Addressing the deep south “WHO ARE YOU UNDER, SPIRITUAL COVERING “ doctrines
(C)2009 Taveau D’Arcy All copyrights reserved
Dr. Taveau was raised in a very happy Southern Baptist Senior pastors home, she never encountered the modern day, many times dogmatic, Bible teachings on “spiritual covering” or “the need to find your spiritual father” or “to be promoted one must sit under the anointing or fathering of another spiritual leader, pastor, TV minister.”
Dr. Taveau was raised to believe that as a female, if her husband said, “YES” and the Lord told her to do something, then, it must be o.k. She also chose to have many IFFM board members and sr. pastors, leaders spiritual advisors, too for good measure and added strength.
It was not until perhaps the last 10-15 years that in the charismatic churches, that the “covering” doctrine has been brought into higher prominence. This may be because of high profile media, television ministers and also what has been taught in the seminaries of several of the major mainline spirit filled, charismatic, Pentecostal denominations.
As a former Southern Baptist, Dr. Taveau had no memories of the topic of spiritual authority except that of respecting, honoring ones parents, a wife being submissive to her husband and the role of every Christian, pastor, to respect all forms of God ordained authority, spiritual as well as civil.
Thus, Taveau was never had any issues with men and was never an independent women’s lib type person. She was in fact quite the opposite. She respected sr. pastors and men since her own senior pastor natural father.
Dr. Taveau D’Arcy’s public Bible teaching, ongoing servant pioneering ministry started during the times of the Jimmy Swaggert, Jim Bakker Christian media scandals in the late 1980’s. She personally witnessed the gigantic fallout that was created in the church by the dependence and trust placed in “celebrity TV pastors” from very start of her public grass roots servant pioneering pioneering ministry.
Some of her close friends and family members got turned off from pastors and fell away from trusting spiritual authority and leadership.
Only Father God knows the extent of the fallout that inevitably caused many in the United States body to fall away from trusting Christian leaders, and created the general distrust for sr. pastors, mostly Christian media ministers and caused great sarcasm, mockery as well as a callous, critical and very cynical spirit against “born again believers in Jesus.”
This distrust, labeling and lack of respect for those in public ministry, deeply is entrenched in at least the modern United States culture.
At the time of the Christian TV minister scandals, Taveau D’Arcy was leading a Bible study in a big local Assembly of God church. She witnessed with much surprise and shock, how many people reacted to it. They gradually lost trust in Christian leadership and spiritual authority and withdrew from having any fellowship with local churches.
The Sunday after the Jim Bakker scandal, God called her attention to this verse in Micah 7:5, which says, “Trust ye not in a friend, put ye not confidence in a guide: keep the doors of thy mouth from her that lies in your bosom.”
Psalms 146:3 “Put not your trust in princes, nor in the son of man, in whom there is no help.”
Since that time, Dr. Taveau has encouraged sr. pastors, leaders, television ministers to teach and to warn the people NOT to put their trust in them (man) but in the Lord.
Approximately 7 years prior to this time, the Lord had impressed upon Taveau that He wanted her to study His born again,Bible believing, Body and to study the leader doctrines, worship and Bible teaching vocabulary/varying styles. And as the Holy Spirit led her, it was up and down the east coast for the first 35 years, then to VA FL, NC, SC, AL, PA, Tulsa, MO, and finally to the deep southwest, DFW area. Eventually God sent Dr. T onto media: 4 states local radio, regional TV, then later she relocated and was on a local DFW station only briefly. (with God’s call to get back on)
It was never heralded, just ongoing servant leadership,similar to the Ezekiel’s wheel,governed by the inward witness of the Holy Spirit in Ezekiel Chapter 1, and also similar to how God and the prophet Enoch “fellowshipped daily” in Genesis.
It was during this time, that the move of the Holy Spirit in the media,in charismatic, spirit filled ministry and worship groups skyrocketed. And God would lead her at various times to different parts of the country, to worship and Bible,faith outpourings, to be imparted to, to discern, and to learn about God’s Holy Spirit, the move of the Spirit and also the vocabulary of the differing kinds of saints, in order to help bring TRUE UNITY. (this was always very cross racial,cross worship culture)
Dr. Taveau eventually discerned the many positive, wonderful effects of current leader apostolic doctrines. God also spoke to her about the purposes of having even opposite looking, differing ministeries, who were all “born again” and “Bible believing”.
This began the roots of what Taveau D’Arcy Pioneering Leadership Ministries now refers to as BOOK OF EPHESIANS CROSS BODY TRUE COMMUNITY UNITY (based on Ephesians Entire book, notably 2:14- 5:21 with apostolic emphasis on entire Chapter 4).
Through the years, God directed Dr. T to sit under,to discern and to note the apostolic BIble emphasis, and it was in this manner that she was given a Holy Spirit Home Schooling, yet was told by the Lord that He did NOT want her to attend either Bible College or Seminary, as “You will have no need that any man shall teach you, but the Holy Spirit will be your teacher.” AND HE TRULY HAS AND STILL DOES.
Yet, MUCH of what Taveau trains on today was not REVEALED to her but in different increments, and very much in apostolic hindsight, through the last 25 ongoing years.
It was due to God moving her to experience, enjoy and Bible study, many different denominations, sr. pastors and worship music styles in the United States,that Taveau realized the deep need for ministry DIVERSITY and VARIOUS APPEARANCES, WORSHIP STYLES, and HOLY SPIRIT EMPHASES.
It dawned on her, that God displayed parts of His personality and nature in those churches and ministries who truly believed the Bible and who had pure, humble hearts before the Lord.
Pioneering Leader Dr. Taveau also began to notice that like people, God shows off what God revealed to her was His “Type A”( fast paced, jumping, more active, assertive and praise oriented, claiming Bible verses, very outgoing and uptempo beat in their music) church side and His “Type B” side, (more laid back, more introspective, perceiving, gentle and longer worship, atmosphere of rest and peace in the music).
She eventually pastored several cell/ home, office churches, and over saw a spirit filled Vietnamese Church during this eventual time.
AND it was beginning in the middle 1990’s that Dr. Taveau ever bumped into what IFFM now calls “Spiritual Covering, Who Are YOU Viewed as (supposed to be)UNDER apostolic doctrines…and this began the TRIAL OF HER VERY LIFE.
Starting bout 1996, the Holy Spirit started using Taveau as a ‘sent messenger” to study the western church “body of Christ” mostly in the east coast and in the deep south of the US.
An avid TV minister watcher, Taveau started to notice the affects of certain streams of Word and Bible teaching and media ministries on local sr. pastors and those who were in the pews.
She began to see the American church believer turn more passive and lethargic as many sr. leaders in many Bible teaching churches began to instruct those they referred to as “their sheep” to “be under the local covering of a sr. pastor” until in some cases, caused much spiritual abuse and got entirely off the purpose for which God intended it.
This downward turn and certain spiritually abused leaders that Taveau D’Arcy helped personally as well as what turned out to be a pivotal key public attack on her personally out in a public setting in 1996, forever changed her view of what and “being under spiritual authority” meant.
The CRITICAL SPIRIT which had attacked JIM BAKKER and JIMMY SWAGGART had not been widely PASTORALLY STOOD UP TO, LEADER CONFRONTED or COMBATTED by local church apostles, seemingly nationwide, and that let open what appear to be spiritual floodgates of not only the the ACCUSER of the BRETHEREN, but of the SISTREN, and the LOCAL SENIOR MINISTER, and out in the RISING NEW MINISTRY BREED, began it’s suspicious, immature, wicked local,rural, cross regional dark work.
And in an update to this 2009 article, it is now entered into politics, on media, in high tech, including bullying in many schools!
DR. TAVEAU LEADERSHIP RIGHT NOW encourages pastors, mature leader to RISE UP to contend against the Accuser and to body leader represent the MESSIAH of Isaiah 11:3, which we discuss below.
And, as local body life went, at least in landlocked, deep grass roots,country and oppressed regions, the ACCUSER led to over active OVERSEER accuser demeaning,rumor spreading, character assassination BLAMING and ABUSE: causing big division by pitting immature Christian /minister against Christian,pastor, junior rising minister, AND this is when the writer first recalls feeling UNSAFE about attending OVERSEER autocratic “Pharisee Watching” little ministry , loveless, churches,senior pastor’s continually OVER LOOKING self styled groups.
AND spreading like a wild fire,these new legalism mostly apostolic male, WINDS OF DOCTRINE were found from Florida to many in Pennsylvania, and all the United States in between. And the spiritual fruit was the first beginning that I had ever seen or personally experienced: a negative force coming FROM inside these Houses of REFUGE: Jesus Christ “Safe Place.”
And rather than FRUIT, there was accuser fallout, with persons now dropping out from fellowshipping ANYWHERE…and then the RISE of accuser labels, among senior pastors, such as “They are Church Hoppers” and “suspected witches, and of course the infamous (apparently apostolically dreaded) “Jezebel.”
For a Southern Baptist’s first born dearly beloved daughter, at first I thought nothing of it, because denominationals, white evangelicals NEVER make “SPIRITUAL COVERING” a big hairy accusative suspicious (entitled) overseer ever watching deal.
Yet, a short time after, a couple of rabid aggressive indoctrinated local OVER SEER ACCUSER leader group put ME in their legalistic and MARKED “She is NOT under covering” Cross hairs, (without first politely respecting me to see who I allowed to speak into my life, which were 7 of them!) then I suppose my name was smeared.
However, God allowed me to find out that I was simply one of a GIANT CROWD whom this group had unrighteously and without practicing up front respectful one on one Matthew 18:15 confrontation. I would guess that through about 5 years, I met about 25. Seemed as if everyone who had passed through one of the particular churches had been FRIENDLY FIRED and was now needing inner healing,due to the ACCUSER RELIGIOUS SPIRIT and primarily “CHARISMATIC WHITE WITCH CRAFT” which this writer realizes is a GIANT USA primarily WHITE prophetic problem (with the immature and mostly competitive, self seeking, envious,big time jealousy)
And now, as a walk in the offices of both prophet and apostle, I can SEE who is praying against me, so I now automatically plead the blood over me, bind it, and send it BACK 10 fold to any charismatic soulish prayer, who is doing that..and spooky “Christ Followers” who “spy in the spirit” also.
MAIN LEADER POINT: If it enables the ACCUSER..then is NOT Holy Spirit true fruit. From Genesis to Revelation both God the Father and the Messiah Jesus, do NOT embody the ACCUSER. In fact Isaiah 11: 3 foretold that Jesus the Messiah “would not judge by the sight of his eyes, or make decisions based on what He heard.”
(PS Just WHERE is this type of leader doctrine being taught in the nation today?)
THE ACCUSER ACCUSES, plain and simple. THE LORD may RISE UP but He never demeans, accuses behind people’s backs or “accepts an evil report.” So USA leaders, LETS RISE UP and TRAIN GOD’S PEOPLE embody THE MESSIAH.
DUE TO THE SPIRITUAL LOCAL GRASS ROOTS FRIENDLY ACCUSER, the ebb in local church attendance,we must iron sharpens iron and “faithful are the wounds of a true ministry friend” to state: that MAINLY all of this witchy watchy, Pharriseeical accusation, members being spied and gossiped about, local nontraditional senior pioneering ministers,lay being accused, ministry tried and found guilty ALL IN ABSENTIA is found practically ZERO places other than the over busy, mostly at ease,overly well fed, both spiritually/naturally, charismatic prophetic.
ANd that is why we need to TRAIN on this: it’s making God’s pure hearted persons stay away in giant droves. SUBMITTED SELAH.
JESUS THE MESSIAH: was NOT from the tribe of Levi. He therefore was not into being OVER others,but servant leader Co-laboring, as was Apostle Paul. I have written on my blogs for leaders to PLEASE email me the Bible references, (New Testament only) which teach that NT persons need COVERING,OVERSEER LEGALISTIC KEEPING TABS,etc EMAIL:
DUE TO THE MISERY of living in the middle of a CHRISTIAN community where one perceiver KNOWS that they are being oversee suspicious watched and ACCUSED, even jumped in PUBLIC without first being respected and politely spoken to, even as I have been 3 times, REBUKED for “not being submitted to any spiritual authority” “not a member of a local (charismatic) church” when I had 7 board member, pastoral wise advisors and at that time was a CHURCH OFFICIAL CLUB MEMBER?
All of that deep ego centric, asinine silliness, is what GRASS ROOTS LIFE is truly like in too many places. SO I now rise up to INSTRUCT…and share with LEADERS.
RIGHT NOW there must be FREEDOM to worship the LORD inside one’s SAFE HOME or in an official fellowship..FREE from ACCUSER,WATCHING, APOSTOLIC BACK STABBING GOSSIP.
True, today I submit that there is a RUNNING AWAY rather than an End Time FALLING AWAY from the 2 Timothy 3:1-5 Christ less accuser relentless church. (as v 5 commands all who are pure hearted to FLEE.
Due to being a LIFE LONG Christ Following Body Member, I recall as far back as the 70’s when I first heard of the SHEPHERDING MOVEMENT, which was off. I fully believe that all of this is deeply connected (and Roman Patricianism, entitled, slave owner overseer and plebian, underling,slave.
I was officially THERE when the new charismatic, spirit filled wave swept through denominationalism and was with Senior Pastors, ministers in cross regional repentance prayer gatherings, when I first remember hearing about “THE ELEVATED 5 FOLD OFFICE MINISTRY”
And that was RIGHT …for that particular time,as the need to train, model RESPECT for what had been a saw dust leadership /home style ministry type, was in need of polishing and self confidence,
However, I was NOT raised in that but in a educated,Seminary trained Southern Baptist’s caring home,so I never had need to pump my office to make SURE that I was ELEVATED.
Yet that ELEVATION OF THE PULPIT ORACLES I believe began in the early 1980s, as my father had died and mother and sister went to the famous Bible training school in Tulsa. So I would go out there and got to understand that apostolic word of faith roots and doctrines, and this I recall is where I first heard of that.
YET ,now after 25 plus years,and the MATERIALISM,MEDIA INFLUENCE and MASS PRODUCTION OF practically ANYBODY naming themself right now as a “CHristian 5 fold office” complete with business card and CD ready to hawk, and ordination papers recently downloaded from online, it has unleashed the ANTITHESIS of “MINISTER TRUE RESPECT.’
No, rather it has unleashed many BOANERGE “aka self -seeking/emotionally/spiritually immature, callous, dubious even VULTURE CULTURE supremely ENTITLED “5 fold offices”( in certain subgroups, far more than others) which given the chance prove to be deceptive, completely dishonest, would even steal their own mother blind, or a fellow senior pastor, weeping grieving widow JUST to get money to BUILD THEIR OWN SENIOR MINISTRY.
And this no longer Naive DFW Angel Unaware, newbie writer, met this over and over SINCE relocating in the deep southwest.
SO ALL OF THIS is WHY I write on this kind of topic.
ASIDE: Regarding elite, overseer, ROMAN PATRICIANISM ROOTS see in in August 2013;
For TOO MANY,TOO LONG, in the unsung deep grass roots, this LEVITICAL PATRIARCHISM, OVERSEER, WHO’S UNDER WHOM, abuse causes heartache.
And when one is apostolic leader wounded, one must concentrate on getting healing and that then replaces 100 percent focus on being able to concentrate SOLEY ON helping others, leading,DOING God’s Ministry Work.
PLUS it drives (tithing?) pure hearted people away,and makes God’s House UNSAFE AT ANY SPEED.
Also,when the top leader, staff, accuse, enable and resemble the ACCUSER a lot more than the MESSIAH, the the transference Bible principle “the anointing flows from the head” still applies. It then flows out to the born again, critical accuser often prone, self critical/self accusative deeply insecure congregation persons,then into the families and marriages. SUBMITTED SELAH.
And another GRAND OVERSEER leader offshoot to this NEED TO BE OVER EVERYONE ELSE is what turns talented true prophets into POTENTATES who demand to be honored, even waited on hand and foot.
UP CLOSE EXAMPLE: Once I had a ministry staff pastor couple who had worked for a OVERSEER SLAVE MASTER, who had made them postpone being married into their 40s, announced that the church members should post pone having that it would not ‘affect the ministry” and for the 20 years they ‘served under him’ he gave them NOT ONE SINGLE HOLIDAY OFF. I asked, “Not even Mother’s Day, to go see your own Mother? ” NO, not even for that.”
AND if pastor /peer pressure is applied to “sit under the senior pastor’s ministry whenever the doors are open” and “you do not want to attend any other kind of church” then we find what has happened in American Grass Roots today THE PASTOR DEPENDENT PEOPLE GROUPS.
(Please read Book of Ephesians,mainly Chapter 4, Eph 5:21, then tell me if that is TRUE).
Good Bible teaching on serving the local pastor is being replaced in many places with making the sr. pastor as a “little g” god in their minds: which is idolatry and comes out of fleshly teaching. Making the sr. pastors, leaders the key to spiritual or natural promotion is rampant.
Spiritually gifted,super strong willed leaders who are at the same time deeply insecure, ministry goal driven, have abused MANY simple, trusting people who either do not understand the NEW TESTAMENT FREEDOM IN NONLEGALISTIC CHRIST or else are easily controlled, put in deep fear,thus being more prone to be manipulated by many threats from the pulpit, warning them of dire consequences of “not obeying YOUR pastor,YOUR Chief Apostle, The Prophet.”
IF they have the nerve to ever disagree,they get ostracized by the top leader and blindly obedient other followers, and then they are accused of “touching Gods anointed.” (which in the pastors case means HIMSELF or HERSELF.)
IFFM Ministry teaches respect for BOTH sides of the pulpit stage,as “God’s anointed are on both the stage pulpit, but also out in the congregation.” Don’t touch God’s anointed wherever they happen to be!
The International Fellowship of Foundational Ministries senses that God wants to once again “free some slaves:” many who are sitting in some ministries, shackled and bound up in this good teaching gone haywire.
THIS TRUTH SPEAKING WRITER NOW truly believes that it is TIME to CEASE striving to be men pleasing, and to begin to ONLY please the true and living GOD.
IFFM founder, Dr. Taveau D’Arcy believes that when a person dies, their pastor won’t stand beside them on the day of judgment. Neither will they have their father, mother, husband, wife or best friend beside them.
IFFM LEADERSHIP believes that each and every believer will stand before the Lord alone, and therefore, each one of us, from the senior pastor to the most recent convert, must be prepared for this eventuality. And furthermore, each of us must do this quickly, since Jesus Christ is expected to imminently return. Selah.
FURTHER MORE, right NOW is the time for each every hearted, individual believer to learn to depend upon God and to study the Bible for themselves. And sr. pastors and ministers in prophetic ministry must trust their people to hear God when they are not around.
IFFM believes “The Cutting Edge is Balance.”
Yes, there are many who need instruction on being committed to the pastor and a loyal team member of the local church. There must be discipline and spiritual oversight is Biblical. It is just that in some cases, there is no room in their revelation for sr. pastors and many persons who don’t fit into their “mold.”
This makes being in the modern day western church a veritable minefield (make that “mind” field) for any nontraditional servant leader, pastor, minister or atypical more free spirited lay person.
Too many Grass Roots trusting people are labeled and stereotyped, some even are feared upon sight by chief apostles or sr. pastors who view a person by their own preconceived mindset and place upon those persons certain presumptions and ignorant assumptions which are based upon similarities to past experiences with similar looking “types” of people.
This is an area of “judging” and even placing a negative spirit of “condemnation” which is typical in sadly, many of the more busy, educated, seminary taught churches. IFFM believes firmly that every person and ever pastor is a “unique individual” and that there can be no “spiritual stereotyping” or making “one size fit all” in specific personal counseling situations or ministry callings. Every pastor and every person must know how to listen to God and rely upon Him for themselves.
People dependent pastors must release them and repent for developing a personal cult following. Caution must be used to maintain true maturity and balance on what it means to “sit under the bishop, the chief apostle, sr, pastor, etc. Many people feel that they are getting some negative ‘onus’ put on them from pulpits or media shows that over do it on ‘revering, honoring and subjecting themselves’ to the pastor, leader.
This brings us right back to the Micah 5:7 advice, “Trust ye not in a friend, put ye not confidence in a guide: keep the doors of thy mouth from her that lies in your bosom.”
And Psalms 146:3 “Put not your trust in princes, nor in the son of man, in whom there is no help.”
Dr. Taveau D’Arcy urges Christian pastors, teachers to train God’s people to depend upon God not upon them and to not allow the people to put them up on pedestals. This leads to idol worship, the celebrity Christian personality worship culture and endangers people in the congregations once more, should other Jim Bakker, Jimmy Swaggert type scandals occur. (as I was editing this ORIGINALLY, the news just announced the news about Pastor Ted Haggard in Colorado)
Once again, not to train the people not to depend upon the pastor or TV minister leads to idol worship.
(C)2009 Taveau D’Arcy All copyrights reserved
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