ABOVE: THE FRESH GREEN LEAVES ongoing means that we are always “seeking” WHAT, WHO, and HOW is “First Church, Holy Bible, Book of Acts “purely organic” (Organic meaning: without any synthetic human additives) (yet know this. THAT doesn’t mean that THIS, all of the apostolic teaching “is’ 100% purely organic..yet we realize that and are always working on being “true”)
Hi there “THE SIMPLE PRAYER REQUEST” ..Myself +The Ministry is seeking the LORD about HOW to “advertise” to let “be known” that we, all of this EXISTS. If you would please LIFT THIS UP IN YOUR PRAYERS or WHENEVER you get see my face more than ONCE in your heart. THE REAL ISSUE is how to “get Much for “Basic, life sustaining” true provision)( as per usual FUNDING )” without Playing the Ministry Game, or going Celebrity..yet that is HOW God “appears” to be “using ” as it is online. Yet this person is NOT GOOD at Self Marketing. Also the She is not going to be be ‘used, controlled or taken advantage of “by Sly (usually LP types, Big Boss)”Christians'” meaning God giving His Big (sparing) Grace..thanks!
Thus… Ministry Peace and God’s major Blessings! “
SYNOPSIS: Prayers Please :For TD “Sent New Ideas” “right human knowledgeable ‘ministry true persons” and many “pure, giving SENDERS’ And for the wrong human persons to stay away”) Many Thanks T. D’Arcy (PS Note “the Give Link above”) for in depth purposes
(C)2023 Taveau D’Arcy All copyrights reserved under international copyright laws
*Part 1 is Lengthy and is Verses 1-3 from March 9, 2023 See link:
Psalm 138 is generally believed to be written by King David. While there is not much known of its historical setting, we realize that it has a concept of the mighty God communicating directly with leadership, which is commonly thought of as “living with intense, enormous, heavy real pressure.”
PART 2 BEGINS Psalm 138:4 ,
V. 4 All the kings of the earth shall praise thee, O Lord, when they hear the words of thy mouth.
V. 5 Yea, they shall sing in the ways of the Lord: for great is the glory of the Lord.
We Use Logic: “Kings” means persons who are powerful top leaders. Usually, these individuals have much experience, are sufficiently qualified, and know their “kingly leader turf.”
Many powerful kings rule over others, which includes their own “need to know” about “many levels of life” within the kingdom. This includes governing persons and their real issues day in and day out. (This would also include the Psalmists’ personal family and self-issues.)
The king would need to keep fully informed of both the business side (need for funds, taxes, food, buildings, infrastructure, all salaries) and the personal attacks that each of us humans who manage anything experience.
The king (top-level authority) would have many persons who would report to him about the business, the military, and the people of the kingdom. And we can be sure that the king had many different types of persons in the society of the kingdom.
Kingdom peace and many forms of human relationship strife were common occurrences. Many times there would be evil reports, political unrest, complaining, murmuring, as well as racism, prejudice, crime, violence, and family disputes. Occasionally, there might be an attempt at mutiny (King David’s son, Absalom, did that to his own governing father). Also, there could be rumors and resistant armed factions, just like now.
The mortal ruling king lives with much great , uneven, and mighty pressure. He/she realizes the each problem buck ends with them (choices, tough decisions, bank accounts, failures, many successes)
Yet all of that is part of kingly governing and the need for ruling authority. With the authority comes the mental, emotional, financial, and spiritual undue (often extreme) pressure, including the people’s side and any potential unrest, possible wars, attacks, or threat.
An important aside: King David’s shepherding backstory.
Within each and every type of king/queen, business owner, minister, and governing ruler, there is a child who preceded and who had experiences that shaped them, which they might refer back to, even in the subconscious, visceral, emotional realm.
I picture the Psalmist, King David, as one who realized his own frail humanity and had a realistic perspective of what this life here on earth is basically all about, from God’s point of view.
Again, it was King David’s youth that shaped his future. Now that he was at the top, a ruler over the kingdom, he could reminisce back to when he firsthand experienced the bottom.
Meaning, David was once a mere shepherd boy, out tending his father’s sheep in the fields. But when the prophet Samuel visited his family to anoint the new King of the Nation of Israel, his own father neglected to perceive him as being qualified. Meaning that young David was automatically disqualified by his dad in favor of his older brothers (all five!).
David had both spiritual, supernatural, as well as real-life down-to-earth, and human natural experiences. He faced much relationship family drama, warfare, deep betrayal, persecution, and repeated assault.
But it was his very humble beginnings and pure heart, which he maintained DESPITE IT ALL, that caused him to hear God, overcome, and keep the outlook of the holy fear of the Lord, which is the beginning of wisdom (Proverbs 9:10). God then granted him wisdom for ruling the kingdom.
Due to the fact that David had to learn how to perceive and discern his inward witness, and also due to his many life experiences out in nature, he was set apart, grew, and expanded in his ability to understand, perceive and value his relationship with the Living, Communicating, and Present Most High God.
As David grew and matured, he learned to value the Lord and recognize His wisdom and discernment. Spending time alone in nature gave him the opportunity to contemplate the beauty and design of the Creator. Over time, God’s call and David’s natural and spiritual DNA helped him to write the many Psalms we treasure and read today.
David’s backstory gave him the perspective of “eternity” and the “holy fear of the living God,” as well as trust, dependency, and faith in the Lord during periods of intense trials, humiliations, and victory. He endured great suffering, battle fatigue, stress, and even betrayal by family members. Despite all this, he focused on the Lord’s presence, compassion, loving kindness, and mercy.
David had many deep revelations about God, His purpose, and his perspective of his position and the value of the many kingdom people groups. It appears that he kept himself refreshed in the midst of daily mayhem by focusing on the Lord, a habit he developed as a shepherd boy with an unhurried schedule.
King David was deeply connected with himself and had spent a lot of time reflecting on his relationship with God during his humble beginnings. As he rose to become a top ruler and accomplished prophet and Psalmist, he remained grounded in his relationship with God, prioritizing quiet times apart with Him.
In modern times, people are often overstimulated and interrupted by technology and the fast pace of life, making it challenging to make time for God. However, David’s life was not microsecond-consumed, as he did not have the distractions of media, cell phones, texting, and dysfunction that are prevalent today.
Despite the challenges, it is important to prioritize time with God and guard our hearts and minds. King David serves as a powerful example of the benefits of prioritizing a relationship with God and remaining steadfast in the face of adversity.
Because King David remained deeply in touch with himself and spent much quality time apart with the Lord, he became more fine-tuned and astute at complex problem-solving. He could discern the inner leading and promptings of the Lord better than most. It takes time to know the Lord deeply and develop that level of sensitivity.
By the time David penned Psalm 138, the former boy shepherd was a top ruler over the nation, an accomplished prophet and psalmist, and sat in a God-assigned position of authority over the entire kingdom. Despite his success, King David remained humble and prioritized his relationship with God. He guarded his pure heart and mind and maintained many quiet times apart with God.
However, in today’s fast-paced and overstimulated world, distractions like social media, cell phones, and constant interruptions can make it challenging to prioritize time with God. Unlike David, we often live in a state of skittish spiritual and emotional ADD, which can make it challenging to discern the leading of the Lord.
David’s example shows us the importance of making time with God a top priority and guarding our hearts and minds. We can learn from his discipline and focus, even in the midst of a busy and demanding life.
Yet this the FIRST PART of a “First Love” Leadership Lifestyle. And we shall talk of the effects of Living that Top Style of Life as it influences ..even many, others
And with “About King David’s Backstory Complete’ I will now discuss the KINGS..”
PSALM 138:4 4 All the kings of the earth shall praise thee, O Lord, when they hear the words of thy mouth.
To this person..”THE KING TURF” refers to all races, genders, nations, cultures, social and economic backgrounds, and experiences that make up the vast and varied world of top leaders. At the top of this assessment is “the King,” who may be a top leader that is stable, gifted, tired, dealing with complex issues, and knowledgeable at many different levels. They may have a family, spouse, and children, each with their own set of issues. Often there can be tension, sources of drama in the home, ministry, kingdom, emotional and spiritual battles, and combat fatigue. This is a 24/7 job, and even when the king is alone, their mind is constantly running through different scenarios. However, with the position comes the responsibility of governing, the weight of the position, the salary (if any), praise, and power.
In addition to these pressures, the top leaders must deal with “the world, the flesh, and the devil.” They must contend with global powers and principalities and spiritual wickedness in heavenly places, such as the “Prince of Persia” and “the prince and power of the air.”
In my opinion, kings are the chief anchors of big dispositions. They must be able to handle the tough turf and remain steady despite the challenges. They have an inward gift of stability, common sense, and intuition, which enables them to recognize when to ignore an evil report.
The top leader, or king, must also maintain a modicum of reserve to conserve their emotions and energy. They must never become too open, unguarded, overly emotional, or demonstrative. To me, this is part of the king mode; they carry a bit of mystery and fear in their authority, self-governed, strong, usually silent, and reserved. They control their emotions due to their disposition, weariness, and the need for self-protection. Revealing any weakness or worry would make them “less respected” or “feared in their authority” (which they must maintain due to the many dysfunctional fellow leaders, kings, and other individuals).
But this is where Taveau gives her own insight into verse 4.
Each and Every Style Supreme “King”, in our nation and around the world, encompasses all cultures, styles, types, beliefs, and faiths, including Christian big ministers, business CEOs, government leaders, chiefs, heads, military commanders, and the highest main command of governing. This includes all branches, such as financial kingdoms, faith kingdoms, media kingdoms, empires, and mega corporations, among many others. This means whoever is at the top, whether well known or not.
As it is the position, the governing power, and the hidden, intense ongoing multilevel big pressure that I want to address, picture with me people in this position in their pressure and power, yet calm, reserved, and dignified. “These are my market,” and I say this after 25 years of analyzing many different styles and types of Christian leadership and not.
But the pressure is enormous, and they need to know how to find safe ways to get healthy relief.
Please Note: I first give Paul’s testimony, to point out how he grew and transformed into a “prophetic, chief apostle..who understood the KING LIKE TURF“
This author pictures Apostle Paul as “a sort of king in hindsight, as in a big worldwide famous kingdom name.”
ONE: First I try to envision both Apostle Paul and Christ back the times in which they lived. This means was brown skinned, olive and dark hair, dark eyes..with each were immersed in the day to day hubbug of international Jews,Gentiles and many Romans harsh middle eastern..which was a trade route for continents and many diverse ethnic, religious types of people groups. Thus it was a continuous international, often spontaneous, even combative, yet colorful, vibrant mixed worship culture and society. Notably, from over here ..so Paul and Jesus were not Western European Caucasian nor of that particular culture
TWO Nowadays, even though many of tend to look at Paul through the lens of “today” and remark “Oh, Paul. He is famous! He made it big. And maybe I can be at the top, just like him!”
Yet , even though most of us know about Paul’s life..meaning his shipwreck, prison cells, and ministry trouble, we still associate Paul as “at the top level of apostolic ship” (as in success, made it very big, and worldwide famous), which is a modern media generation false view.
THREE:, I picture Chief Apostle Paul, who, in his own estimation of himself and his ministry, regarded himself through the lens of the world as “offscouring” which was “dung.”
Later, he mentioned to the First Church in Corinth that “God uses the foolish things of the world to confound the worldly wise.” And I am with that…for I recall that the gifted and talented Paul was first scorned and avoided by the first 12 Jesus hand-picked and mentored original apostles and disciples, meaning after he first got saved.
For my teaching purposes, I need to clarify: Levitical Patriarchism stems way back to the use of the Torah covering, Levitical Law in the Modern New Testament time period, onward.
Jesus came to fulfill the law “every jot and title” and HE was not a Levite, but from the tribe of Judah (which means David’s lineage through his mother Mary. Apostle Paul had been a notorious Middle Eastern LP (MELP and HELP Hebrew LP..by my training terms) yet that was back before his conversion when he used be “Saul
However, when Christ came, his worst adversaries with the Leaders of the LP The Pharisees who accused and plagued him as they felt that the New Messiah was coming to take their “special turf”(as that is the same LP fruit continually (more later another time to clarify more)
SAUL AS A MELP, HELP but NOT WELP. We note the same type of fruit, “MELP” Middle Eastern Levitical Patriarch (LP Pharisee) for Apostle Paul, prior to his getting radically saved and when his name used to be Saul. He had been a legalistic LP Torah Thumper who persecuted, even murdered part of the First Church (shows the LP traits: needless accusation, warring legalism, ever-result to fellow human senseless murder to keep in top governing power!)
And after Apostle Paul met the Savior and experienced a great transformation and later much ongoing revelation, and later penned 2/3 of the New Testament.
However, at first, Apostle Paul (formerly Saul) was rightfully discerned by the first Church 12 who had been handpicked and mentored by Christ. And Paul did not meet their approval. So Paul says, “I did not confer with flesh and blood” (means I did not need to get their governing approval), and he was sent by the Spirit to live in Damascus, Syria, for 13-14 years with the Arabs who were Gentiles.
He got to know them as “real people” not objects of fear or biased back under the Law (TORAH UNCLEAN) religious stereotypes. But it took 13-14 years to dust all of that religious law out from his soul and visceral reactions. (the reminder Paul had been raised steeped in the Torah Law Tradition and the people groups, so it was part of his deepest inner nature, emotional, spiritual, cultural PRIDE inner emotional/visceral “hard drive”)
However, after Paul finished his milling and sifting Arab time, God sent him back to the first Church in Jerusalem where he now was “accurately discerned” by the top governing 12 apostles and began to co-labor among the churches.
It was during this time period when Paul trained many leaders. He always said that “the care of the churches weighed upon him.” So evidently, he was a king in disguise, due to his “offscouring big call.” Plus, he was not known back like he is today.
I relate to Paul for I understand how it is to be apostolic, different from what is in place before you arrive. And I am called to build bridges between the many big generations. But as a collaborator, not to be over them or under them but to model the Apostle Paul Galatians 1:1-2 “co-laborer,” as Paul was.
Apostle Paul had the “care of the churches,on him” plus the enormous spiritual and Life warfare back in the PreChristian Asia minor ministry (like it is today as it is now I submit the Post Christian similar type of flakey age)
Paul endured really tough stuff
The reason I am discussing Paul is due to the fact that, in hindsight, we recognize his call as a king in the Bible, Book of Acts, governing, abiding, correcting, and laying many doctrinal foundations in ministry in an apostolic sense. Yet he was not noteworthy back then. However, the accusing labeling devil knew Paul’s weight in the Spirit Realm for laying down the principles of Christ, and he started to war against Paul and his ministry. So, like King David, Paul had to recognize what to do and how to do it.
I want to portray Paul as a renowned, respected, and now famous top leader who was humble, deferring, and wanted the best for his fellow leaders, ministers, and all forms of people. He let anyone put their trust in him as a minister, prophet/apostle, or minister. He said, “Follow only if I follow Christ,” “know me, know my doctrine, know my lifestyle,” and “you are to work out your own salvation with fear and trembling.” Additionally, Paul praised the Berean Jews who picked apart his teachings to see if they compared to the Scriptures. He allowed the people to question his teachings, for he recognized that he was fallible.
I want to compare the ministry work of Apostle Paul with the king, the sultan, top office in ministry, the business CEO, the family business founder, and this type of rising pioneers in each ministry and business field. For it is the pressure and private life that keep one steady at peace and with a quality of life and even abiding joy and feeling better health, plus family.
An illustration of the irony of being known as “the top of anything” – great, small, just a startup, or a CEO, mega ministry known worldwide, even a king of a nation on any continent or ruler over any others (I picture Far East, Middle East, Africa, India, South America, Europe, Eastern Europe, as kings are not all perfectly white).
The top founder, ruler, or owner is the only person who knows all of the big details and the original God call (if there was one). The spouse may know parts, but not as much as the chief top founder in the business or ministry office, the “sent” pioneer.
I liken this to the fact that the top founder is akin to an apostle in that they have the organic call – no one else does. Yet the spouse, helpers, members, team, and staff are on the “apostolic team” (and these may fall away or not).
But the main point is that it was Paul who knew more than the rest due to God giving him “the abundance of revelations” during times of fellowship with God (Ephesians 1:17). And this is how I operate as well, hence I know this turf.
Picture the mental heavy pressure, heightened spiritual warfare (the raging powers and principalities, the upset even demonic accusing persons) to stop Paul’s giant viewpoint chief call. This is how it is with you who are sent and called in your kingly (so to speak) sort of leadership high office (myself included).
So Paul is looked at by all of us now, today, as at the very top of his ministry game. Yet if we were back there with Paul, we would see it differently.
It would be like this: we could know all of those leader things, get glimpses of them, get dreams and ideas and clues and hope and promises that say “your call is a king.” But then you get reality (like Paul) – so the king is being warred against, your high destiny, which is really the Father God’s high destiny for His purposes to be worked slowly through you, to help many.
Picture any size of pyramid. It’s a SHAPE with a pointed top (the pinnacle) and an expanded bottom.(what supports the top person, (perceived Top Dog)
Yet it isis my opinion that Paul seems like he was the top pinnacle of a giant apostolic pyramid of power, call, revealed knowledge, and chosen purpose. Yet Paul (way back when) was experiencing rough times as the chief offscouring oddball dung, who in part, saw in part but had to keep relying on God and His grace to get him through every moment of each day, day in and day out.
And this is why I can encourage business and ministry kings.
Reprise Psalm 138:4: “All the kings of the earth shall praise thee, O Lord, when they hear the words of thy mouth.”
Breaking this down: “The kings (as described above) shall praise God (the King of all Kings) when (meaning if) they hear (inner perception of hearing and knowing that it is a word meant specifically for them) that it is a word coming from the Lord (via message, prophecy, written oracle word, or even an encouraging, uplifting polite word of affirmation).
Kings: I like to examine the use of the word “king” (whom I picture as dignified, reserved, tending to be undemonstrative and regal, even proud). However, looking at King David’s life (a reminder that there were many kings and they traveled in similar networks), he understood that it would require a word coming from the Lord to reach one of his big ambition and mighty kings who might frown at the thought of hearing from God or revealing their secret emotions.
And this got me thinking. I am curious to problem solve and to present the idea to ministry regarding “how can we liberate the king from their burdens, stress? How can we ask the Lord to give us a specific or certain word from the Lord that might bless and set free many captive kings (queens, princes, princesses, and any others)?
The purpose is to show God’s value of and genuine Love for the Top Leader.. and also to give uplifting hope, food for consideration and encouragement which might make the big boss kings (even around the globe in many countries) more carefree and happy. It’s about submitting to a divine perspective.
The bottom line is that it will require a specific, certain, exact word from the Lord in a spirit-directed “due season” to give this kind of word to make a king realize that it is God speaking through us and that it is meant directly for them, not just ordinary common thoughts or messages. It must be specific and birthed from the heart of the Creator Father.
Finally, verse 4 is accompanied by verse 5: 4 All the kings of the earth shall praise thee, O Lord, when they hear the words of thy mouth. 5 Yea, they shall sing in the ways of the Lord: for great is the glory of the Lord.
Verse 4 (mentioned above) means that the king will be touched by a specific God-sent leader’s word that they will know is truly God and react by getting their minds off their workload, problems, and many cares. They will instead be able to gain a perspective change and understand that the eternal God has touched them and given them comfort, direction, instruction, encouragement, and/or new peace.
Verse 5 means that the Holy Spirit-directed word sparks such joy and delight that the heavy spirit of big depression, huge oppression, and subliminal fear, doubt, and worry are now gone. It is a yoke-breaking, healing anointing that may trigger new peace, a new hope, even new passion, and supernatural power.
Open each of our minds, eyes and hearts, Dear Lord!
NOTE: TO ASK QUESTIONS, ALSO TO SEEK COUNSEL…Email: tclleadership@gmail.com
TAVEAU GIVES WISE ADVICE, however, she not a licensed counselor or a therapist but SEASONED HIGH QUALITY DEEP DIVERSIFIED LIFE MANY EXPERIENCES. contact for ONLAND or via ONLINE
2. See the GIVE LINK at the top
(C)2023 Taveau Creative Leadership All copyrights reserved under international copyright laws

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