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NOTE: This was first posted www.facebook.com/therealTaveau July 20, 2019
(C)2019 Taveau D’Arcy Creative Leadership All copyrights reserved
- I CORINTHIANS 14:34 “Let your **women keep silence in the churches: for it is not permitted unto them to speak; but they are commanded to be under obedience, as also saith the law.”
** YOUR women. Does that imply ALL women? YOUR WOMEN implies “being under authority to , within a RELATIONSHIP BOND unto” Example: “married to one of the men, in extended family OVER and/or “slave owners of” and/or “tribal heads” etc. (Selah.Not Dogman as not saying I personally understand all of that)
- ARAMAIC IN ENGLISH TRANSLATION: “Let YOUR women be silent in the assemblies, for they are not allowed to speak, but to be in subjection, just as The Written Law also says.”
- BOOK OF EPHESIANS 4 (nonlegalistic) COMMON DOCTRINE See link https://onlinefellowship.us/?page_id=8853
IT WAS CHIEF Apostle Paul who stated”the women should be quiet in the church”..talking about the very unruly newly converted Gentile women, many who had come out of Baal worship and participated in Temple Diana area worship..and who were not very educated or used to being around service fully respectful due order. Plus back in that pre Christian pioneering day only the men were allowed to be educated. Most of the females were viewed as the men’s possessions and akin to chattel.
Jesus came to lift up females and males.
APOSTLE PAUL had only a short time to work on ministry establishing the fledgling new diverse church. Due to what was a pluralistic and enormously radical and multi-ethnic,multicultural region..he and the other disciples had to pick their theological big battles. So i submit that he then gave the command at that leader time regarding “women” realizing that life and Gods illumination. And revelation would big progress.
APOSTLE PAUL was Sent to the newly saved Gentiles. It was they who had never been exposed to formal Hebrew Law, Ten Commandments, Godly rules, society, passed down order. And surely within the churches He encountered well trained, even religiously strict, raised Under the Law Hebrews, but also the untamed and ill mannered, straight out of practicing occult, Gentiles. And maybe some aristocratic elite Patrician Romans…
AND in Church of Thyatira, Revelation 2:18-29, even as God rebukes the apostle male, lead sr authority, for being too much of a wuss …for refusing to upfront respectfully (Matthew18:15-17/Galatians6:1) maturely confronting, a HER (false …evidently appearing to be quite imposing.. false prophetic, could be, First Church trainer equipper…who happened to be named Jezebel…(not the same one but happened to be dominating, false, demonic like the Organic Original Queen Jezebel I Kings 16)
CLEARLY NOTE: God’s Holy Spirit openly rebukes the LEADER who was a MAN at the head over the Thyatiran Church. …NOT the “Jezebel” who back then happened to be false, controlling leader woman teacher. Again, God clearly chastizes HIM for “fear of leader woman that brings a snare” (my paraphrase of Proverbs 29:25 “Fear of man brings a snare but whosoever trusts in the Lord will be safe.”)
YET…even a BIGGER (ministry thought provoking albeit DRUMROLL)…NOTE: That while Revelation 2 only mentions the “wicked’ “undermining” (historical LP teaching) “WITCHY” CONTROLLER who then happens to be a FEMALE. Quite ignored is the main fact that it strongly appears that SOME NON-LEGALISTIC CHURCHES were allowing some LEADER WOMEN to actually teach and train.
AND in the human pleasing, sorry case of the First Church of Thyatira,evidently they had simply picked the WRONG Christian female to be on their apostolic leader working team!
MEGA PASTOR Rod Parsley shares in the notes of his REFORMATION BIBLE concerning the OFFICE PROPHET DEBORAH back in the Old Testament Levitical Law times.While SHE was a national office prophet, male, female judge, and married to Lapidoth, (my call: Laptop) who was not as area office judicial as She.
AND, WHILE LAPIDOTH remained in the private home, business, whatever, HIS OWN field. Evidently both Deborah and Lapidoth were “equally yoked” but operation in very different God called fields of expertise, God’s anointing!
And surely, national office prophet Deborah enjoyed coming home from her long busy office day and parking her mantle of authority at the homestead door, so that the fully feminine , thought surely formidable She, could enjoy feeling like Lapidoth’s cherished “weaker vessel.”
For HE and SHE complimented each the other…as in “were in completion of ,with” one another… but were not in “rivalry or Him /Her Competition!
I submit that based upon my own personal Christian extended happy family marriages, that they probably were like Ephesians 4:21 “mutually submissive in the fear of the Lord” with Lapidoth humbly serving his family as “tie breaker” (had a private healthy relationship with Father God, like Adam in Gen 1-2) ….if they could not agree on a big position.
PASTOR PARSLEY’S teaching comment was” When God looks around the nation of His own people, and cannot find enough strong real men, He then calls out the women.”
ASIDE: Also Google OT Office prophet Huldah
And based upon that pointed comment, it strongly appears, with the sheer vast numbers of capable, leader women, teaching, preaching, God called business…ministry offices, RIGHT THIS NOW… that GODLY REAL MEN must be in extremely short supply!
FINALLY..as life and First Church teaching generations long time developed, one has noted the lack of Noble Berean prophetic Bible teaching. Much of it is “back under the Old Testament Levitical Law”
And for these New Testament Legalists let me make a another point… IF “leader women are to remain silent in the Churches NOW, legalistically, due to the OT Standard found in the Law” …then WHY are so many pastors, ministry office, ministry Godly men allowed to wear long hair, have tattoos and many piercings…all of which were forbidden by the Old Testament Levitical Law?”
Submitted as all respectful Selah not autocratic dogma.
(C)2019 Taveau D’Arcy Creative Leadership All copyrights reserve http://www.teammateu.com

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