserved under international copyright laws
FURTHER WELP NOTICE: as I was raised Southern Baptist, WELP is false teaching., as it’s many times ACCUSER RESEMBLING even AUTOCRATIVE ABUSIVE (I can personally tesitify), It rarely focuses on getting prepared for LIFE IN ETERNITY and it’s mostly about RECEIVING,Being IN COMMANDED ORDER in the Here and now. Plus it’s OUT OF ORDER in it’s PHARISEEISM which reproduces much religious fault finding FRUIT. ..LOCAL USA spirit filled wide COMMUNITIES are filled with the doctrines…As with the ever strict legalistic authority controlling DEMAND to SUBMISSION…as well as to ACCUSE many nonWELP others..from FAR OFF..based totally upon “perceiver faraway impressions =’s sin of PRESUMPTION. Add to all of this the USA wide.. Ministry Nosey Busy Body Pharisee Sin Spying..for pure hearted genuine NON ACCUSER CHRISTIANS ..when they are THAT CURIOUS..will simply walk up and chat, one to one and directly INQUIRE..and Count DFW Leader,TCL Ministry OUT of WHITE PROPHETIC CHARISMATIC “Possessing, Totalitarian” OWNING Ministry Controlling WELP. .Dropped out 2012. Been FULLY FREE Now “CROSS BODY OF CHRIST UNITY EPHESIANS 4 BRAND,apostolic ministry MODEL.
Most of these come from tongue or at least seemed to have office passed through, this famous large, mostly all white well known tongue talking denomination.
MILD: sees a person, then then demeans, disrespects by distancing, displaying an obvious deer in the headlights blank stare,intentionally avoid;
MOST of these Seerishly Seem to come from Florida panhandle, assessed as Florida east coast.
MEAN: may be intrusive,nosey,agressive..actively avoids but spreads…gossips, rumors that real people are “in rebellion” “UNSUBMITTED” and/”witches'”Jezebels” ,avoids all up front Bible confrontation, but ducks and avoids it, however, area wide, national network character assasssinates, jumps people in a public open setting accusing themof the SAME basic 4 listed names, HIDES and AVOIDS but demonically ruins a lot of big and small ministry REPUTATIONS and quailty of LIVES.
IN APOSTOLIC LEADER HINDSIGHT I now recognize that my respectful loving..genuinely happy and mature..life peaceful pastor Father did not use any mysogynous LP legalistic Back Under the Levitical Law ..for by now I can clearly recognize that the very active, usually solemn.. mostly not very diverse and grandly aspiring WELP spirit always appears to be apprehensive around..(& even “anti”…very suspicious of strong appearing women..) and I will call these “unjust” leader..”untrue” and indeed “false” seeming MYSOGYNIST elder,leader doctrines…for they do not line up with Messiah Jesus Christ in ministry: as is described in God’s Holy Faith Filled Book.and in Jesus life and ministry as described when He lived and roamed the Earth in Matthew,Mark,Luke,John) For Jesus was not a micromanging, need to be elevated royal WELP.
So my patient peaceful giving nonlegalistic Relationship involved and caring very joyful (not stern) Dad ..as well as all of the other family Godly real men..each one of whom was not a bit legslistic …perhaps each of them..and nearly all the men I remember relating to ….and Each of (the majority Baptist…none pentecostal) Them ..and collectively ….is most likely WHY it is so easy for me to discern and assess a WELP unfair, remaining intentionally safe and afar…yet a particular and accuser judging spirit .. so fast. And almost immediately.
Also I’ve had lot’s of ministry experience…(…what an IRONIC understatement.)
2 USA WELP supposed Christ Following..”mature Ephesians 4 Office” VERSIONS:
MILD but intentionally disrespecting AVOIDANT…blank stare then avoid..
.MEAN: accuse,jump in public, and character assassinate in the local community,USA networks,etc
My gift might be “Discernment of WELP” religious,truly iron willed even..made manifest in “some” prophetic seer, close knit kind of ministry groups as a bully.. aggressive …even allowing accuser berating(assessed as jumping the quiet person in public…without all Relationship respectful “private, one to one,Bible Matthew 18:15-16 much less any HUMBLE ministry respectful Galatians 6;1(!!)
All of which is unBiblical..most untoward ..very intrusive..as well as presumptiously Papal not to omit prideful and seeming arrogant!
And this is the Anti Christ antithesis to Ephesians 4:1-3.Eph 5:22 in Bible senior ministry …as it displays NO James 3:17 wisdom from above recognized as”easily entreated” ..for the WELP is a religious auguste spirit which is used to control certain man and woman relationships..and it
Is unyielding!**
**It uses ONLY being Over and Submitted to its OWN apostolic form. It then fails to acknowledge and truly respect the other pioneering area leaders who have been given different blessed Holy Spirit (nonbiased) revelation…such as myself ..to whom the Mighty God opened up a Galatians 1:1-2 servant leader.. apostolic office.
And which they have never heard of..much less Bible studied..or encountered any prophetic Galstians 1:1-2 mature Sent office .much less a Little Least of These who comes packaged in a Western European Mature Apart Ministry and Single mid of age ..non barking James 3:17 continuing fruit yet A White Female!(*who is non WELP and not used to anyone bowing and scraping to her..or… to Anyone.
As it doesn’t authentically resemble the True First Church inter-relating .. mature EORR …each and all Valuing Real Jesus Christ.
** A modicum of apostolic humor:
TURNING THE CHEEK?? OR THE PHARISEE ABIDING TEMPLE TABLES..Assessing the WELP accuser religious spirit as “UNSUBMITTED” to EORR Relationships in ministry fellowship scriptures; ministry examples. It’s not preaching..or yielding to: Ephesians 5:21′ mutual submission in the fear of the Lord” nor Big interwoven Ephesians 4!:1-3 furthermore area interacting (cross body relating) Community ..is refuses to SUBMIT to Matthew 18:15-17 & in person humble Galatians 6:1…and reside in Enduring “wisdom that relects FROM ABOVE” (James 3:17)
Furthermore it presumes that Aristocratic..even Patrician(WE are the Ruling World Colonial Centric!) even pastoral OWN all of the Non artistocratic NON WELP ..like myself!
This same primarily Western European deep heritage passed down dark accusing spirit is regal and domineering and a USA big wide truly national “Church and Fellowship..area Relationship network shared USA spirit.
I complied my almost 30 years up close not nice experiences with it on The Ode to WELP top of http://www.onlinefellowship.us. but it does not represent only me..but the several thousands it has also disrepected, objectified, defiled via unless tawdry gossip, unjust minister accusation ..name calling plus ministry debased.
Now is the time for this self seeking dire spirit to COME OUT and to cease attacking innocent Christ seekers. Furthermore I apostolic name unrepentant WELP as the controlling. false, mean Jezebel dark spirit that THEY themselves are historically and NOW continually projecting onto so many defenseless and ordinary selfless Others..meaning both some styles of Christian men…and certain kinds of Leader genteel real women.
Bottom line..with all of your very keen prophetic insight..fine wisdom and real skill..All area WELP need to remember that all of that will soon pass away ..and that REAL Love is what truly lasts. ..and really counts
I would admonish the died in the wool Witch ever accuser .. rude Pharisee…
1. TO SUBMIT TO…Ephesians 3:19 “To know the love of Christ which passes all the knowledge ..that you may all be filled with the FULLNESS of God (for you give evidence of needing much more power..instead of relying on The Accuser hierarchal rule of Law)
2. TO EACH SUBMIT TO..Let not your each of YOUR Good be Evil spoken of.
I rest my mighty case.

(C)2020 Taveau D’Arcy All copyrights reserved ♥

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