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OTE This was first posted www.onlinefellowship.us
And the origins of WE OUGHT TO ASSESS not ACCUSE. ASSESS a New, recurring Visitor,not by race, age, gender, APPARENT spooky or not demeanor. RATHER maturely ASSESS them by their abiding, ongoing leader, elder, lay, looking like a Roving Gaderene Demoniac..by their JAMES 3:17 FRUIT ..which is BIBLE based on …(RED FLAG ABIDING HEADS UP
“The wisdom that comes from ABOVE is first of all 1)PURE 2)PEACEABLE, 3)EASILY ENTREATED (!) 4)FULL OF MERCY and 5) GOOD FRUIT (Galatians 5:22-23 fruits of the Spirit (love joy peace patience goodness meekness SELF CONTROL (self government)…And WITHOUT PARTIALITY (!!!!)without HYPOCRISY (!!!!) ..(PS and all of which I am abiding in FULLY yet maybe not spiritual fruit of supreme PATIENCE or “SELF CONTROL” (have repeatedly given in to temptation from SWEETS but have had God’s great Godly Contented to avoid ongoing such with HUMAN MALES)
ASIDE…OH THOSE WEARYING, RELENTLESS AGGRESSIVE, ALL OTHER’S BUSINESS CONTINUALLY MINDING ,USA Deep South aggressive all knowing, heartless regional USA critical charismatic.PHARISEES…however,must give them mercy..for have also assessed as deeply insecure, and hurting a need to bring in much more MAMMON..to keep their Unique System afloat.. (maybe like the onerous Pharisees back in JESUS DAY?) USA PHARISEES.
BUT AT LEAST…learned how to spy and try to avoid.. and for the MOST…all this happened among the “BORN AGAIN” who said they PREFERRED to follow JESUS and serve HIM but then advertised THEIR version of JESUS FOLLOWING for FELLOWSHIP as a “All accepting, non WASPISH, E.O.R.R. welcoming and non-biased SAFE HOUSE…
And as all are NOT WHO, or WHAT or HOW they PRESENT THEMSELVES (GUILTY OF false advertising) to be this TESTING TIME of WELP has turned into a GIFT for whomever may need to realize about all of this.
THUS….FOR THE CHRISTIAN MINISTRY LEADERSHIP..God has granted me GRACE to survive and even while Car Camping Adventure to be even more SET FULLY FREE and to THRIVE…Plus get a whole lot of revealed DOWNLOAD for Jesus Mature Heart filled with COMPASSION Trusting Body.. and now I will proceed to do a powerful lot Leader Training about RELATIONSHIPS and RULES and LP ..PLUS needed TRAINING AND DISCERNMENT “BODY OF CHRIST” intended as HELPFUL HEALTHY FELLOWSHIP SAFETY TIPS
PS PLUS WILL INCLUDE a few major backstories and asides, all of which somehow have to do with ambitious WELP…meaning along the Narrow Leader Way, they have given me more than enough adequate and cliquish, with many deep, definitely memorable,strong impressions and inspirations.(Multi US Southern States, 30 spirit of prophecy, purely outstanding VICTORIOUS pure heart peace yet amidst very long term, multi fiery and extraordinarily difficult trial “processing” devouted …also…and stating this for WELP purposes…also pure years.
PS…. FIRST ONE PHARISEE PURITAN WITCH TRIALS RED FLAG..If they feel like they are ENTITLED (prurient and minister TMZ TABLOID, NATIONAL INQUIRER) have a “RIGHT” to leader know..plus “DESERVE” BAD about my PRIVATE SEX LIFE meaning THAT badly??? …..
RIGHT NOW .ASKING...SO then WHY did not a single person call to set up and official respectful appointment TO ASK FACE TO FACE if what YOU “inner perceived” “heard rumored all about” or “maybe THOUGH you believed YOU saw, was “TRUTH”..thus as I have nothing to ever hide…..other than perhaps on a given week… my weight.)..surely always feel free to politely up front ME ask (as in SUBMITTING to leader obey Matthew 18:15-15, humble Galatians 6:1 leader Bible roots)**
** such is the Pharisee Sensationalism Seeking, giving evidence to the human carnal nature
(C)2020 Taveau D’Arcy All copyrights reserved
“But if ye forgive not men their trespasses,
neither will your Father forgive your trespasses.”
Matthew 6:15 Jesus in Red Letters KJV
THE FRANK NO HOLDS BARRED WELP ARTICLE…is not to be confused with unjust accusation, unforgiveness or blaming.(even while I share all that THEY did along those similar Pharisee lines prior to this NOW. Instead regard it as Jesus ZEAL for His Father’s (abiding Hebrews 10:25…so called SAFE, E.O.R.R.) Leader House …which causes such an deep inner need to RISE UP and TAKE A STAND for INJUSTICE like He when He tossed over the temple mammon chasing leader tables. All of which I shall proceed to do so NOW
ALSO. I was raised by caring, fine HAPPY NON TOXIC (NO WELP) parents..and I understand some, if not many or even all of the WELP were not. And ,due to being lovingly raised and with Good True to Life HERO ROLE MODELS in the extended Christian faithfilled delightful achieving, learned family…I was properly trained all this life, To “forgive unconditionally” which I honestly have and will as need to whenever.
I just hope YOU might do the exact same. SO along the ministry life twists and disabling wicked turns, I could remember Christ dying on the rugged cross and paying the price for us all…I would recall how Jesus prayed “Father, forgive each one of them,for they know not what they do” And so I have prayed this with regard to each ACCUSER, EACH NeoPharisee and each arrogant “claiming to be Mr All Saved Born Again so called unloving Christian.. ONLY AND ALL simply because I had met the REAL Living LORD and Savior and had GREAT personal memories of HAPPY pastor real hands on caring parents who ALSO had each done repeated similar. I would, and still often do, remember the Loving JESUS who also forgives ME. ”
FOR WELP AND NON WELP, ALL BROWN, BLACK,WHITE SOULS ALIKE:“But if ye forgive not men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses.” Matthew 6:15 Jesus in Red Letters KJ
A false witness that speaketh lies, and he that soweth discord among brethren.” Psalm 6:19**
**PSALM 6:19 Summarizes this Non WELP’s Overall Lasting big white area over all impression (Hugely back in my former state,yet many traveled deep south others. And all confirmed by 25-35 all solid NON WELP respectful white with ONE being a MALE, the rest leader women. HENCE THIS “only if any shoe fits, should anyone wear it” All Respecting Human Person’s over all synopsis of the accuser WELP assessed below
Yet at as a national grass roots visitor, to speak, to attend major conferences, in (THE MOST Witchy Watching Orlando, impure Florida area, in my own state of VA, Texas General Vast Area, NC stand out…) I would note how mature WHITE patriarchal senior prophetic ministers, some well recognized, would dimly regard and accuse by their very intentional white “intercessor” “visiting strong appearing leader NON ADULTEROUS female” how they demeaned and apparently were more afraid of leader WOMEN than any black minister, white evangelical, true fearless “Power and Holy Spirit TRUE MIGHT pentecostal, and any INTERNATIONAL of brown or black color.
AND rather that reasoning, with, speaking to, they froze them out but used critical Old Timey Legalism to wield control. (keep them fully UNDER the all WHITE WELP MALE)
And I don’t usually have ANY problems with apostolic males, females or white, brown black prophetic real men, leader women ANYWHERE even if they DON’T or they DO “pray in an unknown language’ As that is THEIR business. I need to repeat that in this life LONG prophetic history, usually sent around ENTIRE deep south various worship Bible believing big CULTURES not once in my entire LIFE have I ever been demeaned, assessed as a “supposed white witch”or “Jezebel’ or ever JUMPED and publically HUMILIATED, unjustly accused and/or by elite SLANDERED or rumored, accuser gossiped all about ..no not white, black or brown EVER..
UNTIL I “happened “to deep south encounter WELP simply for being strongly and repeatedly impressed by the Lord that HE wanted me to study the prophetic worship moves.
SO NOW I can speak to give a HEADS UP to those who also may feel similarly he, she, white or black , tan called.
AND to let the WHITE WE RULING SUPERIOR CLASS try to understand that my solemn cold appearance or the possibly AFAR OFF misinterpreted as a disapproving FROWN …not cheery…was not due to being accusing, complaining or feeling superior, I was actually SENT to each and every ONE of the NON SERVANT all about YOU when I was in my private life, secretly being HORRIFICALLY accused, demeaned and EMOTIONALLY RECURRENTLY ABUSED. And during BIG GRIEF, loss of my ENTIRE family, prior marriage, and ministry as it had been area wide SMALL but recognized.AND I had NOTHING to PROVE to (prophetic???) YOU who I really am.
AND YOU accused me in the Spirit of ELI , distantly fully cold and hugely area wide compassion fatigued as a lone leader but big symbol of HANNAH on the front temple steps.
AND SO I share this with the many YOU. And give a mighty HEADS UP and CLEAR WARNING.
“God RESISTS the proud but exalts the HUMBLE.’ Psalm 138
(And like So many credible many OTHERS, mothers, elders, wives, singles, common law, OF ALL AGES, RACES)
So I was by GOD CHOSEN as HE realized I had prior HAPPY LOVING PASTOR FINE BREAD WINNING CHERISHING FAMILY and did not need to USURP you or “make a big Popular Name for my self” NOR was I accustomed to Demeaning Witchy Watching Queen Jezebel far off Spectural Evidence..
BUT now I am REVEALING what God repeatedly pointed out 1990-2020.. So I can tell, submit and area WARN…for this LONE WOMAN is an office true PROPHET who sees what I now share as an INSOLENT,DISSERVICE, BRINGS ACCUSATION, DEMEANING DISRESPECT… TO THE HOLY NAME OF THE WINSOME (NOT ORGANIC TO DFW, DEEP WELP MINISTRY SOUTH..) JESUS CHRIST
AND THE LORD may have chosen this TYPE OF ME intentionally to test YOU to see what was inside YOUR own private hearts..And HE also surely tested what was and now is in this MINE
And GOD probably chose WHITE, middle income, well off, gentelle elegant non very poor ME to trouble whatever needs to be worked on and gotten over in both YOU and born again (Godly contented and now NON CHARISMATIC PROPHETIC by choice…SINCERLY HAPPY) me.
I NOW TRAIN that the spirit attached to controlling shepherding, aka my own in house training term for Western European Levitical Patriarchism is WELP..I espouse that the Jezebel seeking,fearing elder gentleman who prefer WELP authority, actually WIELD that controlling, errant untrue, accuser generating but very popular, trending , doctrine actually IS the JEZEBEL SPIRIT that THEY all accuse so many big and small others of BEING!!
I would view it as oppressive, withstanding only THEM and also demeaning, disrespectful and accusatory unhealthy , unjust Neo Phariseeism SIN..
Hence the surly to prove UNPOPULAR but very needed soap box.
Also a few backstories and asides, all of which somehow have to do with ambitious WELP…meaning along the Narrow Leader Way, they have given me more than enough adequate and cliquish, with many deep, definitely memorable,strong impressions and inspirations.(Multi US Southern States, 30 spirit of prophecy trial y
“O GOD..Deliver me from WELP!” Not their good Holy Spirit training, but just the OT BACK UNDER THE LAW ..LP which is THERE IS NO OTHER BIBLE VERSION OF AUTHORITY EXCEPT ONLY GOODLY OURS….with all of its “WE DEMAND to be OVER you” “own YOU” or BIG AREA LEADER GOSSIP..( ACCUSE your all around using my Neo Phariseeism…but minus ANY upfront RELATIONSHIP, respectful one to one, private CONFRONTATION.”
This next should explain HOW.
“AFTER A WHILE, YOU NOTICE HOW THEY SEEM TO USE PROFILING. After a while I started to profile the one who I sensed were PROFILING the me.
And this is how I first discovered WELP. I FINALLY MADE MY VERY OWN WELP PROFILE and discovered the following:
Middle aged, but many reared UNDER the WELP THEM, are also latent and RISING assessed as JUNIOR,up and coming FUTURE anointed WELP..
And most WELP appear tending toward sedentary, as well as “WE CENTRIC” and “Red State”…
WE CENTRIC is a discernment assistance recent term which I have coined ..and it applies to those in the Caucasian race, with a Western (or Eastern) European ancestry..however THESE WE CENTRIC all seem to be “performance over relationship based” “colonial” “historical solid white ruling class” and bearing very strong evidence that prior to going into ministry, that they the barely, if ever had any RELATIONSHIPS any other race… than their own, so therefore they do not understand how to RELATE…and seem to find it very awkward, to understand HOW to anyone other color person who is NOT just like WE “are the ruling world” big CENTRIC them.
WHEREAS, TCL, meaning MY CAUCASIAN winsome self, prefers to be labeled a WE (are NOT OVER EVERYONE ELSE) GLOBAL. And as a WE “are NOT the ruling world” prefer much more down home, NOT back UNDER the OT Letter of the LAW (which avoids Phariseeism) are very international, diverse, enjoy being multicultural..and more like an open door EMBASSY than a formal stiff people pleasing church. PLUS mostly tribal WE GLOBAL are less strict ,with NO Back Under the OT Levitical Law authoritarian mysogynistic/tending toward BIAS immature MEAN streak)
WELP…the Western European Levitical Patriarch, typically comes from an equally WELP patriarchal leader heritage,or spirtiual Oversight, Mentor…but the WELP family history ..many, if not most, majorly the most AGGRESSIVE, INVASIVE and openly in public ATTACKING (and because I’ve had it happen to me 3 USA times,VA 1996, 2003, DFW 2010..and the first two were patriarchal aggressive WELP, the last a WELM (devout dowager autocratic matriarch mentored and”UNDER ” the top WELP)..Hence I penned a leader training description “BERATE MINUS RELATE” in http://www.taveaudarcylexicon.wordpress.com ) mostly some family dysfunction in their prior mostly country tending toward lower income, no prestiege unsafe background. ..(hard working former class, now VERY many are what I would name “achievement nouveau riche (which I am not from that type of lower working blue, no collar heritage) (Note that is not this leader hear trying to sound in any way superior..but rather is is a limited way to assist in WELP clear assessment. ..and also not 100% all, but far as for as I can tell, all of this appars to be a valid part of each WELP profile.
ALSO they USED to (1990’s mid 2000’s) NEVER EVER allow any WHITE woman to no women in leadership, barely any minorities, maybe a token; YET, as pressure from society,more appreciation for leader women as real gifted PERSONS in ministry has allowed slow changes…for I recently have started noticing.. that in the last 12 years, that a leader female hear and there..right now appears to “barely and rarely” but is allowed.
However, it is usually one from their select, many preferring elite,stable, who remembles and fits their Worship Popular Culture accepted White Brand. (one reason re NEARLY ALL WHITE with barely any in elder staff…REASON..many are not intentionally ministry biased, (of course some are)but rather they grew up sheltered, apart from and never truly knowing any other type or style or color real person. And the same is true with Real Women, for it strongly appears that most if not 100% did not have healthy family relationships with mothers, aunts, female authorities, PRIOR to assuming Office Senior Pastor, Authority top or mid, staff leadership.
Therefore most all of them appear suspicious of leader women..but then that is also noticed that these same one (most sedentary appearing) sell, discuss and ministry warn many lay about “charismatic witches, being harmed by Queen Jezebels and run with that overseer shepherding similar WELP need to be OVER crowd.
MOST ALL (!!) WELP MEN do not feel at ease with real leader Christian women..and is awkward if YOU were raised respected and genuinely loved, not FEARED or judge from afar, like YOU as some wicked SUSPICIOUS CHIEF SINNER just for showing up, sitting there calming and saying nothing, other than THANKS for such a good prophetic meeting.
SECOND LEADER WELP BASICS…THE QUASI SINCERE, FAST HURRIED, and some lending themselves to SHALLOW..hence my comments regarding ” “DRIVE BY CHRIST FOLLOWING” similar Born Again impersonal kind, (Again I was clearly stereotyped so I simply grew every weary of it and began to PROFILE them back. SO HERE IT GOES..They ACT like their glad to meet the lone female YOU..And at first they greet , smile, form a mental picture of each arriving new person. Then they all filter it through their own preferred filter for ministry conditional qualifications…size, gender, race, age, style, fitness and what they can fit you in, to benefit THEIR aspiring pioneering elite ministry. ”
BIG DISCOVERY ..WHITE MALE MINISTRIES with barely any other color and clear traces of LP…be it biased or unintentional…PREFER USUALLY white patriarchal gifted teens- 20’s .mid 30’s. That just THE WAY of the Deep South West. If YOU are not that age group, (and not famous) they appear to pass you over as OVER THE ELDERLY HILL.
And please note. It is NOT that obvious in servant leader ministries and/or in African, Hispanic, International Tribal ministries or a SERIOUSLY biased in appearing all white evangelicals. NOT that they women are preaching, NO, this is not about that..rather than ALL are equally VALUED, and TRULY RESPECTED and regarded as WORTHY and EQUAL as a fellow Christian HUMAN…(as in NOT discared as be of no worth to Get YOUR MINISTRY further ahead..) SO leader take a tip…do not let YOUR elders, big staff project BIAS, DISRESPECT…
Submitted as A Possibility.
I really HAD it in the deep south, mostly prior to moving to the deep south uncaring west. So had a lot to think about …for the sake of guarding Jesus Honest Good Name and truly understanding WHY so many USA people dropped out of going to any church ANYWHERE. And I was with them for about 10 Ministry Babylon, seeking at least a tiny taste of respect and seeking area God fearing…in those Paul in Damascus, servant leader burned in oil a couple of times..the Apostle John on the Isle, Taking up the Cross. Years. “JANE ON THE ISLE OF PLANO, WHERE THE SHE RECEIVED HER DOCTRINE”
YET Beloved of the Messiah Christ.. it was all for the Sake of Doing Others doctrinal GOOD.
NOTE: Since the time of discovering the FREE RANGE PASTOR divine appointment concept, God also downloaded the NON WELP “apostolic Pauline Galatians 1:1-2 FREE RANGE (if GOD tells YOU) “not sent out by any ONE man or any GROUP authority, which Paul, Christ used. AND Minister me.
AREA DISCOVERY VIVID “BORN AGAIN LEADER” MINISTRY REPEATED Memories..” My brethren, have not the faith of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Lord of glory, with respect of persons.” James 2:1
(ASIDE..But as of in the Now…it is all area indeed WELL ...
And following PLANO which withstood me for being a GALATIANS 1;1-2 Untamed but Abiding James 3:17 prophet HER..her LOOK. her ripe AGE, the Average Blonde Prayer Warrior appearance…and was not respected as I apparently was NOT WELL KNOWN or FAMOUS and that just when walking among ” certain Big” FAMOUS Fellowships …sensed it was all about THEM “not their preferred TYPE, STYLE, LOOK…and not one bit approving any HER who had PUT ON 30 pounds of prior ABUSE EXTRA “LIVING HELL”WEIGHT…
However, God informed me to not take any of it PERSONALLY but as a PROPHET…as He was simply showing ME what HE sees going on time after Christian pathetic (relationship disrespecting many devaluing, taken people for granted, TIME AFTER REGAL DEAD CHURCH TIME.
BUT I also deeply encountered very tough false religion,Post being Christian and on a few occasions was reminded of how”Paul despaired for even life itself” due to the major anti him MEGA PRINCIPALITIES and SUPERNATURAL POWERS…and it was exactly similar for lone prophet me…
BUT RECENTLY…Received this ironic, very surprising leader above “faux award”)
FOR ME it’s a NO MORE MICRO MANAGED, PEOPLE PLEASING, COMMANDED BOWING AND UNDUE SCRAPING, and demanded top elder “SMOTHERING COVERING”..so as a former RAISED LIBERATED ..never held back the OT Letter of the Law. However, I was (well intentioned) double matriarchal dominated ..but still reared a FREE nontraditional Southern Baptist and so I find GALATIANS 1:12- is far more for untamed ME. As not Levitical Hierarchy.
PHARISEEISM…EVIDENTLY IT HAS ALWAYS BEEN MY LEADER ASSIGNMENT..To read WELP Mail …Elisha In Home Big Style..in order to know how to defend and apostolic protect the innocent, young and naive. As well as to try to preserve Jesus Christ’s wholesome, winsome SAFE non Pharisee E.O.R.R. and supremely HEALTHY (especially SANE) Good Name…..AND ONE KIND OTHER REAL REASON WHY? because I suppose that the Lord knew that I respect ALL authority, ALL males and females…ALSO I realize that I am very human…and I also acknowledge that they TOO are not 100% perfect and/or fallible, as I am not either. THEREFORE I always realize how they are human and I respect them no matter what, and shall always pray for them and make the choice to forgive them. ” 1990-Current TDRC Area Leadership
THUS THE GALATIANS 1:1-2 TRUE SELF GOVERNING TRIBAL AUTHORITY ..”Not sent out by any ONE man or group”….is also a PHARISEE ACCUSATION put a STOP TO aide.
REASON..as it’s a MYOB (they should MYOB to YOU) because, unless YOU CREATE BIG TROUBLE, then it is NONE of their religious PHARISEE duty to MIND YOUR Business. For then nobody, not even any of them can tale bear, gossip that YOU are UNSUBMITTED, “NOT UNDER AUTHORITY OR COVERING’ (meaning like they) or “NOT UNDER” a famous local or TV Big Preacher. (like THEY).
“1 Puts 1K to flight, 2 10K” Office Ministry, Business Deuteronomy 32:30
AREA WIDE basic authority discussions of females, ministers, ORDER by being UNDER Overseer “COVERING” or “UNDER AUTHORITY” is usually not to be found in the FREEDOM in Christ in His Models in the New Testament,
ASIDE.. I believe in CHAIN OF COMMAND..ALL HUMAN PERSONS, ALL MINISTRIES..which to me is (basically brief) EPHESIANS 5;21, EPHESIANS 4:1-3..based also up EORR ongoing mannerly,decently in order …discerning the set leader boundaries and then abiding by them WHEN YOU are on their turf (church, home, cell group, business, etc)
which I am just now preparing an article
NEXT: MALES FEMALES: Non married, and officially legally wed ..as I know there is controversy and much legalistic accusation, big critical debates, as in massive confusion. THUS I equip using PRE LAW (Gen 1-2 before the Garden Sin, when it was all about RELATIONSHIP no law, Everyone perceiving and hearing God’s voice and submitting minus being afraid of the Law
SO back when there was ZERO CARNAL SIN..and only RELATIONSHIP there was no need for Levitical Law, (until Gen 3 and onward)..Thus in the New Testament, when we each have been handed back the power to practice(Galatians 5:22-23 fruits of the Spirit) SELF CONTROL and SELF MANAGEMENT, we can require training on how to return to Holy Spirit inwardly guided, Bible nonlegalistically balanced, overseer staff,lay, and also husband and wife abiding Ephesian 5:21 “mutual submission in the fear of the Lord’ with the husband serving his cherished wife as family tie breaker in case of an impasse. Yet there no domination, legalism, use of control and no female will be regarded as the Little Second Class, Dummied Down, Possession.. for they are EQUALS (Eve made from the same DNA as Adam so not second rate)
NOTE..IT’S THE MODERN DAY.And thus, if there is NO legal wedding,then this does not apply to a cohabitating, living together pair, other than by mutually agreed upon home order (not condoning, but red flagging for ministry consideration, drawing attention).., NOR for single parents, for THEY (male OR female) for THEY are the clear “head of THEIR home.”** (** and must be deeply regarded and MATURELY RESPECTED and accepted as being so)
AND be it in married life or ministry , where there is the Law and one can’t figure it OUT about MALES And FEMALES in order..than rather than revert to perverting the command “wives submit to your husbands” Ephesians 5:22, which too often in Prime Evil Ministry translates more like “SLAVES and SLAVE OWNER” in the Prehistoric Cave Apostolic View..
THUS (and more later) due to LAW I now propose BIBLE CHAIN OF COMMAND but in all, including legal marriage EPHESIANS 5: 21 and, and all attempting to self manage in ABIDING JAMES 3:17 in house, in office in fellowship and in private..in order to balance and minimize the ignorance and mainly no fun Patriarchal sick views of the elite Law.
ASIDE..hereby duly note…NO.. I AM NOT saying anything about the JEW’S traditional or modern use of the LAW. I mind my own leader business. NO, my comments are directed only to the BORN AGAIN CHRISTIAN and the ones in LEADERSHIP.
“BE YE COVERED” (back Under the Law)
I tried to find “COVERING” First Church teaching in the New Testament..and it does not exist. But one Scripture states “God’s love covers a multitude of sins” And we’re all for that type of leader covering.
And also, I descended from a long line of mature, family type intercessors, and not a one of them spoke in tongues (until Mom, Aunt, kid Sister and I did in the last move decades ago). SO I also am very very aware that YOU need PRAYER COVERING and that kind I am all FOR but can OFFER IT (free) if YOU feel YOU do not have enough mature PRAYER WARRIORS for “watching out for you in prayer, and covering(really guarding YOUR BACK in prayer.
This seeming all white ministry was not this was prior to DEEP SOUTH DFW. And I was originally called by the LORD to pray for area pastors, leaders, for racial healing, pastor repentance, denominational division and REVIVAL but to also PRAY FOR the on fire local pastors, leaders and their families and their ministries. I will be more than happy to resume that NOW, and will be happy to pray for the vision, and also include God Called BUSINESS CEOS, with family quality of also included
EMAIL: MEMO Prayer dfwleader@gmail.com. Then spill the beans.(make them very short, direct, or just send NAME and SOS please ongoing PRAY) Yet sharing a few details helps..
PS I had to put it all down mostly a few pioneering ministry Newbie years ago..due to the extreme, and I do mean EXTREME warfare after touching the earth in DFW. BUT..all of my DFW big firey powers and high principalities, false religions, area MTC (mentally tough customers IN BORN AGAIN CHRISTIAN MINISTRY is fully over and I am fully recovered and lived to train and equip, And be CALM, RELAXED EVEN MORE FULLY JOYFUL plus SMILE a whole lot more.
AND later I will be sure to leader share what I perceive is maybe the MAJOR PRINCIPALITY over the DFW region, involves stress,driven workaholics and specific big deep area mammon big chasing possible ROOTS. BUT will get to that later.
SO hence I am posting about Galatians 1:1-2 FOR THE SUBMITTED to the Bible, God’s Holy leading, fine tuning non legalistic spirit, but also informing that THIS IS NO EXCUSE for being never allowing ANYONE to hold you accountable or to be able to tell YOU where YOU are missing it. SO while I proclaim non-legalistic FREEDOM I do it realizing the way EAGER IMMATURE and NOT SO DEEP can seize upon it and MILL IT into creative SUPPOSED “office” pure mayhem.
FRANKLY, you always out to check each person out separately from the Top King or Devout Queen of Flowing Titles..to the lowest beginner and ministry rank and file.
I do the same, SO YOU do…even with all of me and saying this
SO read the FREE RANGE PASTOR and see if YOU feel it fits with Galatians 1:1-2..
But let GOD lead YOU which authority to align yourself up with.
A PEER WARNING PRIOR TO READING THE FOLLOWING…A Warning to all WELP Area Legalist proud authority and all similar USA ,world wide…..THE WARNING…for each one of those who enjoy covering OVER all of the others …as YOU read this, YOU may find your Legalistic Proper Authority Cassocks starting to bunch.
FREE RANGE… MATURE PASTORS..Out where the Rubber Meets the Grass Roots Trail..which frankly is, USA area wide is family created, loss of value, frustrated Church demanding that all people COME TO THEM…but then want to KEEP MOST OF THEM..as in appearing to train them to be devoted…but to actually wind up POSSESSING THEM ..by using what seems to be the Old Testament Religious LAW …and after that, (REPEATEDLY assessing that) many in authority primarily restrain them using Bible Law to BILK THEM...
(HOWEVER..this last stated as an ONLY if any shoe ever fits, should any one reading wear it!)
YET the first paragraph description, and coming out into modern society..that passed down very tragic, fragmented chaos is an area (any area similar) is a result of over much …primarily FORMER FAMILY dysfunction.. and amidst many aging, fractured human persons with supreme histories of chaos. (read the daily headlines)
SEVERAL MINISTRY YEARS AGO, I had been in ministry for 25-30 Grass Roots Ground Level area wide prophetic office, eye witness ministry years, and I kept discovering doctrinal correcting big points and many small, but I kept them to myself, until basically about now.
In the last few DFW Alone A Lot discovery years, I formed a homespun LEXICON which I will post the link to (servant leader) FREE RANGE PASTOR ..maybe like a western Circuit Rider, deep grass roots, out of necessity much more informal area wide evangelist.
But now all the formal charismatic in ministry formal Book of RULES for “being viewed as in LEGALISTIC GOVERNING PROPER (Neo Pharisee, Traditional, WESTERN) ORDER”
AND one can FREE RANGE area overseer, witness, pastor (like guiding caring parent) by living in a house, (living very long or temporary very short term) Car or Van Immersion Camping…in order to be out there with them, among the many deserted but valuable, many big gifted THEM. I enjoyed doing that during my SPECIAL Hot Time in Denton, when I could serve different homeless, car dwellers , and get to know their emotional turf…..Yet although I deeply ENJOYED it…over a lengthy extended times…it was depleting…as there are so many big NUMBERS. And one day, if God allows, would like to have a much larger VAN to Van Camp for a couple of weekends per month. Or solid week or so..as it was so realistic and a community sharing,much caring even divine network,
PS So ad that VAN to the area ministry PRAYER LIST
PLUS after you all peruse that ,then skim through a few of the other mostly deep area WELP South (multi USA states) overseer often inspired
IF ANYTHING Apostle T is a FREE RANGE servant Apostle, Pastor, Evangelist, Teacher and Prophet..meaning as in each one of the Ephesians 4 Pauline stated mature SENT offices. BUT with varying manifestations of every one ONLY IF and WHEN the Lord chooses the TIME and exact SPOT
PS THAT’S what frankly got me immature Neo Pharisee hot pursued and gossipped all about around the deep South charismatic, Supreme example..”SEE ODE TO WELP TOP OF ONLINEFELLOWSHIP.US (“A CHURCH HOPPER” )… But I care not for the accuser only to win and seek the LOST.
SO there can be TENS OF MEGA HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS OF FREE RANGE OFFICES..it the Regal Current Well Ensconced area religious types who demand ALL be UNDER THEM… primarily LP , MP demanding will LOOSE THEM..as it will cause the OVERSEER to lose people and money..
PLUS to the FREE RANGE MANTLED Called Human Person..I will advise YOU to count the BIG COST..as there IS A BIG COST but very WORTHY ..and IF GOD really SENDS YOU..as there is not much BIG INCOME associated with this mainly non elite, NO High Praises, NO high Honor…for there is no showbiz, but rather a big continually in the obscure.sort of hands on even Mother Teresa Servant Pioneering Leader (but BIG and enormously NEEDED)
ENTIRE LEXICON http://www.taveaudarcylexicon.wordpress.com
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