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NOTE: this was first posted March 19, 2019 www.dfwleader.org
A tiny drip of an attempt to stir up local training…to preserve Human Real Persons from harming OTHER fellow Human Real Persons. Just a tiny but supreme national example
(C)2019 Taveau D’Arcy All copyrights reserved
Sub Title: Cheap Gossip versus Costly Personal Self Government
By Law the overseer accuser Pharisees could use rationalization to ACCUSE persons of Levitical Law Breaking. (For example, Jesus Christ healing on the Hebrew Sabbath.) However, had they instead assessed,and then respectfully gone up to Savior Jesus and inquired, politely up front confronted, they might have less resembled the demonic serpent (devil, the ACCUSER) first noted in Genesis 3.
Very happily, the Bible depicts “the Accuser, Adversary” defeated by Jesus death and Victorious victory OVER Death, hell, sickness, poverty and ACCUSATION (Submit: Read Revelation 11:7-11) NOTE V. 11 “They(meaning the Church ,we, us, YOU, me,) overcame HIM (the mean accuser) by the blood of the Lamb, the word of their testimony and they loved not their life unto death.”
Please regard each one listed beneath, via the lens of ACCUSATION (accusing the person for NOT, Or NOT BEING a certain, preferred type, size, or way)
Next regard each one via the lens of ASSESSING
1. Local Hot Doctrinal ACCUSATION Triggers:
Not choosing to go to a church… being seen (“spied”) attending more than one church, not sticking with a local fellowship very long.(“church hopper”)……a human being being viewed (afar off) in the company of a member of the opposite gender, when one or both are married….. a person dating a person of another race, status… a person who has been accused of a crime, far away or on TV, in the media. Now name your own triggers.
Ephesians 4 Common Doctrine handout (helps defrag accusative Law): page link on http://www.onlinefellowship.us
My ongoing Body of Christ surfing Deep South favs “(from far away over here)…she must be a witch” or rather ” a seducing undermining Queen Jezebel” “HE strongly looks like he is a weak hen pecked King Ahab(from far off over here)” “he /she /all of them have (probably) made “bitter root judgements” against US”(however, none of us values them enough to make one single attempt to speak to them personally)
2. In ministry, perceived as being a “pentecostal” “nontraditional” “liturgical” “into a particular denominational Tradition””Charismatic” “Born Again” “One of Those Prosperity Preachers” “Evangelical’ (and too many others to name)….and….to be known as “not being UNDER and/or ‘ordained’ “formerly affiliated with” any group or person, or famous TV preacher. An “dominating in rebellion, female minister apostolic authority who is regarded by WELP as (who surely must NOT be) ” covered by” or “under the religious authority of a (white) male” ( Submitted for convenient WELP reading: Ephesians 4, Galatians 1:1-2?)
3. Perceiving a far off or up close person’s size, skin color, age, very big or very tiny weight, gender, identity, outward appearance, education level, work /employment, lack thereof, dwelling or none….nation of origin, are they single, divorced, live in big gated community, live in squalor and deep poverty, obvious “sin of big Choice” …thus YOU pick one..
4. Secular accusation VS moral value assessments : he, she, they are: Liberal, Conservative, Pro Democrat, Pro Republican, “descend from historic slave owners” They are “Vanilla””Black or White or Any other PRIVILEGED” “Spoiled” “Entitled” “Rich” “Stuck up” “Overly ambitious” ” Unsubmitted to any authority” (meaning THEIR OWN In house Style)…they are “Suspicious” “Someone chemically dependent” “They are driving, walking, sitting while BLACK, WHITE, BROWN,etc” …)
SELF DISCOVERY: What is the difference when we ASSESS versus when we use the same characteristic but turn it into an ACCUSATION?
SELAH: Accusation strongly appears to give the demeaning Accuser a big excuse to write the opinions and human value of the God made individual..completely off off so as to not have to pay heed to their opinions. And/or to null and void their value, even while each and every one, from any race, any nation, or belief set, is EQUAL in the Eyes of Creator God who made each of them in his Own Image Psalm 139.
I submit to all sincere teachers, TO NOW assertively TEACH all of this. AND for the Church at large to please pray for THIS to catch hold and affect hearts, minds, emotions in all RELATIONSHIPS. …so that Christ’s pure hearted true Body will once again pave His Way for real REVIVAL and Ephesians 4 Transforming Pure Community.”
ABIDING ENDURING ASSESSING JAMES 3:17 “Pure Relationship Spiritual True Fruit” (Must at all times resemble) “The wisdom that comes from above is first of all Pure, Peaceable, Easily Entreated, Full of mercy and good Fruits (Gal 5:22-23), without Partiality and without Hypocrisy”
TO SUPPORT this mighty ministry REAL LOVE WALK MOVE:
(C)2019 DFW Leader Ministry Fellowship all copyrights reserved

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