NOTE: this was first posted Oct 27, 2020 www.facebook.com/therealTaveau
Internal Personal Government Secret Weapons Acts 2, Isaiah 11:2, Galatians 5:22-23, I John 3:8. Meaning…Should the Ministry Decide to Go There
(C)2020 Taveau D’Arcy All copyrights reserved
USA 1960’s Free Love, Drug Vulture Culture…perhaps marked the rapid decline of, now even an absence of self government in today’s User Accuser society.
But along with that surfaced what is modern day Christian Holy Spirit, applied Faith and Worship, Prophetic Many Mighty REAL some Powerful authentic Real Moves…yet within certain ones of the Real Leader Moves.
…Plus also a rise in TRAINING on GOVERNING AUTHORITY which now produces significant ministry, chiefly invasive, “keeping watch on the many others” ACCUSATION…(the following list is that of “self righteous/all wise” mixture, which is less than Messiah Jesus Christ/New Testament ORGANIC)
Also..a rise of Dominating Need to Be Elite Pharisees, All About BLESS ME, well intentioned Woe is Poor Lonesome Me, sees itself as Suffering..Defeated Church, ME CENTRIC and CLUBBY Surface Believers…along with Too Often Critical, Autocratic, Self Justified Back Under the Governing Old Testament Law, Legalistic many contrived SYSTEMS.
This ministry submitted article addresses this.
Plus,the article is for the Godly Remnant,yet it’s also for ANY..of any faith or belief system… who desire to assess and to ponder.
1. I address this to Church, however, the basic fruits could help society… be they Christ followers or not..as it’s about the human principle of SELF CONTROL. “the absence of abuse, accusation,out of control,murder, violence and mayhem”
2. JUST WONDERING...(Born Again Jesus Followers Plus All Who Will in Bigger Society)
Q.WOULD WE NEED strict, always watching, many into controlling, some possessing..autocratic, religious, IMMATURE, even accusative, some abusive, ministry, world governing forms, “Watching Over Us”…meaning..using LEGALISTIC AUTHORITY.
3. IF MOST PEOPLE PRACTICED “PERSONAL SELF GOVERNMENT” AND DISCERNED AND RESPECTED ALL SET IN PLACE GOVERNING TRUE BOUNDARIES..would all of the “Old Testament controlling legalism be warranted in many Churches, parental houses?
SUBMITTING….THE OLD TESTAMENT: Mosaic, Levitical laws were given to guard, guide,govern all society human RELATIONSHIPS, within the Hebrew, Children of Israel Community…..To set safe boundaries, to set up penalties to deter humans hurting other humans…and to teach God’s people to fear and obey HIM, and to be ever mindful of the coming Eternal Judgement.
These OT Governing Laws took the place of a PERSONAL RELATIONSHIP with the Messiah, which was not yet available.
The OT governing laws were set in place AFTER the human condition made UNGRATEFUL, SELF CENTRIC SELF PLEASING choices and along with that, each lost their own ability to SELF GOVERN.
My submitted thoughts: that this AUTHORITY,GOVERNMENT,THE LAWS..then and now effects all human mortal persons, worldside, regardless of race, religion and/or mission ..It is reflected in the PRESENCE or ABSENCE of “self control” “every persons stable, healthy AUTHORITY” yet collectively it will produce either a BLISSFUL,CALM and ORDERLY (EORR, RESPECTUL, VALUING) Government be it one which is moral, legal, religious or a big society, etc.
AGAIN. THE OLD TESTAMENT…The Mosaic Ten Commandments, plus the first 5 books of the Old Testament (the Torah ) were given following the Garden of Eden( Genesis 3 human fall.). This was when,through each one’s personal choice,First Man Adam,First Woman Eve, chose to please themselves instead of the Lord. Prior to Genesis 3 Human Fall, the whole world had been perfect, fully peaceful and 100% purely organic, with no fear, no pollution, no sorrow, injury or any kind of disease. Both of the First Couple, (Head of Planet) had normal body weight,never blew a fuse not had any overachievement,underachievement, or any signs of lack of SELF GOVERNMENT.
So that was mostly WHY the Organic Earth was at 100% peace and relaxing unhurried rest. But as soon as the Fall occurred, God’s covering gentle guarding Holy Spirit left.
And then satan and the carnal human suffering, upset, easily hurt Human Nature began to manifest. For Adam accused his spouse to GOD and tried to duck and avoid being held responsible ( in Genesis 3)for when God called out to Adam “WHERE ARE YOU” Adam could have manned up,humaned up and said “Eve was deceived but I willfully ate the forbidden fruit..and I sinned, and as Your First Born,head of home, head of Planet,(chain of command non-dominating, deeply respectful Authority)..therefore Papa God… IT HAPPENED ON MY WATCH”…”however…. Lord,will You please forgive me/us?” WHICH I believe that the Almighty Father God might have actually done.
However, as Adam instead accuser blame shifted over onto Eve, by saying, “But God,that Woman You gave me, SHE gave it to me” (yes, she handed it to him, but he willingly wanted to please his wife more than the Lord God, and then he chose to take the fruit, put it into his mouth and eat it!)
It was during Genesis 3 and following that Accusation, mean blameshifting, all sorts of Sin came into being in the once 100% organic,perfect, calm blissful Eden First Garden. (the thought once came, “Before the Fall every seat in the First Organic Garden was ergonomically correct….)
And since that time, accusation, all sorts of cruel sin, natural human, Planet ecosystem mayhem, wear and tear have occurred. And in Genesis 4, the loss of SELF CONTROL.”temperance”and “OTHER CENTERED COMPASSION” was displaced by wickedness with the first born Cain grew competitive and very jealous over WHO’S OFFERING God liked the best. Cain started to have INSIDE SELF TALK which continually caused him to feel sorry for himself, left out, envious and finally so deeply angry that he turned MURDEROUS and VENGEFUL and murdered his own BROTHER,Able..and which still goes on today..
And all of this…..Genesis 3, 4 but growing even worse ONWARD, which is rooted in carnal human lack of love, lack of willingness to turn to the Most High GOD for HELP with their own mean dispositions, and covetousness, mean feelings, accusations,and all sort of displays of PERSON’S LOSS OF SELF GOVERNMENT..is the exact and ONLY True Reason God set up the Ten Commandments and the OT “Guarding, governing and guiding Levitical Laws.
REASON..for the governing Law? The Lord realized that all of the carnal human nature would ultimately murder, abuse and create wars, so that it would finally DESTROY His Creation and all of mankind. THUS HE had to set up a religious LAWS with PENALTIES and SACRIFICES, and ATONEMENTS.
It was to school all of God’s Hebrew People, who could not know God in a personal “guarding , guiding,governing “PERSONAL RELATIONSHIP..(that did not come until Christ arrived in the New Testament..and all people could invite JESUS into their hearts, and then following them doing that..HE would give them a FREE deposit of His Holy SPIRIT to give them the “FRUITS of the SPIRIT (Galatians 5:22-23 “love, joy, peace, patience,goodness,meekness, and TEMPERANCE (Self Control).
One of the Prophesies of the coming CHRIST was “the government will be upon His shoulders”…to MANY it may mean, that one day Jesus would come and RULE like a KING (later in history ..at the last Day that will happen) BUT FOR NOW, I believe that each PERSONS who has invited Jesus into their Hearts, can now start to let HIM give them STRENGTH to practice PERSONAL SELF GOVERNMENT,order, and self control…
AND without THE OLD TESTAMENT Law forcing them, accusing them if they fail. Therefore.. if the Body of Christ submits to …each ONE..turning back to GOD for HIS ONGOING HELP in being self disciplined,temperate to the best of their ability, then all of the modern church Sin Spying Accuser Legalism,overseer Shepherding,Religious Stone Throwing Phariseeism will soon cease… as it will be left up to each person to SELF GOVERN.
“ABIDING ENDURING IN (self governing,EORR) JAMES 3:17**: THERE’S NO NEED TO EVER BE MEAN.” http://www.relationshiptheology.org Love Walk True Church PROPHETIC ROOTS
ABIDING JAMES 3:17 (represents God’s True Loving Guiding Wisdom) “The wisdom from above is pure, peaceable, easily entreated, full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality and without hypocrisy”
THE IDEA?? To turn to God for His divine Help to”model the WISDOM THAT COMES FROM ABOVE (James 3:17) which is Pure, Peaceable, Easily Entreated,Full of Mercy and Good Fruit (the Gal 5:22-23 Fruits of the Spirit love joy peace patience,goodness, meekness SELF CONTROL)..AND Without Partiality and Without HYPOCRISY”
I don’t know about you, but I’m trying hard to hero role model “the Godly wisdom that comes from above” even under PRESSURE…realizing that it will require GOD’S SUPERNATURAL STRENGTH and divine HELP.
….(JESUS, HIS HOLY SPIRIT, POWER,ISAIAH 11:2 God’s Seven Holy Untamed Spirits which are book of Act without praying in the spirit…and the Galatians 5:22-23 Fruits of the Spirit…infilling, empowering Book of ACTS 2 )
ASSESSING: that the pure hearted True Church should have it all OVER the rest of the world…as each one has a SECRET SOURCE OF HELP with all self governing, temperance, self control life ISSUES..The inner RELATIONSHIP with the supernatural Most High GOD and the governing fruits of the Spirit, His untamed empowering Holy Spirit and God’s Holy WORD…further more the many RESOURCES in other pastors, prophets, trainers, and elders who can PRAY, GIVE WISE COUNSEL,even offer uncontrolling personal accountability..also,should it require medical assistance, can often refer persons to top quality Physicians, Counselors, Therapists.
Submitting as a Respectful Selah not autocratic Dogma
- JESUS THE MESSIAH WAS FORETOLD /PROPHESIED AS HAVING HIS ETERNAL FATHER’S 7 FULLY HOLY EMPOWERING MYSTERIOUS SPIRITS** (**akin to ACTS 2 being fully filled…wonderworking internal supernatural POWER yet minus praying in the Holy Spirit (tongues)….AND… if YOU are a believer in JESUS CHRIST…whether you pray in the Spirit or not, you can still as God for MORE of each ONE!
- APOSTLE PAUL FRUITS OF THE HOLY SPIRIT, which reside in the heart of a “born again, saved, pure hearted Christian believer who has invited Jesus into their heart as their Personal Lord and Eternal SAVIOR:
- https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Isaiah+11%3A2-3&version=KJV
WANT TO CONNECT? taveaucreativeleaderus@gmail.com
- (C)2020 Taveau D’Arcy Creative Leadership All copyrights reserved

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