IFFM/TCL Leadership View: Bible Titled Offices/Chief Apostles
MAY 30, 2013
Please Note:
NOTE: From time to time, we feel the need to make it clear that we do not promote an over use of BIBLE OFFICE TITLES but when viewed in servant leader, organic Bible context, we feel that the lower case term /meaning of them is allowed.
(C) 2013 Taveau D’Arcy All copyrights reserved
“The Bible says YOU’LL BE SENT,
yet that it doesn’t say that YOU’LL BE RECEIVED”
IFFM chief doctrine originator, servant leader Taveau D’Arcy
1. In IFFM/TAVEAU D’ARCY LEADERSHIP MINISTRIES: the in House specific use of the words“Apostle VS apostle” . We refer to the first original Jesus Christ hand picked, appointed Chief Apostles and Apostle Paul as “Capital A” Apostles, Chief Apostles, but all following them are denoted as servant pioneering leader apostles, using a lower case “a” as Apostle Paul used when describing himself, listing the 5 fold offices in all of his apostolic New Testament writings. (The only exception was if the word APOSTLE began a sentence, thus a capital letter would be required and appropriate).
2.In House Leader Ministry: Doing the work of an ‘apostle:” any true Christ follower may feel God directing them to plant a business or ministry, other work, but this does not mean that they “walk in the office” as that is a life long endurance, repeated leader sifting God called true servant office
3. IFFM Ministry: office of an apostle: IFFM meaning: God called/commissioned Holy Spirit true servant, pioneering spiritual work founder, trailblazer, colony chief planter who is Commanded by God to a yielded true servant, a servant office, which the Bible describes as a pioneering “sent messenger” “off scouring of the world” who has signs and wonders displaying (many of them need many miracles to win the sin sodden but also to survive great peril. He/she gets organic, original /very precise continual downloads of key tenets of Holy Spirit revelation 1) in order to make disciples to build the God called pioneering work 2) which reveal another side of God’s amazing enormous Personality; The works may be in Bible teaching, pure original true worship, media, some prophetic kingdom business,etc
4.IFFM Ministry: chief apostle: IFFM IN HOUSE NON LEGALISTIC MATURE VIEWS: not the same as one who is NOT the chief doctrine originator, organic pioneering chief original (top) leader. IF a senior /chief apostle, has many associates, or is married to someone, they are associates, even apostles, but NOT the CHIEF ORGANIC PIONEERING ORIGINATOR apostle. However, each of the second tier 3rd tier mature leaders, including the spouse, MAY be a main “Chief Apostolic Ministry Pioneering Team.”
5.IFFM Ministry: apostle- a sent messenger but one who is NOT called into OR perhaps, one who has not YET been “molded, fashioned over due time” into the Chief Apostle Overseer true OFFICE. Yet, each person may be a local level mature office holder who gets local Bible original apostolic doctrine, but usually they remain known in a local area ,not in a national, world wide CHIEF APOSTOLIC major sense. BUT every single GOD CALLED, SENT MESSENGER,HOLY SPIRIT WORK PLANTER is technically and not religiously /not legalistically respected by IFFM/OCFC as the Chief Pioneering Apostle/Original Doctrine Originator per their OWN unique Holy Spirit work.
AND only GOD THE CHIEF APOSTLE’S APOSTLE truly knows WHO’S TRULY OVER WHOM from The Father’s Eagle Eye poing of over world view..but IFFM also believes that that type of apostolic competitive/always comparing is fruitless, indeed pointless and immature.
IFFM In House Views: we regard ALL as TOTALLY UNIQUE with EACH ONE respected and regarded as VERY PRECIOUS and EQUAL IN HIS SIGHT, but each pioneering senior work planter varies WIDELY in
1) calling, 2) emotional/spiritual maturity 3) over all life, apostolic experiences 4) times, seasons 5) visibility or kept behind the scenes 6) being in a grass roots pioneering sense, national high visibility,world wide secret or well known calling, TV media or servant out primarily among the Least of These.
MANY talk in tongues but MANY do not. IFFM makes the choice to let each emotionally healthy,spiritually mature chief apostle, pioneering apostolic leader, to seek God about doing that for his/her own self.
5.IFFM overseer “apastle”- sr. pastor who does the work of a senior pioneering chief doctrine originator, but who often delegates due to his/her own key weaknesses plus their own seerish /perceiver need to remain in continual Bible study & over sight intercession
6.In House Church of Ephesus Cross Whole Body “Apostolic True Unity” Walking in Revelation 3 Church of Philadelphian Enduring Love Walk “bride of Christ” leadership style, according to Paul’s Church of Ephesians 2-5:21 (especially Chapter 4 in depth) “mutual submission in the fear of the Lord (Ephesians 5:21). Apostolic leader points of total, near disagreement handled ‘submitting every persons own leader point of view to the other in SUBMITTED, YIELDED SELAH emotionally mature JAMES 3:17 overall fashion.
7. In IFFM House: IS an chief apostle a by work ACHIEVED or a BECOMING over all big process? Servant pioneering chief apostle Paul described even himself as first GOD CALLED: “Paul, an apostle of Christ Jesus by the command of God our Savior and of Christ Jesus our hope,I TIMOTHY 1: 1; And also: “And I thank Christ Jesus our Lord, who has enabled me, that he counted me faithful, putting me into the ministry; I Timothy 1:12” but also GOD FASHIONED:
8.THE IFFM/ TAVEAU LEADERSHIP “Servant Sent Messenger Real Mighty Move of the Holy Spirit” Nowhere in all of apostle Paul’s New Testament writings did HE ever refer to any of the 5 fold leader offices with a CAPITAL LETTER, which would denote “entitled, exalted overseer Lamp stand”. Rather Paul even repeatedly described himself in all lower case, servant leader terms. He did the same for bishop, pastor, teacher, evangelist, prophet, and apostle. Read Ephesians 2 and 4: THUS this implies that each and every truly committed, walking the walk as well as simply talking the talk, can be an ongoing part of GOD’S PIONEERING SERVANT SENT APOSTOLIC MESSENGER REAL TIME ENOCH, BROTHERLY LOVE APOSTOLIC GOD COMMISSIONED LEADER, JUNIOR LEADER MATURITY REALISTIC MOVE: So let’s GET GOING!
9. ASKING DIRECTLY: DID Apostle Paul instruct the First Church to be biased, limited or prejudiced/to use leader in house religious stereotypes in any way? “There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.” Paul Galatians 3:28 “Neither Jew nor Greek” (Signifies culture, race); “neither slave nor free” signfies social condtions, living situations) “neither male nor female” (as each 5 fold OFFICE is based on a SPIRITUAL INSIDE ORIGINAL CALL, and has to be PRAYED THROUGH, WORKED OUT IN TIME/PRAYER/LONG SUFFERING, which are each done INTERNALLY, thus the SPIRITUAL LEADER OFFICE is God called /made/implemented/over seen Bible technically “FROM THE INSIDE TO THE OUTSIDE”
10. IFFM/RESPECTFUL VIEWS REGARDING MALE FEMALE IN GOD’S HOUSE and in GODLY FAMILY HOUSE are apostolically different. As Ephesians 5:21 commands ALL leaders, legally wed spouses, others, to get along in “mutual submission IN THE FEAR OF THE LORD” while it breaks down living in a family/marriage /male/female spousal/family ROLES as ‘Ephesians 5:22 “women are to submit to their married husband” as “Godly husbands are to lay down their lives as Christ loved the Church” and to rise up to choose to “dwell with their wives according to knowledge”**A LOT MORE ON OUR APOSTOLIC BLOGS/OTHER KERNAL APOSTOLIC TEACHING.
11. DID THE FATHER SET IN PLACE “ONE MAIN OVER SEEING PIONEERING LEADER” or A FEW CHIEF APOSTLES TO BE “OVER” ALL OF THE OTHERS IN THESE LAST DAYS? Is so, we need to please be informed of WHO that one is, or WHO they are, SO that WE can submit. BUT first, please send us 1) their names 2) NEW TESTAMENT Bible verses which support this as being TRUE. EMAIL: organicleader@yahoo.com**
** OTHERWISE will continue to proceed as USUAL in Mutual Respect in the Fear of the Lord (Ephesians 5:21) Due Scriptural Leader Mature Nonlegalistic SENT PIONEERING SERVANT MESSENGER applied realistic form.
ANSWER: No, she is weary of all the performance and brownie point achieving and views ALL FELLOW SENIOR APOSTOLIC /EXTREMELY MATURE APOSTOLIC FUTURE SENIOR MINISTERS as peers (unless presented with reasons which give evidence to be proven otherwise) AND CO- LABORERS.
Yet, if a senior minister, apostolic pastor, helps, others, decide to commit to serve, co minister along with, apostolic leader respect for senior office leader perceived /in the Bible boundaries, mature chain of command do then apply, just as they do in all Works Commissioned by the Apostolic Lord. “Mutual respect in the fear of the Lord “Ephesians 5:21 Apostolic Ministry, Godly home mature/James 3:17, nondominating, chain of command.
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