Leader Salt
NOTE: This was first posted www.taveaucreativeconsulting.com Jan 17, 2-9 SPIRITUAL LEADER “GEN-U-INE” AS IN ….NO WHINE… YET POSSIBLY….NEW WINE? …BRIEF AUTOBIO 1987-2000 God gave Taveau D’Arcy “THE ENCOURAGING WORD” males, females sr authority newsletter, plus Bible teaching, radio, TV and PRAYING PREVENTIVE PRAYER PROTECTION FOR PASTORS AND MINISTRIES, REVIVAL MOVES (But had to put a stop as what was happening behind the scenes, I did not have nearly enough prayer,real safe protection) THE ENCOURAGING WORD was under the Cross Unified Body 501c3 UMPIRE.INC from (maybe about 1988-1996) when we extraordinarily peacefully parted ways, due to different methods and owning property beliefs regarding “leader women.” 1996-2012 THE INTERNATIONAL…
GOODBYE 2018 + HI 2019
NOTE: I first posted this on www.dfwleader.org Jan 7, 2019 then reposted it on several other sites, as a Leader Word for the perceptive Christian apostolic (work planting, seeing THE LEADER NEW ministry Thing) Surprising, even a bit shocking. Maybe leader disconcerting, yet “faithful are the wounds of (real ) (leader’s) Friend.” Our “TYPE” “Book of Ephesians Cross Body Unity” (based on Eph 4, Eph 2:19-21) “Cross Body of Christ surfers, research, ongoing doctrinal fruit replicating diverse, multicultural, group study since the senior apostolic minister was 24. NOTE: TD resumes her ongoing CHIEF APOSTLE’S PAUL’S OVERSEER “PREVENTIVE PRAYERS” for AREA PASTORS, LEADER, MINISTRIES and REVIVAL, PLUS NATIONAL…
NOTE This was first posted Jan 4, 2019 www.onlinefellowship.us but then posted on several other of my sites. As a Word, A Wake Them Up Call.. for the Christian Apostolic Leder Body IF YOU CARE…JOIN THE SHARE NETWORK… ADVENTURE IN CAR DWELLING (plus Leader Tees which sow toward) http://www.adventuresincardwelling.wordpress.com NOTE: being delivered from “fear of (hu)man” will assist in REAPING “REST-O-RATION” 2019 as it puts pleasing the LORD over SELF PRESERVATION. Submitted Selah Psalm 29:25 “Fear of (hu)man brings a snare …” Click link for all Bible translations https://biblehub.com/proverbs/29-25.htm “I’m not ashamed of the Gospel” Above: Great Vintage Song from Delirious “Human People Pleasing is Passe….. Be UNASHAMED!” “For I…
NOTE: we posted this first www.onlinefellowship.us Dec 28, 2018 2 TIMOTHY 3: 16-17 (OUR APOSTOLIC DFW LEADER MINISTRY FELLOWSHIP, TAVEAU D’ARCY CREATIVE LEADERSHIP OFFICIAL FOUNDATIONAL, KEY MINISTRY WIDE SCRIPTURE (for the last 30 plus solid years) “All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:That the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works.“** **NOTE: ARE WE EACH AND EVERY SINGLE ONE OF US “THOROUGHLY FURNISHED”?? AND how we interpret what Bible follows, should be left between each and every one of our Pure Open Hearts. Meaning all doctrinal differences maturely handled, bearing deeply…
NOTE: We’ve just entered a completely NEW Big Season. This is not going to be just like your or my “Mama’s (maybe the only, and Last) Revival Real Move”..it’s mostly likely going to need to be DISCERNED and accurately PERCEIVED. And such has been, now is My, TCL but also DFW Leader Ministry Fellowship Leader assessing, chief apostolic ministry. AROUND THE DEEP INSISTENT SOUTH. We’ve had to declare apostolic Galatians 1:1-2 as our version of spiritual authority due to the insistent, assaulting, not willing to rarely ever upfront (very ironically)submit to Matthew 18:15-17, non dominating Galatians 6:1, so we’ve just simple had to become Bible Noble Bereans and along…
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