(C) 2014 Taveau D’Arcy All copyrights reserved
Reproving the Disapproval of Modern Grass Roots Apostolic Bible Reproving
“There is a God in heaven who reveals secrets.” Daniel 2:28
“All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, forreproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work.” 2 Tim 3:16-17
As this apostolic sent messenger, indeed unknown writer, has recently discovered entire ministry flocks which refuse to self introspect,to accept any personal responsibility… and prefer ONLY The BLESS ME, MY FOUR( AND HARDLY ANYBODY) MORE” select Bible verses. (thus we’re perceiving, avoiding, not willing to yield to, even understand how supremely important they are, and as they pertain to
3) AND to ASSIST EACH SENIOR MINISTER, LAY to be “thoroughly FURNISHED” (v. 17) when they observe, obey and submit to all of this. (which is great irony as most of these ALL have very small ministries, tiny churches, over work and make their spouses over work too..how strange!!)
We have literally found some who have HIDDEN (literally) AVOIDED, repeatedly DUCKED from being up front, even respectfully Matthew 18:15-18 Confronted…and these in ministry HIGH 5 fold senior office!!
Instead, at each point when I tried personally to rise up to CONFRONT directly (rather not to accuse, complain or murmur, yield to gossip) behind any of their leadership (immature) backs…..it was conveyed to me by their method of comporting themselves, hiding, ducking, and (a few) quoting a well known Bible promise to their own advantage…to avoid being up front HELD ACCOUNTABLE.
Here is what a few of these misquoted, when I said, “I want to get you to return my 88 FULL SIZE KEY DIGITAL STUDIO PIANO” and another time “I WANT YOU TO GIVE ME BACK THE NEW MINISTRY LAP TOP” “PC, VIDEO CAM” and “I WANT TO CONFRONT YOU ABOUT LETTING THAT GIRL LIVE WITH YOU.”
They would react AGHAST and begin to quote, “BUT I AM THE RIGHTEOUSNESS OF GOD IN CHRIST JESUS”…
…..as if that dismissed them from being accountable to return an item fradulently taken OR to be willing to admit that IN THE NEW TESTAMENT living in fornication is still a disqualification for SENIOR/JUNIOR/HELPS MINISTRY..and should be quickly abandoned as well as repented from.
NOTE: I Corinthians 5:11, http://biblehub.com/1_corinthians/5-11.htm
…Indeed tables were turned on me as the accusation was hurled “YOU are NOT being SWEET” (as in NOT SWEET “like Baby Jesus Meek and Mild type of Sweet).
And oddly, these “five fold qualified middle aged elder leader,” each MISPERCEIVED that they were in any way to blame and in fact accuser BLAME SHIFTED BACK To me as if I was EVIL simply for rising up and trying to hold them ACCOUNTABLE!! (Note: 3 completely different charismatic ministry leader groups, and over period of 3-5 years)
Again, not only was I misperceived as “BEING IN SIN, ACCUSATORY and NOT FORGIVING “You have baggage” (NOTE: after the 3 time I understood that is a clever manipulator’s method to confuse, to take the heat off themselves, to give them more time to DUCK AND AVOID guilt…..but they repeatedly stated, implied this AS they continued to proceed to continue to duck, hide and avoid (indeed MANIPULATION, SLICK WILLY DEEP SOUTHWEST LEADERSHIP STYLE?**
(NOTE www.adventuresinblameshifting.net was spawned directly from the deep southwest 5 fold office/including seeking qualified helps/ super long, suffering experience)
ASIDE NOTE: this was all MALES, yet for some nonpure hearted reason, it is now duly noted that ( conveniently?) MINISTRY LEADER FEMALES get labeled WITCHES, CONTROLLERS, QUEEN JEZEBELS….
Q. WHAT actually IS or IS NOT truly ” JEZEBELLIAN, WITCHCRAFT” in THIS type of incidence?(be it done by male OR female perpetrator)
1.”Rebellion is a the sin of witchcraft and stubbornness is as the sin of iniquity and idolatry” I Samuel 17:11
Therefore: Rebellion against God’s Holy Word then may be discerned as WITCHCRAFT..especially when there is the use of power plays, avoiding, ducking and using the Word of God LEGALISTICALLY just to get YOUR OWN WAY.
2. So not being “easily entreated” James 3:17, and then Ducking, Avoiding Bible confrontation is in rebellion to Matthew 18:15-18, JAMES 3:17, Whole book of Ephesians, Ephesians 5:21, and Proverbs 1:7 (just for starters)
…..ALSO:I never got the any of the high priced ministry items returned…nor by their higher up oversights.
I was instead DUCKED, AVOIDED and ACCUSER/BLAME SHIFTED as “the mean spirited FEMALE troublemaker” even in the next 3-4 higher ministry chain of command levels.
AND it was also during this time that I (for my very first time ever) began to note the deep south ministry giant regional chauvinism, even misogyny.
That is something I shall delve into later….as MY SENIOR PASTOR FATHER, RELATIVES, MALES BOARD, FRIENDS IN MINISTRY and WHEN I WAS OUT GUEST SPEAKING never every viewed me as a STEREOTYPE and tried to rationalize that hiding to avoid Matthew 18:16 RESPECTFUL, HONORABLE, MINISTRY PROFESSIONAL BIBLE YIELDED PROTOCOL was evidently OK as the persons swindled was “JUST ANOTHER OVERLY EMOTIONAL WEAK WILLED LITTLE WOMAN.”
WHICH was a giant WAKE UP CALL..thus I made the choice to STUDY THE BIBLE in Noble Berean Leader Mature Fashion to see HOW they could be so manipulative, to twist God’s Holy WORD to their own advantage…(in order to get more GAIN).
I had already learned to rise up to practice upfront confrontation, after God revealed his promise to “give the nations” to whomever was willing to rise up, to stand up to CONFRONT a Revelation 2: JEZEBEL CONTROLLER.
And while this JEZEBEL is rumored about in local grass roots ministry urban legends as a PAINTED SEDUCTIVE WITCHY WOMAN, the religious gender stereotypes are simply just that. AND in Church of Thyatira, God rebukes the MALE LAMP STAND LEADER for not being WILLING to rise up (“to human up”) to set her down.
And if we want to still keep our own pet ministry leader accuser stereotypes, then from Genesis to Revelation whenever the ACCUSER is mentioned, it is ALWAYS, ONLY mentioned in the gender of a MAN.
Enough is Enough Selah.
It also occurred to me that they were all REPROBATE, as they gave spiritual FRUIT of being senior/minister ENTITLED but also of each one regarding THEMSELVES as ABOVE needing to obey, to submit to, to yield to the WHOLE COUNSEL OF GOD.
Then I went online to see what the definition of REPROVE was in the Miriam Webster Dictionary. (after all the Lord has always used national, world wide Bible REPROVERS who were not always POPULAR with the at ease, all knowing, “we have arrived” (arrogant) spiritual need to be popular crowd.
Reverend Jonathan “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God” Edwards
German “95 Theses on the Wittenberg Door” Reformer Martin Luther
Civil Reformer Reverend Martin Luther King
Civil, Moral Reformer “No More At the Back of the Rascist Bus” Rosa Parks
And very many many more….
No, not a one of these was 100 percent well loved, well regarded or even POPULAR back in their day.
AND TODAY it appears some in the Grass Roots worship/ministry PC Popular Culture would even accuse JESUS CHRIST if he boldly walked into the local Christ Following Assembly today and proceeded to toss over a few of the T shirt money maker, CD Tables.
NO, this Mentally Tough Religious All Knowing Bunch would BLAME Jesus for “having the sin of unforgiveness against the local Pharisee High Priests” and would probably spread the rumor around that Jesus had “Big Baggage” and needed to enroll in their 10 week GET RID OF BITTER ROOTS CLASS.
No, it’s NOT either our spiritual Daddy’s OR our spiritual Mama’s local 5 fold office Grass Roots Media Affected Culture.
Frankly, it served to make me get out both my DICTIONARY (and my trusty Holy Spirit Bible Sword) to see what they were all so either IN DENIAL OR AFRAID OF!!
re·prove verb ri-ˈprüv
Definition of REPROVE
transitive verb
1: to scold or correct usually gently or with kindly intent
2: to express disapproval of : censure <it is not for me to reprovepopular taste — D. W. Brogan>
intransitive verb
: to express rebuke or reproof
— re·prov·er noun
— re·prov·ing·ly adverb
Examples of REPROVE
- The teacher reproved the student for being late.
- <my piano teacher often reproves me for slouching while playing, observing that good posture helps one play better>
Origin of REPROVE
Middle English repreven, reproven, from Anglo-French reprover, from Late Latin reprobare to disapprove, condemn, from Latin re- + probare to test, approve — more at prove
First Known Use: 14th century
Related to REPROVE
Synonyms: admonish, chide, reprimand, reproach, rebuke, tick off
Antonyms: cite, commend, endorse (also indorse)
Synonym Discussion of REPROVE
reprove, rebuke, reprimand, admonish, reproach, chide mean to criticize adversely. reprove implies an often kindly intent to correct a fault reproved my table manners>. rebuke suggests a sharp or stern reproof <the papal letterrebuked dissenting clerics>. reprimand implies a severe, formal, often public or official rebuke <reprimanded by the ethics committee>. admonish suggests earnest or friendly warning and counsel <admonished by my parents to control expenses>. reproach and chide suggest displeasure or disappointment expressed in mild reproof or scolding <reproached him for tardiness> <chided by their mother for untidiness>.
SO, in closing, we can only humble each one of OUR OWN HUMAN, FALLIBLE HEARTS and PRAY for the TRUTH which penetrates through DULL OF DISCERNING, CALLOUS, ALL WISE, BORN AGAIN EQYPTIAN (LIVING IN DENILE) leader, pastor, rising minister, HEARTS.
And then as pure hearted Christ Follower Leaders, prayerfully discern from the LORD as to “WHEN TO RISE UP AND TO SPEAK UP” and when to “LAY LOW, TURN THE OTHER CHEEK and effectively SHUT UP.”
“And the servant of the Lord must not strive; but be gentle unto all men, apt to teach, patient,In meekness instructing those that oppose themselves; if God peradventure will give them repentance to the acknowledging of the truth;
And that they may recover themselves out of the snare of the devil, who are taken captive by him at his will.” 2 Timothy 2:24-26
This is the ministry Bible verse regarding HUMILITY with BALANCE of UP FRONT God’s Tough Love and Ministry Tender hearted Sweet Baby Jesus Agape Love (“God’s People who oppose themselves” AKA: The MANY in church and outside of it 2 Timothy 2:24-26 Religious Tough Customers.)
Mighty Blessings!
(C) 2014 Taveau D’Arcy All copyrights reserved

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