NOTE: We posted this first Jan 4, 2017 www.onlinefellowship.us But we’ll continue to add to it..but OVER THERE and when we can, on a separate LEXICON apostolic website
(c) 2011/updated 2017 Taveau D’Arcy Creative Leadership All copyrights reserved
Five or more years ago, I perceived the impression that the Lord wanted me to make a TAVEAU CREATIVE LEADERSHIP, later apostolic DFW Leader Ministry Fellowship, and all ministry wide LEXICON: the meaning behind some of the words we use..even if we recognize many of them be “RED FLAG BUZZ WORDS” which often incite Labeling, Name Calling, Leader accusation even emotional fisticuffs..(all of these equal DIVISION)
HENCE we describe the following to mean: (we’ll continue to add as time allows)
WE DEFINE: ABIDING, ENDURING JAMES 3:17 RELATIONSHIP FRUIT (over the long haul) : JAMES 3:17 “The (any) wisdom that comes from above is first of all pure, peaceable, easily entreated, full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality and without hypocrisy.”
WE DEFINE: BIBLE ORGANIC: “Organic”= devoid of any human additives or man made ingredients, added mixture; FIRST CHURCH Bible “ORGANIC” includes “no Back Under the Old Testament Levitical Law (accuser) legalism.
WE DEFINE: COCONUT TIME: I first learned of COCONUT TIME from an African American Senior Pastor /friend, who told the assembled congregation, “Today I will use my watch and not speak on COCONUT TIME..for you never know when the COCONUT will fall from the tree.” Later I applied COCONUT TIME to when I watched certain employees, volunteers proceed to have NO concept of being on time. And this was a repeated, even regular pattern which revealed complete disrespect for their JOB, their OFFICE, their EMPLOYER, their SENIOR AUTHORITY, LEADER, PASTOR, and for ultimately the LORD by carelessly showing up whenever they “felt” like it. )
(AND when they are running late, they never even once think to call to inform the others..which means that all of the others, head leader included, are left hanging.waiting for the COCONUT to fall from the tree…meaning to travel, life one’s life on COCONUT TIME…reveals a human person who disrespects everyone else but HIS/HER very own SELF.)
TO THIS OVERSEER ELDER: Truly, one of the WORST TYPES OF RELATIONSHIP HARMING things is repeated COCONUT TIME..it is wearing, disrespectful, time wasting and SELF CENTERED..and to me personally, the equivalent of someone running down their fingernails on a chalk board. I say, “YOU CHOOSE TO BE COCONUT TIME in my OFFICE EMPLOY or HELPS /STAFF, WORSHIP TEAM ..and 3 strikes and YOUR HISTORY.”(NOTE: I repeatedly dealt with this myself in “rising junior, but very talented and gifted” FUTURE called leaders, supposed to be “staff.”… but even when up front respectfully, and repeatedly, upfront confronted, firmly admonished, they never ever heeded the God appointed office leader..and VERY WILLFULLY kept the ministry elder, leader waiting time after time after time…)
Supreme example: A senior pastor bemoaned the fact that one of the main worship team members would hold all of the other’s hostage by arriving “whenever”..sometimes up to 2 hours late.) To me, COCONUT TIME is disrespect to all the others, but a big sign of CONTROL..and SELF INVOLVEMENT..as it completely disregards the LEADER, EMPLOYER, PEERS to “do his/her/perceived as “My” OWN thing.”
WE DEFINE: EARTHSUIT, OUTER COURT EARTH SUIT In ISAIAH 11:3 the coming CHRIST was described as “He will not judge by the sight of His eyes, nor make decisions based on what He hears.”
ALSO: Applied Holy Bible Faith is never moved by what it SEES, HEARS, FEELS or by abject FEAR, BIAS, STEREOTYPES or COLOR OF SKIN. PLUS Apostle Paul teaches, ” I resolve to know nothing about anyone except Christ and Him crucified.” AND “When you put on Christ, there is no male, female,Greek, Jew, Scythian, bond of free.”
PRIME EXAMPLE: YOU happen to see a human person walking directly toward YOU. There skin is dark(Or it could be very fair). BUT as YOU are the RELATIONSHIP MATURE, READY WISE LEADER, Instead of saying to yourself ” I SEE A DARK SKINNED( or light skinned) PERSON COMING.” Rather YOU say to yourself, “I SEE A RELATIONSHIP COMING.”**
(Assessing the media, it appears that our culture has not simply a RACISM big problem..but if you remove “judging, accusing base on seeing anybody via their Outer Court Earthsuit”..then it goes much much deeper. It’s actually a RELATIONSHIP over all problem.
THIS PROBLEM HAS ALREADY BEEN SOLVED?? ….EPHESIANS 2:14 says, “He is our peace, who has broken down every wall of partition to make us all ONE” (if each one of us personally CHOOSE to allow Him to do so!)
**FOR THE POTENTIALLY NAIVE: BUT no matter WHO or WHAT their Outer Court Earthsuit, TRULY RESPECT every single human…yet do not truly trust a SOUL …guard yourself by listening to the inward leading of God’s Holy Spirit..and then keep watch for ABIDING IN JAMES 3:17 on their part and also YOURS!
WE DEFINE: EMOTIONALLY DISHONEST: Perceived as “double tongued”, less than deeply , sincere, into mind game playing. Also, appear to be into ministry/business self preserving politics, for which being less than transparent, openly serves them well, being even perceived as monetarily. We clearly define EMOTIONALLY DISHONEST as seeming to be two faced, as they won’t usually interact, and many smile to your face but but accuser tale bear once you leave; Good Old Boy-Good Old Girl Tribes reproduce clannish, cliquish, non too deep dubbed “Plastic Fakey”.”Hail fellow well met” ..as it is inauthentic simply because it does not line up with CHRIST RESEMBLING RELATIONSHIP KEY FRUIT found in Gospels, Matthew, Mark,Luke and John.
ASIDE: Aristocratric Roman Patricianism, self worship of governmental legalistic hierarchy, big into Big Leader I’s and Little Peon You’s.. also appears to go hand in hand with this appearing to be in aspiring, seeming middle class, Nouveau Riche Leader need for position, power, and accompanying Strata Status.
WE DEFINE: MINISTRY, LEADER, LAY “RELATIONSHIP READY”: fully aware, eternal humble perspective, emotionally mature, truly respectful, authentic, non avoidant, Real Respect for the Office of Every Human Being Made In God’s Own Image PSALM 139 “They look past the Outer Court Earthsuit” to see who is truly UNDER there as they are equal RESPECTFUL, non BIASED, RACIST, GENDER, AGE, A PERSON’S FAITH, APPEARANCE or SOCIAL STRATA . The leader is not moved by their Outer Earthsuit..only by their JAMES 3:17 RELATIONSHIP FRUIT..or abysmal lack there of.
AND….MORE TO COME: Samples: WHAT IS “relationship theology” ….WHAT IS an apostle, chief apostle, doing the work of an office apostle(same goes with prophet);..”Berate without Relate”…”to defrag Doctrine” “the Frog’s Tongue of Overseer Spiritual Authority” “Are You a Perceiver-Discerner?”
(C)2017 Taveau D’Arcy Creative Leadership All copyrights reserved

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