Heavenly Hugs Prt 2: Spiritual Fathering VS Instruction
October 27, 2012
Heavenly Hugs Part 2
Spiritual Fathering VS Instruction: New Ministry Winds
(C) 2012 Taveau D’Arcy All copyrights reserved
“The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge…” Proverbs 1:7 (thus the absence of it implies….)
“Contention is (always) rooted in the spirit of pride” Proverbs 13:10 VS “Pointed contending for the (unfeigned) faith” Jude 1:3 which is similar to German reformer Martin Luther posting his 95 points on the famed Wittenburg door. ..Supposing that if Mr. Luther were alive today, he would be using the online blog method.(?)
“Purify my heart”, Song Refiner’s Fire
“And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many will grow cold.” Matthew 24:12
“Yet I hold this against you: You have forsaken your first love.” Revelation 2:4
Been observing: That the least effective Life Witness is remote, always in a big hurry, not a bit genuine, unfeeling, lost compassion, and/or only interested in “My Own Leadership Four But Never Any Leadership More” fan clubs, for card carrying club members ONLY. (AKA I Samuel 1 Compassion Fatigued, All Knowing, Dull in Perceiving, Snap Judging, Critical, Myself Absorbed, Levitical Eli Priesthood, (the Rev. 2:1 Loss of First Real Love Modern Day Church of Ephesus(?)
Herein: We will discuss where OCFC terms “apostolic Levitical patriarchism, OCFC doctrinal alignments, how the interest in apostolic grass roots Bible study” began, observation of other affections than the cause of Christ;(for the main purposes of offering Salt, Selah which might ensure that all generations of lay, nonbelievers may accurately discern the TRUE ORGANIC CHRIST and be winsomely won to become part of His Beautiful Body…and for the sake of all that is Eternal and really real and lasting forever…)
NOTE: Definition of “grass roots” pioneering leader: down where one can still speak to them in person, perhaps get prayer, ask a leader question; where the senior leader is not surrounded by body guards, handlers and deflective keepers, and/or kept insulated by protocol and apostolic hierarchy;
NOTE: Apostolic Leader Mission: to break down dividing leader walls, to make Jesus House a spiritual safe haven for ALL kinds of persons, leader and lay, unbeliever, believer.
We are seeing a need to prevent gossip in this new mighty important move of God:
In the past religious season, this writer has never witnessed so many valid reasons for God allowing various big denominations: 1. so some will help us comprehend the move of God’s Holy Spirit 2. Others will balance us to keep our minds focused on winning the lost, serving others. And it is only with God’s help can each group discern and perceive which authority doctrine is balanced and will not continue to suppress or injure God’s leader women, girls, the many singles, single mothers as well as senior persons in Christ.
Apostolic Leader Dramatic Doctrinal Fruit Display Deep South Discoveries Produce Huge Change in OCFC alignments ( well, actually, it was the final straw after major doctrinal fruit surveys across the USA grass roots local religious spiritual pioneers)
And after all that has transpired in the last 25 ministry ongoing pioneering grass roots years, the writer has distanced herself from naming OCFC among what is commonly named “charismatic” and simply prefers a reference to both major groups who have kept their eyes on what God has said is His Prize: Jesus and telling others about Him, with and without speaking in a unknown tongue. In this servant apostles opinion, both Baptists (meaning many kinds of evangelicals) and Pentecostals are far more interested in sharing God’s God News, helping others, than in ‘building up OUR ministry.”
Neither Baptist or very pentecostal convey entitled doctrines which set some up “higher” and are “over” every body else, to the point of detriment, celebrity worship and Phariseeical legalistic leader watching, which makes attending Christ’s local safe house more like running the big gauntlet of legalistic qualifying to “gain” acceptance rather than just automatically “be accepted in the beloved. Ephesians 1:6
Also, neither Baptist, very pentecostal, unchurched charismatic or nonbeliever were seemed to regard leader women with fearful condescending suspicion or big time patronizing/ aka white chauvinism. (aka respecter of persons partiality)
And as a former newbie, alien, stranger, suffering in heart breaking forced at the start, desperate loss family situations, this writer discovered that while many non church charismatics, nonbelievers were always respectful and genuine, open to serve and befriend, it was only the deep south evangelicals and homey pentecostals who offered hospitality and automatic Christ like genuine nonsuspicious, genuine caring which (rather shockingly) was NOT based upon whether or not one signed up to be one of their “club members.”
Besides, each major theological ministry subgroup is less hierarchical, more community servant minded (and of course, there are exceptions and also there are very many apostolic charismatics who are community and salvation, outward rather than inward oriented, also).
And finally, in 25 -30 complete years of watching all kinds of Christian media, tuning in on radio, visiting in a church pew, NOT EVEN ONCE has any evangelical, real pentecostal EVER said on unkind word in public, in ministry pulpits, on radio, TV media (at least in my own hearing) about a leader, follower of another Bible toting Christian ministry group. (and that shows whose doctrines tolerates accusation in public media, in front of innocent youth, baby believers, hardened visiting cynics). But sadly, this is not the case of some charismatics whose doctrines tolerate this. (one denomination in particular but that the writer shall not name in a public setting.)
RESPECTFULLY Submitted Selah.
So OCFC is naming itself “Bapticostal” or Baptists on Steroids.this due to our call to wild untamed worship music /mixed with the restful/ playful oil of joy in God’s wholly Holy untamed adventurous Spirit.(for relaxing, big stress relief, moving in the spiritual gifts)
SEEING HISTORY, MEDIA, REPEAT ITSELF IN GRASS ROOTS MINISTRY FOR 25 years: The thought is, IF one is so concerned with another’s suspected sin or being “under” spiritual covering” then 1) Is it truly YOUR business? 2) If it IS “your business” then WHY speculate, speak with many others, rather than calling up that person to make an appointment and ask them up front?
“Please note: God gives each person, minister the respect to hear from HIM about whom to allow to speak into one’s life, to allow to give place of head oversight, authority. He also has NO templates stereotype leader authority spiritual covering doctrines. NOTE: One size does NOT fit all” Organic Christ Following Community
It is due to so much suspicion, lack of true accepting love, accusation with the topics addressed herein (leader authority covering doctrines) that the writer has a very difficult time saying she is ‘over’ anyone. instead she sees them as potential peers until proven otherwise. She is very very concerned about the lack of respect for females, different races, nonbelievers in grass roots mostly middle class charismatic churches and yields to the authority of the Bible when “speaking (what she believes) to be the truth in gentle admonishing, enduring, real Love.”
Somber Selah: “Far better to offend a senior leader who has barely any attending people, than to ignore what might be keeping them away in vast droves”
IF she offends some immature leaders, do please forgive, If not take it “iron sharpens iron’ but not personally. OCFC says, “only if the shoe fits, then should you wear it” as we are all equal opportunity chief sinners if the opportunity and perfect temptation, wrong timing is exactly right. (‘but there for the grace of God goes no reader, however)
This writer strongly prefers polite Bible upfront leader one on one private Matthew 15:16-17 up front Bible confrontation rather than speculation, having tales told in her absence. And she is writing this for a new leader apostolic high standard. (yet many grass roots ministers don’t understand this, or even know it’s in their Bible!)
“AM WONDERING if the reason so MANY believers have fallen away is that their simply just leery of all the accusation, and very tired of all the mind games? “OCFC pioneer, Dr. Taveau D’Arcy
PS Much of this prompted our own self introspection, Jezebel /witch/leader doctrine, Levitical Patriarchism Bible study and is what then gave us enough roots for going back to the New Testament House To House “DFW Fellowship” akawww.OrganicChristFollowingOnline.org
God’s Spotless True Bride:
The Philadelphian Church of Brotherly Love “Overcomers VS Accusers”
“They over came HIM (the accuser) by the blood of the Lamb, the word of their testimony and they loved not their lives unto death. “Revelation 12:11
Hopefully Filling in Gray Areas of Apostolic Leader Covering Doctrine
Due to the rampant ministry discussions on what is and is not “true spiritual authority” the writer will present Selahs which fill in missing apostolic shades of gray, in this very complex field.
And in the upcoming November 1 -Dec. 12 OCFC Organic Leader Online E magazine, the subject will be
For the nonchurched, persons in between churches as well as those who prefer to worship apart from a formal church structured setting: Every Sunday 10 AM, 11 AM ET, 8 AM PT The Organic Christ Following Community Online Ministry Fellowship: online campus Live Online Streaming :www.OrganicChristFollowingOnline.org
Important OCFC ministry definitions: Heavenly Hug: OCFC nickname for the loving, accepting, peace, rest and power of the Holy Spirit in a genuine unified true fellowship.
Apostolic Levitical Patriarchism/Apostolic Matriarchism: This is a coined word (to the best of the writer’s knowledge) which was derived after 35 years of ongoing grass roots experience, repeatedly observation and Bible study, perception, Holy Spirit wisdom and revelation. It proceeded to come about as God sent Dr. Taveau D’Arcy, lead only by His spirit, into many conferences, local, national Christian meetings, including senior pastors, leaders deep south gatherings. She could see a startling difference in the way the leader men and women reacted simply to her showing up, sitting in a pew chair quietly or after the service merely walking up to some of them to say a heart felt “Thank you” or try to introduce herself as the head senior pioneering leader to have what could potentially be one of God’s senior ministry “apostolic divine ministry appointments’ for the sake of Psalm 133, Church of Ephesians total, cross body, undivided corporate, covering spiritual true unity.
As previously mentioned (in part one of Heavenly Hugs) pioneering senior pastor Dr. Taveau had been raised in a nongender /non racially biased senior pastor’s happy safe haven home, where she descended from a long heritage of organic Christians, who were evangelicals without any pentecostal experiences. Each one of them had been led by the inward witness, however, and the capable emotionally strong real men husbands usually were the bread winner, while the females, remained as coordinators of family, home but also ploughed new ground by starting works to teach the Bible, help the poor or in the writer’s mother’s case, serve as a pastors wife and Bible, school teacher.
Thus, each of Pastor Miley Kimball and Nonie Johnson’s two beloved daughters, grew up free to do and to become anything that the Lord wanted them to become. And with out being told, each one truly submitted in Bible Ephesians 5:21 home, church, all leader true pure authority fashion. (see Part 1 Heavenly Hugs for more)
And when God told the nonfamous, servant leader minister writer to go to most groups, led usually by males, in mostly cross racial, cross denominational area wide (then east coast) gatherings, she would usually feel accepted, very favored by most Godly real leader men. In fact at one time she remarked how God used her more with giant men than with leader women. She was invited in Richmond, VA to be the only woman minister in a Promise Keeper’s Pastors all male preparation prayer gathering (and felt very honored) but due to the fact that she had was in a local church where the senior pastor was not sure about women leaders, she felt God instruct her to decline to honor him.
The writer was also invited to fellowship, guest speak with the international, African American, Vietnamese , etc communities, where God blessed her and she truly felt respected and only received and loved.
Yet, as life and times in senior ministry went on, new doctrines regarding ministry ‘covering” and”spiritual authority” began to surface. Area senior leadership changed.And brand new challenges arose.
Some were the doctrines that seemed to elevate the pulpits of certain spirit filled pastors with doctrines that said, “God has set some apostles in the gates of the city.” This wind of doctrine was believed by only a handful, but it seemed to strongly affect the way “serving the Lord” was represented. Instead of every one being equally respected, there started to grow a “you need to be only under ONE senior pastor in order to be UNDER spiritual authority.”
At the time, this former Southern Baptist pioneering senior pastor’s eldest daughter had never realized that groups, sects and denominations, each could have vastly different views regarding true spiritual authority, the 5 fold office position, and the roles ministry leader men and females were viewed.
Thus in the mid 1990s, this writer suddenly started to be labeled as a “church hopper’ after the new “Rules and Regs” of that day made it common for every one to begin to watch, keep track of every senior and junior minister to “keep watch” over just WHOM was over, under WHOM.”
And this could mean “ARE YOU UNDER” so and so local pastor” but in other parts of the US, it would also imply that every “legitimate” minister, apostolic pastor, OUGHT to be “UNDER ” even some famous ministry on TV or some of the famous TV minister’s ministerial fellowship in order for “their ministry to advance” and in the popular TV preacher term of the day” Go to the next level.”
And this still continues in mostly grass roots pioneering 5 fold office both senior and junior ministry today.
AND for many very tough years, this writer was confused by the growth in accusative (primarily charismatic) jezebel and witch (** primarily east coast), “unsubmitted to spiritual authority” Phariseeical leader overseeing, suspicious “watching” and keeping (nosey?) tabs.
It was under this out right attack due to winds of charismatic doctrines, that the writer would continually run into males and mostly females who had been accused as “in rebellion’ or ”not submitted to a pastor” and called the aforementioned vile wicked names. Then the writer was also accused, even jumped and attacked in a public setting, NEVER ONCE being Biblically confronted or even privately spoken to. This never happened even ONCE ( the writer started to see herself as some ministry stereotype..so she began to note what kind of pastor reacted to her, what their brand of group was, and what doctrines they purported to, what kind of wives they had and what their attitude toward women, blacks and atypical persons.
It was a very difficult period of time, But in the local area this writer found that male and females had been undermined, blamed and labeled “witches’ by the same types of leaders. These leaders came from Western European heritage, usually had demure spouses and seemed to each be middle aged men who had had previous negative experiences with controlling dominating, undermining leader women ( such as controlling mothers, grandmothers, intercessors, etc) It also was evident that when a mostly Western European manly group had issues with females, that there were also barely any women leaders, practically no persons of other races.
And then when the idea came that the spirit of religion (this after experience bias, big chauvinism, ducking, manipulating and out right open rebuke (this from persons who never once spoke to me privately, had no knowledge of my personal or ministry life (as they never chatted with me directly about it) and refused to believe that I was “covered” and a member of a local church, had many spiritual pastor friend/advisors and board..(as due to spiritual authority doctrine mania, this writer back then was HYPER about being perceived as “not in submission.”
Yet my manly father of my children, coming down from my natural family, spiritual wise advisors, most of whom had at least one, sometimes several, earned PHD’s, each knew the real me and all the scoop…Yet to this day I wonder WHY someone who was so interested in my doings, personal life, ministry life, could not just get their secretary to call me to set up a face to face appointment?
SELAH: The writer now submits to the entire western body of Christ: IF you think that some other leader, pastor, minister is up to something fishy, not appropriate, rather than speculating, simply just CALL THEM UP and ASK THEM UP FRONT.
And for 25 years this writer has sickened at the glossy Christian magazine who prints gossip, tawdry scandals and breeds this type of nosey People Watching. (which is in error: 1) Keep our eyes on God 2) God’s love covers a multitude of sins 3) MYOB (Legalism watches, (note Pharisees with Jesus) God’s love, abides)
Beginning in 1996, I got started being sent around the US basically grass roots body of Christ, I would be privileged to be allowed to sit under world famous Bible teachers, worship leaders, and then get to know persons out in the crowd. I would sit simply, always minding my own business, just content to be in such a wonderful anointing, yet God seemed to put me in the right place and in the right time to notice, observe, hear something that I never could have seen, heard, experienced had HIS SPIRIT not led me “divine appointment” leadership style’
MANY TIMES it was to just catch notices of the many types of saints, how they acted about the Lord, about each other and what their doctrine was, but many times experience their worship. It was so very interesting.
Yet other times I would understand where some of the “dark doctrines’ may have originated Witch watching, leader criticizing, etc and I would make a mental note of how NEVER to act.
But then when the writer was in the course of trying to hold on during the time of long term emotional abuse from someone in her personal life, and being gradually worn way down and completely depleted, the adversary also saw fit to at the same exact time put me on some watch dog hit list, by the local Gates of the City Pastor elite, and I was targeted, my name smeared (but these same watching ones had done that to many others, too. One of my friend spiritual advisors told me that one of them called people witches in senior pastor’s prayer meetings).
This was shocking to a Southern Baptist reared organic servant mature senior minister. I also was under huge persecution from the Suspector of Some Persons “dark devil witch” paranoid accuser enabling latest spiritual grass roots doctrines. This writer notices that there is barely ANY dark witch watching spiritual doctrines down here across the sunny deep south west..but persons who have bumped into these on the east coast, are able to confirm. And the writer has run into one man who has been through the legalistic gamut of “are you UNDER” spiritual covering doctrines.
For anyone who would want to speak to some of my advisors during the last 16 years, the writer can send them their names and addresses. Dr. John E Johns, Keisha Ministries, who disappeared due to an exploded kidney was deeply concerned about what had been going on. Brother John Chappell, was the one who knew about the personal home life the most.
My real thought; If know you have done nothing to be ashamed of, then why not be very open. “For all have sinned and fallen short of his glory.” BUT is “being not UNDER some human beings supposed “authority” so extremely important that they try to black ball you, liable you and ruin your reputation?
With this in the back of the reader’s mind: then WHY don’t we all make the NEW ministry leader REGULATION: that if you feel that God has appointed YOU watcher OVER all other leaders, then IF YOU notice something suspicious, snakey, fishy, doctrinally off, they why not GET YOUR SECRETARY to call them up to chat face to face and Bible Confront Them.
For those in ministry who may have neglected this Bible verse. Here are the Bible commands in Matthew 18:15-17.
15 “Moreover if your brother sins against you, go and tell him his fault between you and him alone. If he hears you, you have gained your brother. 16 But if he will not hear, take with you one or two more, that ‘by the mouth of two or three witnesses every word may be established.’17 And if he refuses to hear them, tell it to the church. But if he refuses even to hear the church, let him be to you like a heathen and a tax collector.
APOSTOLIC NOTE: Does this passage mention anything about rebuking a lone stranger in a public setting? Does it mention labeling them, tale bearing, gossiping about them with other senior leaders?
Big fat NO.
So if the Bible teaches this, and if leaders ignore it, then WHO is the one in sin?
To me gossip and tale bearing, hiding, ducking avoiding being up front is one of the main grass roots arguments AGAINST “local fellowshipping with the area saints.”
If that sound too far fetched or “critical” ask the multiplied tens of thousands who are in the coffee shop or male or at home snug in bed each and every Sunday the real reasons they refuse to darken the door of any church any more.
If a senior leader prefers to save him/her self emotional energy, precious leader time. or inconvenience by choosing to vent, voice, chat about to someone OTHER than the object of their conversation, then the writer submits that perhaps pioneering leadership has slowly become ALL ABOUT ME Ministry Of My Own Convenience.
This would then reveal “ministry lack of God’s heart of genuine Love” as in 2 Timothy 3, “in the last days men will be lovers of themselves…from such turn away.” (PS Could all that provide an explanation for why so MANY are now staying away from the church in droves? The pure hearted are fleeing due only to abiding by God’s Holy Word; They went to church, saw that the leadership was more about being “lovers of themselves’ and now, in order not to offend the Lord, they are now “turning away.”
This writer submits that due to lack of healthy doctrines which produce lack of genuine compassion and accepting Love, that there is NOT a USA Falling Away, but instead a USA Running Away!
It was upon discovering that while many pastors, male and female, showed the utmost of humility, real respect, that when traveling about Christ’s born again body, the “Suspecter of Subversive Persons’ accuser doctrines would produce witch watching, distancing and disrespect avoidance, and as mentioned, a few outright attacks.
And had it happened only to this writer or in just one United State, God would have left the proverbial ball in the writer’s court to deal with any offense, temptation to become critical. However, this was never the case. This was just one example and after experiencing some unpleasant rudeness, solid white male chauvinism, good old boy clannish distancing, God always had me witness, encounter usually mostly white females, intercessors, leader women, but also here and there soft spoken, family real men, and a few nonbelievers, African Americans.
Slowly, when God pointed out that He was evidently using the writer’s ‘type” as some major ministry leader stereotype to uncover some strange religious accuser spirit, the curious adventurous writer, then began to stereotype the same persons who seemed to use leadership stereotypes.
It occurred to the writer that many had been growing up in ministry about the same time, so that perhaps they also had negative experiences with immature bossy, undermining , critical intercessors. And /or their own mothers, former wives, old girlfriends…so that when the writer showed up, it brought it all back to them and they acted afraid, suspicious.
Then when the writer was in some prophetic groups, completely avoided, shunned and felt very disrespected, even feared, she believes it was the Lord who pointed out to me the beginning of what the start of the revelation about Levitical Patriarchism.
To this writer, apostolic Levitical Patriarchism, is the mistaken belief that ALL females are UNDER all men. This idea appears to stem from mixture of Old and New Testament doctrines. In the Old Testament, the women were “under” all men but when Jesus came, He fulfilled the law and started to respect them as ONE in Him.” (Apostle Paul, former Levitical Patriarch himself, wrote in Corinthians, “when you put on Christ there is no male, female, bond or free, Greek or Jew” And he also wrote, “I determine to know nothing about anyone, except Christ and him crucified.”
In the book of Ephesians, apostle Paul writes on EVERYONE submitting to one another “in the holy fear of the Lord” Ephesians 5:21. Following this in v. 22, then Paul urges married women to “respect and submit to their husbands” and for the Godly husband to “respect and lay down his life for his wife”. (there is much more to be said here, but not enough time)
Among grass roots groups, mostly charismatic,( not true pentecostal, evangelical, persons from other nations, African Americans, etc). there is liberal amounts of apostolic Levitical Patriarchism (and the subservient guardian watchdog matrons, the Levitical Matriarch)so much that one must run the gauntlet of covering, authority legalistic doctrines ALL in the name of trying to please God by “fellowshipping with the saints.”
And the Jezebel Spirit teaching within most of these same groups, can be identified as most likely producing the “fear of Jezebels’ paranoia, which, the writer has noticed for 15 -20 years, USUALLY finger points directly toward God’s leader females.
However, to give balance to Jezebel spying, the tracing back of the misogyny, complete disrespect for women goes back to the first head of the priestly tribe himself Levi, who along with his brother Simeon, did violence and overstepped his own father’s authority. (PS For BIBLE STUDY on Levitical Patriarchism see www.OCFCorganicleader.com link at bottom BIBLE STUDY LEVITICAL PATRIARCHISM.
Hint: historically, infamous Jezebel was predated by murderous deceptive rebellious out of control Levi and when one reads I Kings entirely, one duly notes that King Ahab married outside his faith to wed a complete heathen, Queen Jezebel. As God’s head of the kingdom, head of the hallowed home, weak Ahab ought to have gotten strength from the Lord God of Israel to RISE UP to confront and set his wife, “the controlling organic Jezzy herself” in place.
CONCLUSION: DID Father God design His local church house to be a designated Witch Watcher Center? And does that glorify the King of Kings?
Does keeping tabs on others represent the model of Jesus Christ and the Organic 12?
Did the Church of Ephesus , which was started in Temple of Diana Mega Cult Center of 50 K Members, teach on “jezebels and witches, suspecter of some kinds of persons” in it’s core doctrines/
Thus: Does all of the above resemble the Organic New Testament Bride of Christ? Does this resemble “Jesus going about doing good” in Acts 10:38?
The Writer’s Own Theory: THiS must be why God invented evangelicals and pentecostals who do not set their minds on the dark spooky paranoia overly religious unpleasant side.
AND God used all of this to test the writer, sift her, reprove her, to remove all fear of humans, apostolic or other wise, as well to show her the real basic organic New Testament covering Bible scriptures which may or may not line up with today’s modern doctrines.
Among the apostolic mixture in some parts of the body of Christ:
- Leader doctrines of the Nicolaitans (started the first lifting up of the leaders above the laity, as in first step toward celebrity, man worshipping Christ following)
The fear based suspicious activation of the Accuser due to generational stereotypes, fear, gender deep resentment, unforgiveness, misogyny, chauvinism, and fear of being seduced into sexual leader sin. Of course, there is the ancient roots of competitiveness, lack of knowledge of both real mighty males and capable leader females, the lack of real knowledge that creates distrust, inheritant avoidance, unkindness..yet this is a part of the curse and all humanity: The perennial “men are from Mars, women are from Venus” language type barriers and a lot more.
The KIND of life one had growing up as a child, with regards to relationships and respect, ability to trust the opposite gender also ties in with apostolic approaches.
And then handed down oral traditions (Ministry Urban Legends) which empower the accuser of leader women, some kinds of females as religious automatic “looks like the Jezebel.”
But starting in November, the writer will have an entire online Emagazine devoted to Male and Females in Senior Ministry and in the Home. www.OCFCorganicleader.com
after so very many negative experiences with giant gender prejudice since relocation, the servant leader has enjoyed meeting totally sold out organic Christ Followers who are also enjoying their FREEDOM to worship God online, outside the Big Religious System from the compassionate safe haven of their hallowed home.
NOTE: the OCFC House to House ministry movement is FOR all kinds of churches, pastors, MANY prefer structure, many do not. Many enjoy stereotypes, OCFC and many also do not. YET, we will not criticize persons, leaders, or movements.
OCFC: “I’m coming to God’s House to feel safe, accepted and to get a glimpse of the Most High God: NOT be distracted by synthetic religious mixture” OCFC Leadership
The only thing DFW LOF takes a vocal stand against are unjust doctrines, which oppose people in perhaps committing to Jesus Christ. DFW LOF opposed confusing mixture and anything which could block a youth, nonbeliever or stranger from clearing discerning and perceiving the “Love of Christ, that passes knowledge.” Ephesians 3:19
MAIN SELAH POINT: When Jesus Christ comes back to earth, whom will HE say is an organic true Christ Follower: in leadership, doctrine and laity?
(C) 2012 Taveau D’Arcy All copyrights reserved under international law

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