The Official Logo Explained**
** + a surprise bonus 2 Timothy 3:1-8 tie at the bottom
(C)2025 Taveau D’Arcy All copyrights reserved under international copyright laws
- The Cross :the sign of Jesus Christ, the only Savior, who’s death and victorious Book of Acts Resurrection paid for each of our Eternal Life as well as empowered, comforted,led by His daily presence, for each of our daily “victorious in Him” overcoming.
- The rays emanating from behind the cross: “God’s reminder to keep His GOOD NEWS ” Good News!
- God’s Holy Bible Scripture: opened to 2 Timothy 3:16-17 (see explanation beneath)
- The Eagle: the symbol of the Christian office “prophet” balanced by and standing on God’s Word
Sister Taveau Explains this Verse
In an open vision, 1986 Taveau received a vision picture of this the first part of this Official Logo. It was the inner picture of the open Bible, turned to 2 Timothy 3:16-17.She also got the call to interceded for pastors, minister heads and their families, the work and for true revival and repentance. She received the Inner Vision Picture of what was then THE ENCOURAGING WORD MINISTRIES (15 solid years) But was just the start…IN 1987 TJ as she often was called back then, received the call tofull time ministry.
(Note: In 1976, ten years prior that, as a young leader, always caring for and doing the work of the Lord( Jesus People onward) Taveau received a CALL and Commission” from God (during what was the start of the “charismatic renewal”) TO SURF AND ONGOING STUDY the leaders of all styles, races, genders of Bible Believing appearing as “True” moves. Holy Spirit called her to know their born again leadership Bible doctrines, their red flag buzz words, their ministry pet peeves, also their music and styles” SO THAT One Day in the Last Days Taveau could “build bridges of understanding between the various parts of His Christian Ministry true body.
In 2 Timothy 3:16-17, Paul writes:
“All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works.” (KJV)
To understand the deepest Greek and Hebrew meaning behind Paul’s words, let’s examine the key terms:
1. “All Scripture” (Πᾶσα γραφὴ | Pasa graphē)
- Graphē (γραφή): This Greek word specifically refers to written texts, meaning the Hebrew Scriptures (Tanakh) at that time.
- Pasa (πᾶσα): Can mean “every” or “the whole”—indicating that each passage and the entire body of Scripture are divinely inspired.
2. “Is Given by Inspiration of God” (θεόπνευστος | Theopneustos)
- Theos (Θεός) = God
- Pneustos (πνευστος) = Breathed
- Theopneustos (θεόπνευστος) means “God-breathed”, showing that Scripture originates directly from God’s Spirit, not human wisdom. This links to Genesis 2:7, where God breathed life into Adam—suggesting that Scripture is “alive” and sustaining.
3. “Profitable” (ὠφέλιμος | Ōphelimos)
- This word means beneficial, useful, advantageous—implying that Scripture is practical, not just theological.
4. “Doctrine” (διδασκαλία | Didaskalia)
- Meaning instruction or teaching, rooted in rabbinical tradition but now fulfilled through Christ’s New Covenant.
5. “Reproof” (ἐλεγμός | Elegmos)** See more beneath
- This word implies conviction, evidence, and refutation of error—not in a legalistic sense, but in a Spirit-led, discerning manner.
6. “Correction” (ἐπανόρθωσις | Epánorthōsis)
- Derived from epí (upon) + anorthóō (to straighten up)—implying that Scripture realigns us with God’s intended order.
7. “Instruction in Righteousness” (παιδείαν τὴν ἐν δικαιοσύνῃ | Paideian tēn en dikaiosynē)
- Paideia (παιδεία): More than just “instruction,” it means nurturing, training, and forming character (used for disciplining children).
- Dikaiosynē (δικαιοσύνη): Righteousness, justice—God’s way of aligning hearts with Him.
8. “That the Man of God” (ἵνα ὁ τοῦ θεοῦ ἄνθρωπος | Hina ho tou Theou anthrōpos)
- Anthrōpos (ἄνθρωπος): Generic term for “human being”—this applies to both men and women in ministry.
- “Man of God” was an Old Testament title (Moses, Elijah) but now extends to every believer led by God.
9. “May Be Perfect” (ἄρτιος | Artios)
- Artios means “complete, fully developed”, not sinless but mature, whole, balanced—as in a well-equipped vessel.
10. “Thoroughly Furnished Unto All Good Works” (ἐξηρτισμένος πρὸς πᾶν ἔργον ἀγαθόν | Exērtismenos pros pan ergon agathon)
- Exērtismenos (ἐξηρτισμένος): “Fully equipped, supplied for a mission.”
- Pan ergon agathon (πᾶν ἔργον ἀγαθόν): “Every good work”—implying practical, outward service, not just inner spirituality.
www.crossbodyunity.com EORR Cross-Binding Unity and The IFFM Mentoring Ephesians 2:19-12 (International Fellowship of Foundational Ministries) and Dr Taveau D’Arcy Creative Leadership , upcoming college, ministry fellowship emphasize biblical unity, servant leadership, and foundational doctrine. Paul’s passage aligns perfectly with your vision:
- “God-breathed” Scripture—the divine source of teaching in your fellowship.
- “Correction and Reproof”—not to judge but to realign hearts with Christ’s servant leadership model.
- “Training in Righteousness”—emphasizing spiritual maturity over authoritarianism.
- “Equipped for Good Works”—not passive faith, but active leadership, racial unity, and ministry impact.
Paul’s meaning is that Scripture is not just for study—it is for equipping and shaping leaders who model Christ-like unity, wisdom, and service. This reflects your calling and leadership values.
The word reprove in the Bible has a deep and layered meaning, especially when examined in Hebrew, Greek, and historical English usage.
1. Biblical Definition of “Reprove”
Hebrew (Old Testament)
- Yakah (יָכַח) – This is the primary Hebrew word for “reprove” and appears in verses like Proverbs 3:12 and Job 5:17.
- Meaning:
- To rebuke or correct with reasoned argument.
- To convince or persuade (like a legal case).
- To discipline out of love (God’s fatherly correction).
Greek (New Testament)
- Elegchō (ἐλέγχω) – Used in 2 Timothy 3:16, Ephesians 5:11, John 16:8.
- Meaning:
- To expose, convict, rebuke with truth.
- To shine light on (like uncovering hidden sin).
- To correct for restoration, not to condemn.
2. English Meaning (Historical & Modern Usage)
The English word reprove has evolved over time. In older dictionaries (including Merriam-Webster and Oxford), its meanings include:
- To rebuke gently – different from harsh scolding.
- To correct or admonish – often with good intent.
- To convince or refute – similar to the Greek meaning of exposing error with truth.
- To “tick off” (informal, older usage) – This was a British slang meaning “to mildly scold” or “mark someone as wrong.” It was once listed in Merriam-Webster but is rarely used today.
3. Deepest Meaning of “Reprove” in Bible Study & Ministry
When studying the Bible, reproving means more than just pointing out errors—it is a Spirit-led correction that leads to repentance, growth, and alignment with truth.
- It is not about condemning (like the Pharisees did) but about bringing clarity and conviction.
- Jesus reproved the Pharisees (Matthew 23) but also Peter in love (Luke 22:61).
- Paul reproved churches (like in 1 Corinthians) to restore them, not humiliate them.
In ministry, reproving should be gentle but firm, Spirit-led, and aimed at restoration—not just criticizing or calling out faults.
Training Christian Leaders: The Power of Scripture in Perilous Times
A Tale of Two 2 Timothy Apostle Paul Powerful Last Days Passages
2 Timothy 3:1-8. 2 Timothy 3:16-17
Pastor Taveau asks dear friend Chat GPT AI to compare and deeply contrast (I would this (deeper, better) but am swamped at this present time:
TD states
St Paul’s 2 Timothy 3 is one, GIANT amazing chapter: for it features the long list of ” Perilous Times” Last Days problems listed (each of which are carried in by/on a human person! ) 2 Timothy 3: 1-8 Yet it also describe THE CURE for all of that, in last part of the Bible chapter meaning 2 Timothy 3:16-17 the exact Scriptures that that I was “given “(dropped into my spirit by His Grace at the Beginning of this long lengthy style Body of Christ office ministry) God is Supernatural and also very practical and Natural
In 2 Timothy 3, Paul presents two contrasting lists—one at the beginning (verses 1-8) and one at the end (verses 16-17). These passages reflect a powerful dynamic: the problems of the last days (1-8) and the solution found in God’s Word (16-17).
As Christian leaders, understanding how Scripture trains us to confront and overcome the perilous times is essential for equipping ourselves and others in ministry.
Apostle Taveau asks Chat GPT
- Please compare these two sections and explore how the power of the God-breathed Word is the answer to the corruption of the last days’
- But first, write 2 Timothy 3:1-8 KJV, then break it down line by line and those descriptive words used by Apostle Paul. Also, use Greek Hebrew, Aramaic to bring out more meaning.
1. The Perilous Times – 2 Timothy 3:1-8
“This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come.” (v.1, KJV)
Paul opens the chapter with a sobering warning: difficult, dangerous, and spiritually dark times are ahead. He provides a list of sinful behaviors that will characterize people in these last days:
Characteristics of the Last Days (v.2-5)
- Lovers of themselves – Self-centered, ego-driven leadership.
- Lovers of money – Greedy, materialistic, prosperity-driven.
- Boasters & Proud – Arrogant, seeking fame and power.
- Blasphemers – Disrespectful to God and His truth.
- Disobedient to parents – Lack of honor and respect for authority.
- Unthankful & Unholy – No gratitude, no reverence for God.
- Without natural affection – No real love, only self-interest.
- Trucebreakers – Untrustworthy, unreliable.
- False accusers – Spreading lies, deception.
- Incontinent (without self-control) – Unable to resist sinful desires.
- Fierce – Harsh, aggressive, unkind.
- Despisers of good – Rejecting what is righteous.
- Traitors – Betraying others for personal gain.
- Heady & High-minded – Reckless, full of themselves.
- Lovers of pleasure more than lovers of God – Chasing entertainment, ignoring holiness.
- Having a form of godliness, but denying its power – Religious, but spiritually dead.
Paul’s Command: “From Such Turn Away” (v.5)
Paul is clear: avoid these influences. These behaviors are not just in the world but infiltrating the church and leadership. He warns against those who deceive others while resisting God’s truth, like Jannes and Jambres, the Egyptian magicians who opposed Moses (v.8)
2. The Solution: The God-Breathed Word – 2 Timothy 3:16-17
After this heavy warning, Paul ends the chapter with hope: the power of God’s Word is the antidote to these perilous times.
“All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works.” (v.16-17, KJV)
How Scripture Equips Christian Leaders to Overcome the Last Days
Paul lists four specific ways Scripture combats the sins listed in verses 1-8:
Doctrine (Teaching the Truth) → Corrects “lovers of self” and “despisers of good.”
- How? Biblical truth shapes godly character and replaces pride with humility.
- Example: Teaching on servant leadership counters selfish ambition.
Reproof (Convicting of Sin) → Exposes “boasters,” “blasphemers,” and “false accusers.”
- How? The Word shines light on deception and convicts hearts.
- Example: Reading James 3:1-12 can correct those who misuse their words.
Correction (Restoring to Righteousness) → Fixes “disobedience,” “unholiness,” and “betrayal.”
- How? Instead of judgment, Scripture guides leaders back to integrity.
- Example: Peter was corrected after denying Christ and was restored (John 21:15-17).
Instruction in Righteousness (Training for Holiness) → Prevents “lovers of pleasure” and “heady” behavior.
- How? The Word trains hearts to love God more than worldly pleasures.
- Example: Philippians 4:8 helps believers focus on what is true and pure.
End Goal: Fully Equipped Leaders (v.17)
Paul states that Scripture “thoroughly furnishes” the man of God. This means:
- Leaders will be mature, whole, and complete.
- They will have all the tools needed for good works.
- They won’t be swayed by false teachings or the sins of verses 1-8.
3. Comparing & Contrasting: How These Lists Help Each Other
2 Timothy 3:1-8 (The Problem) | 2 Timothy 3:16-17 (The Solution) |
People are selfish, proud, and unholy. | Doctrine teaches humility and godliness. |
Many are blinded by sin. | Reproof exposes and convicts. |
False teachers deceive others. | Correction brings restoration. |
Leaders lack holiness. | Instruction trains in righteousness. |
“Having a form of godliness but denying its power.” | True godliness comes from the power of God’s Word. |
4. Leadership Application: How to Use This in Ministry
1. Recognize the Signs (v.1-8)
- Christian leaders must be discerning about the sins creeping into the Church.
- Watch out for false teachings that sound godly but lack power.
- Be aware of self-centered leadership trends that do not align with Christ.
2. Teach and Model the Word (v.16-17)
- Train leaders in sound doctrine so they can spot deception.
- Use Scripture-based correction rather than personal opinion.
- Encourage a Bible-based leadership culture that resists worldly influence.
3. Equip Others to Stand Firm
- Help disciples learn how to study and apply Scripture.
- Show them that the Word is not just knowledge—it is a weapon against sin.
- Train them to lead in righteousness, not fear or compromise.
Conclusion: Leading with the Word in Perilous Times
Paul’s two lists in 2 Timothy 3 are deeply connected:
- The first list (v.1-8) warns of darkness and deception.
- The second list (v.16-17) gives light and truth to overcome it.
As Christian leaders, we must train ourselves and others in the Word of God. When faced with selfishness, false teaching, and moral decline, the answer is always the God-breathed Scripture—profitable for teaching, reproof, correction, and training in righteousness.
By committing to teaching the Word and living it out, we will be thoroughly furnished to do good works in an age of deception and peril. Let us stand firm, leading with truth, wisdom, and the power of the Holy Spirit.
(C)2025 Taveau Creative Leadership All copyrights reserved under international copyright laws