ABOVE is one the favorite Bible passages in WELP theology. It’s just that I’m teaching it with NO major accusative historical big “Queen Jezebel” ministry stereotypes…which I feel is better. PS Later on, I’ll discuss I Kings 16 + “the JEZEBEL” …GENESIS 3, REV 12:7-11 “The Male ACCUSER”… ALSO Pre Law Gender and Roles.. ADAM and Role Model EVE…Paul saying’ Y’all keep them leader women SILENT in the First Church!”…..yet all with NO GENDER bias, sinister ACCUSATION and submitted and Abiding in Enduring Mature James 3:17 Fully All Respecting Selah Opinion

NOTE: this was first posted Nov 17,2020 www.facebook.com/therealtaveau but then edited and enlarged to be posted here

**The Globally Famous Arch Apostle PAUL Who Penned 2/3 of the New Testament
(C)2020 Taveau D’Arcy All copyrights reserved under international copyright laws
THE ODE TO WELP top of www.onlinefellowship.us is alluded to beneath
Read YOUR Bible Word: “Paul, an apostle, (not of men, neither by man, but by Jesus Christ and God the Father, who raised Him from the dead. And ALL the brethren who which are WITH me..” First Church Galatians 1:1-2;
For I believe that when Paul commanded for each one of us to “work out our own salvation”.(with God’s and Scripture Help) that HE also would include this (Today’s Modern Term “DON’T DRINK JUST EVERYBODY’S (BIBLE) KOOL AID ) clearly discerning and also mature, wise practice as being very SOUND.
Apostle Paul enjoyed it when the First Church believers picked apart and analyzed HIS doctrines, to make sure that they each lined up with the Scriptures..He was so pleased, at their standing on their own two spiritual doctrinal feet, that he named them “the Noble Bereans” (Berean Jews).
And apostle Paul, himself a Galatians 1:1-2 SENT OFFICE..mentioned how the fellow believers “BROTHERS” were all “WITH HIM” not “UNDER” him..meaning he evidently considered them as office ministry peers who were valued as a real human real people and who were “colaborers’ rather than Paul’s chief apostle “Possessions, Underling Gofers, Little Peons..big into genuflecting /kow towing hanky and water bearers…some appearing like ministry slaves.. (which I have repeatedly Deep Grass Roots been regarding since late mid 1990’s…all around the USA grass roots..and such being PLENTIFULLY )

ALSO, BESIDES MINISTER CHRIST…. didn’t Abraham Lincoln already FREE the deep south slaves? (aside:Maybe another day I’ll describe the couple I met who’s Apostle had not given them ONE SINGLE DAY OFF in 20 years.not even Mother’s Day. And told them not to marry till their 40’s…and the entire church was informed that they each ought to postpone having children for it would “KEEP HIS COLLEGE MINISTRY FROM MOVING AHEAD.” Please Note this as 20 plus years ago, and back prior to the deep south west relocation, which I have only recently left).
HOWEVER.. this aforementioned amazing story involves autocratic Possessing Patriarchs descending from Africa, as were the devout ministry couple..but this is NOT about one “OUT FROM AFRICA” which is at the root of The LP Leader Accuser ongoing noted SPIRITUAL DOCTRINAL RECURRING RELATIONSHIP DIRELY AFFECTING SIGNIFICANT FRUIT.. …but rather in this article today as well as the BLOGS mentioned at the end…ONLY are recurringly inspired by similar ” ODE TO WELP” attack betrayal style of Western European LP sordid untrue lying fruit.
THUS by writing, declaring about this, I am TRULY Representing the unsung EVERY MAN, innocent Church Attender, Newbie Foreign Visitor,fellow peer senior not one bit well known, yet an office minister)
…. …AS In my entire Christian, Saved, In Ministry Leader Whole Life, I never once knew what being gossiped about, but without ever once being spoken to, without ANY ministry up front respectful one to one minister leader confrontation.which clearly means that THEY view themselves as “in control” over everybody.”fellow prophetic sr minister UNTIL I repeatedly encountered “Western European Levitical Patriarchism (WELP) Untrue Overseer Doctrines” (and also repeatedly met with similar persons who had been through “ODE DO WELP” and had their good names ruined”
(Assessed as ACROSS THE USA primarily deep country south) THUS I have regarded..but then laughed.. fully amazed at the deep irony.. Meaning…inwardly was shocked, but also fully amazed and at last in incredulity wise chuckled…at the realization that while they are elevated and can be regarded as “elite” that I as a BYOB Noble Berean understand that while (according to THEIR far off accusing by legalism “submission” “over-under” (which is NOT New Testament, but is OT Levitical shepherding LAW..while THEY fully believe that the Lord has SET THEMSELVES UP “OVER” all.

For this human person pastor,chief (over this subsequent ongoing movement)apostle, is an SENT apostle Galatians 1:1-2..yet such a one that leader understands EPHESIANS 4 “humility, value of ongoing relationships” as well as Commonly Held all True Saved Christian Doctrines ..
….which usually the apostolic WELP (meaning assessed by their commonly produced FRUIT)… do NOT.
For MOST ALL of those totally omit, and are MINUS any gracious servant elder Ephesians 5:21, fond of Big Community ..for NO.. it is primarily ONLY about THEIR own ministry styles.
Yet, if anything in my ministry life has ever inspired me to note and evaluate BIBLE DOCTRINES..other than my own GENUINE non critical, non Pharisee or Overseer WELP, but genuine mature senior pastor nurturing FATHER.. ..
And by this now, I would have to say BLESSINGS TO YOU, Hard Minded, Overseer Dominating Masters ..who will allow no opinion other than elite YOUR VERY PROPHETIC OWN…To All YOU who Need to cultivate Subservient PERSONS..and to be Legalistic Acquiring Proper Masters OVER the Slaves.
IT is YE who are non servant but many judging apostles..BUT it is YOU served as the big BURR in the saddle to create so much FELLOWSHIP discomfort, that I took it upon my own Self to study YOUR leader doctrines.
First, on behalf of myself…but following on behalf of CHRIST’S GOOD WHOLESOME, NON PHARISEE WINSOME NAME as well as the anonymous Deep Grass Roots EVERY-PERSON..
and along the last 20 discovery years..upto about 50 OTHER Saved by the Word Press leader Christian Examination ministry sites You might call all of this “Non Servant Males and dominated subservient Females ..…
…TIMELY DUE LIBERATION…LP MEN NEED TO BE LIBERATED FROM DEPENDENCY ON THE OLD TESTAMENT CRITICAL LEVITICAL PRIMAL LAW. (Instead of using Wholly SAVED NON RACIST Prophetic New Testament Inner Directed RELATIONSHIPS along with Apostle Paul’s Galatians 5:22-23 Training on Self Governed ongoing wisdom) www.relationshiptheology.org
Yet, to the WELP(see ODE TO WELP) top of www.onlinefellowship.us for their area fruits) TO THE GUARDED ACCUSER WELP I WOULD GENTLY SUBMIT,
“Let not YOUR world of good be evil spoken of”
In closing,I submit this as a Selah..“if no shoe fits, then neither ought anyone attempt to wear one.”

Leader MATTHEW 23 : https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Matthew%2023&version=KJV
IN CLOSING.. I conclude with the reminder of the Chosen SENT First Church Pioneer standing out in the public openly rebuking the Toxic Accuser Elder Pharisees and their Legalistic Big System.
I understand them very well so I can just picture ..First Church Apostle CHRIST speaks out and warns, openly rebukes, reprimands an entire LEADER GROUP ..and in depth and surely very passionately.
However, while the accuser Pharisees would hear the Messiah’s words, they would definitely avoid taking real heed, by twisting the Matthew 23 Up Front Comments and instead, deflect it back by making it seem that “Jesus was having a bad day” and then accused the local JESUS of”NOT BEING HIS USUAL SWEET CALM INFANT JESUS DOCILE SELF”…
One may picture the overseer Pharisees in deep denial and purposely Blame Shifting Back Onto Minister Jesus “Pay Him no mind for He sounds WOUNDED” Maybe we better enroll Him in our Fix Em Fast Ministry Pop Psychology Class”
OR “Don’t let Jesus words get to you….He’s just OFFENDED” “for that upstart Jesus is JEALOUS” and gives evidence of “being in the sin of self pity” ..Plus, “He’s not area, world wide famous like we!”
IN fact the very possibly misperceived as a Junior Minister “displacing overseer WANNABE” ..JESUS probably has a lot of ” unforgiveness baggage”
“Worst of all” they may have complained “that Messiah Complex Jesus has SINNED against us..for He is “word cursing all of us” after “making bitter root accuser judgements us ALL”
BUT it’s high time we training deliverance from this errant teaching. However, as Christ did did not single out specific INDIVIDUALS, NAME ANY OR MINISTER ACCUSE ANY PERSONS by their NAME.
And due to Jesus not doing that, I will not name human persons or their subgroups,OUT IN THE PUBLIC …
YET..if I am asked in Private..I will give whom I realize has recurring, gossip, (ODE TO WELP ministry fruit) legalistic accusation)..THE REASON WHY?? So as to spare from subsequent domination, accuser big gossip and UNDUE NEEDLESS HARM)…but I will not in PUBLIC.
But in A.R.T. (Abiding James 3:17 Relationship Theology) the focus is not on the RULES as much as HOW JESUS ow ACTED, and REACTED in each one of His area RELATIONSHIPS) ..
MEANING.. when He walked the earth in pioneering ministry in Matthew, Mark, Luke, John (The Gospels of salvation GOOD NEWS not the backbiting Gossips)..which is HOW, WHAT, WHO the overseer majority WELP leader Righteous Really Rough turf inspired me to examine.
THIS IS now represented via ABIDING IN ENDURING JAMES 3:17 (all) RELATIONSHIP THEOLOGY http://www.relationshiptheology.org and also in Equal Opportunity REAL RESPECT ( EORR) “For the office of every human being, made in God’s Image Psalm 139)
Blessings, Sincerely Dr Taveau D’Arcy
A Galatians 1:1-2, just another area Servant Leader , But Mature…Office Management CONTACT: dfwleader@gmail.com
(C)2020 DFW Leader Ministry Fellowship All copyrights reserved
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