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NOTE: this was first posted www.dfwleader.org July 10, 2019
(..actually I don’t have any therapy animal. But I keep seeing many styles of these online …and once in a while, in the (all over the fast paced area) typically at the Barista Fellowship “RELATIONSHIP LEVEL”Area of (therapy inducing) REAL Life””….FOR THIS PERCEIVER HER… MOSTLY (Very DFW exceedingly rare, but still available) “deep worship” ..plus fellowship, and (big!) remaining far off from the cliquish Religious Achieving,super fast, predominately into acquiring, many micro mega, My Centric Turf self protecting, aka formula uniquely consumed…entire legalistic System…
….ALSO working out….
AND ALL provide all deeply needed refreshing and detoxing therapy..one may ever need. YET, if I would ever select a Therapy Animal….hmmm. Let me contemplate. I saw online the therapy llama is already taken. https://www.cnn.com/2016/03/14/health/llama-pet-therapy-oregon-feat/index.html
NOTE: Article Below was first posted www.facebook.com/therealTaveau July 10,219 but then added to and re-edited..to this article.. It ties in with both Apostolic religious prophetic WELP, accuser Phariseeism and also regarding New Testament as ministry (at least in some huge or minute part) “Back Under the Accusative Legalistic OT Law”…all of which are involved in Hebrews 10:25 “fellowshipping with the saints” and the NON ACCUSATIVE “spirit of prophecy, prophetic /apostolic , ministry office)
ASIDE…(Please re-read the APOSTLE PAUL, GALATIANS 1:1-2 discussion on JULY 8, (the first part) WHO ARE “WE” WE CENTRIC OR WE GLOBAL on this website..while this not gone to seminary writer compiles)

MORE IMPORTANT INFO (following the WE CENTRIC, WE GLOBAL ARTICLE which first mentioned Gal 1:1-2)
(C)2019 Taveau D’Arcy Creative Leadership All copyrights reserved
“Paul, an apostle, (not of men, neither by man, but by Jesus Christ, and God the Father, who raised him from the dead;)2 And all the brethren which are with me, unto the churches of Galatia:” Galatians 1:1-2
MAIN BIBLE APOSTOLIC STATEMENT Apostle Paul Galatians 1:1-2, “I Paul, a God chosen apostle not sent out by any one person or any one group..but from God..
AND…”I and the brothers who are with me”**
….Apostle Paul’s choice the of words..Apostle Paul nowhere calls his group “the brethren that are “UNDER me”..
…rather, Paul clearly paints a picture of them, presumably with their worshipping wives, families…. each working BESIDE the chief apostle him…meaning “along with him” ..as in TEAMMATES…” area co-laborers”..
I Corinthians 3:19 (to the carnal, Picking Preacher Favorites, tended to be divided.. Corinthian Church)”For we are labourers together with God: ye are God’s husbandry, ye are God’s building.”
MAIN TEACHING POINT…Apostle Paul’s teammates were there to support HIS MINISTRY to the BODY OF CHRIST, and through doing such, to minister TO THE LIVING LORD….Alas, now, “all the assembled brethren” were NOT there to not build Apostle Paul’s OWN PERSONAL Leadership…
..And/or to “make HIS own name better known”
..OR to BLESS HIM IN A ME CENTRIC SELF CENTERED FASHION:No Chief Apostle Paul would never ever allow, permit, or given an order for the others to”build up the funding for Paul and HIS Apostolic Ministry ONLY…..which would allow HIM and many of them to own inordinate, ostentatious, displays of material Christian wealth, (flagrant showy accommodations overly many vehicles, (indeed stables of horse and chariots?). And he commanded that believers “from such turn away” from ministers who taught that “you are not blessed by God UNLESS we see the proof that YOU have big money”
Point...There is Flagrant, childlike, ignorant and clueless, flaunting, Me Centric..but also (nothing the real matter with it: inherited, established, God anointed amassed big wealth , properties, etc..if it’s NOT based on greed, lust of other things, flaunting, competition, coveting,etc).
BIG POINT….M.Y.O.B. re “Christians and owning, being perceived as having stuff” in Born Again Ministry is HUGELY NOW NEEDED.
DULY NOTE AGAIN….APOSTLE PAUL inadvertently assesses what strongly appear to be the TWO FROM SUCH TURNAWAY FELLOWSHIPS…
FIRST TYPE ASSESSED :”if you are poor YOU are not blessed” I Timothy 6:5, SECOND MINISTRY OFFICE TYPE: Accuser Boasters 2 Timothy 3:1-5;
BIBLE PROSPERITY, FAITH FOR INCOME…ASIDE: It is my own MYOB POLICY that one’s own view of True Bible Prosperity ought to be based on what each unique Bible believer and the LORD determine is “the amounts, cars, dwellings and money, possessions” one attains. AND THIS is to be determined by each person’s PURE HEART, pure conscience hears from the LORD is “OK”..but minus lust for other things , materialism, covetousness, Keeping Up with the leader Joneses, or greed.
PLUS: God is mysterious. He can cause set us up to be in envy, rivalry or competition by allowing us to bump into BIG WEALTH… hereby showing us what’s inside your and my own heart.
BUT the exact same can occur to someone well todo. God can tell what’s truly inside their heart when they encounter a homeless, unemployed, out of work, single parent, underemployed, etc YET it is between THEM and HIM..(you and GOD, ME and GOD) for each one will stand alone before Him on the Final Day and give our own personal,ministry accountability.
INTERESTING CONTRASTS: God also uses King Solomon’s as well as Mother Theresa’s in Christian ministry…Micro or leader Mega…AND this is precisely WHY I feel that it is none of my business what God tells another about MONEY,MINISTRY STUFF and POSSESSIONS. I will have to answer for MYSELF personally. And so will each of them and each one of the prying YOU.
ONE IMPORTANT THING..the Jesus Christ accepter, God Believer is not to spend it all, consume it all or tithe, donate it ALL. Reason…below
Proverbs 13:22: A good man leaves an inheritance to his children’s children, but the wealth of the sinner is stored up for the righteous.
No, the ministry group in Galatians 1;1-2 (with servant apostle Paul) were all there working together in the VINEYARD of the LORD..out in the regional Harvest..due to life being so temporary and the requirement that in order for human persons to gain entry to Heaven, they must first be introduced to, then understand, then be willing to accept Jesus Christ “the Way Truth and the Life” before it was too late..
AND the entire ministry area was DIVERSE and PRE CHRISTIAN, no prior Bible believing, 5 fold ministry offices and or written New Testament to go by..
Rather than attempt to set up Apostle Paul’s own ministry Kingdom or accrue be 401 K’s(while this supremely wise, pragmatic, sound…(meaning for the literalist: it is not a sin) but in fact admirable.. however when it’s GOD clearly directed, as the future providing for FAMILY…yet not sacrificing one’s soul, family in the pursuit of it…
KEY BALANCE …not money depency, as opposed to healthy GOD and FAITH ultimately dependent) and deep landholdings, displays of wealth…as the Kingdom Gospel Plan was the harvest of souls..plus responsibilities to the key priorities of ALL RELATIONSHIPS.
And the fastest method to have the FIRST CHURCH witness most effectively… was to build a healthy and uplifting Believing COMMUNITY ..which would then get it noticed….and such is the (presumed not included any any other modern day preacher’s Holy Bible… other than my own) Ephesians chapter 4 writings.(THIS may be akin to President Thomas Jefferson,cutting out all of the many Bible verses that he didn’t want to agree with. The Jefferson Bible is now on display at University of Virginia, near his famous home. And I have seen it..For today too many fine ministers omit ALL “relationship verses EPH 4, 5:21, 2:14, Prov 2:1-5 (abiding holy fear of the Lord); James 3:17, Galatians 2:1-2, for just a few interesting examples)
. AND HOW to explain, to hasten the Community BIG FAVOR and Influence: We really ought to read EPHESIANS 4 Common Doctrine Ephesians 5:21 “mutually submitted” peaceful One Front Unity….for making prophetic Kingdom Big Progress, true ministry main focus…REASON? For the cause of Christ.”
YET there must have been Holy Spirit First Church revealed ” perceived chain of command” due order, Holy Spirit directed mature ministry hierarchy (however, without instituted high and mighty ministry “bowing and scraping” which falls under the merely surface, for putting on a feigned show of respect, potentially for the purposes of gaining leader brownie points and /or to curry apostolic favor, to attain wealth… and that kind is impure, not one bit genuine….Frankly it falls under the carnal category of apostolic human pleasing.
MAIN LEADER POINT: NO OVER HONORING, LEADER PANDERING, PRETENTIOUS BOWING AND SCRAPING….in the study of Apostle Paul’s many deep apostolic writings (he penned 2/3 of the New Testament)… one never notices any deep ministry mention about “required rules ” for leader hierarchy and stiff legalism for strict, formation in a military type order. NO Chief Apostle, Prophet,Pastor, Teacher, Evangelist Big I..as in fact, Paul comes out against that (I Cor 1, 3). Nor does Paul or the Messiah Christ come across as super strict, enforcing ministry, believer conformity and/or the encouraging of “blind acceptance ” of all Pauline Christian ministry doctrine.
NO, in fact, Paul praised the Berean Jews for picking apart HIS OWN doctrine and called them “noble” for comparing each of his teachings to what was inside the Torah (back then the only written Scripture). This resembles the command, “work out your own salvation.”
Apostle Paul also said “Be ye followers of me, even as I also am of Christ.” (I Corinthians 1:11) Meaning: “Follow me ONLY if and where and how I (genuinely, truly) follow Christ.”
For surely, with as much continual ” well known First Church apostolic “praying and fasting” required to set the first course for Jesus’ New Testament fellowships… there must have been a big required and repeated, ongoing. “checking in with the Lord” to acquire His personal instruction, in depth clear direction about WHOM to senior office appoint, plus all of the many other local “revealed” persons (overseers, 5 fold Ephesians offices and deacons,etc BUT minus controlling Levitical accusing Law.
YET, as compared with many in the deep grass roots, we never find any Scripture endorsing 1) Keeping watch for Fellowship Hoppers (indeed, they encouraged House to House, meaning nobody was OWNED by any ONE pastor,leader. AND it made for BIG FELLOWSHIPPING TRANSFORMING EPHESIANS 4 COMMUNITY..not “us against them “one type, denomination, style VS any other”
NO, there were no religious accusative/God’s people monitoring, “possessive, turf Self Protecting” First Church relationship affecting religious laws” …as their are presently
TO DULY NOTE: apparently neither Paul or Messiah Jesus were big Back Under the Legalistic Law and we’re not minding others business , overseer shepherding Levitical Patriarchs!(who were also the regional ..always murmuring… Pharisees!)
Apostle Paul also wrote many other Bible scriptures which appear to affirm “every human equal” and Zero chief apostle Big I’s or Little Peon Now Nothing You…for He also wrote Ephesians 2:14 (“without walls or divisions”), ..to the entire diverse Body of Christ..as well as Ephesians 5:21 (“mutual submission ni the fear of the Lord) ..Ephesians 4: 1-3 (each and every human in Christ’s body walking in together in meekness and lowliness and enduring, long suffering love)
PS this affirms James 3:17 “the wisdom coming from above is…..”without partiality”
and Peter in Acts 10:34 “Then Peter opened his mouth, and said, “Of a truth I perceive that God is no respecter of persons”
Plus that entire body community, No Big I”s or Little You’s wholly unified is taught two times in I Corinthians 1, 3…where apparently Paul was shocked that many Jesus followers said,” I am for one famous preacher and only listen to him” (“I follow Paul”) and others said, “no we only listen to famous TV, local preacher Apollos) See I Corinthians 1 and ch 3!) Rather Apostle Paul commanded, “Each and every one say ONLY “I follow Jesus Christ!”
MEANING ..all big and very small disagreements will choose to maturely reflect “RELATIONSHIP PRESERVING BEHAVIOR” found in Abiding James 3:17 ” the wisdom which comes from above is pure, peaceable, easily entreated, full of mercy, and good fruits (Gal 5:22-23), without partiality and without hypocrisy” (Revelation 3 Love Walk Philadelphian Church of Brotherly Love, Psalm 133 Unity where God commands His life giving blessings_
AND being ever mindful that wells of knowledge, even if one is surely right, must remain non-accusative and ministry humble, due to the following:
“Knowledge puffs up, genuine love edifies.. (builds up)
“To know the love of God… which passes knowledge” (Apostle Paul Ephesians 3:19)
(C)2019 Taveau Creative Leadership All copyrights reserved

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