NOTE: This was first posted Nov 26. 2015 www.onlinefellowship.us
(C)2015 Taveau D’Arcy Creative Leadership All copyrights reserved
I had never heard of anybody frying TURKEYS until I relocated way down here to DEEP SOUTH Dallas-Fort Worth vast lively area. NOW I would think that due to the media, and hyping TURKEY DEEP FRYERS on INFORMERCIALS, that this phenomenon has become more widespread.
YET imagine, hearing reports, after one’s first arriving…of FRIED TURKEYS this and FRIED TURKEYS’ THAT..EXAMPLE: That one (very small) church’s roof caught on fire after the heat coming up from the TURKEY FRIER overheated.
ALSO, back nearly 10 years ago: The TV VIEWING NEW COMER vividly remembers watching the local NIGHTLY NEWS as it whipped people into a FRENZY about BLACK FRIDAY SHOPPING. (NOTE: The viewing writer has never been out in a DFW Black Friday crowd ONCE EVER due to this…as it was enough to make one ON GUARD) ….YOU NEED TO ENVISION: circling helicopters, hovering, making big noise, swirling….with multiple news reports flashing back and forth…. to seeming scores of reporter persons on the ground….all proceeding to whip up hysterical roving masses of teaming HORDS!
(THE WRITER’S personal FAV BLACK FRIDAY STORY) (from 5 -6 years ago). AN ACQUAINTANCE FEMALE SHARED how she had gotten up to go to a Walmart …meaning at the earliest BLACK FRIDAY HOUR…..HER PURPOSES: in order to purchase a BARGAIN TV….
AS THE ACQUAINTANCE went toward the ELECTRONICS SECTION to pick out a prize TV, she noticed a lady in an electric wheel chair, who was was eagerly traveling in the same direction. And of course, there was a huge, seething crowd also swarming around…with each human individual, focused on grabbing a low price TV.
HOWEVER, the wheel chair bound lady, was using her WHEELCHAIR to ram people in order to get through the BIG CROWD. AND WHEN one of the Walmart helpful workers attempted to stop her from hitting people with her wheelchair, this same lady took out a CRUTCH and began to HIT the Walmart worker with it!
FINALLY the ACQUAINTANCE LADY who told me about all of this could not bear witnessing all of this any longer, plus SHE wanted a TV……therefore the story relating WOMAN summarily flipped the switch on the ladies wheel chair which turned it OFF…so that THEN SHE could grab a TV…
PS AFTER I RELOCATED DOWN TO DEEP SOUTH DFW I also remarked to myself at the nightly news coverage of what (back then) seemed to ME as the (clearly amazing!) inordinate amount of manicure-pedicure latest news coverage, PLUS the up to the latest, most recent plastic surgery related inventions! (but maybe this is everywhere since that time?)
THE THREE that stand out in this inquiring person’s mind were the following:
1. A lady DIED from a pedicure (the water)
- They invented a form of pedicure where pedi -pools filled with tiny fish would then proceed to BITE OFF the dead skin (later this was outlawed) BIG YUCK!
This is current: Freezing off of fat cells (Can hardly wait until the prices fall!);
AND SPEAKING OF NEWS COVERAGE (the last funny example) I was expecting a friend and her two children to come over. So I watched the local news after I heard a lot of sirens outside. I lived relatively close to (the main artery) Highway 75 and the local news reported a high speed police chase. This then made me very concerned for my friend and her family who may be unaware of a potential big danger.
AS it turned out, the police were chasing a gentleman who had a dead cat in his car. He told them that he was taking it to the vet. YET, after the police took the man back to his home, they found 64 dead cats in his freezer!
When I lived in the part of the United States adjacent to Washington, DC…the proud Stat of VIRGINIA, I surely believed that I lived in the SOUTH. After all I had technically been (repeatedly) taught, that the SOUTH was everything UNDER the MASON DIXON LINE.
HOWEVER, it was not until the Lord moved me to what I know understand is THE South..as in THE DEEP DEEP SOUTH (technically DFW area…the SOUTH-WEST)..that this non-male writer finally comprehends how the NATIVES regard the State of VIRGINIA.
1. WHENEVER I might mention that I moved DOWN here from the State of VIRGINIA, they all act as if I come from the NORTH.
2. WAY DOWN HERE…. MULTIPLE DEEP SOUTH well meaning NATIVES will ask, “ So…you come from the State of Virginia. Isn’t that the state with all of those COAL MINES?”
So then I now respond, “No, that is WEST VIRGINIA. I come from the “REAL” VIRGINIA” and “NO, it is the one NEXT TO Washington, DC.” “Home of Jamestown, Williamsburg”
3. MANY TIMES I notice that I am respectfully called “MISS T.” And actually…I think that’s pretty cute. (PS I now also do it to others..as it sort of grows on you…..Added Humor: It sort puts me in mind of “Hand me a mint julep?”)
4. IT IS SO HUGE when driving around DFW…still I have repeatedly noticed that “REAL NATIVE TEXANS” do not care how long they drive..just so they like where they are going to. (ASIDE: I have never been a TYPE A aggressive, complainer when it comes to big TRAFFIC. ALSO I avoid all of the big congested DFW highways by (now FINALLY) skirting around the back roads. (Say thanks to GOD for GPS!)
ALWAYS HELPFUL IN BIG TRAVELING: I have a long time HABIT of enclosing myself in the CAR as some CAPSULE of GOD’S MANIFESTED PRESENCE…MEANING (imagined as if kept suspended in TIME AND SPACE) ..(SAID VERY HUMOROUSLY…to help paint the WORD PICTURE..not anything WACKY and/or OUT OF TOUCH WITH ALL EVER PRESENT REAL LIFE REALITY)..it is simply a HELPFUL, DESTRESSING ALL OVER MINDSET…which makes one to not feel PRESSURED or PUT OUT by any SUPER LONG DRIVE..and /or potential LONG WAIT TIME (helps especially during 105 degree area TRAVELS)
A TRAVELING ASIDE: HERE IS BASICALLY HOW to THRIVE rather than simply SURVIVE in GIANT TRAFFIC, LONG TIME IN THE CAR: Historically, this nonnative, enjoying being immersed, but non naive Happy Driver, has always (graced by God to comprehend how to)…I simply make sure that I have a lot of IN THE SPIRIT WORSHIP MUSIC to keep myself “IN A GOOD HAPPY PLACE.” And learned to purposely REDEEM THE TIME….by CREATIVELY THINKING and PRAYING…. and many times I (have historically) made it a big point to travel according to my following leader motto: “DRIVE, PRAY, LOVE”..STYLE.. (All of this is CARPE DIEM: “TIME FLIES” (We REDEEM THE TIME)
5. AFTER I first relocated down to the giant METROPLEX, I was thrilled after I found out that no matter HOW BIG I EVER COULD IMAGINE, THINK or SUGGEST THAT I MAY WANT TO DO….not one single NATIVE BORN TEXAN ever was ever found to be SHOCKED, HORRIFIED or would say that they DOUBTED!….and as I prefer to NOT THINK SMALL….this finally becoming ministry adjusted, nonreligious HAPPY CAMPER…simply JUST LOVES IT!
(C)2015 IFFM All copyrights reserved

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