PART 1APOSTOLIC HEAVENLY HUGS :Spiritual Fathering VS Instruction
The father of Dr. Taveau D’Arcy, Senior Pastor Miley Kimball Johnson, Jr. Reared in postage stamp size Dallas, Georgia (the entire opposite of vast Dallas,Texas) Abandoned earth for heaven, May 1979.
October 25, 2012
PROMOTING FREEDOM FROM RELIGION: There is NO more template ministry senior authority one size fits all supposedly “covering” doctrines. (Imploring Grass Roots spiritual senior pioneers to respect visitors and newbies, atypical, non name brand leaders, puh-lease..)
Food for Selah:
“Genuine normal real persons, even ministers, who are controlled with harsh religious rules and strict legalism are far more likely to balk under it, even rebel or leave the system.” OCFC pioneering leader, Dr. Taveau D’Arcy
“God has put in place an apostolic checks and balances order: many perceiver seers both up on the pulpit stage but also down in the seats.” OCFC Pioneering Senior Leader in Chief
“For though ye have ten thousand instructors in Christ, yet have ye not many fathers: for in Christ Jesus I have begotten you through the gospel.” I Corinthians 4:15
“He will also go before Him in the spirit and power of Elijah, ‘to turn the hearts of the fathers to the children,’ and the disobedient to the wisdom of the just, to make ready a people prepared for the Lord.” Luke 1:17
“Let not many of you want to be a teacher,brethren, for the teacher incurs the stricter judgment.” James 3:1
“REAL Men don’t demean God’s leader women.” (or any other styles of senior leader)
HEAVENLY HUGS Part 1: Spiritual Covering Fathering VS Instruction
(C) 2012 Taveau D’Arcy All copyrights reserved under international laws.
Apostolic spiritual covering, fathering authority is quite the rage in grass roots, especially and primarily among (perhaps only?) among leader charismatics.
This writer, who was not raised around speaking in tongues,(yet who has long since made the transition) was reared in a very loving Southern Baptist senior pastor’s loving, two parent safe haven home. She and her baby sister, never suspected that so very many God serving others, were also being raised in homes filled with pain, fighting, emotional abuse, not to mention bias of race and even of gender. A few grew up with misogyny or man hating. This was definitely not the case of this writer.
From her own daddy, this writer was able to learn respect for the offices of forms of Bible true authority. She watched both of her parents happy, long marriage, and the Ephesians 5:21 “mutual respect, mutual submission in the fear of the Lord” with the head of home honored husband as the tie breaker.
And to give credit to each of her senior leader ministry good parents, the writer never hungered for women’s liberation simply because she was raised “liberated” and with understanding the awesome fear of the Lord which served her to become ever vigilant, even to the extreme turning too hyper, about being “submitted to all proper spiritual, marital, family, civil, Bible true leader authority.
And, due to the simple fact that God blessed her by being reared liberated (her mother, Nonie even shared how they prayed for their daughters to become and do WHATEVER God called and told them to become and do).Dr. Taveau D’Arcy reveres and honors each of her senior pastor, teacher wise parents.
And while Dr. T alway tried to exert herself, in that period of teenage identity maturation and big struggle. Yet always she feared the Lord (and incurring the matriarchal anger of both her mother and visiting paternal grandmother )to act out or misbehave…however, she flew under the radar as most typical youth do from time to time..but understood to the utmost; “Be sure your sins will find you out.”.
To give more honor to God’s wisdom shown through both her Pastor Parents, as a PK (Preacher’s Kid) the writer never felt she had any reason to act out or run from the Lord, as too many PK are tempted to. Real reason: Her parents respected family and took time apart to be happy and play. And neither were traditional or overly religious. Besides, she never even felt that the PK concept ever applied to her: due to her own family being such genuine kind hearted, emotionally mature organic Christians.
Supreme true example. The father’s dominating but wonderfully intentioned mother would come to cook, help keep house and watch the children during the school year when father and mother also each taught school. This grandmother had a strong mind of her own.
One day, during 9th grade, the hip youth, who back then wore mini skirts(school rule; must come to the tip of the longest finger tip). And due to many other teen maturity battles to fit, and all of these were very modest compared to today…the miniskirt battle was not one of them.
Yet, one day, when the well intentioned paternal grandmother, who was every vigilant and on point guard, was up visiting, the writer came home from school to find that the grandmother had taken liberty to enter into her own private closet and to summarily let down the hems of every single miniskirt.
Due to the clandestine, secretive surprise nature (which felt more like an outright assault on one’s own sanctity of personal child respect and like one’s pure authority had been ravaged, drastically intruded upon, usurped) this writer remembers fleeing to seek comfort (and skirt length restitution) to her pastor mother.
And as the child had come to rely on, the mother took her own side and respected, preferred the boundaries of her child over that of the super strict dominating grandmother.
Even while some readers may be aghast at the thought of why any pastor mother would allow her child to wear miniskirts (back then) it was all about picking and choosing the battle and I now see her wisdom in choosing to respect ME over nanny’s overstepping disrespect for another’s boundaries, based on judgmental, critical, legalism.
PS later I grew out of that stage and prefer modest knee length skirts (IF I can’t get away with wearing slacks…)
Submission In Godly Marriage Exemplified
And though the writer also had a very strong willed mother, she witnessed that sainted mother submitting, while remaining playful and very highly spirited, to her gentle 6 foot 4 manly husband.
Due to all of this, inside the Rev. Miley K. Johnson, earthly household, there was mutual respect, mutual yielding to defer to one another, the home was a happy, safe, emotionally mature, genuinely loving and respectful Godly Safe Haven. And it one can only regard this as Great Grace Given.
And due to witnessing the safe success of this Ephesians 5:21 marital, life style harmony, it affected this writers view with regards to sr shepherding, which she compares with parenting leader wisdom.
SELAH: Being Raised Well Respected and Cared For Might Assist in Views with Regards to Many Others, Leadership
In retrospect, being well loved, well cared for in her youth, has also played a great part in helping the apostolic writer discern all relationships: with God, with self, with other persons, with all forms of real pure Bible authority (church, civil, government, family, husband /wife).
And when the Heavenly Dad instructed the pioneering future apostolic servant writer to begin to study the many various Bible doctrines out in the USA grass roots, media TV church turf (among His Bible believing, born again diverse ministry people groups) as the time progressed and new doctrines manifested, it was then that she began to notice the appearance of what she now conclusively discerns to be basically interwoven charismatic “apostolic authority” leader /governing spiritual doctrines: which then flow down from the apostolic leader pioneering head, onto the future senior ministers and laity.
And this is extremely GOOD or may be extremely POOR based on who is up at the fountain head top of the Submitted Governing Pulpit. * Comments are based on grass roots local regional good authority doctrines which have been taught by national groups, TV, media..yet then mixed (or mixed up creating unhealthy submission teaching mixture) at the grass roots levels*
*( Grass Roots defined: where the local pastor, ministry apostle is not elevated, kept body guard, keeper isolated, insulated, but rather one can go right up to them and greet them, inquire of them, even get prayed for after a service)
Great hindsight gives one a giant often overlooked ministry, life perspective. Thus looking back in her own life’s rear view mirror, this writer can only conclude that her happy, positive and truly healthy Christ Following early memories added with the respectful good memories of real leader (her 2 parent, pastor, teacher parental) authority, placed way down deep in her own hard drive, have carried her through some serious times of spiritual edification, healthy role modeling as well as much abuse, ministry accusation based upon never ONCE EVER being truly Biblically confronted in the Matthew 18:15-20 method, but instead being jumped 4 -5 times in 20 years, but also never once by a dark skinned pastor/leader/believer OR any noncharismatic (including true Pentecostals).
In retrospect, all the “being accusatively jumped” and more, truly offered the writer a chance to choose to walk in unconditional brotherly Love (Philadelphian Love Walk Church Rev. 3) and forced to take time out from the senior ministry to search out her own heart, her own life, her own feminine minister roles, spiritual leader doctrines…as she was (in the least over 25 years) repeatedly sifted.
Q. How she would choose to respond?
Yet due to being able to recall far ministry leader happier nonaccusative days, (her senior pastor father’s and mother’s parental, nonaccusative ministry modeling) it also is what caused her to research Bible leader apostolic authority covering doctrines, roles of men and women in the church and home.
And add to this 10 -12 straight years of ministerial bliss (at the outset of her public Bible teaching ministry, newsletter, ministry of intercession and encouragement, radio, geared to senior pastors, 5 fold office and their spouse, on behalf of reconciliation, the Philadelphian Love Walk Truly Unified apostolic Church) as well as the morally, spiritually and emotionally well, balanced, mutually respectful absolutely NON authoritarian, NON Levitical Patriarchal/Levitical dominating Matriarchal, NON hierarchical senior leaders, especially the ones who permitted her to give a women’s Bible study, the ones who invited her to be under their nonprofit UMPIRE, INC for many happy, respected years…it then made repeated disrespect, accusation and outright attack, even name calling assault far more easily to forgive.
The writer , lead by the Holy Spirit, to be guided by the Bible and the inward witness (I Kings 19:9 still small voice) since about the age of 17-18, had grown up witnessing both parents and grandparents being led in this same Holy Spirit fashion (though they all came from Baptist, Methodist, Presbyterian common stock)
And through the many years, when the rare, but simply outrageous abuse of spiritual leader authority attacked her, it took her focus off from being able to concentrate on the important high calling from God to turn to Him for much deep inner healing. It also helped her discover what God’s Word provides in deep worship and times spent alone with Father in recovering healing.
And when ever she experienced her own accuser of the leader sistren attack, God would confirm that this was definitely His using something in her to show up a religious spirit that also enabled the accuser to wound, attack very MANY, not only females but soft-spoken family real men, too.
The Spiritual Authority Leader Covering Accuser Doctrines were eventually discovered by the writer (who had been reared watching lawyer Perry Mason reruns by her mystery loving mother) and it has been an extremely interesting, puzzling, ongoing unfolding and process of God the Revealer of many mysteries (Daniel 2:28) repeatedly REVEALING on a ongoing basis. But one that has never been accompanied by great income or renown.
The writer can only explain “Being repeatedly led by the leading of the inward witness about His primarily charismatic ministry Body” as similar to 1. Ezekiel and his vision of the wheel in Ezekiel 1: The wheel, symbol of the leading of the Holy Spirit, is similar to a heavenly gyroscope, one that moves in any speed or direction at any God given time.
This began way back in the 1990′s, the Lord downloaded “being my Servant is all I call you to be…thus check in with me to find out what I am telling you to do and where I am sending you. But be willing to be “divinely flexible.” (as in willing to change the game plan on a spiritual dime). The writer was also informed, “Being my servant simply means, “I am available” No questions asked) And for many years He shared nothing more yet as the writer knew Him, this was all that was needed to be content.
A few years passed and in around the early 2000′s God suddenly shared with me another Scripture about His ongoing guidance, leading principles. He allowed the writer to sit under prophetess Sister Ruth Heflin, who was teaching about eternity and the move of the Spirit into the Glory realm. I was directed by the Lord to attend on of prophetess Ruth’s worship in the glory meetings when I suddenly got another key Scripture about WHAT God was telling this person about her pioneering senior , evidently divine appointment, ongoing, unfolding, being downloaded ministry.
I had previously likened the leading of the Lord in the “give you information only on a need to truly know mysterious keep dependent on Him, basis” as similar to one placing a paper bag over one’s own head and simply being led by the inward witness of the Holy Spirit. And, due to being spiritually adventurous, way curious and fun loving, happy and free, it was ok by me.
But the Father also wanted to validate this for myself and others, as a ministry teaching point, so that would need Bible Scripture to confirm. The scripture that He gave me was Enoch. Enoch simply hungered and obeyed and fellowshipped with the Father each and every day of his (very ironically) 365 years. Then, the Bible declares in Genesis) that one day God just “took Enoch.”
What the Father God implied was that “in the end time church there is a Enoch remnant who hunger after Him and follow Him hard 24/7/365 exactly like Enoch. ANd one day God will come and take them up, exactly like He did Enoch.
So when this writer teaches or speaks, Father God has already pointed out that she is only tiny ONE of many millions of similar others around the globe, each of whom are being led by the Spirit, mysteriously, one day at a time (one day in, one day out, one day in, one day out) So that one day, when GOD only knows His right day and proper Time, one day HE will come for them and “they will be not.”
So one must then draw the conclusion that in order for God’s people to be READY for His surprise soon appearing, then one must have servant leaders who have real authority which assist Him in making sure that His Bride is Ready and Waiting for His Return.
When the Bible teaches us that “Jesus Bride will be spotless” and then gives us the illustration of the virgins waiting with oil lamps filled, one may truly draw the conclusion that God has set times, set standards and that some things are placed on the shoulders of His committed people to actually take responsibility to do for themself.
So there is granted great grace, a person’s call to do Bible things and then personal accountability. The ministry teaching must train the imperceptive in what God is saying, but with a emotionally, spiritually mature healthy doctrinal balance.
Just as God granted the writer grace to happen to be born into a happy, loving, genuinely organic 2 Christ Following parent safe haven upbringing, really means nothing unless one may in retrospect now view it as some sort of emotional petri dish to use in deep contrast to what is now evident in today’s society yet also in the senior pioneering ministry, and then many of the spiritual leader authority/covering, even Levitical patriarchal demeaning leader doctrines.
When one has been well respected, well treated, always edified, encouraged to become as well as to do whatever GOD has placed in one’s heart, it is an extremely sad, even pathetic, deep stark contrast to the lack of compassion, emotional immaturity, ministry stereotyping, attempt at leadership cloning, “one size fits all” generic template senior pioneering ministry with the required preferred leader hoops jumping, over honoring, kow-towing and accuser enabling for all who will not bow down to the big System.
And coming from both sides of the family, very long lines of two parent, true Christ Followers, with the strong mantled men usually the bread earner, and the wife usually with them either in oversight governing and managing the family, but then planting Bible works, helping feed the poor, public school teaching, and being totally Bible submitted in Ephesians 5:21 true form, being witty, free spirited, very capable as both a real leader and wife, mother deeply encouraged, if not implied expected, but then NEVER dominated using “All men are over all women” accusative, fearful Levitical Patriarchism (and with it accuser Matriarchism.)
Just Wondering: Did that stem from non loving, non genuine, accuser Phariseeical (presumed Old Testament Levitical System? mixed with Western European hierarchical entitled heads of Europe? Mixed quite possibly with ignorance, deep inferiority, basic insecurity? Throw in possible mixture of Doctrines of the Nicolatians hierarchy /religious ministry major stereotyping) The writer just applies her Perry Mason clue based logic to surmise. (See Bible Study: Levitical Phariseeism www.OCFCorganicleader.com Go to link BIBLE STUDY LEVITICAL PATRIARCHISM ; ALSO watch for Nov 2012 OCFC Organic Leader Online Ezine topicMales and Females in Ministry and in the Home
The Bible teaches, “God is the revealer of secrets” Daniel 2:28 and since 1995 the writer has claimed and prayed this particular verse and asked the Father simply to show her any secrets that He needed her to know.
She also believes that He has answered her starting back as a 16-17 year old when God literally prompted her to cry out in Jeremiah 33:3 fashion, “(Please) Show me great and mighty things I know not of.”
And later on I Corinthians 2:9-10 “Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, neither has entered into the heart of any man those things which the Lord has prepared for those who love Him, BUT those things are revealed by the Spirit, for the Spirit searches all things, yea, even the deep things of God.”
Perceiver Multi Observation Grass Roots Authority Doctrine Somber Selah: The ironic conclusion is that the writer who was raised to respect and heed all forms of true Bible authority automatically must “discern and perceive it” which many very religious leader authoritarians do not yet comprehend. So unjust accusation, judgements are passed (and I will attest to personally, made totally from afar, without anyone at the top deciding to show enough respect for the “Judgee” by taking time apart from their surely busy ministry schedule, to POLITELY sit down to speak and inquire of them face to face WHAT the Father God is showing them and HOW is telling THEM to operate.”) This writer calls this “Christian leader ministry is a democracy not a “one size fits all strict template of governing apostolic false religion”)
End Part 1
Part 2 forthcoming: Spiritual Fathering in the End Time Mighty Mega Harvest Move
(C) 2012 Taveau D’Arcy All copyrights reserved under international law.

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