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NOTE: This was first posted March 19, 2020 www.facebook.com/therealTaveau
This is an open ended Christian Ministry Body open Word.
(c) 2020 Taveau D’Arcy Creative Leadership Www.taveaudarcyministries.us
James 4:6 “God resists the proud and gives grace to the humble.”
What I see in all this pandemic ministry business US shutdown: it’s a Reboot of many of God’s supposed houses…mainly want to address USA Big/Small ongoing Religious Extremely High Functioning Systems. And most of them clearly opposed to big and multicultural functioning Community as in Ephesians 4 ministry unity and Common Doctrine.
Maybe God’s wrath is ongoing big revealed in this Out of Control dispersion of nearly all God’s saved ..usually en-churched many people…
I am not a part of that..as my ministry is usually to Out of formula Sweet Bye and Bye abiding Church.
When I mention God’s wrath, I need to clarify..by using the pronouncement of ” God’s Wrath” .NOTE FULLY that I am NOT meaning that this completely terrible disease is NOT God bringing His Judgement on any Non Born Again Christians..such as on the other many Faith’s or true persons who are Jesus dependent mature non idolatrous Christ followers…so all this is multilevel ministry points
With more coming later today at DFW Leader Online Fellowship www.onlinefellowship.us
No.. I realize it’s Satan who really caused this rampant disease…but the real Church had minimal effective response. Merely certain movements dribs and drabs..
And while your friend here is very PRO using Bible prayer for ALL human persons ..to be quickly healed..no matter what their beliefs are.
From a Christian ministry point of view..maybe..behind all of this decimation is the Lamb of Gods blessed judgement on Formula,Man/Self Reliant/into dominating big control Ego Systems…
And I certainly mean that.
Meaning ..addressing that specifically I am all PRO the Church. It’s Time to go forward..but maybe at a much lower (all humility priority) rate.
Common Doctrine..Ephesians 4 with abiding all Relationship enduring overcoming peace Love in humble wide Community is NOT wide spread received or taught much less known.
May I offer the suggestion..during this unintentional Set Apart Quiet Time..to read Book of Ephesians 4
And abiding by,adhering to, yielding to ALL EPHESIANS 4 THAT.. will Christian body remove Celebrity. Bug respecter of persons religious spirit. All knowing. Big Is Little You’s. Sin Spying. Any competition. Keeping Up with the elite Joneses. Spiritual turf protecting. Overseer strict legalistic Phariseeism.Pastors owning God’s people. The I Samuel dry compassion fatigued, Lampstand Accuser Eli Temple High Priesthood, which mammon centric and frankly USER of God’s leader women..Add to this NO MORE “Love of (offering) Money” being top prioritized over developing, abiding in, and mainstaining mature Relationships..PRIMARILY WITH GOD, then self, then family and social network, then out into all society. Just a Submitted sort of Leader Selah.
Despite the dramatic, ongoing different EXTREMES..It appears God is showing Himself to be More Powerful than His faith filled Holy Spirit Elite Baptized many well oiled entertainment ..money needs to be centric big and very small Systems
Enriched Ensconced Big Systems apply pressure to produce. To many sacrifice ..in order to keep that Ship Afloat by Making the needed Money
Reprise of The Big Point..In over many Big Religious Systems making money is Top Valued first ..over the abiding Relationships in home, wedded spouse, precious family,group, big clique..and outside the elite Christian version of whatever brand or part of the Faith they seem to represent
Many are “For Club Members Only”
Which I deeply resent..and I would believe that the Father of Jesus Christ really does
And hence His pronouncing Judgment..on The Systems
Way back in the day, hard rock singer Steppenwolf had a song with the lyrics..”God damn the pusher,” for the Pusher knew how to “work,” and “use” many people to make money off them..and keep them coming back.
So it frankly appears with Religious Demanding Systems…wherein I feel the need to say “God damn the Systems
I realize it’s a lot of mental undue pressure, but if we can simple within Christ’s accepting CHURCH to resemble His Bride, while acknowledging that Jesus BRIDE is multicultural, not all formal, not all very casual, not all WHITE not all BROWN, and certainly not al RIGHT WING or LEFT WING..despite whatever Talking Head Media rather condescendly conveys.
(C)2020 Taveau D’Arcy Creative Leadership All copyrights reserved under international copyright laws. Anyone wishes to reprint, simply ask permission
Contact @ dfwleader@gmail.com
“And speaking of James 4:6 “God resists the proud but gives grace to the humble”
I sincerely advise listening to Servant Leader Pastor Andrew Wommacks 3 week You Tube series.Titled…Humility About 28 min each
I really know that I always will need them
Andrews Wommack’s Overview Main Point . God can resist a person in many real life areas where He sees the Pride..yet all of us may be big Humble in other big and small areas and not realize that we are immature and have pride in that area..or that God may be ‘resisting” us until we deal with it.
And this is a one by one God -unique human person assessment.
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